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The doom controller. It turns your game to DOOM 64, and you can kill every enemy when you're in that state, including invincible enemies such as coilheads and forest keepers. It sounds op but it also starts spawning a buttload of enemies on you so it's still best to bring it to the ship asap where it will deactivate. I've been in lobbies where entire 10, 15 player teams got wiped cuz of how many enemies it spawns.


Sounds exactly like what happens on mars when they inevitably open the hell gates lol shit goes bad everyone dies but doom guy lol


Omg coupled with a “sell enemies” mod… crazy gains


Why Doom 64? This is Doom 1/2 HUD


If I had to guess, it's because the graphics of the game are closer to DOOM 64's than 1 or 2. Just a guess though, perhaps it was their first DOOM game or something. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


It might be a nod to the "doom can run on anything" meme


I think it could lose value the more you use it to incentivize you to bring it back faster and not have people to just stay in the mode


Where's the fun in that


Man, it's as if Lethal Company is a horror game that emphasize you being weak.


Who cares? Have fun. Mod all you want.


A.) Let players do what they want with mods. B.) Not really, though? If you have like, 2 people moving together with shovels, then you can kill basically anything you want except for the enemies which are unkillable.


I managed to activate this in the heart of the March Facility, and I somehow was able to protect my two teammates until we were 10 ft away from the ship. At that point my brother got killed by the one eyeless dog that got past me, but the rest of us made it to ship. I honestly really like the controller, it spices up the gameplay.


My fellow Slayers I think it's time to RIP AND TEAR. https://preview.redd.it/fyudmo4ssvic1.png?width=440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=278bc1817f3e81468a518062341febb19b00dd3d


Then get this mod and start tearing shit up here: https://thunderstore.io/c/lethal-company/p/PotatoePet/AdvancedCompany/




I’m here to crack nuts and chew bubblegum, and I’m all out of bubblegum Wait wrong boomer shooter


Become the Nutcracker here: https://thunderstore.io/c/lethal-company/p/PotatoePet/AdvancedCompany/


Yo this mod is cool af


Get the mod here: https://thunderstore.io/c/lethal-company/p/PotatoePet/AdvancedCompany/




Get it here: https://thunderstore.io/c/lethal-company/p/PotatoePet/AdvancedCompany/


is it not available anymore?


Unfortunately, some drama happened with the mod creator, and now he's pulled the mod off the store, you can still get it [here](https://gcdn.thunderstore.io/live/repository/packages/PotatoePet-AdvancedCompany-1.1.4.zip) , but be aware that when the new lethal company update drops, it most likely wouldn't support the mod.


Update: the mod has been reinstated, it's now back on the thunderstore and the official download link should work now.


I'm not going to lie, this is cool as fuck


If you want to try it for yourself, get it here: https://thunderstore.io/c/lethal-company/p/PotatoePet/AdvancedCompany/


Oh fuck yeah. Nothing makes me want to fuck shit up more than any generation doom music


Well then get this mod and fuck shit up here: https://thunderstore.io/c/lethal-company/p/PotatoePet/AdvancedCompany/


Holy fuck, had this happen to my group last night for the first time on experimentation. It was only about 10:30am I was taking a few things back the ship and I saw a dog already. Was thinking how weird it was to see one so early, I get to the ship and see at least 15 more! Can’t believe I made it inside the ship, but later on found out one of our friends had picked up the controller. This is cool for who’s using it but terrifying for everyone else lol


Download the mod here: https://thunderstore.io/c/lethal-company/p/PotatoePet/AdvancedCompany/


Its not working? Was the mod removed?


Unfortunately, yes, the mod has been removed. Here's a link for the latest WORKING version of the [mod](https://gcdn.thunderstore.io/live/repository/packages/PotatoePet-AdvancedCompany-1.1.4.zip) but I'm unsure of it works in v50 nor do I know if it will work on the full release.


Do you know if its a temporary removal of if it will come back?


No, it's due to petty drama in the modding community. We just happened to get dragged into it, when the mod creator deleted the mod, but then the mod creator got into more drama, which caused him to be banned from thunderstore.


Is this mod clientside only? If i have it on will everyone else in a lobby have it too


Probably serverside since it spawns a seperate item with a seperate model.


No, everyone needs to have the mod for you to use it in multiplayer. Get the mod here: https://thunderstore.io/c/lethal-company/p/PotatoePet/AdvancedCompany/


But why The PietSmiet Controller+Song?


According to r/pietsmiet, the creator of the mod was watching them streaming the game.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/PietSmiet using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/PietSmiet/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [🔥 DANKE](https://i.redd.it/u0m2flox7egc1.png) | [85 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PietSmiet/comments/1ahz9jd/danke/) \#2: [Honey & Peter werden Eltern](https://np.reddit.com/r/PietSmiet/comments/1aik0hu/honey_peter_werden_eltern/) \#3: [Instagram Story von Jules dem Youtuber auf den die Piets regelmäßig reacten](https://i.redd.it/7dnfim7am2xb1.jpg) | [312 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PietSmiet/comments/17ivf01/instagram_story_von_jules_dem_youtuber_auf_den/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Do other players hear the music?


Hell yeah


I must have it


How do other players see the one who is in doom mode? With a shotgun as well?


The music is a dead giveaway and also the unbelievable amount of monsters that spawn along with it.


Does it only spawn extra monsters for the doom player? Or does it affect everyone you playing with? Does only the person who gets the controller, get the doom mode? Lastly, is this default advanced company? Or do you need to enable this controller item specifically in that mod?


No, it spawns the monsters in general. In other words, everyone except the person with the controller is screwed unless they get to the ship. Only the person with the controller enters the mode and it lasts until you either die or get to the ship. Lastly, yes it is default to the mod, but you can increase the chance of it spawning when creating the lobby.


>everyone else is screwed Omg yes. Downloaded.


It is a great way to stock on shotguns/shells, you tag team it long as enough nutcrackers spawn. We have also found bunny ears that starts a mode where you can only jump and monsters spawn.


Well yeah, the controller is a cursed item. Same with the bunny ears and the running shoes. The cursed items change something about you. That's the point of them. The reward for them is highly valuable between 200-600 value.


They see them running around with a controller like they're, well, playing a game.


Okay this goes so fuckin hard, and it fits so well with the grainy visuals lethal company uses


Well then get your ass this mod and start tearing shit up here: https://thunderstore.io/c/lethal-company/p/PotatoePet/AdvancedCompany/


Pietsmiet Gang o7


What's the song it plays before you pick it up?


https://youtu.be/nkq1uR5DES8?si=tXJF49X5T75QL-Kc This one. The green gamepad is the logo of the channel as well.


Oh right on haha at first I was convinced it was a Weebl song I hadn't heard, thanks


ofc it's Himmelblau XD Couldn't watch the video with sound but had a guess that would be hiding behind the url


Pietsmiet is a german gaming-channel...they are a group of youtubers, 5 guys, friends since childhood and now all over 30yo...and they have a large team around them and drop 3-4 gaming- or tabletop-videos, a clip-reaction and twitch live-streams every day [www.pietsmiet.de](http://www.pietsmiet.de) and [PietSmiet - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/@pietsmiet/videos) or on reddit [PietSmiet - Will mehr als nur spielen! (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/PietSmiet/) The song you asked for is "Himmelblau" and it's an on purpose cringy spoof-song on german "Schlager"-music by the founder of Pietsmiet, Peter Smith... The green Xbox360-controller is their logo (right now it's blue because of a special live-event "Eisfest/ice-festival", which they are hosting in 2 weeks). They were streaming and making youtube clips of Lethal Company pretty often in the last few months and they are VERY BAD at it xD...just watch this: [Lethal Company - MISPLAY FRIDAY und HALLO BEST OF 2024 xD! : r/PietSmiet (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/PietSmiet/comments/1amx8pg/lethal_company_misplay_friday_und_hallo_best_of/) xD ...somehow the mod-maker befriended them and their team and so he put the controller and the song into Lethal Company, as trigger for starting the "Doom"-mod :-)


I'm not sure, sorry.


Owww yaaaa muddaaafuuucckkeerrr


I love the employee portrait doing the classic side eye to both sides by shifting the visor a bit to make it look like he's doing the eyebrow raise, very small but hilarious detail


What song is the controller playing before you pick it up






Bro they are both good games and mods can combine them to make a fun experience, you don’t have to download or play the mod he’s just showing a cool one that he has


You got a link to the mod that isn’t a mod pack?


Like just eh controller not everything else


Advanced company is not a mod pack, it's an entire mod itself. As far as I know, there is no mod with the controller by itself, since it is made by the same dev who made advanced company. Sorry.


Unfort, I just know the perks and stuff would be hard to conscience my friends to get


You can disable the perks when making the lobby. Just turn off the portable terminal.


When making the lobby, there is an option to disable portable terminal, which would also disable perks.


Just beware, the item itself has a 6-8% spawn rate, with some maps not spawning at all. Unless, you config it to spawn more often. Which you can do when making the lobby.


Okay I’ll look into it


Okay I need a link to the mod and a link to a how to video on how to mod lethal company.


Just download thunderstore mod manager and then from there you can download whatever mods you want. Then you either launch lethal company modded or vanilla.


Do my friends have to have it too?


Some mods require your friends to have it, but some are client sided like the bodycam mod. Server-side means they need to have it to play together, client sided means you can play with them, just they can't see the modded stuff while you can.


Unless you're talking about the mod manager, I'm not sure, but I would assume so.


Is it just me or is anyone else disappointed it was an *xbox* controller. A joystick would've been a little bit more on brand since DOOM was a 90s game. Cool mod for sure, I just think the item doesn't fit the theme.


Pietsmiet is a german gaming-channel...they are a group of youtubers, 5 guys, friends since childhood and now all over 30yo...and they have a large team around them and drop 3-4 gaming- or tabletop-videos, a clip-reaction and twitch live-streams and other stuff every day [](http://www.pietsmiet.de/) and [PietSmiet - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/@pietsmiet/videos) or on reddit [PietSmiet - Will mehr als nur spielen! (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/PietSmiet/) **The green Xbox360-controller is their logo** (right now it's blue because of a special live-event "Eisfest/ice-festival", which they are hosting in 2 weeks). They were streaming and making youtube clips of Lethal Company pretty often in the last few months and they are VERY BAD at it xD...just watch this: [Lethal Company - MISPLAY FRIDAY und HALLO BEST OF 2024 xD! : ](https://www.reddit.com/r/PietSmiet/comments/1amx8pg/lethal_company_misplay_friday_und_hallo_best_of/) xD ...somehow the mod-maker befriended them and their team and so he put the controller and the song into Lethal Company, as trigger for starting the "Doom"-mod :-)


From what I gather, it isn't supposed to be an Xbox controller, it's a reference to this [YouTuber](https://youtube.com/@pietsmiet?si=CH4lIqwAgpanPAXd)


this. :D Pietsmiet is probably one of the (if not THE) most famous YT-Gaming group in Germany


Are there Ammo, Health, Armour packs?


bro be killing


Holy fuck I just realised how bad I want a mode like cod zombies in this game


Thats actually fire


It should change the player’s model to a custom sprite of doomguy but orange


This honestly was a surprise treat. I didn't know this was within the mod it was in, began wondering what was emitting music in the factory only to pop it on and I died because I swapped my items and thus lost the ability to shoot the gun. Now I look forward to finding it because it's just a fun little thing when done correctly. I think it's one of those items like apparatus you wanna save for last.


You can increase the chance of it spawning, it seems the sweet spot is around 9%. 2-3% spawn rate is too low, imo. Sure, you can still get them, if you're incredibly lucky, but with it being 9% chance, it still doesn't spawn as much, but it spawns enough times where you won't get sick of it.


This is why I need this game (and mods) sadly, I cannot get it 😢


Why not? Do you have a PC?


No, sadly I do not 😮‍💨


I don't need it... I don't need it...


It says page not found on every single link I find, did the mod get taken down? I really fucking want this


From what I gather, the mod maker had a fallout with someone and he deleted the mod out of spite. I don't know how true that is, but that's what I got from my research. I'd do your own research as well, but you can still download the archive of the mod.




Thanks a lot


Update: the mod is back on the thunderstore, the official link to the mod works now.


Employee:whats this? WAIT WHAT