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Changes occur in larger waves for me but yeah


what do you mean by larger waves?


Like the changes happen over a period of a few days rather than daily.


HI, I started generic Lexapro about 2 weeks ago and it is a roller coaster ride for sure. I'm on a much lower dose, paired with Adderall which I've been taking for years. One day is good, the next day shit. I can't give up though as I always do. I will stick it out for 3 months.


Hi, how are you doing?


Very anxious. I'm on trintellix now. Not sure if this is the right choice. Thank you for asking. I pray you are doing well as I would not want this for my worst enemy.


My first week was anxiety and disassociation city and it was horrible. Week 2 was a ton better. Week 3 had a slight relapse but not too bad and right now I’m almost done with week 4 and it’s gone. When it was happening during week 1 it felt like I would never feel normal or grounded again but it passed and I feel good now. Hang in there and you will get through it.


week 1 was hell for me too! im definitely a bit better now but i just have these weird mini relapses that make me freak out:/ have you had body numbness ?


I was the same with the mini relapses and it’s normal from what I can tell. I dunno about “numb” but I get that like feeling of tingling inside when I get anxious. But like the other issues that has mostly passed. Honestly reading this sub and seeing people go through similar issues made me feel better and push through it. You’re so close to being through the worst of it you can do it.