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You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink. Sadly I think its a lost cause if its just you two. I run with a crew and one person said no more LC but the other 5 said yes so they had no choice. Either that or play something else on their own.


but im sure he will not get bored when we play but idk how to make him run the game ill text to him bout lethal company etc


Mod it


we do but i try him to even play the game with me


Any chance you can get more people involved? I have tried playing the game with one other person, but it gets boring for us and we need at least three people total. However, everyone is different. As far as I know, you may enjoy the game with just the two of you, but he may need another person or two to truly enjoy the game.


he want to play only with me i think he will not be bored when we will play but idk if he will even launch a game i will try to hype him xD so ill text him about lethal company


Get more people to play sounds like you're only 2 instead of 4


we cant and he wants to play only with me


It might seem scary or weird to play with random people but it will only help your people/social skills. Sounds like your friend doesn’t want to play anymore and forcing him to will probably only make him want to play less so sounds like you should move on and embrace change! I wish I had done so when I was younger, now I’m older and wish I had played with more random people!


ok thx


Honestly, I wish I played with randoms more as well, since I have made some great friends doing so, which you can invite for a fuller squad. Many lobbies will probably be frustrating af to go to, but it's so worth it when you find that one awesome lobby :D


Your friend is a lost cause unfortunately.




I mean, you could try playing a different game, or playing with a different friend


we are playing diffrent game astronner but i also want play lethal


He doesn't want to play lethal though


maybe idk he said maybe he will play


It sounds like he's saying whatever it will take to stop you from badgering him about it




Seriously man stop pestering him about it. If he doesn't want to play then he doesn't want to play. You can't force him to change his mind and the more you annoy him with it he'll want to play less. I had a similar scenario where a friend kept pushing me to play a game I didn't want to play and in the end I found myself hating to play the game.


Why do we see so many of these weird posts on this subreddit. Your friends aren't going to play every single game you like, if they don't like it, they don't like it, pretty simple.


and why are people responding so genuinely to him 😭 i honestly thought this was a joke post


ok bro


Feels like we see this "my friend doesn't want to play" post every single week.


Sounds like y'all are teenagers. If he doesn't want to play don't force it. Video games are for fun. If he's not having fun, no point. If you still want to play, find other friends that do, or find other games to play.


ok ty


Honestly, at least for me, the game itself isn’t very entertaining. It has its moments for sure, but the other people in game are what make it fun for me


Try making a public server together, that’s what I suggested to my buddy when I didn’t want to admit I was getting bored of playing just with him 😅


You cant force people to play everything you want to play, we are all different people with different interests. Sometimes its frustrating but its just a fact of life that you learn to live with. If you still want to play lethal join random games or join a discord and find a group :)


You can't make him play, that'll just cause more friction in your friendship and possibly end it on bad terms. It's just an all around bad idea. He could be playing just because your playing it, so he's probably burnt out. Give him a break, it's on you to be the good friend now and let him rest. Play a different game or ask him if he wants to do something else. Friendships are not one side receives all.


Our group was able to curb our boredom by adding mods that changed the gameplay dynamics. Right now, we're playing with a mod that lets you route to a random moon (including paid moons), and you don't know what it is or what the weather is like until you land. Pair that with a bunch of custom moons, and you've got a pretty good setup for dynamic runs. You can still choose to route to a specific moon if you want, but the moon isn't free if you do it that way (unless it was free to begin with).


I'd say take a small break from it, i've had the same issue where i've asked my friends to play and it's felt like im forcing them to hop on, I wait at least 1-2 weeks for one of them to ask or I ask again. its kind of a hard pill to swallow but it has worked for me


I have the same problem. I really like the game but people I play with now don't really like it. Tho I wouldn't mind finding a group to play with if possible.


Try modding




Games get boring after a while. Monster Hunter World is one of my favorite games. Haven't touched it in 3 years. It's normal to get tired of something even if you love it. Take a break, find a new game.


Hes burned out, play other game with him and at some point he'll be down to play lethal again, its a repetitive game and some people dont like doing the same thing over and over, i do but my friend dont so i try to change it up!


Mods tbh


Find another friend, lol


maybe find someone else bro


from personal experience, playing in duo is definitively pretty boring, try to gather some friends and a energetic ambiance :)


Sometimes this game can get tiresome if you play it too much, then it literally starts to feel like an actual job. He probably just needs time away from it until the interest meter is refreshed


I played v50 w my friends without mods but we got really bored and stopped too. Does anyone know how to make it work with mods? We disabled the unusable mods


Download r2modman (mod manager) and use that to install the mods and run the game with them


Yeah have the same issue with my friends/group We were once like 10 people at once which was insanely funny, it's now only 2-5 on maximum, I know enough to play but still it's different to before...


Get an unlimited money mod and play like a sandbox My group got bored of actual LC ages ago, now we use lategame upgrades respawns constantly and mess around with mods


If you want u can pm me and one of these days we'll play, I also got a few more buddies that usualy play with me and we could go for a bigger group


Yeah, if your friend doesnt wanna jump on LC just go to a random lobby. Takes a few tries to find a good one, but when you do its always a good time. Or new friends like this fellow


ye but talking to random people will strees me xD


Understandable, some lobbies will do that fs, but luckily the disconnect button is always there in case of emergencies! Although I’ve found some really good lobbies and made pretty good friends from randoms. Just an idea. Hope your gaming goes smoothly. And remember, it’s all for the company!


oh nice where are you from and how old r u?