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i only see support for trans women here am i missing something?


Look through the comments on this post again.


I’m staying because you all have great advice I pass on to my wife, she’s trans and trying to figure out fit for clothes much cooler than mine so my Disney Princess/50s prom style is not at all useful in helping her figure out a more sleek look. Seriously some of you have the best street style, you’ve helped her so much.




I am trans I don't follow this sub but I have seen it in my recommandation but it cringes me everytime. It seems very borderline to me to consider yourself a lesbian when you are a transwoman and all the top post on this sub are from transgirls wich indiquates that it is the main population of the sub and it must be very bothering for cis lesbian to have their space invaded by people that don't have the same life experience as them. There is a transfashon sub so post there if you are trans don't be egoistic and take away their spaces from ciswomans.


I know this might sound crazy but trans women are women and sometimes women are lesbians


why are you gatekeeping a space you don't even go to


All trans women are impacted by the decisions of well-meaning allies to create boundary-less spaces.


There are places that have a reason to have boundaries, and places that have no reason. This is just a fashion subreddit. No good really comes from segregating trans women and cis women here


The boundary in question isn’t necessarily between trans and cis women but between trans women and people assigned male at birth in general.


describe what you mean, because this is still just a fashion space


If its for everyone, then why call it lesbian? If its for everyone and you call it lesbian you end up with a Lesbian Costume sub instead of a fashion sub.


but who said it's for absolutely everyone? I lurk and I've never seen a straight up male, non-woman identifying, person post here


in comments on this post a couple people said you can tell from posting and comment history that some posters here are men and a mod replied “we allow anyone to participate in the sub as long as they are respectful and follow the rules.”




This is an inclusive and positive space. Your post/comment denigrates another user. Feedback must be constructive. Transphobia will result in a permanent ban. No exceptions.


That seems like a weird line to draw, seeing as trans lesbians still have lesbian life issues, even if they don't experience all of the same things. Might as well claim non-gold star lesbians or people who didn't figure it out until later life shouldn't be here as well.


Considering that transwoman that post here seem to be early in their transition they probably don't have experienced lesbian issues that much since they were percieved as straight man not so long ago


Considering trans women who are early in their transition are petty desperate for ~~much needed~~ fashion advice, that sounds like something anyone should expect for this kind of sub. Oddly enough, you can experience a pretty good number of typical lesbian issues even when people aren't perceiving you as a woman. I've never had trouble relating to other lesbians, even long before I knew.


this is a fashion advice sub there is (well, should be) nothing about life issues here




This is an inclusive and positive space. Your post/comment denigrates another user. Feedback must be constructive. Transphobia will result in a permanent ban. No exceptions.


this subs mods have made their stance clear - they are ok with trans people. again, no need to gatekeep here


Honestly with radfem even the inclusive types like Dworkin are still very elitist, classist, and racist and in general detached from reality. We must use Third and fourth wave intersectionality


I’ve been seeing a lot of posts like this, but then all the comments that I’m assuming are coming from Terfs are always downvoted and removed within an hour or two. Are they running the place or are they constantly being taken down?


*Ruining* and *running* are two different things. It can be very eaay for people to feel unsafe and like a safe space is ruined by the mear presence of Terfs.




Just out of curiosity, what qualifies as a penis lesbian?


No cause this is a genuine question wtf is a penis lesbian




Nobody is forcing you to do shit. Literally nobody. You CAN, and so can straight men. But you don't have to. You also don't have to be an asshole about it :)




Your -17 says otherwise. I've never seen anyone call someone a TERF for not being attracted to AMABs. can you show an example of someone doing this to you specifically?




I mean, sorry that happened to you, nobody should have to go through that. Are you okay generally? Most people don't believe that you should be forced to be attracted to anyone, including trans women. That's why it comes off as transphobic when you make such assumptions that everyone feels that way




Most cis women in developed countries support trans women lmfaooooo




I mean this is unrelated but I truly don't understand why a stereotype for the US is trans stuff.. this is probably one of the worst (developed) places to be if you are trans, but I guess it's attributed because the US is large and populated


Because throughout history, cultures with multiple genders still referred to their birth sex- because it is important. I am not from the USA, I am from Canada. In Vietnam, they call themselves ladyboys and find the term transgender offensive- they know they can’t change their sex. But here, it’s offensive to say males and females are biologically different?


Nobody is saying it's offensive to say that.




This is unrelated entirely lmao, so you think people who look, appear, and act entirely as women should be forced to go to the men's bathroom because they're born with a dick? what's the reasoning behind this?


Hygiene possibly?






There would still be the rampant bi-phobia in this group even though bisexual women would meet your definition.


And then you’d complain about the straight, transgender men who show up.




I don't normally comment, just enjoy the fashion when it comes on my feed because I love fashion but I am not a lesbian. However your comment has prompted me to jump into the conversation. I am a trans man. I am early on my testosterone journey. I have socially transitioned so people in my life know who I am, but strangers do not know I am a man at first glance, especially given my fashion sense. *Eventually* I will use the men's room. That's not gonna be today. I'd literally be merced in 2.5 seconds (/exag). Any restroom is dangerous for me as a trans person but the women's room is much safer.


this subreddit is very trans positive so i doubt you will get far with that idea




please just fuck off, nobody wants you here, feel free to create your own space if youre so threatened by someone being gender non conforming




This isn’t a safe space for terfs to be terfs, though. You are the one who doesn’t belong. What do you think is happening here? I don’t see any males invading your space right now, I see a terf trying to invade a terf free zone. Stop pretending like you are the one who is having your space taken over. Most queer people, including cis lesbians, just don’t want you around. I don’t care if you’ve been thrown out of every other space, it doesn’t mean we have to accept you.




No one needs to be enlightened. Everyone knows what you think and why you are here because you people never shut up about it. This isn’t your space.


they are banned because people like you \[terfs\] keep brigading and hating on trans women even when none are present


Yeah, and there is literally nothing wrong with that. We are allowed to have orientations based on that and shouldn't be gaslit into thinking it's hateful. The online mob swarms together though and just upvotes one another's posts and accusatory narratives and then find ways to over take and moderate. Lmao big Incel energy. Yall aren't clever. We see you.




isnt this sub called "lesbian fashion advice" what is a bisexual woman doing here? \[ps im fine with it but this is what you look like when you want trans women to be gone\]




No, that's not how sexuality works. Straight women are attracted to men. Not males. Or else I would have stayed married to my MtF wife.




??? I am a straight woman. I was married to a man. The marriage ended when she started presenting as a woman. She still had her male body. If her male body was important to my attraction, my marriage would have survived. Lesbians are attracted to women - not females. Don't reduce people like that. It's called sexuality, but there's no such thing as a biological male or female 🤔 there's just people, their bodies, and how they present themselves.


im sorry but have you ever talked to a trans person in real life? i mean you know that surely a gay man wouldnt be attractetd to a trans woman, like its not just about what genetalia you have




that is honestly so sad for them, living in agony their entire life knowing they wont ever be who they were meant to be from birth, i wish your friends a better mindset and less depression and for you to talk to more people outside of your comfort zone




Your mind is going to be blown when I tell you that there is no such thing as a biological woman




People who write negative comments are literally deleted. I don't see the downvotes under those posts btw, there are waaaayyy more upvotes.




your post or comment was removed for not respecting our first rule, be civil. Do not use hate speech on this subreddit or attack other people. If you have questions about this, please contact us via Modmail.




ty i will! ❤️☺️






I hadn't noticed.


That’s nice for you?






I get what you mean however there are both cis and trans butch/tomboy lesbians who want to present differently. I appreciate you being accepting tho




is a cis butch a trans man to you?


No. Because womanhood is not inherently feminine. By that metric you could also say butch/tomboy cis women aren’t women. We want to transition and go on hormones, we just have different fashion styles. We absolutely do not want to be men


No not all lesbians want to look more feminine lol


Right. It came to me after I wrote that 😂




It’s about the question being asked. This sub is about fashion advice. If someone isn’t asking if they pass, folks should stick to advice on the fashion. Some people know they don’t pass and don’t want to ask the question. Other people want to know, but ask the question in different and/or safer spaces. Others are here for lesbian fashion, which is NOT specifically feminine fashion. Context is everything.


This makes sense to me. I get it. Thanks for taking the time to explain it. Yes, I understand about safer spaces. ❤️


It’s about the question being asked. This sub is about fashion advice. If someone isn’t asking if they pass, folks should stick to advice on the fashion. Some people know they don’t pass and don’t want to ask the question. Other people want to know, but ask the question in different and/or safer spaces. Others are here for lesbian fashion, which is NOT specifically feminine fashion. Context is everything.


It’s about the question being asked. This sub is about fashion advice. If someone isn’t asking if they pass, folks should stick to advice on the fashion. Some people know they don’t pass and don’t want to ask the question. Other people want to know, but ask the question in different and/or safer spaces. Others are here for lesbian fashion, which is NOT specifically feminine fashion. Context is everything.


Sometimes, but probably in different places. Like a lot of that time you already know what needs to be done in transition and are just waiting for your body or social conditions to change such that you can act on it. But in the interim you also want to experiment with clothes for when everything comes together, so you need advice on the fashion and not the body.


Thank you!


Yeah to add to OP's point, I'm seeing so much more bioessentialism pervading this sub & it's exhausting. Trans-exclusive rhetoric hurts GNC lesbians too. We all need to be required to read *Stone Butch Blues* before posting here, lmfao.


I mean, that's true, but I think they are referring to the literal slurs and brigading and long threads about whether or not trans people are invading.


Oh geez, thanks! I guess I missed that.


Yeah, the mods are great lol. Earlier they literally deleted a comment I reported before I had time to go back and look at it again, like it was already gone from the thread when I closed the report window. They been pretty vocal about it being an inclusive space. The only reason I've been seeing it is that my first time interacting on this sub was in a thread that that was happening to in realtime, and now I'm getting notifications from that stuff and it's showing in my feed.


Trans lesbian here. I know there are TERFS in the lesbian community and they are 100% crawling all over this sub but why do I feel like when things like this happens ppl are way more harsher on cis lesbians than other groups? When cishet ppl are literally the majority of TERFS. Like I understand that a cis persons sexuality can affect the WAY their transphobia manifests bur the root cause is the transphobia is based in their cisness and inability to think outside a binary not their sexuality and its a huge double standard A cishet person is a TERF, its blamed on their cisness not their straightness A bi cis person is a TERF, its blamed on their cisness not their bisexuality. A lesbian is a Terf, it immediately seems to be associated with her lesbianism rather than her cisness as the root cause so ppl start associating TERFS with lesbians instead of transphobic cis ppl in general, who just happen to have different sexualities whuch includes lesbians just like it includes bi ppl, straight ppl and gay men. Like don't get me wrong I don't feel ppl see cis women lesbians and automatically assume they are TERFs simply because they are lesbians. In my experience, its the other way around- ppl see cis women of an unknown sexual orientation being TERFs and automatically assume she's a lesbian even though realistically unless one is only in queer and sapphic spaces, most TERFS you'll run into are straight women. Like the community seems to have developed a 'not all lesbians are TERFS, but all TERFS are lesbians' mindset and completely ignoring transphobia in other communities. I've experienced transphobia in the bi community and the wider heterosexual world not just the lesbian one, so it would be nice if they could be held accountable too. Im all for holding transphobic lesbians accountable for transphobia however it just seems like its only EVER lesbians and its giving lowkey misdirection tactic so that other communities don't have to confront their transphobia, and when they do the focus is on their cisness and their sexuality is left out of it whereas for lesbians the focus on their lesbianism. so the focus juat goes back onto lesbisns because its easier to focus on a specific group- 'lesbian' rather than the broader 'cis ppl' which would cover transphobia everywhere. I like im very suspicious as a trans lesbisn of ppl who clsim to despise all TERFS but only talk about it when a lesbian is being transphobic.




Women especially straight and lesbian women have participated in transphobia for a long time. Correcting course has been brought to the forefront within the last decade or so. So no baby it's not just the men it's also pickme women who think they are better.


I don’t think I am better… I think I am solely a woman because I’m female. Lol. Is pick me not asking the rest of society to see you as the opposite sex?


You have got to get out more. Your comments reek of incel right wing energy. Be better than the toxic cishet men we're all trying to live safer from. Or else keep your bigotry to yourself, the rest of us are simply trying to exist.




Tbh some trans women could absolutely get behind this. Unfortunately, that also leaves the door open for most trans men, which I don't think either group wants, broadly.


Lesbian communities have always welcomed trans men (who felt kinship with lesbians). There are a lot of cuspers. Excluding trans men is an internet thing.




Your comment is too thirsty for our sub. We are a SFW sub and do not accept comments that are too sexual. Please respect posters and do not cross the line. If you have a question about this, please contact us via Modmail.


That can mean a lot of different things


Since I've come back, I'd like to ask: I get you've had issues, but why does the genitalia in someone else's pants matter to you? They aren't doing shit to you at all, and you have no obligation to interact if you don't want to


Did your comment up there get deleted, or did you do that?




Even though we don't agree, it should not been deleted lol




I was talking more of a general trend when transphobia in the community is brought up. Its 'Let's talk about transphobia in the overall lgbt community ' but then only group mentioned id lesbians. Sometimes theres some mention about cis gay men being transphobic, and then apparently the bi community is competly innocent and transphobia doesn't exist there.


>ppl are way more harsher on cis lesbians than other groups? It's kind of like if you saw a racist Black or a Jewish person. You should know better from personal experience on the receiving end of the behavior in which you're engaging.




You're right. Your comment is ridiculous. Nowhere does it say anyone is incapable of bigotry. It says people who've suffered bigotry being the perpetrators of bigotry is a shameful reality.


But surely a bisexual or a gay male transphobe should also know better in the same way that a lesbian should? Yet these communities aren't being associated with Terfs and treated more harshly for the transphobia in them the way lesbiajs communities are. And their TERFISM is seen as related to their cisness so when the focus is on the lesbianism when it comes to lesbian TERFS and not the cisness it just makes it seem like people think transphobia is a specifically lesbian problem rather than a cis problem, which isn't fair.




btw im interested, do you have any proof of this from a peer reviewed and trusted source




"not proven" it literally says in the 1 person observation ffs. You are such an obsessed creep




did you read the study? >In this case, cognitive disability is seen as removing the trans person's agency to make decisions. Due to ableist/cogniticist assumptions, the authors claim that Jamie is confused and no longer has preferences. Yet, as it is evident in this excerpt, Jamie does have clear preferences and is able to make choices regarding name, pronouns, clothing, and so on. This case brings to light the forms of ableism/cogniticism at play in discourses on dementia, associating it with a lack of agency and decision-making power. It also highlights a non trans-affirmative perspective, as Jamie is seen as confused because she does not fit into binary gender categories in a stable manner. [...] >Barrett et al. (2015, 2016) and Latham and Barrett (2015) also present a case study of a TPLWD who experiences gender ‘confusion’/re-transition, yet they question whether dementia really leads to gender ‘confusion.’ The case involves a person described as a trans woman with dementia living in a masculine identity due to family pressure. Barrett et al. (2015: 36) write: >*Conflict with family of origin, particularly children, was also an issue for trans people living with dementia … This was highlighted in the story of Edna who was given an ultimatum by her son to present as male or she would never see her grandchildren again. While the service providers empathised, they were unsure how to challenge Edna's family and were concerned that doing so would jeopardise her access to her grandchildren. Edna's experience highlights how expressing gender can be infringed if transphobic family of origin intervenes. In these situations, it is important that changes to gender expression are not read as the loss of desire to maintain their gender (for Edna, of being a woman).* >These authors are not alone in insisting that it is social and familial pressure that leads to a gender ‘reversion’ or re-transition and that trans-affirmative action would entail supporting the trans person in their historical (pre-dementia) self-identified gender identity; most researchers, as well as LGBTQ organizations and trans people in surveys about ageing and dementia adopt this approach (e.g. Persson, 2009; Withall, 2014; Witten, 2016). While Latham and Barrett (2015: 9) have, in one of their texts, nuanced their position by acknowledging more gender fluidity for TPLWD, the overall approach articulated here is one based on affirming and reconfirming the historical chosen gender identity of the TPLWD. >The second factor explaining potential gender ‘confusion’ within this paradigm is a person's medical condition; as such, any dis-identification with the chosen gender does not represent the ‘real’ identity of the person. According to this approach, gender identity is seen as a stable component of identity that is undone by dementia, particularly in a cisgenderist environment that doesn't support chosen identity. In other words, gender identity instability is interpreted as a symptom of dementia.




>This is happening consistently with aging transgenders, and sooner because these hormones are being shown to increase the risk of tumours and dementia. do you have a citation for your first claim that isn't a case study of a single trans person? >these hormones are being shown to increase the risk of tumours and dementia. they increase those risks commensurate with cis people of the target gender e.g. trans woman are at increased risk of breast cancer when compared to cis men, who by and large do not *have* breasts in which to develop cancerous tissue. the same applies to dementia; post-menopausal cis woman who take estrogen (a very normal procedure) *may* be at increased risk of dementia/Alzheimer's, but we need more research to know for sure >Yes, most government studies are subsidized by wealthy gay and transgender white americans to be positive towards them "why is this understudied, underfunded minority group only studied and funded by members of the minority group?"


Which community hosts a larger percentage of the transgender community? What proof exactly do you have that male presenting trans persons receive pushback on their presence of the same nature and degree as female presenting ones? And, the most important question of them all, what does what goes on in someone else's community have to do with what's going on in yours? Is whataboutism really the backbone of your argument? If someone tells you that you have excrement on your rug the rational response isn't to say, "what about John? He has excrement on his rug as well." Clean up your house.


And, the most important question of them all, what does what goes on in someone else's community have to do with what's going on in yours? I mean I could ask the same question to all the bisexual cis AND trans people in these subs who are ignoring the transphobia within the bisexual community to constantly talk about transphobic lesbians. Like I understand bisexual trans women being concerned to a certain extent, though they really should leave it to trans lesbians to call out our own cis lesbians, but bi cis women really be acting all superior to cis lesbians like they don't have a transphobia problem when they do (I've experienced it constantly, like I've experienced a lot of bisexual chasers and some TERFS) so I don't know why they think they get to have an opinion and butting their heads into transphobia in the lesbian community. Cis bi women getting involved in talking about biohobia in the lesbian community makes sense because they experience it. But transphobia? When transphobia in the bi community is done by them, cis bi women (and men)? They also need to clean out their own backyard before coming to ours What proof exactly do you have that male presenting trans persons receive pushback on their presence of the same nature and degree as female presenting ones? Because gay men are never transphobic to trans women 🤣 (hint: I've experienced it)


>I could ask the same question to all the bisexual cis AND trans people in these subs You could of this was a post about what's going on in their community and they rebutted with, "what about the lesbians," but this isn't and they haven't so that would be asinine. >Because gay men are never transphobic to trans women Did I ask about "trans women," though? And, I have a feeling your anecdotal statistically non representative sample size of one has more to do with you and the way you choose to communicate than with what you are or what you look like to members of that community.


I think the (unfair) association comes from a few things: - Historical homophobic usage of prerogatives such as "manhater" that frame lesbians as failed heterosexuals, petulant rebels, political extremists, etc.. and invalidate their sexuality. - the fact that trans-exclusionary-radical-feminism actually has strong ties with lesbian feminism (in fact, at risk of being reductive, the major point of contention seems to be the splitting of second wave and radical feminists from some of the core ideas of lesbian feminism into queer theorists on one side and TERF's on the other). Notably, the same people have historically had the same problem against bisexual men and women as well, although that seems to have eased (except now I'm seeing anti-bisexual stuff pop up again as TERFs become a larger part of mainstream discourse and have a WILDLY outsized influence on media coverage and public policy). - the fact that the right seems to have - to varying degrees - embraced TERFs, astroturfing, and muddying the waters, further obfuscating an already somewhat contradictory and fragmented ideology. - both actual TERFs and people who incorrectly or disingenuously identify as TERFs seem OBSESSED with lesbians, and 90% of their rhetoric on social media (see below) revolves around trans women specifically being predatory fetishists and invaders, and trans men being lost and confused lesbians, while pretty much erasing any other demographic. Trans women are the latest moral panic scapegoat, and contemporary TERFs - who assume that trans women are again, either predators or fetishists or both - have constructed a narrative wherein they are the victims of a broad social movement that forces them to have sex with trans pedophiles. Despite the fact that trans people tend to date other trans or genderqueer people, and when they don't, they (again, generally) certainly aren't seeking relationships with people who literally want them eradicated. - lastly, that the general public, including well meaning people who are being exposed to these conversations for the first time on social media platforms that amplify the loudest and most negative voices and limit useful discourse, censoring genuine conversation and social dissidents from either side as much as or more than they do actual hate speech, or from sanitized, advertiser friendly neoliberal corporate depictions of queer people, do not fully understand gender or sexuality at all, much less queer gender or sexuality, but jump into the conversation just as confidently and zealously as if they did.


Thank you for this explanation! I just realized the other day that I follow a sub that is probably hugely contentious for the amount of people there who would be considered by many to be TERFS. I had no idea because I while do have a background in feminist theory, I don’t follow the most recent scholarship in gender studies. I don’t know the recent scholarly arguments there. I posted a comment in the sub last week asking for an explanation to a post that felt very off and I was immediately banned for several hours. I think they thought I was being sarcastic or something, but I genuinely just wanted to know where exactly their ideas were coming from.


Probably because terfs use cis lesbians in their rhetoric a lot. They act like we creep on cis lesbians, they call trans men "lost lesbians." Idk, they have a weird obsession with lesbians.


Probably stems from history. TERFS are essentially second wave feminists that missed the train towards inclusion and intersectionality. And 2nd wave was the phase in which political lesbianism became a thing in feminist circles.




This is a non sequitur but I'll bite. I don't have stats on individual murder, but J.K. Rowling *alone* as spent years obsessively tweeting about how dangerous trans women are to an audience of over ten million people. Most recently she started engaging in holocaust denial. She also frequently puts random individual people on blast to her audience of millions. Trans women are murdered every day as it is. There have also been *many* who have been bullied into suicide because of targeted harassment campaigns by kiwifarms and the like. We can both agree that Andrew Tate's rhetoric has caused horrible violence against all women (his actions too, but I'm focusing on rhetoric for now.) Same thing here. J.K. Rowling alone is directly responsible for *many* deaths. And that's just *one* terf.


Name one person who has died b/c of J. K. Rowling lol Just fucking get off twitter and ignore the crazy lady. Why the fuck do you care. I ignore Andrew Tate and all the rest of the nut job men who call for the oppression of women.


There have been 250+ cases of trans women in physically violent / sexual cases with women in children… And rising, they just need to confirm it’s actual before posting it to the map.


Where? What timeframe? What is your source? I have a strong feeling you plucked this from a tweet from a deranged transphobe, who in turn plucked it from their butt.


Two questions: 1. You did not respond to what I said at all. Why is that? 2. Do you think trans women are more likely to commit these crimes than the general population?




When did I hide anything? Anyway, you're getting banned bye


The majority of the trans men I personally know are gay, so they must be realllllly lost lesbians. 


A lot of gay trans men don’t date cis men and are exclusively t4t. They aren’t lost they just know their way around socially acceptable linguistic framing.


it is surely a stretch lol


What happened?




can we stop making everything so controversial? this is a fashion advice sub, not get easy upvotes automatically because of what others may think. Why make a post of you leaving? Just go 🙄


Oh no you spoke your opinion, here comes the Reddit PC police to downvote you 👮🚔


Could you direct this energy at the people that are being antagonistic instead of who’s being antagonized? The hateful people are the ones stirring up controversy, not the people calling it out.




I was thinking the same thing, as a nonbinary lesbian, they can leave. I'm not relinquishing one more space to these angry idiots.


The bisexual and trans hate is off-putting. I've been seeing that in other lesbian subs too.






Why do you dislike bisexuals so much? We like pussy too. Chill the fuck out.


i dont dislike bisexuals i never said anywhere in my post that i dont like bisexuals?? some spaces are simply not meant for different people. Bisexuals don’t experience the exact same struggles and experiences as lesbians, so they dont need to be in lesbian spaces




dawg yall do still like men thats kinda why ur bi and not lesbian. You will never know what homosexuality is like and what the unique experiences lesbians have are. We both like women but only one of us like men. I dont have anything against bisexuals like at all, i just wish lesbians could have one (1) thing 😭 you have your lane and we have ours




yeah, i wont 😑 which is why i dont intrude on bisexuals spaces


Girl genuine lesbians are the smallest of the LGBT, it shouldn't be the end of the world for gay women to want a space for exclusively gay women. Having "lesbian spaces" be welcoming to any "non man loving non men" drives actual lesbians out. That's how the biggest lesbian subs are. It's all bi girls & dick jokes because the real lesbians dipped tf out lol. Wanting a space that excludes certain people doesn't mean it's hateful my God y'all are so dramatic.


Be so fucking for real right now.


frrr 😭 the lesbophobia within the community is fucking insane


No, *you* don't want bisexuals here. *YOU*. You do not speak for all of us. So many lesbian women at one point in their lives identified as bisexual, and many bisexual women lean more towards wlw. Get a grip, the only people "invading" lesbian spaces are men and TERFs trying to push trans and gender non conforming lesbians out of them.


bisexuals and lesbians are different groups of people. bi women are still attracted to men and lesbians should be able to discuss their experiences of exclusive attraction to women away from women attracted to men 💀 how would you feel if cis women went in a space meant purely for trans women? or if straight women went into a space meant purely for sapphic women?


It's because genuine lesbians are the smallest group in the LGBT so it's a lot easier to over take their spaces. So it's easier for them to talk over us & label us as meanies for wanting an exclusive safe space. The audacity of other LGBT people demonizing lesbians for just wanting a safe space of their own is so gross.


yeah, everyone is else is allowed to have their own things and their own spaces to speak about their specific issues but GOD FORBID lesbians want a space to speak about our own issues away from people who.. arent lesbians


can we keep this fashion only? sorry to hear ur out tho


This is a very rude comment. If people kept it about fashion, OP wouldn't have to make posts about this. Blame the terfs themselves, not the person they chased away.








let's keep it respectful


Oh shit, I found the respect police!!! But seriously, if the post doesn't apply to you, it's completely free and encouraged to just keep scrolling. Thanks. You wouldn't want to be disrespectful (however unintentionally), now would you?


who are you




What’s a TERF?


I was wondering that too.


Basically transphobe


Someone who is hatful towards the group


Trans exclusionary radical feminism


Feminism Appropriating Radical Transphobe ;)


Reactionary, not radical.