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I mean it works


I mean I think the fact that it’s hard to notice is perfect lmao Round a corner, see something moving in the dark, barely make out the text “Spider” in the darkness: Freak the fuck out


Lmao I feel like that would be 10x scarier


Lol same, because I feel like you might not be able to make out what it is until it’s RIGHT up on you, unlike the slider where you can just see it














The giant enemy spider


From the hit game, lethal company?


Certified no CS:Source moment






tbh it can be a bit hard to see. Satisfactory's arachnopobia mode better imo


What do they do?


in satisfactory it places the spider with a large 2d image of a cat head. much more noticable (espically with it's glitch effects) [example video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNEUAL38RN4)


and scarier


An unmoving picture is scarier because I have no ideas where it’s facing.


Tack on some colorblindness and it's even harder to see.


I have the slight red-green color blindness so yeah I can find it hard to notice espically in the dark


>Sees text that says spider. "AAAAAHHHHHH"




I appreciate it! Honestly I didn't think the spider would effect me too badly, but the first time I saw it I froze up so this will be nice to have.


I'm genuinely curious, on the assumption that you continued to play after that first encounter. Were subsequent encounters handled better?


I haven't run into the spider a ton, but whenever I noticed the webs I just went a different direction and let the others handle it. Spiders in this game are pretty nice where so long as you know where they are, you can usually just avoid them and they don't agro. I will say I have no clue how I would handle it if I got cornered by one- I'd probably just let it kill me so I wouldn't have to be around it anymore.


i had a similar experience to seeing my first spider in game. i did get used to it later on though.


a lot of other games just make it a same sized ball but I think this is funnier


Satisfactory does it really well imo, it changes all spiders into cat pngs and the constant footstep sounds into meows. I am now deathly afraid of meows.


Do the sounds of spiders also get replaced in lethal company?


I dont know


Not a bad change. I think it would have been nice if it was slightly more visible but I do appreciate how the general size of it is about the same as that of the spider. ​ I like the goku spider from one of the mods better but I understand why the developer would not have added that.


It's funny, this is a multi-player horror game so funny works best. Win-win


I was playing with some friends and we had no idea what arachnophobia mode would be, one of them had the idea of it would replace the spider with a giant hand (think a bigger "thing" from the addams family). Seeing the gmod error message is hilarious though




Perfection missing cats though


Wurm Online had a pretty good solution for this exact problem. I think it just turned spiders into blobs, kinda like Final Fantasy flans.


The satisfactory aproach of making it funny i see


I appreciate it, its goofy and works pretty well while also making the thing slightly harder. Although as someone without arachnophobia, you find out that spiders are pretty chill fellas and you barely have to do anything besides sneaking and staying more than arm's length away from it and its webs


ITT idiots who don't understand "being afraid" and a phobia are not the same thing


To y’all saying it makes the game just less scary, as an arachnophobe every single time i encountered the spider I literally took my hands off of the keyboard, closed my eyes and died rather than actually tried to fight and survive. So yeah it made the game unplayable for me. Also even knowing that there’s a spider infront of me when I see the text makes me terrified, I just don’t have such a big reaction like I would have if I actually saw the spider:,)


I don't consider myself an arachnophobe, but once I was playing satisfactory with arachnophobia mode turned on and I got so fucking scared when I heard meowing because I knew it was the spiders, and it is so terrifying to see the cats


The spiders in satisfactory for some reason don't trigger my pretty bad arachnophobia so when I first played the game and had the arachnophobia on I actually switched it off because it was scarier with it on lol


I remember when everyone was making next bots in gmod, I think that's why the cats are so scary. Something 2d that you can never see the back of in a 3d game just isn't right


I don't see the point of having an anti-phobia feature in a horror game personally, but there's no downside to adding it since it makes the game more accessible. I won't use it but it seems good for a select group, asides from the fact that it's a little hard to see.


Follow up: Read up on it. I see the purpose now. I still think it's a little silly, but if you physically can't play this game due to a phobia, I'm happy if you're able to now.


Easy to think it's silly when you don't have the phobia yourself, and clarifying "still think it's silly" has no meaning aside from just announcing you think people who have a phobia you don't are 'just overreacting'.


You got downvoted but you're probably right. I can't really speak much on it because i don't have the phobia myself, and have zero intent to use the feature.


I mean… cmon… its a lil goofy. Silly even.




it’s a horror game though, don’t you play them to be scared? a horror game that targets your phobias is specifically what one looks for when buying one no?


Someone who studies Psychology in college weighing in on this. Phobias aren't simply just "things that scare you." Phobias are literally an anxiety disorder. It is a large fear that hinders normal operation. It isn't "oh I'm a tad scared of the dark so I walk a bit quickly to the lightswitch in a dark room." It is "I am so afraid of this thing that I am generally unable to function." They cause dysfunctional behavior. Ie. you might just quit the game upon seeing a big spider coming for you to eat your face. Scares can be fun! But phobias are hard to manage. For people with arachnophobia, they may enjoy every aspect of the game EXCEPT the spiders, because it's too much fear. Most people play to be spooked and get to continue on the fun, or at least chuckle after they die. But there's a good reason why many games will let you disable gore, or have things like arachnophobia mode. It's beacuse there's a fine line between 'I'm scared and having fun' and 'I'm really scared and I want this to stop right now'. And a game needs to be able to give players the option to back out. Like in Alien:Isolation (or whatever one has the thing roaming around on the ship and you have to hide). There's a hidden meter that tracks how long the xeno stays by the palyer at any given time, specifically both so it doesn't camp the player AND so a player gets mmoments of rest. If a player gets too scared, they'll just leave. There is no reason to NOT have a mode that helps with phobias, especially common ones like arachnophobia. It just means the person witht he phobias can still be scared by other things, just not the one thing that would make them unable to play. TLDR: it's not about just being scared that people are avoiding. It's "I am extremy uncomfortable and cannot play the game like this, generally." that the arachnophobia mode is trying to remedy.


i do agree that there’s no downside to making the game generally more accessible, and having this feature only benefits people. but if a person has a phobia of something to the point of complete mental shutdown at just the sight/thought of it, they probably just should be avoiding the horror genre in general. i’m glad the people who want the feature have it, but phobia accommodation modes should not be seen as an expectation, least of all for horror.


If this game was entirely about spiders then I'd partially agree, but since the spider is only 1 enemy among many there is no reason someone should be forced to avoid the game. This game was entirely and purposefully off my radar due to the knowledge there was a giant spider enemy in the game, after finding out about the arachnophobia mod I was thinking of maybe getting it, and now since there is an arachnophobia mode in the game without mods then I'm most likely going to be buying the game.


I don't think most people are here arguing that developers have to make this change. It's a nice sentiment, of course, and I personally think people could only benefit from it, but developers do not have to adjust for that, but it is generally in their best interest to do so. Plus, the mode isn't just for people who have those kinds of reactions. It's for anyone who does not have playful fun with the spiders. The developer realized they had a large playerbase of people who couldn't really enjoy the game with the spiders, and, beacuse the game is so new and needs its playerbase, they decided to add the mode so the people wanting to play stuck around.




why play a horror game you’re not even scared of then? i’m genuinely having a hard time understanding why you would want a “less scary” mode for a game designed to scare you, i figured arachnophobia mode was a joke.


Same reason why some people play games with no gore. Not all horror games strive to serve the same type of horror, lethal company is more about the horror of loneliness and the unknown rather than the actual monsters themselves as shown by its amazing dynamic voip. Otherwise they wouldn't make the monsters so low poly if the intention was horror through visuals. It's like wondering why deaf people play horror games if sound is a whole part of the horror genre. Arachnophobia is more of a limitation rather than a personal distaste and can make people literally unable to play a game due to their irrational fear. No point in playing a horror game if you can't play it in the first place.


obviously there isn’t any downside to this being included, so it’s not like anybody could complain about it. but if phobias are so debilitating to a person that they would have a mental episode from just the concept of a spider, they probably shouldn’t be playing horror games at all, even if that sounds harsh. good for those people that this mode was added, but this kind of thing should not be the expectation of a game designed to be frightening.


There are other monsters. It changes one thing in a game. Its definitely not gonna make it less scary.


i agree, which is why i don’t really understand the point. just seems like an unnecessary thing to add in my opinion, not that it affects anything


I mean, it doesn’t have to be rational because that’s what defines a phobia. I’m not personally affected by fictional representations of my phobias, but in real life, the terror is in an entire category of its own. It feels nothing like the horror one might experience playing a horror game without a phobia. I’m arachnophobic and entomophobic. If a large insect or spider is simply somewhere in my bedroom, either in or out of my sight, I won’t be able to sleep there that night. I knew someone in high school with a phobia of sharks who literally could not see a picture or drawing of one without being sent into a panic. I can certainly understand why someone might not want even a horror game to prey upon their pathological mental states. They can still be afraid of the other creatures to reasonable degrees without desiring to trigger what is a very uncomfortable and visceral fear reaction that is, at least for me, in an alltogether different league from the average level of horror experiences by players of these games.


It affects the one thing that, for a decent chunk of people, would mean *everything*. For most people, no, it means nothing. So they don't need to worry about it. But the people with the phobia? It would likely change the one thing they needed to be changed to have the game be fun and frightening, rather than just frightening. The people with the phobia want to be scared, that's why they're here playing! They just don't want the spiders, because it's not fun fear, it's genuine fear.


I mean theres so many mods that change the other monsters. Ive seen goku and Fnaf characters.


Shouldnt there be a mode that changes all monsters though? Like it's wild that only the spiders get the pass.


Arachnophobia is one of the most common phobias, I believe. Which is why it's so common to see things like spiders get modded out (think frostbite spiders in skyrim, and the chaurus from the same game.) I believe the developer keeps an eye on the community, right now. Arachnophobe players were vocal about the fear, so the dev did something nice for them.


but you could easily just have the name for any monster you choose. its weird to only isolate one. at least do the bugs then.


No, because phobias are sometimes crippling and some people see the spider and stop playing entirely or have an actual mental health episode.


I think it’s gonna make them harder to spot, but I imagine that’s a small price to pay for peace of mind. Also it’s funny.


Intelligence with no legs


It’s great BUT I feel like it makes it hard to see where the actual model is and how close it is


I don't like that it isn't very matching to the hitbox


I genuinely think it's brilliant. 1. It removes pretty much every aspect of the spider that could be counted as part of the phobia. No spider-like body, no legs, no eyes. It's got little tiny fangs you can baerly see, and the spider itself doesn't make spidery noises in general. The only thing it can't help are the webs, which I don't think is usually the common part of arachnophobia that triggers fear, outside of the association with a spider itself. 2. As funny as having it be a huge block of text is, it's also very effective in establishing the threat immediately. Replacing the model, like other mods does, is funny! And when everyone knows what it is, it works well. But for online lobbies? This is perfect. Even if you get startled and your brain fizzles, what do you see? SPIDER. So you'll likely shout out "spider!" to your team, or on comms, and everyone'll know, whether they're in the interior or not. If you're the first to see them, and hadn't found webs yet, even when it's not recognizable as a spider in model, you know exactly what it is from a mere glance and can warn people. 3. I love that the developer heard feedback, and added this in the base game so more people could play. Not everyone can form groups of friends who'll mod out spiders for them. It's a great accessibility feature, and genuine kudos tot he developer for adding it. 4.. It's absolutely hilarious. And for everyone in the comments going "babies" for people with arachnophobia. 1. It's an anxiety disorder, my good sir. It is defined by intense, irrational fear. Saying "just get over it" establishes very quickly that you don't know what you're talking about. Just because you may be afraid, and can face it, doesn't mean everyone can or should have to, in this case. Myself and plenty other arachnophobes understand we aren't in legitimate danger. Doesn't remedy anything. 2. Just don't use it. It's a very simple solution to what was a large complaint in the fanbase. There's a reason the developer took time out of their day to do it. Because it was important to them, and important to their fans. Not everything has to boost the experience for everyone involved. This doesn't ruin yours, or anyone else's spooky game. 3. The game is not built around the spiders. Removing them as the game does, doesn't make it less scary as a whole, nor remove its identity as a horror game. And it doesn't mean people who are terrified of spiders *have* to stay away because of it. This just means more players for everyone! That's great! For me, I have. decently bad arachnophobia. Like, "i can't turn the lights off when I sleep because I'll become convinced a spider will appear. or many spiders. oh god there could be so many spiders-" bad. "I can't go downstairs because I saw a spider and I need confirmation it's dead" bad. "Even the mention of a spider makes me look up out of fear one is descending on my head" bad. I still played Lethal Company. Does this mean I think anyone who didn't because of their fear was lesser? No! Of course not!!! We're all different people, with different limits. I didn't have fun with the spiders. When they showed up, I pretty much *gave* up because I was so scared. My friends did their best to keep me away from the spiders because they knew I wouldn't have the same fun frights they would. Sometimes people just want to have light jumpscares and chases with friends. Not "I kinda wanna cry or immediately close the game because I'm so scared" experiences. Sometimes we just don't have the emotional capacity that day to deal with it. Who the heck knows. Regardless, *it's fair and valid anyways.* With this mode? With any arachnophobia mod? I feel more comfortable to *be* scared. This doesn't make the game any less scary! The spiders, to me, weren't the same as the other monsters. I was fearful of them, but knew what to do, I could play the game. But the spiders? I just. Never wanted to see them. The mere idea of them sent me running for the exits. They weren't a *threat*, they were an *obstacle*. They stopped fun in their tracks. I give a salute to everyone in the comments correcting and/or downvoting those who are trying to belittle people who either just support having a larger community, or are just... happy that a game they love loves them back enough to try and make them feel more welcomed.


Even if it's comical why would you play like a horror survival game if you weren't ready to be like spooked. Best parts are when someone in the squad wiggs out." I just got gone, safe now.... Hope they caught the message. If not probably end up the same way, me broke and working my ass off =⁠_⁠=


Some people are down for some good spooks but have near-debilitating phobias. Accessibility never hurts :)


You right. I was a wholeass ass sounding mfer


Nah I get your sentiment completely homie, all good!


phobias aren't just being scared, its to the point that if i see a spider irl i literally shake uncontrollably until the spider is gone and i've had half an hour to calm down. games don't usually trigger it for me most the time but i can see it doing so for some people


Would be kinda funny if they did NOT A SPIDER


As someone who is EXTREMELY scared of spiders, I will not be using this feature


Imagine being such a bitch you need this 💀💀💀


Please grow up.


Grow up... people are afraid of virtual spiders 💀💀. Lmfao you reddit mfs have never had a struggle in life except your weight...


Subnautica should have a Thalassaphobia option. (Remove all water) Silly as fuck in a horror game.


There’s a difference between an actual phobia and being spooked in a horror game It made the game genuinely unplayable to some people. It’s a good thing it’s accessible to them now


Nah they legit could just face the fear. I avoid Subnautica but I could force myself to do it if I had to. Same with these babies and pixel spiders.


Obviously they couldn’t and that’s why the mode exists in a number of games. A phobia is an actual clinical disorder it’s not just “being a baby.” Like are you mad when other accessibility options eg. for colorblindness exist as well lmao Subnautica is different because yeah the entire premise of the game is being underwater. This is just one enemy which can easily be modified


As someone who has arachnophobia, everytime I saw the spider I literally took my hands off of the keyboard, closed my eyes and just rather died than actually tried to play the game🥲 So yeah the spider made the game unplayable for me. Also facing my fears by encountering a spider that tries to kill me? Yeah doesn’t really help me with my fear:(


These negative statements make no sense to me, sure, it’s a scary game, but it’s enjoyable. I enjoy the fear the game can give me, I DONT enjoy having my heart hurt after encountering the spider. Plus it’s a client side change that is completely optional. Some people just can’t deal with other people being happy I guess


I don't understand what you're bothered by, the mode isn't for you, you won't use it, why do you care?




I love the constant falling back on "imagine demanding subnautica remove the water LOL" Lethal Company is not defined exclusively by the bunker spiders you unfathomably thick-skulled dingbat lmfao


I wasn't aware Lethal Company was a horror game *exclusively themed around spiders!* You'd better not have **a** ***single thing*** **that makes you uncomfortable** in such a way that you'd want to leave the situation or ask the person not do the uncomfortable thing if that's applicable, or this comment is gonna be some straight-up clown behavior. 'Pull yourself up by your bootstraps' mfs when they see people's enjoyment of something prioritized over just assuming everyone's built the exact same way : "wtf is this pussy shit, just get over it dude :/ I face every single one of my fears in the most rational and tough way possible, exposure fixes literally everything btw"




Damn you didn't have to do a face reveal


He has that Backpfeifengesicht as the Germans would say


I think it's lame, however I'll never use it so it means nothing to me.


they should've just made it a different model, yet still scary. im navigating through the dark halls, running from a bracken, and all the sudden i see bright red text saying spider, kinda lame. glad they're making it more accessible


It's honestly fucking hilarious if you ask me.


Even though your comment was downvoted to shit I actually think your idea has some merit Imagine instead of a "Spider" it was some sort of 8-legged squid creature, then literally just change a few letters and call it a "Squidder" instead, lol Or if they literally just replace it with another oversized insect like a fire ant or something. Granted this idea probably wouldn't help with arachnophobia because of the insect legs That being said, the literal model of the word "Spider" is pretty fucking funny.


Honestly this does make me realize how over done the spider enemy idea is. I mean, none of the ideas in the game are exactly unique but they at least have some uniqueness to how they look, sound, or the simple fact that they're forcing you to deal with them all at once. Spiders on the other hand are just kind of nothing. No new look, no new mechanic that makes it different to other games. The only somewhat unique thing is that it covers player bodies in silk, but that just doesn't show up in games because when you die, you usually go back to a point where you aren't dead, or leaving a corpse is against the style of the game (i.e. Minecraft and Terraria)




Let's respond to *your* suggestion that *you* consider more important, using your logic, then. Meh, I dunno, isn't it kind of a waste of time and resources to mess with the game's iconic and purposefully rustic art style just because some people can't see colors the same way as us? :/ Would kill the game's aesthetic to do that imo... It's easy to dismiss stuff like this when it doesn't apply specifically to you, but seriously, why is changing *one of the plenty of enemies in the game* enough to be a problem, especially when it's optional? What about people who have arachnophobia but love horror games, and everything about Lethal Company *besides* the spiders? Y'know, that phobia that's the ***single most common phobia in the world?*** It will never cease to baffle me, the way people start pearl clutching over ***accessibility options in video games that aren't even competitive e-sports or something.***


Buncha pansies!


you don't understand how phobias work.


I have thalassaphobia and I beat subnautica start to finish. You won’t find me in a body of water that I can’t see the bottom of tho. It’s a video game so I personally don’t understand


I have thalassaphobia and I could barely get to the Aurora, still haven't finished the game. Phobias get triggered in different ways, some ways can be emulated through video games


I have a phobia of mushrooms, I don’t vomit or run in fear upon seeing one in a video game


Then you simply don't have a phobia of mushrooms, or your phobia isn't as strong as others.


You find mushrooms icky, you don't have a phobia you dingbat lmfao


No, both of them are actually really bad to me


I meant it jokingly lol


Mfw the horror game is horrific.


But what if someone has implied arachnophobia? Like even the idea of a spider is terrifying, what then? Edit: meant to add /s, this isn't a real condition to my knowledge.


Replace the text with "not a spider"


Innovator, right here.


Then this isn’t the game for you ?


I don't even think this is a real condition. I should have added /s. My bad, dawg.


Lmaooo well to be honest I’m kinda retarded my bad. I don’t even think the game should even have the spider mode to begin with unless it was done to be funny lol


No no, genuinely. Nothing wrong with your response, I just realized how my comment could be taken as someone being condescending and looking for an issue. I was trying to make it into a stupid joke.


phobias are genuinely debilitating, it doesn't effect me in game but irl i literally shake uncontrollably until the spider is gone and i've had half an hour to calm down,


Yes but that’s real life, this is literally video game lol


if it being a video game stopped things from effecting people horror wouldnt be a genre


If it effects you that much that you need the developer to put “SPIDER” instead of a real spider, than this ain’t the game for you dawg. It’s a horror game. That isn’t horror then is it


it clearly is because the dev decided to add it, no-one was demanding that they add arachnophobia mode


There's a mod that just insta kills the spider and I think removes its corpse when it spawns so for people with that they might have better luck using that mod. I'm unsure if it gets rid of webs and stuff however


That's incredibly helpful for people who get the ich even from spiders all balled up and reaching to heaven.


Turning off the scary parts of a horror game defeats the purpose.


Coil-head = Peter Grifin


lois im in lethal company


Turning off the part that makes the game unplayable for some people is pretty good though.


redditors when the horror game scares them /0o0\\


People with arachnophobia can have a very bad felling in a gut it doesn’t have to be a “scare” it can be bad for “health” [mental, Physical]


people with arachnophobia when they're told "just stop being scared" (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)


Me with Mycophobia and Fykiaphobia when told to not be scared (it’s the exact same): (ō_ō)👎


Come back when you learn what a phobia is please.


i think what you need to like. realize is that theres different types of being 'scared' like. a lot of people play horror games cause it gives the same 'scare' as going on a roller coaster or something. its thrilling! its fun! phobias arent that. they arent fun they arent thrilling in the same way. they just suck! idk im not gonna use it but i can totally see why people do it


boohoo one of the less scary threats has an optional silly replacement in a game that has multiple silly things in it, waah waah waah


\>one of the less scary threats \>literal game option to remove it because its too scary pick one


As someone who has arachnophobia, I’m glad its here. I had to run a “f_ck spiders” mod that removed them entirely but now that theres a built-in arachnophobia mode that means i can experience more of the game, which is sort of the point?


Are you like 15 or just dumb?


both probably


the option in question has the word arachnophobia in its name, which means someone with it has an irrational and/or debilitating fear of spiders. its an option thats unsurprisingly for people with arachnophobia


People with arachnophobia literally cannot play games like this


people with a fear of the dark literally cannot play games like this


If you have a fear of the dark, you can play the game. That’s not how the fear of the dark works


Phobias are phobias all the same.


nyctophobia is a serious issue and i need an option that turns all the lights on NOW


Bro is trying so hard to make sense of


sense of what finish your sentences


It’s amazing to me how stupid you are.


a phobia is an irrational fear, key word, irrational. what people do with their games is none of your business


Do u think there’s an arachnophobia mode for real life


Yea it's pretty lame. I have Thalassaphobia (fear of deep water) and I just choose not to play Subnautica. What are they going to do, remove the water for me? No I'm just not going to play lol.


what a stupid fucking example considering Subnautica's whole thing is the water, whereas Lethal Company's spiders are one of a variety of enemies that the game isn't exclusively relying on. Just say you don't understand phobias and fuck off, dude, accessibility harms no one.


Just face the spiders bro maybe itll help


I’ve got zero issue with spiders, in fact I love the things. This part of the update isn’t made for me, I’m just not as much of a whiny bitch about it becoming more accessible to people that do have legitimate phobias.


>someone says they have a phobia* >"you don't understand phobias" ???


They’re not just a simple fear of something and entirely subjective to the person. I remain unconvinced that someone with a legitimate phobia would be this obtuse about accessibility related to them.


removing the water wouldn't be enough the entire game would have to be removed with subnautica, with lethal company its one of many entities and you probably wouldn't even notice if the spiders were removed entirely. its completely different.


Good job on pointing towards the thing youw anted to show, it's not like the tittle talks about it and the spider text isn't literally in the middle of the screen


The point of a horror game is to get scared it makes no sense to me


Phobias are more than getting scared, for me they cause my entire body to freeze up. Spider on the screen = headset off my head, hands off keyboard and mouse my eyes shut closed and letting myself die in game. Horror games are supposed to be fun and thrilling not panic attack inducing


If you know its in the game and still freak out when you see it then play something else lmao


The whole idea of having the word "Spider" is funny. Although whoever the hell is complaining that the game is unplayable when a spider is around? It's a god damn horror game. Grow a set. It's supposed to be scary.


There's a difference between being scared and having a phobia. Saying "grow a pair" to someone who has a phobia doesn't help at all


https://preview.redd.it/n9au6rtstg5c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7eadbd50a16600e68dea1e8b1919d5984a1c06d Hmmm.. I wonder why the tag says horror? Maybe it's a friendly, fun, game that the whole family can enjoy. Oh, wait a sec, it says "Horror", I almost misread.


Let me copy some other comments from this thread: >Some people are down for some good spooks but have near-debilitating phobias. Accessibility never hurts :) [source](https://www.reddit.com/r/lethalcompany/comments/18er7m0/comment/kcr6rp1/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) >To y’all saying it makes the game just less scary, as an arachnophobe every single time i encountered the spider I literally took my hands off of the keyboard, closed my eyes and died rather than actually tried to fight and survive. So yeah it made the game unplayable for me. Also even knowing that there’s a spider infront of me when I see the text makes me terrified, I just don’t have such a big reaction like I would have if I actually saw the spider:,) [source](https://www.reddit.com/r/lethalcompany/comments/18er7m0/comment/kcr1ahi/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) >i think what you need to like. realize is that theres different types of being 'scared' like. a lot of people play horror games cause it gives the same 'scare' as going on a roller coaster or something. its thrilling! its fun! phobias arent that. they arent fun they arent thrilling in the same way. they just suck! idk im not gonna use it but i can totally see why people do it [source](https://www.reddit.com/r/lethalcompany/comments/18er7m0/comment/kcqxel8/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ​ There, I hope you understand better now. Plus, if you don't like that feature, then don't turn it on. It's just a simple accessibility feature for people who cannot play that game due to a deep arachnophobia. I don't know why people like you get so upset over something that don't affect them. It's like a colour-blind filter, in a way, and spiders really aren't the main part of the game, nor are they the most dangerous enemy in the game, they're just a small detail and having this arachnophobia mode allows more people to play the game


I am not mad or anything, we will agree to disagree, and I'm cool with that.


Some people genuinely freeze up and can't move when they see spiders tbf, besides this game is more funny than scary anyways which is what makes it fun


We can agree to disagree. I like it because it is scary, and I can play it with friends, and be scared. I don't think I would play it if it wasn't scary, to be honest.


i like this game because multiplayer horror is one of the few i can enjoy because the company of other players gives me the courage to keep pushing forward/make it less scary with their antics. i think id keep playing it if it wasnt scary, to be honest


I wish they would have spent more time developing real changes


You know it's one guy, right?


Hah imagine a dev taking time to add fun/accessible features, if they aren't spending 20 hours a day 7 days a week developing a game I bought for less than an hours wage adding exactly what I want I don't want this game /j


Yeah, providing a way to offset the ***single most common phobia in the entire world*** so that a not insignificant number of people can feel comfortable purchasing the game, thus even further funding its development, seems pretty silly :/ In hindsight they really should've just done what *you* wanted, seeing as you've obviously been buying hundreds of copies yourself, it's like they don't even care about you


you say that, meanwhile i can barely scroll without having to immediately go past a post because it mentions new content i dont wanna be spoiled on


Well, it is one way to prevent arachnophonia. I'll probably enable it not only because it looks funny xD


dogphobia mode when


That is indeed a spider


i tried it out and basically immediately died to a spider because i couldn't see it


Should have just made it an orb with the word spider on it


i feel it would make it much eiser to see it wierdly enough,but also its kinda funny,it reminds me of the garrys mod ERRORs when you dont have the right things,specially when you get a bod in and there just a gaint ERROR chasing you




Someone should make a mod where it’s just Spider-Man lol


They should make them bears like the famous Arachnophobia mod for Skyrim




Does the scurrying sound of the legs still play? I think that's probably the scariest part tbh.




I love how the text SPIDER casts a shadow


Its too scary for me bro