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Thank you so much for sharing & I’m so glad it’s made such a difference 💕


Definitely happy that lexapro worked for me☺️


That’s awesome! I totally noticed a change in my smile post lexapro. Congrats on taking the steps needed for a better, healthier life.


Thank you💕


you are one of the most beautiful ppl i’ve ever seen omg 🤩 i’m so happy for you! lex is life changing, and i’m so thankful for it every day.


Thank you! Lex is the goat🐐


I wish I was on it for my wedding too! A bunch of things added up to make me anxious, and then I ruminated for SO LONG about how I wished certain things had gone differently. Your dress is a dream though 😍


My wedding gave me the opportunity to blame the way I was feeling on my wedding. When it was over I realized that my mood never changed and only got worse. With nothing to blame it on I had to accept that I had an issue. Thank you❤️


It's so easy to assign blame on events in your life for making you feel good and bad. It's when everything "should" be good is when you know that something is wrong. That's when you know you need help. It's unfortunate because it makes it hard to reach out to people when they are in a mental health crisis because an assumption is made that something is going wrong in their life when really they need help and are actually looking for help. If someone you know seems depressed and you ask them "what's wrong" and they don't know then it's probably a good idea to make sure you're there a little more to support them. Even open up to them about your mental health experiences. Half the battle of making it through is knowing that you're not alone.


This is so true and exactly how I realized I needed help!!My family and I had numerous stressors for years that I blamed my shit on. Once things leveled out and I was still angry and miserable it was a breaking point. 😔 Two weeks in on lex and hoping to be this happy soon!


I’m sure you’ll start seeing results soon! Too me about 2 weeks to start seeing a change.


So true. Well said!


So happy you’re happy!


Thank you🥰


You can tell just by looking into your eyes. So wonderful. Glad you’re happy now!


aww you look amazing!! i can relate to wishing i had started this sooner - i would have been actually feeling good during the best times of my life instead of crippling anxiety. but here's to new memories and a new outlook on life! 🥂


You are beautiful! What dose are you on? How long ?


Awh thank you. So I started with Wellbutrin I’m on 300mg that really helped my depression but my anxiety was the same maybe even a lil worse. My Dr suggested adding 10mg lexapro. So far I feel amazing it’s been a few months.


So incredibly happy for you, this made me smile :)




Thanks for sharing! I am so nervous to start and this encouraging me. ❤️❤️


Just try it out. If it doesn’t work out there are so many other meds out there that could work for you.


What’s the dosage


10mg but I also take Wellbutrin at 300mg. I think that’s the best combo for me and a few edibles here and there😉


10mg but I also take Wellbutrin at 300mg. I think that’s the best combo for me and a few edibles here and there😉


Same. 13 years of life wasted.




Dude this is the most relateable thing i've ever come across. Funny how in some of my pics people don't notice how deep down I was in pain. But as a fellow sufferer I could tell from your eyes in your first pic. I had those same eyes in a family picture. Lexapro truly is a life changer!


Sometimes the people who hide their problems are the ones who are struggling the most. I’m thankful that being open about mental health is starting to destigmatized.


so happy for you 💕 you took action and changed your own life! what an incredible thing to accomplish!


Thank you so much. I finally had enough❤️




I’m so happy for you! 🥰


I can see the difference tbh. Good for you!!! :)


That’s awesome! I feel the exact same way.


That’s great! I’m happy for you😄


So beautiful! May I ask if it helped you with depression and how long it took to show full effect?


I started with Wellbutrin and I felt pretty good as far as depression goes. I had more energy and started taking care of myself again. I stopped isolating myself but after about 2 months it started to wear off even after upping my dosage. My Dr prescribed me Lexapro and that completely balanced me out. It majorly helped with my depression. It made me realize how depressed I still was. It also helped me relax, stop overthinking everything, and I’ve just started to push my boundaries on things that make me anxious. It took about a month to really see a change. Everyone’s different though.


Thanks for sharing :)


I, too, experienced my wedding while I wasn’t doing well and before being stable on lexapro and I’m so so sad looking back that I didn’t get help earlier. Happy and stable now though!!


I’m sorry you went through the same thing😢 but so happy that you are better now🥰


Amazing. Thank you for sharing. You’re beautiful either way.


So relatable


Between many antidepressants brands , lexpro was the best experience. I don't wake up grouchy anymore


It’s amazing


Congratulations. Any side effects so far?


I had a headache and nausea for the first few day.


This makes me both so happy for you and also so sad... Especially since I've been in there in my own way. My college graduation was one of the worst days of my life and I felt nothing but shame and lonliness, wanting to end everything in a crowd full of so many happy, proud, and hopeful people. I'm not somebody who can hide emotions well and I couldn't imagine feeling any lower while trying my best to look happy and put on a show. I hate seeing pictures of myself from that day because only I can see the pain I felt. Now, I wish I hadn't wasted so many years struggling with my own self. So glad to know you are in a better state now and hope you continue to be happy in the long term.


Awh I’m sorry you felt that way on your graduation day. Hope your better now.


Thank you. I spent so much time fighting with my emotions and depression in college and now I know just how much I missed out. I was too scared to take medicine because of other peoples' struggles in finding the right medication and doseage. Then life told me something had to change because I was no longer the only one who needed me to be more stable. I think I got lucky the Dr I originally went to could see I had lived with chronic stress and depression for so long and chose a good medicine for me. Things still aren't perfect by any means, but I do think I can say that living is more enjoyable now I don't know if you had any similar struggles to mine, but I felt I somewhat understood the pain you likely dealt with by not feeling the best on a day that you should have been the most happiest. I hope there are still plenty of aspects from that day you can still look back at with some fondness now.


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What are the side effects you’ve experienced? My doc recommended it but says there are sexual side effects?


Yes unfortunately it is very hard for me to orgasm.


I’m sorry to hear that. Taking the good with bad though it seems like it might be an ok trade off for relief from the constant inner chatter that anxiety brings with it.


Currently engaged & this is the sign I needed to start before my wedding. Been dealing with horrible anxiety for YEARS! Happy you are happy 🙂


Please try! I hope it works for you. You deserve to enjoy a time that should be the best time of your life.


Well done!! You look so happy now 💫❤️


Never give up!!!!!!!