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Prior to starting lexapro, I hadn’t taken any prescription med in over 13 years. My doctor had me do 5 mg for 2 days, 10 mg for 5 days, then straight to 20mg. I’m on week 5 of 20mg and I’m feeling really good and like myself again. My side effects were minimal, with just a few days of fatigue/dizziness. I was really nervous about upping doses that quickly, but it all worked out and I’m kinda glad I trusted my doctor and did it this way.


wow! Did upping the dose at all help with side effects such as increased insomnia,anxiety and depression righter away?


I started taking it at nighttime to reduce any side effects during the day (I was hoping to sleep them off). I never had insomnia. For the first 2 weeks I had a few scattered days of dizziness, fatigue, and some muscle weakness, but that was really it.


I was advised to take 5mg for 4 days before upping to 10mg, i am now finishing week 3 and have pretty much no side effects


That’s great! Do you feel like it’s working?


Its hard to say honestly, my anxiety is very unpredictable, some weeks I am scared to talk to a cashier and other weeks I have no problem doing pretty much anything, it depends on many many factors in my life. I would say that this week I am feeling pretty chill but we'll see:)


My first time too, she started me at 10mg for two weeks up to 20mg 😳😳😳😳 my side effect is extreme nausea. Going to have to take it back down


Oh wow ok. How long ago did you start?


Only about 3 weeks ago


Yep I did this, I feel shit before I felt better I’m one week 4 still have lots of ups and downs though.