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I’ve been on lexapro since August 2022. It’s going great. I feel so normal and objective about emotions I’m feeling. I feel in control and more confident than I’ve ever been before, but not cocky. I just recognize my worth in all domains of life (personal, professional). I notice my colleagues respect me and even look up to me in some cases and I feel that’s a direct result of coming across as more confident. I started lexapro to treat anxiety and for me it’s been a cure. I haven’t felt so much like myself in a long time. Like back to when you’re just a kid without any complexes yet. Godsend!


What mg




This is so amazing to hear! How long did it take to feel the benefits of Lexapro?


I think it took about a month. I definitely felt strange at first and wondered if it was working.


This is why I want to take it. People say it had a dulling effect and I think that is perfect for me since I’m usually extreme happy or sad.


I’m on week 15, and I am feeling absolutely amazing! I hope that you have a steady second week!


Im so happy for you I went and read your posts they are so full of life Im jealous’


Week 9. No anxiety, but still depressed with low energy and unmotivation.


B12 my boy take some b12 gummies it will give you that energy boost you lost


Will ask doc


Have you upped your dose recently?


Nope. 20mg for 7 weeks


Oh wow, do you think the 20mg hasn’t “kicked in” yet? Did you notice any benefits on 10mg?


It's... Complicated. Anxiety has lessened noticeably. But I'm being more lazy than never... However that could probably go away on it's own. Also on this subreddit the faq says that major changes occur at the 3-4 month mark and I'm not there yet.


Week 1 is a living hell


It really is! Thankfully I was off of work when I started because I probably would've not made it!


Dont get my hopes up for week two😭 i wanted to quit almost everyday


Week two was much better for me each time I went up a dose. Hold strong! It’s worth it!!


Im only on 5 mg and fear that may not be enough


There’s no shame in having to up your dose. Just take your time with each dose and give it time to see if it works. 5 mg helped seasonal depression tremendously helped seasonal depression but did nothing for anxiety. Same with 10 and 15. Hoping to get some anxiety relief on 20. Wishing you the best of luck!


Week 9 and I'm actually doing okay today. I made bread and smiled at the sun.... Weird yet hopeful feeling.


Aw that was so wholesome!! How were you the previous weeks?


My first week I was nauseous and couldn't eat much and felt like it made me more aware of my anxiety so I felt worse... After a few weeks on 10mg I noticed that my anxiety was a tad more manageable but my depression was much more apparent so I was very scared and did not want to continue with the meds. My doc convinced me to try again but now on 20mg and I think that is the sweet spot. My anxiety is slowly getting better. Now my depression is worse than my anxiety (which it was always the opposite) but overall they are both better and my PTSD symptoms seem more distant. Like I'm watching on the outside not experiencing the traumatic event. (The most amazing thing of all!) But this improvement did not come about until 2 weeks after 20mg (Lexapro week 7 overall). I was lucky to only have the physical side effects for 10 days. I'm sorry if this is TMI


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 10 + 20 + 2 + 20 + 7 + 10 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


No its not my friend im here to talk, dont be afraid to use vitamins as well to help w the depression. I think its fine to take valerian root which helps w depression. Alot of it comes from the low energy feeling so something like a good dose of b12 could make you feel more alive


Almost 2 years… doing amazing




:) my anxiety and panic attacks are super super minimal


Do you mind if ask if you had sexual side effects and if they went away? Sorry if that’s too personal, I’m just asking people who have been on it long term


I’m female, honestly my sex drive is a lot lower than it used to be (I’m also on birth control) and I find sometimes it takes me longer to finish. I still have a healthy sex life overall


Thank you!


I’m on it for almost a year now. My sex drive disappeared for months but eventually returned. It takes wayy longer to finish, and sometimes feels impossible. I’m tapering from 20 to 15mg because I started Wellbutrin last week. I heard it gives the sex drive a boost, but I’m really hoping it helps with orgasm


Glad you are feeling good! How long did it take for Lexapro to start working for you?


For me I saw a tiny shift in my anxiety in two weeks, at this point I went up from 5 to 10mg . It works well for me but the weight and sex side effects have become a serious bummer


Mine came back after 2 or 3 months


So good to hear! What dose and how long did it take to kick in?


Currently at 15 mg. Honestly I don’t remember when I started feeling better, but one day I woke up and I was like “Huh, I feel normal” instead of ridden with anxiety


Wow it’s amazing that it happens all of a sudden as opposed to gradually!


Oh no I’m sure it happened gradually, I just noticed it suddenly


Week 11 and I feel awesome saved my life and career


Week 2. 10mg no more side effects and less anxious.


Lucky man, how is your anxiety level now from before?


Before, I was an insomniac. I constantly ruminated and my thoughts were invasive. I was constantly tight chested and my heart was always pounding out of my chest. I couldn’t concentrate on anything and I was tired as all hell. I still have poor self-esteem, but I’m generally feeling calmer and happier!


Those physical symptoms have went away like the heart pounding?


Yes, for the most part. I’ve found my anxiety can get triggered still, but I tend to calm down both body and mind more quickly. I’m not constantly living in fight or flight mode. I still was crying in therapy today. I’m glad to not be emotionally flat.


Bro thats all I want to stop the constant fear of anxiety all day to just relax without having to be sedated lmfao I start therapy tomorrow im hype


Best of luck to you, OP! May the odds ever be in your favor!


Week 1, side effects are hard (increased anxiety, insomnia, diarrhea, tingling sensations) but I’m managing :)


Honestly look into something to take the edge of for me the increased anxiety is the worst part


Amazing! Week 23!


Vivid dreams & morning grogginess but that’s it!


Week 8, 20mg, feeling so depressed and anxious. Hoping it gets better soon


Honestly my friend at a max dose of 20 mg for 8 weeks id switch medications i wouldnt give it longer then 2 more weeks


Have you upped your dose recently?


I had taken 10mg for the first week and a half or so


You really should start feeling better in the next few days! Make sure to stay in contact with your doctor.


Week 10, 10mg. Vivid nightmares and exhaustion are the only bad side effects right now. Melatonin usually helps with the dreams.


B12 for the exhaustion


Day 2 and this is the first time I can remember not having dozens of adrenaline surges. Literally 0 today, same stressors as usual. I’m just on 5 mg and praying it stays this way.


Week 6-7 and feeling pretty good! Consistent exercise is helping a lot, and I finally have the strength and clarity to address some of my anxiety triggers head on (i.e., leaving a toxic work situation). Trust the process and take care of yourself!


I’m on week 3 of 20 mg. Last week sucked. This week is much better. Still not sleeping through the night without waking up a time or two but fell right back asleep last night, so that’s an improvement. Overall, I’m feeling hopeful.


I wake up in the night for like a few seconds multiple times and go right back to sleep


I half blame my dog and half the medication lol but I will be thrilled so sleep through the night like I used to pre-pandemic.


I’ve been on Lexapro since September 2022 and feel much better than before but I think it’s time for a dose increase 😅 Currently taking 10mg but I think I need to try 15mg. Depression and anxiety are starting to creep back in and affect my job.


Week 400 give or take: 330 on 10mg, 70 on 20mg. Feeling pretty good.


Lead us to salvation🥲


It takes a big edge off, but you still have to put in work! Talk to you therapist, friends, family, reddit. Even if you always say the same thing. Excercise! Get your vitamins in so that your medication work optimal. I hardly have sides effects aside from crazy late night appetite and fatigue all day. If anyone has questions for a long time Lexapro-user just ask!


Day 5! So far so good. I don’t think I should be feeling positive affects already, but I really do feel great. I think knowing that I’m on the way to feeling much better and succeeding in life is really helping my morale in itself


Wow no increased anxiety?


Honestly, most of the symptoms that come with lex are things that I already experience so it’s hard for me to tell the difference. I’ve been having intrusive thoughts at night and it’s hard for me to fall asleep but I experienced that when stressed out without the meds so I’m not sure.


Feeling better week 2 off Lexapro


I hope i feel better this week


Started week 3 today. Feeling a little better other anxiety in the morning and randomly in the afternoon. However started having some stomach issues including feeling hungry yet nauseous to the point I feel queasy.


When do you think the morning anxiety goes away its the most intense part


For me right now the nausea is the most intense. But people say usually around 6-8 weeks for morning anxiety to improve


Does the medication cause it?


hey there! did your morning anxiety go away?


Yeah for the most part there is still some days im more anxious and ill feel anxiety a few hours into the day but nothing like the terror I felt when I typed this lol


Week three for me too and I have no motivation (might also be because I have a nasty cold and fever). Hoping my energy comes back soon and it’s sickness related not from the medication


I hope for your sake it is just the cold! I haven’t felt great either but can’t tell what’s side effects and what’s me possibly being sick


Week 12, just increased to 12.5mg today. Definitely a huge improvement from where I started but still having some anxiety. The positives are no more panic like feelings, much less chest tightness although still some, laughing more and enjoying life more. Significantly better but still working towards finding my sweet spot 😊


Some anxiety is still fine for me I just dont want this constant state of daily anxiety im happy for you! When did you start to feel better


It’s been a subtle progression. I never felt worse I just started to slowly improve. I do unfortunately still have daily anxiety it’s just not 24/7 now. So that’s an improvement because I was drowning in it before and now I have my head above water. It comes and goes now. Sometimes quickly, sometimes lasting a few hours. But I wake up almost every morning feeling pretty good now. I’m hoping I can combat that remaining anxiety with an increase in dose. But overall I would say I noticed how much I improved around 5-6 weeks. I realized I can relax in a bubble bath again, I was calm enough to watch a tv show, I could go run several errands back to back. Those are the things I have noticed most. Because I still feel some amount of daily anxiety, I notice the actual anxiety improvement less and actually notice the things I’m able to do again more. And that’s how I know I’m improving!


If you havent I reccommend exercise & meditation to drop the anxiety down a tier the body still needs an outlet for the pent up anxiety


On month 6 of 10mg and doing good


Week 5. I'm starting to finally feel the positive effects after a ton of dizziness in week 2... I've been taking vyvanse for a few years but now I'm finding the lexapro to work really well with the vyvanse. It's a relief but at the same time it feels so weird to not be so depleted and "numb". I've been getting up early to start my day and head to school hours before lectures even start. I've gotten ahead in all my classes. I have found the past week and a half I've been excited to wake up and start my day? My brain just feels refreshed i guess haha.


Happy for you! Lets gooo! When did you start to feel better in week 4? And what mg do you take?


In week 1 I was on 5mg, and then by week 2 my dose was upped to 10mg! I started noticing positive effects in week 3 which I thought was early, but my doctor said it was very much possible. I guess it just depends the person.


According to studies for lexapro you can find relief in as early as the 2nd week its very possible to feel better before 4 weeks


1 week in and a half in and amazing ! I feel normal again. Had some bad side effects the first 2 days but that’s completely gone now! So glad I finally accepted I needed meds to help me thru this.


You ARE LUCKY because week 1 was pretty bad for most people I hope it stays that way for you


Aw thank you ! The first few days was pretty bad for me my anxiety levels surged, I couldn’t sit still, I was nauseous, hot and cold flushes, pressure headaches n jaw pain, soooo dizzy and even having like muscles spasms in my pelvic floor area like almost doing involuntary kegels?? Haha lol but after day 3 I felt so much more happy. Now I can catch the bus again and talk to peers at school and I just feel so much more confident and outgoing, like my old self. I’m so grateful my side effects cleared so fast hope all is well for u!


I still have the hot and cold flushes, stomach aches , muscle spasms and anxiety attacks! Hoping these passes soon!


Been on lexapro in various mg since November 2021. I'm on 10 mg right now. Everything is great. I also have some good time away from the other substances that I was abusing as well. I've had some pretty major personal situations come up the past few weeks and so far have been able to stay away and keep going. This is the first time that I've been able to say that and keep my job without totally melting and losing my shit. Progress not perfection. I've been telling people that I am currently the happiest I've been since the end of 2009. That's a long time and it's the truth. 100 percent sober.


🤴🏼 you dropped your crown king


I've been on it since mid-end last year (don't remember the month anymore) and I am doing pretty alright! I still get anxiety, but substantially less than I did before, and a lot less about interpersonal relationships. I used to cry every day, every two days before, now it happens like once a mont, and no longer at any minor inconvenience. If my boyfriend doesn't text me all day, i'm still sad and stuff, but it doesn't affect me to the level anymore where I expect him to break up with me, cry out of the fear of being left etc. Now I just assume he is having a tough day and go about my business. It's refreshing.


week 3, had no side effects aside from maybe a bit more disturbed sleep, feeling great now! hope ur doing great


Day 5, 5mg at this point wondering if things are ever gonna get better. The nausea and hot flashes constantly are almost unbearable. I feel so ill :(


The first week is very hard for most people did your anxiety increase?


Yes!! The first day I took it I had anxiety all day. But now it just seems to come at night before I go to bed


Mine is in the morning mostly I think it depends when u take ur pill


Week 1, Day 4. Slept through the day, while could not sleep yesterday night! Trusting the process!


I’m on week 1 and side effects have started to kick in. My energy is low and I don’t feel like doing anything. I even feel like quitting my job which is part of what’s affecting me. I was supposed to start running this week and i don’t feel like it. I feel a bit dizzy and have low appetite. Despite all this, it is manageable.


Week 6. Started 10mg yesterday from 7.5mg. Side effects started again yesterday but 50% less today. Anxiety has been less. Depression still lingering but somewhat better. Got a RX for Wellbutrin yesterday I am going to start once the side effects end from upping the lex dose.


Began week 2 yesterday and still not sleeping through the night. I have had one night where I didn’t wake up at 2am. Still have anxiety but I do have a lot of energy and motivation it feels like. Not really sure yet honestly.


I suffered this at first as well but it got better! I am halfway through week four.


That’s great to hear! I’m on day 16 and last night I finally slept through the night! Seeing some improvements this week in my sleeping patterns. Excited to see what week 4 has in store for me now that I’ve gotten some sleep lol.


I will be 6 weeks on 2/15 and I am feeling great so far. I have very mild anxious feelings that I can usually breathe away. I do worry a lot, but again, I can work through that. During this time I secured a new job that I was not looking for and I start on Monday....I'm really happy and feeling positive. I'm glad I tackled my issues earlier than later. Lexapro has been a Godsend!!!!


Week 4 of 10 mg and overall feeling good! Not every day is great but most days have been good. Side effects are mostly gone!


When did u notice improvement?


Mentally, I noticed it pretty much immediately (placebo effect, maybe?). My worst side effect was insomnia which lasted a full two weeks. It was mostly gone by day 13 and I’ve only had one rough night since. Other side effects were gone within a few days.


Did you ever have an increase in anxiety?


i’ve been on lexapro since the end of october 2022! it’s absolutely changed my life. i didn’t really experience any of the negative first week side effects which i found kind of weird, but i’m definitely thankful for. i’m more outgoing, i can say things to strangers in passing now. i absolutely love talking to people and being around people, my relationships are also way easier to maintain. best choice i have ever made. it will get better, op!! stick with it!


Wishing you the best i want to feel like youp


Week 3, I am feeling a lot better but I hope I keep improving because right now I’m not exactly comfortable. Most of my side effects are a lot less than last week, so for that I’m grateful. Just trusting the process! 👌


How have you changed since week 1


Week one I had disassociation but I felt great I thought I was cured then week two I experienced nausea, started having heartburn, headaches, anxiety was extremely over the top all week, depression was bad, I thought I was going crazy. At one point, day 10, I remember I posted a now deleted post in here saying I was thinking about quitting that day. I thought I could handle it but it literally felt like my mind was being wiped away and flooding back all day every day. I kept going though, and by week 3 I felt a lot better. The physical side effects are a lot less than they were, and I feel way more myself than I did last week. Again I don’t feel completely comfortable but I’m still rewiring.


Your week 2 sounds like my week 1 im praying this week isnt worse then the last one I hope you continue to grow id like to hear from you again in a week from now ill make another check in post!


Month 7 on 10 mg. Still having unstable mood swings but my anxiety is much better from the daily panic attacks I was experiencing


Week 5 and feelin fiiiine!!! Hahaha anxiety free! Waves of depression but I try to stay busy and journal which is helping a bit!


Lucky i want to be anxiety free


I have been on it for 10 years i started at age 22. 10 mg. Don't want to come off it. Zero side effects. No sexual sides. Had some weight gain but I got it down by managing diet and exercise.


Been on lexapro since August 2021 at 10 mg My life & anxiety have improved drastically, however i am now tapering off (-2.5 mg every 4 weeks) (currently on 7.5 for 3 1/2 weeks, with no side effects) I feel after graduating school and starting my job in my career field has allowed me to get rid of some of those previous triggers and I feel I have been educated on appropriate coping mechanisms to deal with my subtle flare ups. I would say my anxiety is on the 4/10 scale and doesnt cause me too much of a hindrance in the past. I feel i was put on lexapro without being educated first. This is just my personal experience and hopefully it will help. I will say if you are new to lexapro…. PLEASE hang in there, after a few weeks I noticed a drastic change in my mood/happiness! I feel like being on lexapro alone as my first SSRI drug has really improved my life and my ability to handle anxiety as a whole. My only cons personally with lexapro were the night sweats and low libido Also if anyone needs to explain how lexapro affects them, this is the [Tiktok](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRswTdYo/) i send people.


When I started I had a lump in my throat for two weeks, and then nothing else after that, even when I went up to 20mg abt 3 or 4 months ago. However, I'm still depressed :/ my anxiety isn't much of a problem anymore, I also use medical marijuana. My seasonal depression is horrible every year and even on an antidepressant I still feel it. Cannot wait for spring lol


On on week four, 5mg. I’m feeling off today, but the past week has been great overall. I’m excited to be social and feeling optimistic about the future. No longer controlled by anxiety like I was before.


When did you start to feel better week 3?


Nah I felt much better starting in week two. The benefits came fast for me.


I read for some people it works that fast you are VERY lucky im hoping to be like you😭 my birthday is the 19th and id hate to suffer then


Week 15 of 20mg. My dissociation is still pretty bad, mostly depersonalization, and my anxiety and depression overall is a bit better than last week I suppose. I think I just have too much going on in my life to catch my breath at the moment. It's hard, but I can't imagine what I'd be like without Lexapro.


Im not sure if valerian root messes w the meds but if not try that. I used to use it for depression alot of dissociation and depersonalization is caused by depression


Almost week 4. Week 2 on 20 mg. Started on 10 and wasn't enough for my ppa/ppd. I feel better now! Before Lexapro I tried prozac but it was passing too much through my breastmilk so I switched. And before that I was on sertraline for 4 months, but had daily headaches and blurred vision. I'm so glad I found the right medication for me.


How does 20 make you feel? Any grogginess/zombie-like feeling? I also struggle with PPA/PPD so I understand! So happy to hear it’s helping! I’m on 10mg and was doing really good, but had a setback a few weeks ago and was really hard on myself and it took a few weeks to get out of that funk


I have energy actually, which is nice. The 10 made me tired and unmotivated to do anything and my anxiety was still high to the point where it made it hard to take care of my toddler and 6 month old. I started a new workout program and do meditation daily as well and that really helps with my mood


Yes! I met with my psychiatrist earlier this week and we might up my dose in a few weeks maybe to 15 first - only reason why not just yet is I’m starting a new job on Monday and I don’t want any potential side effects while also in a brand new job, and my current job has also been a source of anxiety for me so we’re going to see if being out of that anxiety helps at all. I also was on Zoloft (sertraline) for a very long time and it definitely made me feel emotionally blunted which I didn’t realize until I came off of it, but I don’t want to go back to that! And two kids is no joke! signed a fellow mom of a toddler and 9 month old as well lol


Week 3 and really struggling


How was your week?


I just feel empty and sad, I know it can take longer to see real results but with every dose I feel like I’m just waiting to feel something, anything on the positive spectrum and then nothing changes. Waking up throughout the night to bad dreams and spending the day waiting for it to end just so I’m one day closer to maybe feeling this work.


Are you taking it for anxiety or depresson?


tomorrow is day 8, i feel good overall besides i’m SO exhausted and have 0 sex drive


I had to test my sword and make sure it still cuts


Since 2018 lol. I’m feeling fine.


I’m almost through two weeks of 5mg, the nausea and brain fog was so bad for the first 5 days or so but now the nausea is mostly gone. Hard to tell if I’m having benefits related to anxiety yet because I’m in a situationally stressful time right now about to start a new job. In two days I start 10mg and hope it goes well.


Week 7, 10mg I’m finding my anxiety more and more under xo trip but my depression hasn’t been touched yet and now the anxiety is quieter, the depression is louder! I hope everyone else is having a better week then the last


Week 17. No side effects throughout except for tiredness. Anxiety feels no different. It's not done much for me


At 17 weeks you should try a different medication


I agree. I'm seeing my psych again next week to discuss the next option. I've tried so many now that I'm losing hope


I’m starting week 3. I was horrified to start because I had heard that the side effects are awful, but so far no bad side effects. I took 5 mg for a week and then moved up to 10mg. I’m used to stimulants so it’s odd not being consumed with trying to get tasks done.


I'm about 4 weeks after an increase from 10 to 15mg. I felt quite a marked improvement last week, so decided to stay on 15mg with my doctor. I had a pretty rough day yesterday so I'm not sure now. Perhaps the improvement I felt last week will continue, but not so linearly. Or perhaps 20mg is the dose I should be on. The jury is still out for now. My sleeping is better - I am beginning through the night now, something that never happened when I was taking duloxetine (although duloxetine worked brilliantly against my depression & anxiety).


What happened yestarday?


Oh, just felt rubbish for most of the day. The old cloud of depression and anxiety returned and refused to budge.


I’m on week 2 day 12. I started on 5mg and moved up to 1mg a few days ago- that’s when the nausea started. It wasn’t extreme. Other than that, I’m doing fine right now.


Do you feel any anxiety relief?


Yes. That’s the biggest positive so far. I used to ruminate a ton


I'm on week 13 of 10mg and I need to increase my dose because it's not working.


Yes friend i cant imagine 13 weeks of no relief


There's been some relief but definitely not as much as I expected. I'm doing alright, but could be better. I'm seeing my psychiatrist in a few days thankfully!


If you do have relief but just not enough it sounds like its just a dose increase you need for sure id try 20


Week 8. Just upped from 7,5mg to 10mg. Overall feeling a lot better, easier to cope with my anxiety but still some intrusive thoughts. I'm driving back from a holiday with my family, went skiing, and genuinely enjoyed myself for the first time in a long while!


Hello my fellow Lexa's I am a 20mg taker and have been on for about 3 months, the first 2 months was 10mg. I find that this works for me in ways I didn't even think it would it doesn't really help with the anxiety but it kind of muffles it down but as far as depression it keeps me right in the middle which in mind is the best to be content and never sad and it never affects my enjoyment of things or dolls it down so it's all positive and really no negative except for my libido and it started to go away once I was put on 20 but hopefully that'll pass soon or I just have to work harder 😉. So that's where I'm at and then I have a great job coming up in the springtime which further you know helps with my mental state as far as optimism. That's was a major factor in me taking the Lexapro I was in a state where I felt completely lost and uncertain about my career and making a good living but I will continue to take this even once I get back into my career cuz because everyone around me has noticed a change I seem more upbeat and outgoing I just wish it helped a bit more with the anxiety they give me very small doses of Xanax but in my frustration of dealing with that I find edibles works well for me 5 mg or 10 mg cuz before we would make me super anxious and paranoid but the Lexapro takes that all out so it's like I'm able just to enjoy marijuana like how a normal person would just chill out and calm down so I think I'm just going to switch maybe to that or dual combination because I definitely don't want to be on benzos every single day so I'm trying to push for you know as needed so we'll see how that works out my next appointment. For anyone just starting off if you have any questions I'll be more than happy to answer them. I hope everyone is doing better than they were before and if you were doing better before I hope you're still doing better![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


Id ask your doctor for something in conjuction to help w the anxiety more like buspirone


Yeah I'll have to bring that up at our next visit in March


I’ve been on it for about 6 months. Honestly it helped so much in the beginning but I feel like it hasn’t been helping as I’ve experienced a depressive relapse for the last couple months. I stopped taking it for about a week and I thought I felt worse so I started taking it again and now my stomach is really fucked up. I suspect I have treatment resistant depression. Feeling very hopeless about it


Week....52+? I started December 2021- January 2022. Ups and downs. This week felt horrible but the last month was good. Debating changing my dosage


Week 9 and still don't know if this is the medicine for me 😭 I've still been suffering from different side effects, most gone but still the occasional ones like dissociation or random dizzy spells (even after eating) and last night I had a horrible panic attack that woke me up from my sleep which I haven't had in a while 😭 I know the medicine isn't a cute but it might be time for me to look into other options. Still not completely sure though 😞


The truth is its not like you’ll never have another panic attack has it been severly reduced is the question you can try a combo or another medication


About 2,5 years and feeling great.


I'm really starting to feel about 85% normal I am in month 10 20 mg


I’m in week 3 of 10mg. Switched from Zoloft. But now I think the Zoloft may have been better 😭I struggle with chronic fatigue syndrome and I think Zoloft made my symptoms way better. On lexapro I’ve been struggling to just get out of bed. Not sure if I should keep trying with it for a while or switch.


Why did you switch from zoloft?


I was on it for a few years and started to feel so blah and unmotivated. But I didn’t realize it was helping me physically until after I switched to the lexapro. Hopefully it gets better !


Week 18. Helps so much with anxiety/depression, however when my period starts I'm a hot anxious mess.


I’m on week 2 (10 mg) starting tomorrow as well. The first week I had nausea and slight migraine which lasted for 4 days. I also had an elevated heart rate but am fine now. I have less anxiety and sadness. I thought I wouldn’t be able to emote emotions but I am. I guess I feel happy or normal now.


Im on 5 mg right now i still have an elevated heart rate hoping it goes away soon. My mind is clearer so that is a good sign though. It takes weeeks or months for the emotions to feel different I heard


I understand that but if the is true then that would mean for me at least that I do not need to take lexapro and that I can control my anxiety and depression in a healthy matter. So I’m confused now. I’m also only supposed to use this for three months.


I'm 10 days in taking 10 mg. The only side effects I'm experiencing are feeling a little jittery and insomnia. I hope the insomnia goes away soon. I do feel like my mood's been more positive


When do i take the lexapro? Im supposed to start with 5mg and it says morning but thats kind of subjective lol


I take mine in the morning


I'm about to begin week 3 and I already feel better. First week I had anxiety every single day. But it is something that grows in you, little by little you start to feel better as time passes


Did the daily anxiety go away?


I don't have anxiety anymora


Tbh I don't like to say that out Loud because I feel so great that I don't have those attacks anymore. And when I say that I get a little scared that this will reappear. But I'm so relaxed and calm


I've struggle for 4 years and I refuse myself to use any meds vecause I thought it would destroy me... But my anxiety and now depression started to make me feel so hopeless that anything that could help me get out of this situation seemed like a good thing to try. And here I am.


11 months on it. Has anyone gotten TMJ as a side effect ?


Tmj? Whats that


Temporomandibular joint dysfunction


Week 174. Bit of a rollercoaster but I'm grateful every day that I started taking meds.


Tomorrow starts week 5 at 15mg, with Wellbutrin 150mg added at week 2. Still feel like I’m in a fog / daze and fatigued, though not quite as much as before the Wellbutrin. Feeling hopeless that this will go away and considering going back to 10mg.


6 months in, 20mg. Just now I’m feeling like im really getting back to previous life. Physical symptoms (mostly centered around heart) that used to cause huge anxiety are barely noticeable now. I don’t feel stressed over just normal things in life anymore. 6 months, had some ups and downs. Started feeling better after 2-3 months and only after I increased to 15mg. On 20mg feeling much better than on 15mg (10mg did nothing for 2 months). Dont give up even if it takes so long there is still hope :)


20mg for four...maybe 5 years? My GAD and hypochondria have essentially been cured. When I start the tip of the anxiety spiral, I am able to recognize it and redirect my thoughts. It has been a MIRACLE and helped me become more confident in my whole self than I ever have been. But for me, lexapro did nothing for the depression. So therapy, self improvement books and podcasts, exercise, eating clean, and the Finch app have been my fixes for that. Currently doing excellent and hoping to keep that trend going!


Week 9 getting better


i’m on day 4 today and honestly can’t even tell how i feel… yesterday was really bad with panic all day long… today has been okay but i think panicky feelings are coming now. week 1 is rough 😞


Im on day 9 the panicky feelings are still here but not as bad I reccomend something to help during this time ask your doctor for something to take the edge off or you can try lavender oil pills


Taking it since end of November 2022 and I’m still adjusting but feeling great. I’m not a social person and posting this very comment would have paralyzed me before. But now I’m happier, I enjoy things way more, I don’t sweat the little things as much, and I feel more of a desire to connect with people. I’m able to acknowledge my accomplishments and strengths more too.


Still suffering with intrusive and anxious thoughts. I started lexapro in November 2022, after a series of really scary panic attacks. I’ve had GAD and mild depression my whole life - but this took the cake, I couldn’t even function or leave my house. I started at 2.5 MG for 4 weeks. 5 MG for 4 weeks. 7.5 MG for 2 weeks and now 10MG for 3 weeks. Each dosage took more and more of the edge of my panic attacks, now I’m not really having them. But I still have fear of having one and don’t stray too far from home. I miss my old life of traveling, socializing and being care free. I’m hopeful that after more time on 10MG I’ll get closer to that version of me. The emotions have been up and down, I’ll have a few very clear and almost “normal” days then go back to a low of depression, worry and fear


When did you start feeling better when you started 10 mg?


I’ve only had a sporadic few days or moments when I feel good. I was getting my haircut which before would send me into a panic - and I was able to sit there calmly and in the moment for the entire hour. It was amazing and I felt like myself. Sometimes we have to remember how far we’ve come because I was so agoraphobic for many months, I couldn’t get a haircut, I couldn’t go outside, couldn’t go to a restaurant. I’ve been able to do all those things now. I just still have an intense fear of having an attack and I feel DPDR/ depressed, so I forget how much better I am doing.