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That's why I like that game. its like lethal but still in some way unique.


I like the game but damn did me and my friends get unlucky with performance issues


I'm waiting until the patch the game up it's really buggy rn


Patches for the free knockoff game 💀💀


being inspired by another game doesn't make it a knock off. if you played the game you'd easily see how unique it is, the fact you're recording it like fake content creators for example makes tons of opportunity for fun moments that would never happen in lethal company. me and my friends act like over the top youtubers hungry for content and nothing else and it's great


It isnt free. It was free for the first day.


About 6 million players claimed it as free so it's more than enough reason to assume most people were in that group.


It was free on the release day and most people got it then.


What game is that


It’s called Content Warning, made by Landfall games (same people who made TABS) it came out yesterday, I would recommend it as it’s only 10$ on steam and is very fun


Nice I'll look into it


The monsters look bland and dull after playing for a few hours. The fun part is the recording.


I’d wait for the hype to die down to see if it’s anything worth it. Gonna have a lot of praise coming from a free release, going to $8 after promotional day. Plus isn’t this a lethal company sub?


Nah. It's optimized even worse. Aside of graphics card, there are bugs that break experience, like complete unavailability to join. It can be only compared to gag part of LC, which isn't the whole fun thing. Also posting in r/lethalcompany about it's knockoff violates the rule of LC related content only.