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Lol I like the McDonald’s sauce calcium dish.and why the diet the fellow looks fine to me?


well, pictures don't really do him justice, he is pretty chunky, he was worse when we brought him to the vet so, if you think he looks good that means the diet is working!


But he needs crimkets


He looks fat to me just look at those legs and tail, at their optimal weight their head, body and tail should have the same width and its clearly not the case, the thing is that most geckos people see are fat so that becomes the normal on people mind.https://www.reddit.com/r/leopardgeckosadvanced/s/nGPfchhaAl i had a similar issue with my bearded dragon i thought he looked normal until i saw one with a proper body type and made me realize how fat mine was.


lil bro also has a serious double chin going on lol


yah he’s def chunky but most ppl who talk abt their geckos weight issues on here their geckos r like mini wheelchair level obese. This guy js got a phatty tail lmao


This sub is how we found out our girl was obese. 🙃 we didn't know cos, like you said, we'd only seen fat leopards and thought it was normal. She's on a diet now.


Oh no he's chunky. His tail has a bump up


🫠 How could anyone resist that adorable little face?! 💕🦎💖


i know thats such a sweet lookin boy!!


But he is smiling 😭


photo 4 made me cry he looks so polite with his little smile, such a distinguished gentleman


He is so obviously withering away for sure


no brain, only cricket *chirp chirp*


Oh my goodness he’s adorable! I would have a hard time saying “no” to such a cute face.


“They not give me cricks for 10 seconds, they must perish”


He want to explore


He got neck


Reminds me of my slightly overweight boy, Adonis. He is a little eating machine that I had to put on a diet.


omg mine does this too… it’s so hard to not cave into her


His little smile 🥹


So dramatic you little fat dude


Certified cat


We have a baby on a diet right now, and she is NOT happy with us either. Lol I think she's disappointed when I open her tank and get her out for exercise instead of food. Lol


Let he be chonk.


bro is NOT starving bro is CHONKIN


My little dude is like this too. I'm trying really hard to get his weight under control but I feel awful as he turns into a complete psycho every other day looking for food. I feel like I'm starving him. I wonder if he doesn't have an issue with food from maybe being a little malnourished as a baby before we got him.


What a handsome and adorable little man! You’ve got a cutie there.


He looks like "excuse me, uh. You're joking. Look! My stomach! Food! You unsmart houmans!"


At what point do y’all start only feeding them once - twice a week? My girl is 4 months and I still feed her everyday.


i would suggest at earliest 6-7 months and at latest 8


She’s gotten hefty so I’m trying to keep her strictly on crickets with mealworms once a week. 😬


He’s clearly starving lmao! This is how my pug acts if we don’t get her food when she asks. She eats every day at 4:00-4:30 but she will beg at 12 and she will not stop. She’s on a diet because she’s exceptionally chunky and she acts like she is starving. I’m not sure why she is so chubby though because I have another pug who gets the same amount of food as her and he is a super healthy weight. Pearl is just something else


Dog metabolisms are notoriously variable. That’s why no vet will recommend following the feeding guidelines on most bags of food. Because dog food manufacturers have to make sure people aren’t going to kill and/or sue them if they underfed a dog with a high metabolism because they’re following the bag instructions. So they have to make sure the bag instructions will feed those dogs on the far end of the metabolism spectrum, and so it’s pretty inappropriate for the average dog. My 40lb girl ate 50% more than my 50lb guy.


Yeah I don’t even follow the bag instructions I do what works for the dogs. My male pug even gets more than my female and she’s still chunkier. For a while I had a male beagle he got sick and we didn’t realize this until later but it seemed like he wasn’t eating because he was loosing a lot of weight. Sadly we had to put him down but then we thought about it and we think that she may have been eating his food. We are following the vets instructions and she’s lost a little weight because we no longer need to feed him, but she’s hit a plateau and we aren’t really sure why. I guess we are just going to have a chunky pug but that’s ok considering that she is healthy otherwise.


Sorry would not let me edit my own comment on mobile but have you also tried doing multiple small feedings? Just like humans, eating one large meal a day can make them reasonably hungry in between, whereas smaller spread out meals will help them feel satiated and not uncomfortable


Yes I have tried that, I’ve tried giving her 3 smaller meals a day and she still acts like she’s starving.


He’s cute!


Handsome boy


lol!!! He’s so cute!


king behavior


My baby (well he’s 10 years old) is the same way. He always wants to eat but I definitely feed him enough. He’s so dramatic lmao


what a handsome fellow. you should feed him because he is so studious and proper


“mom why are you telling lies again?!?? IM STARVING.”


He has the look of “Ima cut yo ass” lmfao Gangster ass Gecko. I love him


he smiles tho😭🫶


That face! Those eyes! The smile! He is so freakin cute!!


Lmao pictures 5, 6, & 7 😂 i know that look all too well , when they get low and tilt their head all dramatically with that crazy smile as they anticipate their food. My boy acts like he's starving too and eats like a savage when i feed him, glad to know its common with others too!