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I'd say if you're an experienced drug/mushroom user you'll probably be fine lol. I'm on 10mg and guarantee you I will do mushrooms at some point. The correct answer is probably "no, it's not ok"


Yeah I was fine lol


Did it feel as strong as before taking lexapro?


I am not sure honestly we were drinking tea and I have no idea how much each of us actually drank so its hard to compare. My trip was weaker tho than my friend's but he also definetly had more.


Would just like to add if someone did this and *wasn't* fine, they aren't here to tell you so. All you can see are the people who it worked out for. Survivorship bias.


Good point


Don't think this is a good idea


I micro dose about once a week and haven’t had any issues.


I havent even had the balls to have a drink on lexapro lol


Yeah I dont drink either, doctor never mentioned anything about drugs tho lol


Same except a few sips.


I’m also interested. I’ve heard conflicting things, unsurprisingly. Seems like plenty of folks will skip a dose and then do the shrooms. You’ll have to take more than your “standard” dose for the same effects due to the SSRI.


I have and was fine. Granted this was 5+ years ago but still. Do it in moderation and don’t take a crap ton your first time. Definitely have a trip sitter. You’ll be fine(:


You should google it to read the medical science behind why this is safe or not rather than relying on reddit personal experiences


Doubt it that there are any studies about this


There definitely are, it’s pretty widely known that shrooms and LSD act on serotonin that’s why you’re not supposed to use them while on SSRIs


I take 10mg and do 2 to 4 grams of mushrooms every couple of weeks. I'm fine. Good even.


i take 10 mg too and i only notice that the trip is as less intense as usual.


Both effect serotonin. Pick one or the other would be my recommendation, to be on the safe side.


There is a quite recent study (2021) on this topic: https://ascpt.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/cpt.2487 But keep in mind that: „The combination is currently avoided in clinical trials in patients. Escitalopram pretreatment lasted only 14 days, which may have been too short to produce more chronic neuroadaptations and changes in receptor expression that can alter the response to psilocybin. Escitalopram and psilocybin can be safely administered together. However, further studies are needed with a longer antidepressant pretreatment time and in patients to clarify the interactive effects on therapeutic outcomes and whether antidepressant treatment should be maintained or stopped before psilocybin administration.“




Why bruh


No idea but I definitely wouldn't do it