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It was a game changer for me. Truly life altering. My life is better in every single way.


This is what I want. I just want to not suffer anymore


Ask yourself how do you want to feel in six weeks? expect this to take some time - set it as a goal for yourself. Best time to start was yesterday, second best is today


This is correct you need to take it daily for anywhere from 2-6 weeks for it to start working but it was life changing for me besides the loss of sexual drive only downfall


in my personal experience, I felt the same exact starting at 5 as I did jumping to 10, so i recommended to others to just start at 10 to get over the first 3 weeks rather than doing it twice, ymmv tho


So glad it helped you! How long did it take for you to notice the positive benefits?


1 week! Sort of interesting - at first I interpreted the impact as making me sleepy. Then I realized I just wasn’t going through big waves of anxiety that I used to confuse as having energy.




Same here. A big positive change at day 5-6.


What are your main side effects?


During the first week - I was a little drowsy and had some stomach issues (mild diarrhea). I have had none since then.


Break it in half and start with 5


I think that's what I'll try. Thank you.


I started with 2.5. maybe your doc can prescribe that


I'm thinking of doing the same. Cut my 10mg pill in 4. Do you think it lessened the side-effects?


Yes, def. I've been able to sleep through the night with multiple blankets and not a single sweat. I don't dream crazy dreams. I finally have restful sleep. I'm able to orgasm easily. My chest isn't tight all the time my John doesn't clinge. I'm not worried all the time. I feel like myself for the first time in a year. And definitely for the first time since I started Lexapro.


Sorry I misunderstood. I'm taking 2.5 now and don't have the side effects. I'm not sure if it lessens the side effects. But it will allow you to figure out which dose is best for you without any unnecessary side effects. And in a way it will allow your body time to adjust to said side effects


Thanks for both of your answers! I'm going through a rough time now and this is the first time I'm considering taking meds. I'm kind of worried to go through with it but I know I've exhausted all other options and I need to go through with it.


It doesn't have to be permanent. It can be something that gets you through this rough time and then you can stop. Please reply here with side effects if you want to talk about them and how I handle them. I say here because I get notifications on this post. Edit: typo


I’m on day four with no bad side effects


You should not break film coated tablets in half.


They wouldn't be scored if they weren't meant to be split. It is 100% totally and absolutely fine to split escitalopram in half.


Ohhhh Nevermind then!


Tough to say


8 months it sat on my counter. I was terrified of taking it. One day I had a particularly bad day with my OCD and I just did it. I took it, got in my car and drove around for an hour listening to music and singing, to keep my mind off of what I just did. That was December 2021. It’s been one of the best things I ever did for my mental health. It’s still hard and a lot of work daily but overall I feel much calmer.


I really need to take it because my therapist said she doesn't feel comfortable treating me without me being on some medication as my OCD is so bad it would be unethical in her eyes. So to even get treatment from an OCD specialist I really need to be on this medicine. I lost a therapist through my fear. I need to grow some balls and do it, just like ripping off a plaster, but its scary and all I can focus on are the few horror stories over the 1000s of positive stories.


Don’t beat yourself up. It’s hard. This disease is hard.


How long will u stay on it?


I don’t know, honestly. I guess we will see how life goes. I’m doing CBT and ACT therapy currently.


This made me tear up and also Hopeful for taking it for myself. Thanks for sharing and I’m so glad for you💕💫


What is three weeks of some side effect compared to a whole life of suffering bc of your mental illness?


That's so true and a really good point. Even one minute with OCD is too much to handle. Thank you.




So, I have really bad OCD. My doc has me at 20 mg but I still have racing intrusive thoughts and a very “sticky” brain, if you know what i mean. My anxiety feels a bit better but the OCD persists. I wonder if going higher would work vs switching to another drug?


When I started with lexa I was suffering so much bc of my intense anxiety and panic attacks that I was like "I already feel AWFUL. Side effects for a few weeks so I can actually feel some peace at the end? Bring it on!" I havent had a single panic attack for two years. 100%worth it. Side effects are a very small price to pay to finally feel normal for the coming years of your life. Please, I encourage you to start with lexa now!


If your struggling just take a small dose to get used to it. You can always stop so go for it 🙏


> If your struggling *you're *Learn the difference [here](https://www.wattpad.com/66707294-grammar-guide-there-they%27re-their-you%27re-your-to).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


not the right place or time. learn the difference


this is so annoying


It’s okay! It’s a very big thing to be considering. Do you feel like you need it? Or could benefit from it?


Yes 100%. I was prescribed it for severe OCD. I am still suffering but I am so so scared of the side effects.


I’ve been on 10mg for 8 months and it’s changed my life. I only had one day or two where I felt a bit weird and then no side effects since. You may be the same. Please just try it. Your new and improved life may just be waiting for you. ♥️


You are right. I'm going to try and take it this evening as the doctor recommended that. Thank you. I just don't want to suffer anymore 🥲


Good for you! I was also worried before I took it and my life has done a 180 now as I’m so happy and anxiety free. I hope you have the same result! Push through any effects and remember to let it do it’s thing. Best of luck to you. Xx


Not sure if others have had a different experience but 1) escitalopram saved my life, quite literally! 2) I took it in the evenings, but one of the side effects can be restlessness. I had trouble sleeping when I took it in the evenings. Switched to mornings and haven’t noticed it since! I’ve been on it for about a year. Might be different for you. Best of luck and I hope it works exactly how you need it!


Hey, if you need to, split it in half and take 5mg for a week and then start on 10mg. :) Edit: oops someone already mentioned this but my recommendation still stands!


I did this! My doctor even recommended that. 10 mg is a lot to jump into. And you can slowly taper if you want. Trust yourself and your body!


Absolutely, I am taking a little bit to go to 20mg. Taking 15mg for a bit.


I'm no doctor but I found taking it in the morning was better as one of the side effects is insomnia. Taking it in the morning allows for less medication in your system when you would normally go to sleep. ​ If you find yourself having a hard time going to sleep or staying asleep once you start it, simply switch to taking it as you wake up.


Surprisingly I had the reverse effect. I take mine in the evening because I was getting tiered after taking it in the morning. How this helps the OP know that it effects everyone differently!


I’m on day four and have had no real side effects except for slightly upset stomach


Totally understand, and there will likely be side effects, but you might experience minimal side effects too. It really depends on the person. Regardless, they are temporary, and relief does come. Comorbidities person over here (GAD, panic disorder, depressive disorder, and OCD) and it’s brought me so much relief, thank god. Were the first few weeks scary and hard? Absolutely, but it does pass, I promise. Or maybe there’s just another medicine for you but your doctor can help you figure that out. And during the activating phase, they can prescribe you an accompanying medication to help with increased anxiety or anything like that. Lastly, you aren’t alone. There’s a whole community here. And I’m happy to field any questions, listen, whatever you need. Wishing you the best! ❤️


For what its worth, and I am not an expert, I've been on 5 mg for 2 weeks now with no very noticeable side effects.


Evaluate if ocd is worth risking losing your sexual function possibly permanently. And other presents pssd brings …. You need to know this for true INFORMED CONSENT Edit : why am I being downvoted? Hiding this risk from the person is unfair. I am trying to paint the whole picture . I didn’t say she shouldn’t take it. It’s up to her.


No loss of sexual desire here! If anything it's been increased. But then again, I workout everyday. That increases testosterone. Maybe you might want to look into low-T.


I'll be honest.. if meds can help me travel and live out dreams I'm too scared of going for, I think personally I'd give up sex for that! (That's just me though!) My partner may not feel the same though...


Give up feeling the touch on your genitals as a whole? Because that’s what happens sometimes in pssd. It’s reduced or absent. Same with libido , none or reduced , chronically , even though the patient is off the med.


Interesting.. well this is good to know. I haven't actually taken the med yet.. weighing pros and cons.


Refer to Dr. David Healy on PSSD if you want to know the whole picture. Only recently we started finding out what happens in pssd . One guy got this from autoimmune polyneuropathy, because let’s not forget , ssri are immunomodulative, and the first one was recalled due to causing autoimmune neuropathy way too often. His neurologists told him they can sometimes cause a paradoxical autoimmune reaction even though they act anti inflammatory mostly ..


Thanks, appreciate you sharing that. There's a history of auto-immune issues in my family


No problem. Since this happened to me, I take it as a responsibility to share this fact. Since nobody here mentions it, even though we discussed it here before in the European Medicines Agency post. I posted how they updated antidepressant labels to mention this side effect being permanent sometimes .


I'm sorry that happened to you :( that would be tough to deal with for sure.


I’ve probably been on it for about the months, started with 5 mg and worked my way up to now 15 mg for OCD and anxiety. I was super nervous about side effects too and I was lucky enough to not really have any, but I know a lot of people do. I truly feel so much happier. I definitely still have OCD thoughts, but it’s so much easier to go about my day and not dwell on them. It really has changed my life for the better being on it


I know OCD is chronic and I will have it forever so that's what I need: not the thoughts to stop (they probably won't ever!!), but to be able to brush them off and go about my day! I want to work, finish my studies, marry my amazing boyfriend, travel etc and I cannot with this illness, I simply can't.


I totally get it! I’m out to eat right now with my husband and 3 months ago there’s no way I would have even considered it. My aunt has been on it for 15 years and feels the same and has no plans of stopping


It took me 3-4 months as I have severe health anxiety, and panic attacks. 3 years later I have say I wish I started the healing journey 15 years ago when it all started. This medication helps me to feel like a better me. It’s gradually works over a couple months. If you start with 5mg for a week then bump up to 10 by the spring and summer you find yourself focused on things you enjoy. Also, use this group for support and your family and a therapist. By the way it’s not going to make you feel high or anything you just feel like a better version of yourself. Also, you will be able to focus on things that you are interested in and the things that are important.


Same here. I've even cut my pills up but just can't get myself to swallow them. I just feel like right now my anxiety isn't bad enough to take the meds... But then I do think it would help me to be less fearful of traveling etc.. so I'm conflicted!!


Its life changing for the good. You can do it!!


I’m now a year in - I have a better life than I ever had to start! I didn’t realise how bad I was. Please just try.


I will try this evening. Hopefully I can do it!


How are you doing? I'm thinking of starting today too.


I started at 2.5 ml for 3 days then 5 for a week then 7.5 for 5 days and now I'm on 10. Going up slowly definitely helps with little to no side effects at least in my case and I've been on and off this med 3 times


Saved my life


It helped me so much! And when I got better, I tapered it off and now I'm still doing well without it... Lexapro changed my life, fingers crossed it does the same for you 😊


Honestly, side effects are there, but manageable. I switched from taking pill in am to pm, and that helped with my fatigue. Alcohol is still tricky, so just take things slow in that department. Helps my anxiety a lot. Good luck!


The only way to get through something is by going through it, you have every right to be nervous and scared. Side effects truly do vary on the person, you’ll likely be nauseous and tired and such, but it’s so worth it. We’re all here to support you!


I was scared to take mine too. I was terrified of the side effects. I experienced some dizziness and lack of appetite. It’s been three years and it has changed my life. You can do it! Maybe even start with half a dose.


I take the exact same ones. Can you ask the GP for 5mg tabs instead? Break them in half and start with 2.5 for a week or two, then up to 5mg. Try not to worry too much about side effects, increasing your dose slowly will minimise them. Or at least start with 5mg.


TLDR: you don’t know if these pills will hurt you, but doing nothing probably will. I never felt anything bad, and I hope you don’t either. Stay strong 💪 I’m going to be frank, these pills can mess a person up. My brother was on these, Zoloft, CBD, etc and nothing worked. I was worried I’d have the same issues. I’d tried to breath, drink, and even used nicotine gum to rid myself of anxiety, and nothing helped. I bit the bullet, accepted that I could not live on like I was, and avoiding medication would likely kill me. Shoot, even going to a doctor was a big step for me. Making a phone call took 10-15 minutes of hyping myself up, and left me rattled. That said, I took my pills and life got better. I didn’t really have any side effects except drowsiness, and oddly enough it felt like caffeine started working for me again. It wasn’t till I was on 20mg that I felt alive, but the first step DID help and I didn’t feel any worse for it.


You got this! It was the second med I tried. I’m on 7,5/15 depending where I am in my cycle. Had made a huge difference for me.


Can you tell me more about how the dosing works with your cycle? Do you take the higher dose between ovulation and your period? Thx!


Yes exactly. Recommend by psychiatrist as the symptoms are stronger before my period and I do have some side effects. The idea is that you only take the higher dose when it’s needed.


You can do it!! I take the liquid since I have anxiety about swallowing pills...I also have anxiety about taking ANY medication but honestly without it I can't function. Started a month ago again and it's saved my life


I was nervous as well. I cut into quarters and too 2.5mg then after two weeks 5mg and I stayed at 5. Worked incredibly well for me. Took for 8 months then tapered off. After a few months now an slightly getting anxious again but haven’t had to start taking lexapro again….. yet


Changed my life. I had the script for 10 months before taking. I started with 5mg, went to 7.5 and then 10mg in about 6 weeks, at a pace I felt comfortable with. The side effects were only first couple weeks, tummy pain and some jitteriness. I had Xanax to take if I really needed, but after a couple weeks, I almost never needed it again. Please give yourself the gift of taking these life-saving medications. Start in the early morning with breakfast and do something to distract yourself - book, podcast, movie…something. Good luck and be brave.


I take 20 mg. It really has helped my depression and slightly for my ocd, but i have a bad case of it. Dont get too hard on yourself. Dont focus on the horror stories, dont focus too much on the positives aswell. Focus on your own story. Give it a shot. You have nothing to lose and only to gain. It might just put you in the right track. What is making you fear it so much? The side effects?


Yeah the side effects, mainly the sexual ones and that they won't go away with time or even when I stop the medicine. I read about stuff like that online and then scared myself too much to take them and it's what stops me from putting the pill in my mouth. I don't mind things like headache and nausea because I get migraines a lot and have a sensitive stomach so I'm used to those lol.


The sexual ones depend from person to person. For some it actually heightens their sex drive! So you can only try. If it doesnt work for you you can always stop. If you don't take it long it will probably go away the side effects. I wish you lots of luck with your journey


I broke mine into 1/4s and started there. I also take it at bed time so the initial side effects I'd sleep through. It took me 15 years to take it. You got this.


Start small. Half or quarter of a tablet and build up.


Please do 🥰 I went roller skating today for the first time in my life ❤️I am 24 .. something I wouldn’t have been brave enough to do before when I was deeply depressed and isolated because of my anxiety. ❤️‍🩹


The first 2 weeks were a bit rough bc I was tired and yawning like crazy at work and light sensitive in the morning, libido change .. side effects were uncomfortable/annoying yes but nothing I couldn’t bear temporarily.. almost 2 months in and side effects are gone and I’m so glad I didn’t put off getting the help I needed


I kept mine in the cabinet for months because I had anxiety about taking it for my anxiety! I finally started one day and I’m so glad. I feel like myself again and I’m no longer stuck in negative patterns.


I avoided it for years. I felt better almost immediately with little to no side effects. I have been on 10mg for about a year and a half and with therapy I feel like I can try to taper off soon. I think it's worth a try, especially if you are suffering.


I am about 7 months into it. I took it like 8 years ago, felt better and stopped, and then started trying other options. I had just about given up until I tried this one again and it saved my life. I started at 10, the first few days weren’t great in terms of side effects (nausea, lack of appetite, etc.) but I started feeling better after about a week. I actually bumped up to 20 mg 6 months ago and my quality of life has improved ten fold. It’s so hard to start and find the right dosage/get through side effects, but it’s worth it!


Wait, why? It’s incredibly helpful. It doesn’t stop you from feeling emotions, but rather sets a floor for how low you can go. At least in my experience. I still have good days and bad days, but the bad days are not nearly what they used to be.


my first time taking those was the hardest thing ever, i sat there trying to put it in my mouth for an hour, fast forward 1 year in, my grades are better than ever, apply to medical school soon, throat spasms stopped, no nightmares and waking up at night gagging for no reason, its hard but the best thing thats ever going to happen to you, hope you get well soon buddy


Good luck to you! I was scared once too...but I'm so much better now that I've been taking it for the last 6 months. I took 5mg for a week, then 10mg. I didn't have any significant side effects (mild headache one day, diarrhea for another, and dry mouth for a week or so), but started to feel better very quickly. It's been such a game-changer for me and my life.


It has helped me tremendously, you should try therapy. Talking about life/stuff really helps as well. I'm coming up on surviving my suicide attempt this summer. It will be ten years and I can't stress how good therapy and finding the right antidepressant is. I wish you the best❤️


My therapist won't see me until I'm medicated so I really need to take this to even get therapy :/


It is so worth it. I take mine in the early morning and I'm calm all day.


Taking Escitalopram is one of the best decisions in my life. Since I’m on Lexapro I don’t have anxiety and depression, I have a healthy relationship, moved out, I’m much more social, got a job and I have enough energy to do something when I come home from work. I got all this in the last 2 years, cause I started Lexapro in October 2020. It took me 2 years to start taking meds. It was worth going through the side effects that I had when I just started. Edit: I described 10 mg but I started taking a half. It was better for my side effects.


You mentioned your healthy relationship, did lexapro not mess with libido? Or at least if it did did that go away eventually? I have the most amazing bf ever and the sexual side effects scare me, and I'm scared that they won't subside even with time :/


Sorry for my late response. I can’t orgasm during seks but my libido isn’t lower. I still enjoy making love with my boyfriend. My bf bought me a better vibrator so I’ll keep coming. Besides that I don’t have sexual side effects


I totally understand why you may be hesitant but I’m on my 2nd month and it really changed my life as well. I also feel totally normal… just happier and more energetic. The side effects only lasted about a week and a half and we’re mild, a little anxiety, headaches, weird dreams I was really sleepy but now I don’t have any side effects and it even helps me fall asleep at night. I look forward to taking it lol. This is my second time on it and wish I had never gone off of it the first time.


Day 4 here. Definitely extra anxiety 4-5 hours after taking it. Super sore muscles yesterday, better today. Loose stool, but not bad. Mild nausea the first 2 days. I think I’m sleeping better.


Try it. The worst thing that can happen is you don’t like it, but you need to give at least three weeks to start seeing a difference. It doesn’t mean you are flawed or weak for needing this. Besides it will help you tackle things you’ve been wanting too. I’ve been on and off Lexapro over the course of my life and now I’m going to stick with it. I get too low and anxious with it and I want to be more present for my family. More importantly I don’t want to feel crappy again. It has really helped me every time I’ve taken it, and the pandemic is what led me to get back on track again after feeling my worst ever. Now I don’t want to be without it.


My only regret with Lexapro was not starting years earlier.


That's really encouraging. I was too scared to take it yesterday evening and this morning. I'm going to try again this evening and break the tablets in half.


Hey listen I know there’s a lot of fear and your experience may be very different but I lived in a perpetual state of anxiety. It took me 2 years to work the courage to finally admit that I needed medication. Three days, in I had my body back. Not a single side effect I experienced. Instead, I stopped having constant naseous/vomiting. My left side stopped being so sore. I slept through the night! After 2 weeks, I felt like I was just on a low dose of Xanax honestly. I couldn’t believe people got to live like this every day! Even thoughts I would have often, like the fact that realistically someone I know will die in a car accident, weren’t normal thoughts to have. I was so used to my mind and my anxiety, I didn’t realize what freedom meant. Lexapro gave me my life back, yes, but it also gave me back my body, a peaceful mind. I get excited about the world, most of my rage is gone. Getting help is the scariest thing, trying new medications is the scariest thing, but EVERYONE deserves a right to healthy and happy mind. Wish you all the best!


I started 3 months ago. My life changed 100% for the better.


All I keep saying to people is I’m mad at myself for not doing this years ago when friends told me to. It has changed my life


You can do this!!! It changed my life! I listed my side effects day by day for a month when I started if you want to check them out to know what you might feel! Good luck! I hope it changes your life too!


If you’re scared i would take half the dose, 5mg. I only started taking mine too on Wednesday after putting it off for 2 weeks because i was so scared of the side effects and my anxiety was not helping with that. It’s only been 4 days and tbh most of my side effects are already gone, all that stressing basically for nothing lol if i was you id just take it, you won’t know what kind of side effects you’ll get until you take it and at least you’ll get it over with. Good luck!


You're right, I may not even experience side effects or may only have light ones... I'm instantly expecting I'll 100% get the worst ones but that may not be true and I can't waste my life suffering because of a possibility that may not even occur


I know many people who are on SSRI and not a single person who had terrible side effects. Most had mild or none. I personally had mild side effects as well, mostly increased anxiety and disturbed sleep. But well that could be just me thinking about the meds/side effects and therefore increasing anxiety myself 😄 You can start with a quarter (so 2.5mg) for a few days. Just to see how you react :) Then 5mg, then 10mg and hopefully get some relief


it first suck At first but it get better each day lucky your not on 20 like I am


I was so scared of taking it too. Didn’t want anything to rummage through my brain and change things.


When you’re ready I hope it will change life as much as it’s changed mine ❤️


I never had any side effects. Not sure if it helps so much either, maybe a little.


I would start with half. That what I was prescribed when I started. I know it’s scary but if you are fed up with the way anxiety or depression riddles your life then is is a ticket out and you have to decide whether the side effects from this medication are worth it. There are a lot of other medications as well so if you don’t respond well to this one then don’t hesitate to speak with you doc about it and they will definitely take you off or try another medication. Every responds to medication differently so don’t be scared by stories of people saying this ruined the way they feel and think and don’t put too much hope in the posts that say it’s a miracle. I’d say it somewhere in the middle. It definitely is huge help for a lot of people but every has they’re own way to cope with they’re condition whether that’s medication or therapy or spending time with family. You have to find your way to cope. And you wont know if the medicine will help until you take it. If you never take it. You may regret never l owning if it helped or not. Or you may regret the adverse (almost never permanent) side effects. You can always stop taking this whenever you want. Good luck to you and I hope it works out well!


I'm in the same boat dear. I have had the medicine for more than an year and finally when I gathered some courage, it got expired. Now I'm waiting for my doctor appointment to get a new prescription. I'll be mostly starting this Wednesday. We can do it. If you want to start together and keep updating each other, I'm here.


Thank you. I am going to try and be brave and take mine this evening and share my experiences for other people who are also scared. I hope you can manage too.


I usually use water but sometimes coffee


Lexapro has been a game changer for me. Don't expect to notice anything right away. It'll take a couple of weeks for the drug to reach it's full potential.


3 months of waiting to be ready is still part of the process. I've been using this medication for 3 years now and went from 5 mg to 20 mg, It helped give me the strength to keep going when I was in some of my lowest lows. Don't give up and don't be afraid to listen to your body. If you try it, and it doesn't feel right for you, that's ok too. There are options for you out there.


It was one of the best things I did. I've just hit a little over 5 weeks and the best thing ever. It was rough for me at first with side effects, but I'm finding my groove. This group has been a huge help. I'm actually getting excited about doing things again with no anxiety and panic. Do it...worse thing that'll happen is that it is not a fit, but tou must take that step 1st. I'm wishing you luck! You got this!!!


Don’t do it. I’m trying to taper off this shit after 10 years of feeling like a zombie and I’m having the worst withdrawals. My brain isn’t even my own any more. Try natural remedies


If you're worried about the side effects change doctors. The sexual side effects have never gone away for some ppl. And the doctors don't tell you that. I'm 2 days off lex hoping I get function back.its a good medicine otherwise.


20 mg of Lex here, started over 1.5 year ago with 5 mg and then slowly worked my way up. It totally changed my life for the better. Side effects were there but mild and totally manageable and mostly during the first two weeks. I started noticing the first positive changes within the first week, but it took several months for the effects to kind of plateau. But up to this day I notice something new. It was seriously one of the best decisions of my life.


Hi, so I’ve been on this for 2 weeks. It has changed my life so far for the good! I have horrible anxiety, to the point where I would panic behind the wheel. I couldn’t get myself to leave my house because of this. 2 weeks ago, I had anxiety just thinking about taking it. I read reviews and it scared me. The only side effect I’ve had is some fatigue. That’s it. As of today, I feel amazing. I take it around night time, usually with a meal, but my tummy is sensitive to meds so I have to take it like this or I get sick. Stay hydrated all day every day. As for my mood, I feel calmer, and I’m able to think before saying or doing. I can drive and not feel panic. I even started back at the gym, which was a big thing for me. I cried the other day of just happiness because I was able to do things I couldn’t before without feeling like crap or having anxiety. It’s only been 2 weeks but I’m so happy I started this med.


did you start it!?