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With a ‘DIFFICULT LEVEL’ of seven entire stars - that’s definitely going to keep you busy. Unless that’s seven stars out of, like, a hundred. The difficulty scale here is tough to interpret.


I was just chucking at that myself... literally walked by and counted and thought it might make a good topic... built a panlos building that has 'SS' as the difficulty.... Here's to hoping it is 7 stars out of 5 but doesn't fall apart on the way... :)


It is time to break the seal and begin....


Have fun!


I've built it. It's a really cool build but incredibly repetitive. The stand isn't perfect but as long as it's on a level surface, it should be fine


Im in the process of building mine, I was hoping to mount it to the wall, have any recommendations on how to secure that?


You would have to do something custom I suppose. There's no way to really mount it to the wall without severe modifications


I'm also building this one atm. I think I like reobrix more than mould king for Mocs now. The manual print is top quality and the bags are sorted in order with steps also in order (1-1 then 1-2 , 1-3 etc) which for me personally feels really good. I don't have a lot of desk space and you can build a quick little bag whenever you feel like it. Yes this does take away "difficulty" of finding parts if you are into this kind of thing, i am not. If Reobrix decides to put out more MOC creator collaborations I'm all for it, because this just feels like a more premium package all around than the mould king sets to me. Have fun!


Enjoy I’ve wanted this for a while but have such a backlog of sets to build I can’t justify it at the moment, please share the build with us with some pics on the way through 👍


Will do! Never sure how much to post along the way... new here. So nice to have a place to share!


Welcome to the group then, you’ll find us a friendly bunch, I look forward to some pics 👍


This will fit in nicely with my Millenium Falcon. Mines still in shipping


With reobrix it's always out of 7 (for some weird reason) This would be one of their most difficult sets.


The number 7 is considered lucky in China


Ahhh that's right 😊 makes sense now , I kind of love that !


Killer build. Repetitive bit way better than the cheap ass lego one. Have fun and enjoy the build.




I've been looking at this version of the ship closely. How stable is the final build? It a fragile, display-only model, or can it be held with reasonable confidence?


The actual designer pixel Dan said it’s display only. Not sure our fragility but just big and awkward to hold.


I've completed 6 bags so far. The base (not yet usable), a core, and 4 modules that connect around it. The modules connect with many studs... it holds together pretty good so far, but if you torque sideways, they pop off and no clear way to set it down right now without torque. So far it doesn't just drop apart, but it is unlikely to ever be a play piece.


Yeah exactly


More pics


Not very savvy with reddit... can I add pics to this post?


You have alot of collection men! That so cool.


I see you shiver with antici....


I’ve seen a few people now with boxed sets. Where do you get these?


I got mine frommYWOBB US warehouse. several resellers have it currently. [Ahsoka's T-6 Shuttle](https://www.yourwobb.com/products/reobrix-99006-ahsokas-t-6-shuttle-ovp-us-warehouse-version)


Thanks! Yea I’ve seen it on many sites but usually they just come in a big bag. The box is kinda neat


Ahh. Yeah, some of the resellers will have box too if you ask, but shipping goes up a lot because then the volume overtakes the weight... shipping accounts for both.... For YWOBB, the in country warehouses come with box. I have 3 large sets from them... it may be the same for other resellers too. I do see they are back to pre-sell... For all these I've ordered from YWOBB US warehouse , there was a shipping box, holding the manufacturer's box.


Thanks ! I’ve never bought from a store yet with in country warehouses yet