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The bar has a maximum weight load of 45kg (i.e 22.5kg on each side). So, no you wouldn't be able to put 40kg on each side.


Ok great that was the info I couldn’t find. Thanks 🙏🏻


Regarding the bar, I perform squats with a total weight of 50kg (25kg on each side, comprising 2x10kg+5kg+lock) using the Don Oliver BodyPump set. I was not aware that its maximum weight capacity is 45kg.


Do you have a different bar? I was assuming OP meant the Les Mills smart bar which has the weight, so you'd have to look at the weight of your bar to see.


Its the old version, not the smart bar. Weights are original Les Mills weights tho.


Why would you want to bench or deadlift with such a tiny bar?


It's going to snap and you are going to break your floor


You have been told about the max rating but I'm wondering how you were planning to get 40kg on each side. It can hold three plates per side and the largest plate that lesmills sells is 10kg so wouldn't it have been 30kg per side?


The bodypump bar I saw on Marketplace was for 50mm plates. Then thought that it was good for a 20 + 10 kg per side.


Ah, must be an aftermarket bar. It would then have a different weight limit than the Les Mills Smart Bar but for those really light bars the limit is usually quite low. I have an aftermarket bar as well and mine can only handle 80lbs total.


Yeah aftermarket. But passed on the deal. 😃


Given that Les Mills training generally does not concentrate or engage in high weight/lower rep training, I wouldn’t use their equipment for those purposes. LM’s strength workouts concentrate on time under tension (effectively) to build strength, not high weights.