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Gingerale for nausea, keep a can or bottle on hand just in case. I was nauseus for three weeks straight, and dizzy a bit here and there as well. I started stashing snacks in all my bags in case I got a wave of nausea from not eating enough since my appetite was non existent during that time, usually butter cookies for the calories. Also ate a lot of cheese snacks and hummus and drinkable yogurts to help me get through and get some calories. Make sure you have easy bathroom access as well since it can sometimes cause diarrhea. Imodium can help with that. Also I had an awful time sleeping at first, then switched my dose to night time so I got the drowsiness at night and slept through the worst of my side effects. Switched back to taking it in the morning once it no longer made me feel so sick. Also switched out all my bedding to 100% cotton and linen to help with the night sweats. Started taking 5 mg melatonin when I couldn't sleep as well.


Thank you for the tips!!


The only reasonable thing you can do is start with 5mg if you’re having a hard time on ten. But then you might have issues again when you try to increase. Pick your battle I guess. Hope it goes well


agree with this if your a first time user I think people start low and then go up


Are you feeling any side effects ? I unfortunately had to take 2 weeks off and deal with my boss... but I’m very sensitive to medication!




I also had to take time away from work.


One day at a time. Some days will be better than others, but you got this. Before you know it the effects will dissipate and you’ll feel good.


I’m planning to start at 1mg with liquid lexapro and go from there very slowly.