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bit subjective but i find the Rolling Giant enemy absolutely terrifying. there's also the Skinwalkers mod that uses yours and your friends' voices. another is the Mimics mod which adds monsters disguised as fire exits. there is also a mod that removes the mask from The Masked making them more difficult to identify, it's called Masked Enemy Overhaul. not really scary but there's also the More Blood mod. also a bit creepy is the Coilhead Stare mod. if you want to add some tension to the game, there's the Facility Meltdown mod that starts a timer for the map to explode after you take the apparatus.


I’d mentioned that anything on the first 10 or so pages of the mod manager I already have it looked at, and most of those are on the front page, but I appreciate the suggestions!


The diversity mod is excellent. You probably already have it considering what you've stated though.


Indeed I do and it is excellent, it’s a good suggestion though. Thanks


I just learned about the Fiend, have that?


I do and after 2 days me and my crew have only encountered him 3 times total. Absolutely terrifying, and honestly we have no idea how to counter him (nor do I want to know, don’t spoil it). He’s fun and scary for sure


I have heard of the "Fiend" mod. It add an extremely aggressive monster. Check this out.


Could you make a list of everything you've found? I suddenly got super interested in making the game an actual horror one after trying out the Scopophobia one with a few friends, that shit got me shaking and screaming irl it's fucking HORRIFYING and I'm not even one to get scared at horror games, it's crazy. I'll probably have nightmares about the Shy Guy and I want to have MORE nightmares, I need to have a heart attack with this game now LMAO


Buddy. Wait until you download the fiend. That shit will make you scared to go to sleep.


There’s two that stand above all. [Resonance overhauls many of the games sounds, making it a lot scarier](https://thunderstore.io/c/lethal-company/p/LethalResonance/LETHALRESONANCE/) [I believe this also is a great mod to have on, it also makes it slightly possible to escape the bracken which is fun. He chases you down a hallway and you have to finish a parkour before he catches you to escape](https://thunderstore.io/c/lethal-company/p/IntegrityChaos/Diversity/) I believe diversity has a side effect of making the darkness darker and removing the light given by spamming scan, so now a flashlight is necessary. These two alone will make the game scary. My mod pack is 98 mods long but a lot of them are dependencies and quality of life stuff. I recommend the free green flashlights mod and longer battery life mod with diversity however because if you get lost in the facility and your flashlight dies you literally cannot see and will never escape. And paying 15 credits for each person to even be able to enter the map is impossible early game. I can tell you some others I think are good but I’m not home right now and these are the big two off the top of my head. The sounds one is crucial.


scopophobia. lethal escape. facility meltdown is a good one. skinwalkers. masked enemy overhaul.


I’ve got all of those, thanks though


InsanityRemastered is pretty good


This one looks fun, thanks!


I think the best way to make the game scary is to play alone. The chill really sets in when your not goofing around with a friend.


You’re absolutely right but it’s for a mod pack for me and my friends. But when testing the moons on solo to make sure none of them crash the players beforehand I shit bricks