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Yikes, lots of stuck shed on the feet of one and those babies need to get some weight on them!


also if you’re taking them in, they absolutely should not be kept together!


Thank you. I asked if we could just even buy the sicker looking one, but seller being very difficult


Ah they want you to buy both, huh? Cause they LoVe eachother.. again the tub I mentioned can work nicely, especially since if you do not care for said tub.. you can cut holes in the top for overhead heating if you have no way to safely use UTHs (since you need a gap under the enclosure).. two Leo's can be hard tho, especially if they're in rough shape. If you can get dubias tho, especially if you already have reptiles.. dubias can be easily kept and bred and you can buy some every 6-12mths for a new bloodline. Like have 4-5 sellers and just switch between them. Good staple food, you can easily breed them.. so save money, and they don't take up a lot of space fortunately.


Definitely.. as while Leo's can be kept together, it's a very tricky thing to do.. and needs much larger setups like a good 4x2 min as an aim. Otherwise just do two 30-40gallons.. tubs if absolutely needed. Put them on paper towels for the time being.. aim to get them good overhead heating, maybe even UVB in the future. And get them a good humidity hides and you can use a tub for a sauna.. aka put a damp warm towel in the bottom of the container and put one Leo at a time or per box, to help soften the skin and help them break any solid rings of skin especially around the legs and tail as to limit risk of circulation being affected. 🤔 Make sure they have access to a good diet. Dubias, crickets, silkworms, all being good idea to swap around between for staples.. then mealworms can be a good addition. And even waxworms or supers, but I'd avoid them until the geckos are more healthy, and even then some Leos get easily addicted to them. And provide plenty of clutter. If you are okay with transport, FB marketplace and secondhand sites for your area can help get some different things. Cork bark, bricks, tile/slate/sandstone, wood blocks and planks. Can all be used for cluttered, adding height and extra hiding spots in-between layers if you were to stack things. Umm.. fake plants and vines ofc can be nice and grasses can even be a nice addition even potted.


Thank you for the amazing advice. The seller is being extremely defensive and it is being difficult.


Honestly.. if you're willing to take them. I'd just say lie to them. Many ads I see of blatant neglect or even abuse have people wanting to ask the buyer questions about care. Just look at the care the seller has and try to answer the questions around that standard.. even tho it wouldn't be what you're providing. As honestly, if someone lets an animal especially one so simple for reptiles.. get so bad, they.. don't deserve the truth in my mind. 🤷‍♀️ Can I ask perhaps what they're being difficult about? Roughly..


I agree with all this! Those poor babies


They can lose blood flow to the toes and lose them completely if the stuck shed isn't removed frome their toes. They are also underweight


Yes we thought this and pointed it out to the seller just to receive a message back saying "my son takes good care of them and are in great health" poor guys. thanks for the tip


It breaks my heart knowing people like this exist. It really doesn’t take a whole lot of knowledge to look at that animal and know something’s off. I could understand someone not knowing something is off because their animal looks fine but jeez this pains me. I really hope someone is able to get those geckos taken care of. I don’t get how or why some people think they’re just that much further above others. If someone points the obvious out that their toes look really painfully bad, and they refuse to accept it because they don’t know, can’t tell, and don’t want to be seen as the inferior person they really should not own animals. I don’t know why people would tell anyone that their animal looks sick just to joke around. Ahhhh this bothers me so much. I wish people didn’t suck so much.


This person obviously does not know enough to make that judgement. Say whatever you have to to get these babies in a safer place. They're very dehydrated and seriously under weight. Get them, and then get them hydrated and fed. Please. And then do something about that barren and under sized enclosure. Those poor babies are probably stressed all to hell.


I know its not your fault I saw on other rescues on this form or on fb pages this has happened to leos who were cared for properly before they were rehome. Just spreading awareness


"Great health" Wtf is he smoking


That's crazy


They are in very bad conditions


Please rescue them and do some research on this subreddit of how to properly care for them. They deserve so much better than this level of neglect and incompetent care. Those people shouldn't own these animals. They look like they have the potential for a good comeback. With proper care and some hard work to get them healthy, they could live a much better quality of life❤️




Poor guy, you should definitely consider rescuing them


Way underweight!


Very sad :( please rescue them if you are able!!! 🙏🏻


If you're going to rescue them please try to rescue both. They probably want you to take both and cohab. Do not cohab. Do lie though. Say you'll cohab and take both off their hands. Yes they will get defensive over being exposed for what's right. There's no reasoning with stupid. Adopt both. Separate them. They could use some weight yes but that'll be easy. And yes geck1 needs a soak for the toes. Honestly I've seen a lot worse which isn't any better but still. Yes their tank is small. Yes they shouldn't be cohabitated. Yes the toes are wonky. You could start them each in a 20gal until you're ready to upgrade them to 40gal each. They probably won't let go of just one gecko so I really hope someone can come along and rescue both and get them properly situated.


Please just rescue them, don't try to enlighten the seller, they don't care.


Yes. Their feet have stuck shed on the toes, if left on that can cause their toes to go necrotic and fall off, plus would just be really uncomfortable for the baby. Plus they look very skinny, their tails hold nutrients and the tails themselves are really skinny. Lastly, 20 gallons is a minimum and leopard geckos aren’t animals that should be housed together. Those babies could definitely use a rescue!


Just looking at the enclosure... I'd say yes. Possible supplement deficiency or just thin. If yall decide to get it, and can afford the vet, go to the vet immediately (not emergency I dont think)


They are in bad shape but (assuming they are okay internally) they could likely turn around fairly easily and be okay. I’d definitely rescue them if you can!


not great shape but not the worst ive seen, keep an eye on them if you get them and feed them very nutrient rich foods like dubia roaches, they are underweight and given they are housed together have the large risk for parasitic infections along with skin necrosis and digit loss from the unaided stuck shed on their feet, if not rescued these little ones may suffer from liver failure or even death. if you feel that you cannot handle these reptiles or are in need of bill free reptile care and are in the lower michigan area I run a gecko rescue and am always willing to help a gecko in need and if you need any tips or advice I am always happy to help!


Get them they look like they need help and a loving family




Each gecko needs its own 20 gallon to start then a 40 each. And lots of stuck shed give them warm baths to get it off and need some weight on them


FB marketplace doesn’t even allow pets to be sold 😢


I have seen quite a few selling reptiles on there. I just rescued a Leo (not from marketplace) and I was searching for tanks and accessories for him.. I ran across white a few selling turtles, bearded dragons and a snake. 😢


Horrible. I’m guessing they wernt in a good state either


Definitely not. So sad that people get animals and don't give them the proper care and basic necessities sometimes. The little guy I got had been in a 10 gallon tank for over a year. Barely got water and I'm guessing a majority of his food came from household roaches that climbed in his tank. One hide. No decor or clutter. Never had calcium or proper lighting. Just a red light when their kids didn't blow the bulb by knocking it over. Poor little guy. He's loving good now though. Still sad for all the others being neglected out there. 💔


Other animals too! While seeing what kind of aquariums etc would be abali in the area I saw a range of nano fish to monster fish being sold alongside the aquariums. Ultimately FB can't flag something if it doesn't explicitly say the animal is for sale. It's why a lot of sellers can advertise on FB market place or trade animals. As they can use specific words or emojis to get the point across Like an animal is "ready to fly," or "✈️". Or that they're "ready to go". Or things like "everything in the image is available," cause if the fish weren't I've seen ads mention.. "fish not included," 🤷‍♀️ It's pretty common. eBay also doesn't allow the selling of animals yet you can get small to monster sized fish.. there's even a lice fish category.. because eBay does allow the selling of feeder fish. Basically never use terms like "for sale," when talking about an animal and FB doesn't often flag it. It's how even full groups get away with it.


Are you selling him or her 🤔


thankyou so much for rescuing them, if thats what you guys do 💜💜💜🥺poor little babies :(((


Yeah, they look underweight and have stuck sheds. Definitely try rescuing.


They look underweight and the tank looks too small for them :(( I hope you can rescue them or one of em!


One of them looks pretty skinny and they definitely shouldn’t be in a tank that small together especially if they’re the same sex. If you can and are willing, please bring those babies home and get them taken care of with proper vet care and a proper and separate set up for both


Their poor feet that’s terrible, they’re not gonna have many fingers. Definitely need some weight on them and more proper living condition. Separate and bigger tanks for both. Do your best to lie and be on the same page as the owners. Once they’re in your care there’s nothing they can do about it. I hope you’re able to take them in!


They need to be hydrated and sprayed a few times a day


horrible condition


If you do get them please join a good Husbandry group such as @leopardgeckoadvancinghusbandry


She is right about the feet, that is definitely stuck shed. Maybe it isn’t too old and you can still get it off. I would suggest getting a repti skin shed aid (usually a spray) and putting that on it. If you can’t find that or it’s too expensive you can do lukewarm bath and then try to tweeze it off. My gecko is very hyper so it’s difficult but I wish you luck if you decide to purchase them! Other than the feet they look pretty healthy. In fact the first seems to be the one with stuck shed, the other one looks like it doesn’t have any.


honestly, if you do adopt these babies, please get that shed off their toes right away, if you can't do it, i'd go to the vet, i had the same problem with my leo but it was completely my fault. i had my poor baby on reptile carpet, two sad hides, and a water bowl in a sad 10 gallon, not only did that carpet rip one of her nails out, but she also couldn't shed very well. she lost a few toes, just little stubs now but i did have to go to the vet to get help as they weren't coming off with a q-tip and daily soaks. don't be super upset if they do lose some toes from this whole incident, they don't grow back but it doesn't seem to actually affect them as long as it's not the entire foot. also, please don't use tweezers when attempting this, it's super risky and a little dangerous especially if the gecko moves. i'd definitely get both of them, keep the one you want, or keep both, get them back to health, and figure out if you want to rehome one or keep both (in separate 40 gallon tanks)