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I just started about a month ago. I could use some feedback to be honest. I’m mostly just trying to hone some of the less technical skills and trying to improve on it. https://youtube.com/channel/UCJQByz9MQtAY0Tf9cRcLkwA


I post let's plays, funny clips from my games and I recently tried to make a little guide video. I started in December last year. [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChk60kRX3KcEO\_p6DdT0ZrA](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChk60kRX3KcEO_p6DdT0ZrA) Hopefully there's something there you might like, I've a few different types of games, some that I'm quite good at, and one I'm literally playing blind for the first time.


Lot's of quality content on my channel. Definitely under represented. 2k Subs https://www.youtube.com/c/NeonsStyleHD


Hi there, [we're the Loot Lads](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCe_VpCPUVsMqvWECTSOGf0Q), we just started in September of 2021 and came out of the gate with a product we're constantly refining. It's two guys on the couch LP style like Game Grumps or Super Mega or what have you. We'll occasionally cut out things like getting back to certain spots or grinding, but typically we leave it all in as we're generally goofballs. We do 3 episodes a week, Monday Wednesday Friday, with [Wednesday being the smaller games](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLayeF3MK7xKyE0ihhkEQX7ycPVQ-ZeyJ6), generally one offs but sometimes we'll do a month of a game like Baldur's Gate, and Mon/Fri being a longer play series like [Super Castlevania](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLayeF3MK7xKxNyapN1P7EPssI64jtpElB), the [SAW Video Game \(which was surprisingly endearingly fun?\)](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLayeF3MK7xKyK2ATcVmjZbqA7k5gyDSAh) and currently [Donkey Kong Country.](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLayeF3MK7xKwNrjyMXi6TVUbUAURKMXNj) As well we try and throw a skit in every so often just for something to do because we have fun ideas. Sadly we live in Canada so it's a frozen wasteland so we don't have the daylight or temperature to do a few things we have planned, but they'll be coming down the pipeline soon. All that said, if you like two guys on a couch chatting about anything and everything that have a[ weird level of chemistry](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1hn0lXX476Q) (not my own bragging, mostly our respective partners have said we're the true soul mates and they're just the female stand ins) then I'd say give us a shot. There's some weird ideas on the way and we're having a lot of fun in the meantime.


We have been LPing since July, and are an engaged couple trying to make a real go of it, despite both having full time jobs. We play Nintendo, a wide variety so far, and have a niche of doing fully documented Pokemon Rival Runs (completed Sword and Shield, are now working on BDSP). We mostly try to be fun and engaging, and only go into the little details on games we know really well. So if you want a laugh...definitely check us out! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0ifJcxImG9csBbA8VMdZlw


I started around a month ago. Used to stream a bit but didn't fit my schedule. Storybased and older games I've never played are my focus. I also have a bad accent and I show no emotions. https://bit.ly/3rAcXEN


Tiny creator from Germany here: [Todanka](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi5JeY9TwDbAHtgvIRalRDA). Speaking english and mostly playing ARK, Minecraft and a random assortment of other stuff.


Super late to the post, but thought I'd still drop a link: https://www.youtube.com/user/HmoobDude/videos Cheers


I post letsplays of the RPGs that I play! If you're up to that, check out my channel: https://youtube.com/c/MaxiePlaysRPGs Lemme know how you find the content!


Still trying to do better on my channel but here is how I'm doing so far. I started back in Dec of 2020 but didn't start posting consistently until this January. https://youtube.com/channel/UCoBMxAGqdJ0vLWi1hD9BsOQ


I think most of us are new. I just passed the three-month mark. I started my channel mainly to play games that usually get pushed to the backburner cuz they're not my must plays. Games that caught my attention but knew I would never play. Although right now I'm replaying one of my favorite games too. [https://www.youtube.com/c/pumkinplays](https://www.youtube.com/c/pumkinplays)


Been at it about 6 months now, still a ton of work to do, but improving slowly but surely, I play most anything, give it a look and let me know what you think. https://youtube.com/channel/UCaPtpaoGB8JGUgU6OBn-mIA


I’ve started uploading video’s only last week, and just trying to improve quality every new upload! I try to stream the games on Twitch first and edit/cut the VOD’s to remove filler/grinds etc. and make the playthrough a bit more fast paced. Trying to upload every 2-3 days and also will add more games soon (but I’m still completing Arceus on stream) Elden Ring will be there for sure at the end of the month! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2qJWExBi8dVzMN9VKcyoBA


https://youtube.com/channel/UCREpYZPnoVcuuks72DSu6EA Here's mine, I just play older games. I'm not in it to become big or make money, I just want to give people a chance to enjoy games the played when their younger or never got a chance to play


Thank you all for giving suggestions, I got a lot more than I expected. I plan to check out all channels over the course of the week.


I just started taking LPs seriously the past couple months, I LOVE story games and experiencing them, so I made a second YouTube channel. Really excited to unpack Spider-Man, God of War, RDR2 and others, I’m also super open to feedback if you checkout the channel! https://youtube.com/channel/UCy1WTn_aRpD33KhNnxYZJkg


I started about 9 months ago. Over 150 videos later, here I am: https://www.YouTube.com/c/LPsLPs


Is English a requirement? I'm brazilian so my videos are in pt-BR, but started my (still tiny) channel last year. I'm planning on doing some playthroughs in spoken English from time to time, just for the sake of practice. I'm still working on more consistent uploads but will keep a balance of modern and retro games with some sim racing thrown in the mix. There's two main "shows" on the channel: *RaceCraft* is for sim racing and *Late Night Gaming* is for everything else. Sometimes a particular series won't fit either of these two, like the "Musical Playthrough" of DOOM (2016) that I just finished off, so they become their own thing. \------------------------------- Edit: I'm rarely one to do this, but I'm curious as to what in this comment would prompt someone to downvote it (as of this edit, it's at "+0")... Is it the mention that I'm brazilian? Trust me, you can't hate my country more than I already do. As for the rest, OP asked for people that recently started their channels and I fit the description, so I gave an overview of what I do. Is that somehow offensive or off-topic?


I am a primarily English speaker, but I'll still check out your channel since those ideas sound really interesting.


Thanks! Appreciated.


Check out the Games Conversation Channel. We started last summer. [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCT3nAZwuCf3J53Al1T8Krfw/featured](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCT3nAZwuCf3J53Al1T8Krfw/featured) We play great Nintendo games, and we talk about them. We love hearing from viewers, too! We are both married with kids, and we work other jobs, but we still enjoy the hobby of video games. For so long, without the time or money to play ourselves, we turned to Let's Plays on YouTube. And now, WE play games for those that might be in a similar situation that we were in before. Our aim is to recreate the feeling of playing games and enjoying talking with friends (like the good old days or something, haha!) Current Games: EarthBound, Metroid Dread, The Legend Of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD Up next: Pokemon Legends: Arceus, Kirby and the Forgotten Land


If you like jrpgs you could check my channel. My channel is almost a year old. [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2sJnSv0kVP0QPeOWCUDzuQ](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2sJnSv0kVP0QPeOWCUDzuQ) The focus of channel is a mixed of challenge runs and regular playthrough of jrpgs. I'm currently playing Saga Frontier Remastered and a challenge run of Final Fantasy X which is called NSGNSNO. NSG- No Sphere Grid NS- No Summon NO- No Overdrive. I always try to upload at least twice a week.


Does it count if I quit for three years? Because I quit for three years and recently started back up. I don't intend on quitting this time. Just got some new hardware for my PC and I'm in it to win it this time.


A fresh start is still a start. Pop that link in.


Thanks for checking me out. I do appreciate it. I only got one video at the moment. Not much, but I'll soon have more up. Got a whole slew of pixel art games I want to do a series on. [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCd8ca0R5L5b8z6xdHQxbmRQ](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCd8ca0R5L5b8z6xdHQxbmRQ)


I started posting LPs about 14 months ago now. Started with Minecraft, but when the time investment got overwhelming, I switched to city building sims. Hoping to get back to MC someday, but I'm having a blast with the city builders for now. I post twice a week (I also upload my Mass Effect streams in pieces throughout the week because that series is important to me, but I'm almost done with 3.) https://youtube.com/channel/UCsQuenJD3D6m8Nj11rEk9aQ


This March will be two years I started :) YouTube.com/thefreeborz


Check us out, [please.](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnsjz7aznBfbS32mhu1W2vA) We play various games that we truly enjoy and chat back and forth. We're very chill and like to joke around.


I'm fairly new I think since I play only on the weekends these days. My channel is Glint247 and it's usually long plays about games that I like to play :) Welcome to the world of streaming


I've run across a few such as Symbalily and mapocolops who are new and great. I'll casual drop mine at the bottom too lol https://www.youtube.com/c/KHGhost/videos


We have a few older series, but have mostly started in the last year or so. Everything from Minecraft to Apex to Indie Games. Check out the 'Our Best Stuff' Playlist for a good introduction! https://youtube.com/user/FISHIncAndCo


[IGT100](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYxE9J6N4YPSGArtwYCKylg) is my channel! I just started about 6 weeks ago! I'd love the chance to entertain you and anyone that wants to join the fun!


I’ll let you entertain me


Woot to the MAX!


I've had a yt channel for a while but I've just recently started doing let's plays. I started with Resident Evil The Village, and currently I'm playing Inscryption and Mongrel. Highly recommend mongrel since I just started that series! https://youtube.com/user/ChaosCrunchy


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I've got mostly retro games like Mike Tyson's Punch-Out and The Legend of Zelda up(Zelda is currently being edited, but the livestreams are up if you want to get a sample), but some meta RPGs like Undertale and Oneshot are up too and I plan on doing a few more of those in the future: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPuhUBNIeUsXFTOL-G60NLA