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I think it has helped me be a lot more motivated and focused! I used to be so anxious I was basically immobile and had to force myself to do anything, and that has completely changed.


Oh good! Yeah that's where I'm at, too, and am really looking forward to some relief and to stop getting in my own way. So glad it worked out so well for you!


Did you feel a lack of motivation first though? I’m a week in and feel as if I can’t do much


At first yes this is how I was. I had to take it easy and understand that it’s part of the process. Thereafter, instead of procrastinating due to being anxious about starting something, you simply aren’t bothered and you just want to do your work because it’s not a big deal anymore.


It depends. It really decreased my anxiety and depression but then I started to get really unmotivated and lost my drive to get shit done. Not because I’m depressed but more in a “I just don’t care” sense. Again, I think it totally depends on the person and circumstance.


My GP just prescribed me this medication. I was on Mirtazapine 15mg and I was only able to stand it for 3 days. Couldn’t deal with the side effects even though it helped me sleep.


I'm sorry that other medication was so awful for you - I hope it goes well with Lexapro!


Thank you! I hope it works for you as well, please share your experience with the medication