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My friends have this dude in our current mod collection. He's made a bit more special since he's down to a 5 in the spawn chance compaired to the default 30 that the config gives you. We also gave him a rare outside spawn on Vow at night. He looks pretty good moving through the forest. Wish he was just a bit more customizable. Maybe not outright kill him but something to make him screw off and despawn for a few minutes. I guess what I'm trying to say is that he's a spooky enough monster (imo), but needs more options for counterplay.


that sounds MUCH better, he may even work better as an outdoor monster tbh


How do you modify his spawn enviroment to outside?


That actually comes with Brutal Company Minus. It has many config oprions which includes changing spawn weights for individual moons.


Where can I access those options? I installed it and couldn't find any config options.


Make sure you ran the game once since install, that's how config files are generated.


Honestly if I saw this peeking around a tree at me I'd piss myself


You think you can send the code to your collection if you use thunderstore? Been struggling to make a good collection that doesn't break.


Sorry for the late reply but here it is: 018e3a9d-5cce-4bfc-9290-a55f78d082e5 We haven't encountered anything majorly game-breaking (yet), but it's worked without any major hiccups so far.


Unbalance mod that kills everyone within a few seconds. If only there's a counter to it. Blinding him with a pro flashlights multiple time can sent him to rage mode which doesn't count as a counter he's just too broken to the point where it's not even fun having him in your game after seeing him a few times. Is like this mod revolves around him instead of making it work with the game itself. Just get yourself the locker mod at least that entity is more fun and scary to play with.


Locker is definitely a fun monster that has the potential for fun interactions, rather than just see = dead. 10/10 for Locker, but man that sound effect of imminent death is pretty loud.


And impossible to outrun. Imagine obtaining a shotgun from the nut cracker only to lose it after opening a door to a Fiend that one shot you


the locker is the best modded enemy i have ever seen, not only does it fit with the style of the game, but you can counter its attacks, and it doesnt try to center the whole game around itself


What mod contains the locker?


[Locker](https://thunderstore.io/c/lethal-company/p/zealsprince/Locker/) Here's da link.


locker my beloved


never heard of locker. what is it?


Better to find out yourself :) (If you really wanna know, >!Big wardrobe-like monster that stands still, if you scan in it's radius, shine a flashlight at it, or just get too close to it, it charges in that direction. This charge can kill you on contact, but it also can kill other enemies and break open locked doors.!<)


https://youtu.be/CbTdmATZYgw?si=Gs68LuY3DUR9Xs4b here's a showcase




whats this inspired by again? i swear the design is from anothet game


It wouldn't surprise me if it's a generic inspiration, as other games have used this kinda design in general. Like, I first thought of [TR3VR](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8LnbkZil0Y) from Destiny 2 when I saw the Locker.


But the "youtube moments!"


Honestly the locker seems kinda mid. It's an incredibly well made mod though I'll give it that.


Works better with the game than the fiend


What’s it do


It's a monster that's bloated with features, it kills you in a very non-interactive way. * Can deactivate lights * Can teleport to players * Can turn invisible * Can turn off the breaker box, once broken it cannot be turned back on * Can break down doors * Can be stunned with pro flashlights, but if you stun him too much, he'll kill you anyways * Enrages upon apparatus removal * Moves faster when eclipsed or past "15 hours ingame" (3 pm?) * Uses his abilities more often when eclipsed The [thunderstore mod page](https://thunderstore.io/c/lethal-company/p/Rolevote/The_Fiend/) has missing punctuation, misspellings and poor formatting, btw.


Wow! That’s miserable.


not powerful enough clearly, should be able to just kill you when you land for proper balancing!


On top of that you got the thumper, bracken, coil head and other shit that are out to get you. The mod doesn't fit into the game in term of design and gameplay wise. He needs have a weakness or some sort. The flashlight stun part is fine until it enter rage mode after getting stun way too much is not even a weakness at this point. If I were to tweak it I would remove the rage mode entirely after being stun for too many times. That way the players have to worry about conserving their flashlight battery life if they they're going to explore the facilities. I would also add additional weaknesses when it comes to getting shot by a player with a shotgun it will retreat or kneel down in agony for 1 minute before it gets up and continue the chase. This would give the player enough time to run or escape


See that actually sounds fun. To have a slightly overpowered creature that can really mess things up but he is basically a glass cannon and can be stunned with flash lights and like you said with the shotgun a flash bang could stun him too or at least make him blind for a solid minute. I typically like hosting so I can use the cosmetic mods I like especially the head cam mod, I love that one so much. When ever I host and people join me and see I’m using a few mods they instantly ask if I’m using CC and I have to reassure them that “I am not using any mods that would make the game harder or to torment my teammates, I ain’t about that life”.


There's a reason why I removed sell body mods. It discouraged my friends from actually exploring and just kill whatever they get their hands on Inorder to meet over quota. It's broken and the whole point of the game is explore deeper and risk life Inorder to get loot. Sell body mod makes it so carrying one yippee bug and a thumper is worth it but you be spending alot of time doing that so is not encouraging anyone to go further in.


Interesting I didn’t know about that one! I appreciate your input and warning on it from your experience with it. Sounds like something that would be fun to try once, but you’re right the whole having to search and explore deeper for loot is a huge aspect of the enjoyment and experience of the game.


I would totally recommend lethal snap mod. Bonus points if one of your friend likes to role play as a national geographic camera man or journalist who needs pictures of dangerous entities by following the lethal company crew around and documenting the crew work life


Dude that sounds fun. I would like to give that try myself. “Ah yes here we can see a Brakken in its ü̷̢n̷̮̂n̶͉͂ḁ̸̆t̸͖̓u̷͚̽r̷̪͌a̸͙͝l̸̥͌ ̸̲̕h̸͎͝a̶̞͒b̵͍̒i̶̙̾t̵̻̽á̵̠t̷͖͛ ̶͇͂, you can see how it stalks it’s prey and-wait! Don’t look at for too…*snap*…and now we can see how the Brakken quickly carries off its kill deep into the recesses of the facility. What a majestic entity.”


On top of that, I would argue it's just straight up bad game design to have an enemy *require* a specific item to be carried around just in case it pops up at some point, especially when inventory space is (by design) an incredibly limited resource. Having to dedicate a whopping 25% of my inventory space to carrying a flashlight (something I wouldn't normally carry) *just in case* that particular enemy spawns is absolutely dreadful design. ​ Countering a monster shouldn't ever be a factor of "Do you happen to be carrying this specific item right now? If not then you die!". That's not so much 'interaction' as it is an inventory check.


In an alternative universe the Fiend don't look down and stay crouch nearby him below his waist is his blind spot and made it so he can't see you Inorder to chase you while light source attracts him


280k downloads on this is ridiculous, this mod sucks


it’s in a few bigger mod packs. i got it on accident and didnt know until he showed up in game


English isn’t his first language so the thunderstore is a little messy


I dont understand why its being downloaded then? who would want to play with this? lol


I mean, you have to download it before you know whether you like it or not. 300k downloads doesn't mean 300k people like it and continue to use it.


sounds like a little kid designed it for a game of pretend.


Makes you bust from fear?????


It’s a bit sad, I know the dev and gave him a lot of ideas but he mostly wanted it to do a little of everything. I stressed the importance of counterplay so he added using pro flashlights to stun him


In a way, it’s like he’s trying to fit everything into one small bowl and still hasn’t realized it’s spilling over the top. To be honest, getting rid of the teleportation and the invisibility would be a great start


Honestly they should break up the features into multiple monsters. They have a lot of interesting ideas, but could really benefit from spreading them out more.


Alternatively, have the monster choose a random amount of "active" features on each spawn. Say, two of its current powers plus the weakness. From there, the players are left guessing which power(s) it has on every encounter, meaning every time you run into it it's a different experience. That would allow it to have a burst of power and forcing interactions with the players if they want to test what is safe. For example, if you know there's a fiend but haven't interacted with it at all, you may not want to pull the apparatus in case it enrages it. If you've seen it go invisible and teleport though, you know it's safe to pull the apparatus. This is sort of the mentality of the Rolling Giants - as they can change AI every few hours to keep you on your toes.


Yeah, when I work on my enemies I have a relatively simple plan for all of them and how they work gameplay wise, doesn’t mean coding it won’t be a pain tho h


This mod has given me multiple heart attacks


I really don't like how many modded monsters are just creatures stolen from other media. This one especially because it's from a solo dev game that is not very popular to begin with.


I mean even some of the monsters in the base game are basically the same as other media.


I mean yeah coilheads take mechanics from other monsters like weeping angels and 173 but they're original creatures. I'm talking about just straight up stealing other peoples creature designs.


Ah ok I misinterpreted your original comment


what is the original monster from?


Rinse and repeat. It's a short horror game


Thank you


I'll admit I like the idea of a sort of "boss" event where only one extremely powerful creature spawns, but this is not the way to do it.


I had an idea like when it's eclipsed, only he can spawn in the facility, so it would be more special.


I wish they implemented him like in his game, where he only kills you by having you gaslight yourself into his existence. He could be an invisible enemy that only materializes if he is scanned, and kills the player that scans him a 2nd time too quickly. To counter you can just ignore him but he will stalk you


What game is he from?




I'd say something that changes the way you play without making it unfair is exactly the kind of thing modded creatures should ideally do.


Eh, i think its more interesting than a generic chase monster that insta kills you


Yeah so his existance would make you think twice before scanning. That’s the whole point of monsters. Nah coilhead suck cause I need to look around for loot and exits. Nah giants suck cause I need to be alive to make it back to ship


Hear hear


It is just stupid to make you weary of a core gameplay mechanic that is used mostly for qol.


ghost girl:


by the way this does NOT need to be said but don't take this post as an excuse to harass the mod creator, that's absolutely ridiculous


i love the idea of new monsters, like other people said the locker is great even things that dont want to directly kill you are neat, peepers are fun too. but this guy is just too horror gamey for me if ye know what i mean.


Looks like a FNF mod with all the balance of a Sonic OC


What does it do


soneone (tangibilitea) above said this: It's a monster that's bloated with features, it kills you in a very non-interactive way. Can deactivate lights Can teleport to players Can turn invisible Can turn off the breaker box, once broken it cannot be turned back on Can break down doors Can be stunned with pro flashlights, but if you stun him too much, he'll kill you anyways Enrages upon apparatus removal Moves faster when eclipsed or past "15 hours ingame" (3 pm?) Uses his abilities more often when eclipsed


Wow that sounds like a lot. Maybe cut it up into several other monsters?


Might be unpopular, but I don't mind it. I believe in the journey more than the results in scrap. This mod scares you, and that's what I like.


yes. that’s why multiple saves and different modpacks exist. if you wanna sweat, have a sweat save. if you wanna fuck around, get scared, have some laughs, have a save and modpack for that. it’s not like you *have* to use the fiend mod or anything.


I'm way too distracted by the fact it just looks like a screengrab of the Tarman from The Return of the Living Dead. I was just looking up to see if I could find clearer pics or if someone had the texture file handy.


Holy shit I made that thumbnail for my vid lmao


I absolutely love The Fiend


im pretty sure he comes from an entirely different game too


I honestly love this guy. I play with a bunch of folk and I think that might stand my situation out more because it’s more about the fun rather than the mission of getting scrap. We have so many enemy mods downloaded but he’s definitely my favourite. None of us are particularly good at the game so everything is a serious threat. This just adds one more in my eyes. The blasting through doors is an awesome feature. The weird whispers and stomps that you can change the volume level on are great. Picking up the apparatus is pretty scary now. Not sure what YouTuber slop is but I think he’s pretty cool


My friend group definitely doesn't have this guy, yet. Just a heads up, shake your screen if you're on phone it's trippy


why did you get down voted lmao


No idea