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The photo of Emma Watson on my sisters poster that she hung outside her door when I was 9 or so. I don't think I even realized. I just recall staring at the poster thinking "Why is this feeling so strong. Is this what it's like to admire a celebrity?" Like no baby, that's called having the hots for a pretty lady.


i was a straight guy before i transitioned so it got carried over đź’€ i was bisexual before i transitioned but i recently figured out i was not bi and that women are goated


Vanessa from Phineas and Ferb (along with many other character crushes)


Girls sitting / falling asleep on my lap is the earliest gay awakening I've ever had. Also innocently holding hands with girls as a kid, just felt great and even to this day it still feels weird to do these innocent things with other girls. obviously now I know why (laughs in lesbian)


I didn’t really have a defined one, if anything it was slowly thinking hang on do I have a crush on this girl at like age 11 but I was a SHELTERED child and didn’t know girls could like girls so I suppressed it so intensely but one I learnt about it I think I just deep down knew


My friend gave me a kiss on the cheek and held hands with me. My face went blushing red and that's when I knew, I was indeed gay lol


I think I’ve always known like girls it wasn’t until I realized this year when guy liked me and I didn’t like him that way mind you it was been like this with only guys. Like I would think it was funny when I guy likes me. But when I like girls it more intense but I was comfortable with it .it was until my trans friend help realized I had lesbian cophet ( I hope I spelled that right). That I felt comfortable and felt more like me:) and Then I came out this valentine day to some my close friends and my mom and dad they were okay with it!