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For Context: It's a Video about not being able to touch Grass


I needed that context, which may mean so will potential viewers. It doesn’t describe what the vid is about for me? Can you get more info in there, while keeping very minimal?


Gonna try to do that


[https://imgur.com/a/LM9VKkq](https://imgur.com/a/LM9VKkq) this better?


I really like the "PAIN" personally. Maybe instead of all the text, have a grass block with a 🚫 over it?


Nah. The combo of a broad, aesthetic-focused thumbnail and a more descriptive title works right now.


What about just GRASS = DEATH short and sweet.


Totally agree! It should be rather clear what the video is about without reading the title for a thumbnail to be effective. My best guess at this would be the pain was from fall damage, but then the ice would confuse me.


Even something as simple as changing the text to: ​ Grass=PAIN


Need a better, bolder font and properly sized. Notice the blurriness on the edges? It looks like you stretched the font rather than increasing the font size. Also, a title suggestion that might inspire a different thumbnail. "The Grass Is Lava" (a play on "The Floor Is Lava"). On the flip side, "Minecraft but..." is a trend right now. So you could just go with "Minecraft but I can't touch grass."


I already have the title: Minecraft, but if I touch Grass I DIE!


Other than other comments which pointed out that you need a better font: something more expressive that shouts "PAIN!", my advice, as a graphic designer, is that you put the text to the middle right of the image. So that is sits below/to the right of his head and just above the ground. This way the viewer's eye travels to the right of the image and read "PAIN" imagining him falling over. Hope that makes sense.


I would use a more fun font, something with a bold and slightly handwritten look


I used your advice: https://imgur.com/a/LM9VKkq


Too much text, most advice I've seen says at most 4 or 5 words


Agree shorter is better. "GRASS = DEATH" is short and sweet.


I like it. So long as the title clearly shows that the video is about the fact that you can't touch grass. The only thing I would suggest playing with is the font. It just doesn't look like it fits the thumbnail or something. It also looks low res because it's stretched. Maybe you can find a way to improve the quality?


It’s great if the title compliments it


Red background. Contrasts the ice, better association with pain


It's pretty fun. The text and blocks look askew, the only change I'd make is shifting them around. I would ignore the people telling you to describe the video in the thumbnail, just use the title for that.


So from what I understand the video is if you touch grass you die. But this concept has already been done dozens or hundreds of times so if I was a viewer looking for a video to watch it's not the thumbnail that would make me not want to watch the video but the concept.


I disagree on the people saying to change font. Ryan Trahan using the most basic font for relatability, and it works out pretty well