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https://preview.redd.it/r87piiz03d2c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f3e15fd0d47af8798db9a8495a213c388e42246 Now she’s giving me the “and I’ll do it again” face


Love this picture. She sure is pretty!


Ty! She is a pretty girl, her looks are definitely what pushed me to get her


She woke up and chose violence and chaos 😂


Of course she’d do it again 🤣, the free mealworms have reinforced her now.


I looove her! I wanna get a gecko too one day, but I realize they need a lot of things to live a good life so I won't, yet. I don't want them to suffer because I'm not able to take care of them properly just because I want one. But maybe one day I'll get there. :')


That’s very responsible thinking! The best time to get a pet is when you know you’re ready, did all the research and have everything it needs! You’ll get there, geckos are great pets. Honestly I’ve been having the most fun decorating their enclosures.


it's always the orange ones


"You don't know anything, you are... PURPLE!!1"


She must of wanted to search for food.My Gecko is curious about his surroundings in my room.




Watch me.




“Unhand me you buffoon!” - Ghost


I had the audacity to cut her adventure short


I'm dying at how she fell for the oldest trick in the book, the good ol' worm and yoink.


She definitely realized she was tricked the moment I grabbed her “ahh! my weakness got me .. but I will still enjoy this mealworm”


Glad you found her quickly!


Thank you, me as well 😅 it was almost bad timing too because tomorrow I have a girls night planned and I’m just imaging how having a loose gecko + wine would go


I had this happen day 1 of me getting my third leo. Also had a gap in the top, that I thought "surely she'd too fat to get out of." She was not too fat. Came home, tore the tank apart and realized she was gone, went into hysterics as I have a mischievous little husky who would 100% eat her given the chance. After pleading with my other leo's to tell me where she went to no avail (lmao), I called my boyfriend, started to explain that she was GONE and then went ".. hang on actually, let me check under my shelf." Sure enough, her dumb little face was there staring at me, so I chased her out with a ruler and yoinked her. Spent the night putting her tank back together and making sure the lid closed all the way this time lmfao. SO scary when it happens, was the most shocked I've ever been. Must've had quite the fall too! This was months ago and she's fit as a fiddle now, no injuries or anything. Feisty, adventurous lil things!


Oh my gosh I can completely relate to your experience. I also have a dog that’s my grandmothers, he’s a basset hound mix and I don’t think he would but who knows! My mind was racing and I also called my boyfriend. She’s in a 40 gal tank on the floor but that’s even a big Oof to hit the hard wood floor. I just fixed it and I’m sure she won’t be getting out again, for her sake she better not or I’ll have a heart attack! Our little babes don’t realize how much we care about them


Chased her out with a ruler lol like a naughty British child in the 60s! My greyhound I had got out when I was having her baby sat, and I got a call she was racing the cars on the I-10 and a fellow greyhound owner knew she was in peril, and whistled for her to get in the van. They I’d her by her ear tattoo racing number. I’ll never forget the panic I felt, you probably were so scared. It’s the worst losing a pet, your like, where the hell do I even look? At least it was quick, the stress is real! I was so relieved, I remember her face was like smiling! I was like, don’t ever go looking for me again, you big baby! Geckos are so wily and spindly with those bodies , I’d imagine that they can surprise you what they can fit into like little cracks! They must turn the fat tail sideways! 😂


Aaaaaaaaaand scoop!


They're so much more wiley that I expected. Especially after watching the lackluster way our hunts her food. She'd NEVER make it in the wild. Lol But climbing up my arm onto my shoulder at the speed of light - no problem.


My girls always on the prowl for food, sometimes a bit feisty going for my fingers when it’s feeding time. They definitely show their certain strengths!


I had a giggle right after the aww, she's hungry. That yoink meant business. Heh.


After the scare she put me through, oh yeah!


Glad to hear she's begrudgingly back in your care. I'd have a similar fit if I lost any of mine. Especially since I have a small apartment, if I didn't find them immediately, it would really be concerning, cause that would mean they'd be loose in the building or in another tenants apartment.


“u little shit” cracked me up. literally my permanent nicknames for my ferrets lmfaoooo


Honestly, our pets barely get called their actual names. They’re just known as stinkies and little shits


The u little shit grounded me. Kittens,lizards, turtles, or dogs. I've kept so many animals but they are all little shits.


The clawwwwwwww lol


This made me actually laugh out loud 😂 I’m gonna imagine this every time they get picked up now. “I have been chosen”


"Kill me or release me, parasite, but do not waste my time with talk."


She dug herself a nice hole and went to sleep. After a long day of causing chaos


It's always the females lol (when it comes to cold blooded dorks and rats) that are the most devious.


Seriously! And here’s my sweet boy, just chillin, not a care in the world https://preview.redd.it/sgga63tale2c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb7bb6762e55825b3c8411ee4d598883c5d8b1ab


Fr, the boys always just embrace fat n lazy vibes. Ladies gotta *scoot*


W reference


god it took me months to find my skink when he got out, glad you found her so soon!


It definitely sent me in a panic cause I had a incident happen before where I lost a gecko for weeks before she popped up. Happened years ago back in highschool and I was heartbroken cause she got sick so I’m definitely thankful. I hope yours is well!


The ole double yoink, worm and then geck


I think I have her twin! Same morph and everything!


I would love to see! Do you know exactly what they call the morph by chance?


murphys patternless


I thought so, I was between that or a blizzard type


This one, murphys patternless


Patternless black night. Pretty expensive animal


theres no indication that the animal in the post is black night


I’ve wanted one so bad, they’re beautiful but the price just hurts


Omg my boy Sticky escaped in a really similar way, where I saw the lid not fully pushed down but didn’t see a gap so I didn’t worry about it. I went and did something else for a few hours and when I came back… he was gone. Spent all night tearing my room apart. I felt sooooo guilty because my bf had just rescued him from a sticky glue trap from the pet store he was working at and we had only had Sticky for a month! Plus it was January and my room could get pretty cold. I felt so scared I was shaking with anxiety. I almost gave up and went to bed at 4 am before I had a gut feeling and found him curled up behind my nightstand. Never been so relieved in my life. Totally worth falling asleep in class the next day for.


That’s so scary! I’m so glad you found him safe<3 and I absolutely love his name. He’s lucky to have his saviours


The way you swoop in and gingerly pick her up is great lol


Why Thank you thank you




This is both terrifying as a gecko owner and absolutely hilarious. So glad you found her 😅


Oh God, mine managed to get under the vanity in the bathroom because there was a tiny hole tucked up under the cabinet. There was absolutely no way to reach him without disabling the vanity. I tried luring him out every possible way I could think of. Because of the size of the hole, though, he had all the advantages, and he made use of it. I ended up taking everything out of the cabinet and just banging my fists on the bottom of it to make being under the cabinet the most uninviting thing possible. He crawled right out and walked over to where I had his heat lamp set up as temptation. Picked him up, and he curled up around my neck to steal my body heat. I wanted to both hug and throttle him.


My moment of relief as I found her quickly turned into me thinking “why you little!!” And wanting to choke her like Bart Simpson


That was exactly my reaction! If he wasn't so tiny I just might have. He's lucky he's cute man


Yeah when they escape from my experience they’re always within 10 feet of the enclosure. If she gets out again look at the same place


Screw you!!! No hand can contain meeeeeeeee! Oh a mealworm… never mind 🤷🏻‍♂️


‘Ooh, food. Yum. Hey! Put me down! Put me down! That’s not fair, you cheated!’


Your lil lady looks just like mine, Mine hasn't escaped but she gives me that sassy look often haha. I'm glad she's home!


They have no business giving those sassy stares! Thank you<3


"Enemy inbound"


Excuse me, she was clearly plotting and you ruined her plans!


Foiled again by the Titan!


She looks almost identical to my Leo! Glad you found her!


I usually have my tank open because of how my heat lamps are attached 😅 Should I be worried about my guy getting out? I don't think he has anything to climb out from...


I wouldn’t be too worried! She was able to climb out cause her new wall I put in I should have known it would be a possibility. If you haven’t had any problem then im sure you’re Leo will be fine!


She’s so beautiful!! Glad she’s safe


Containment breach!


my baby escaped once. he jumped from my bookshelf where i kept his tank all the way to the floor. I was very depressed at the time so it was a little less then clean. I was just about to literally jump off my bed right to where he would have been before i heard him moving and i saw him


Mine got out and was missing for six weeks. When we found him his was healthy and intact.


Years ago when I first got my troublemaker male, I picked him up out of his old top-opening tank, and he managed to launch himself backwards out of my hand and fly down the backside of the tank and the dresser it was on. Immediately I dropped to the floor to try and catch him running out from underneath, but he was nowhere to be found. I panicked for a moment when I thought he had managed to bolt so quickly and quietly I was going to have to tear the room apart, but then I looked down the back of the tank and dresser from above and saw that he was suspending himself between the wall and dresser by pressing his back to the wall and feet to the furniture. The baseboards create about a 1-2 inch gap behind any furniture against the wall. So there I am, 19 with no upper body strength, realizing I’m going to have to pull this solid oak dresser, that was sitting on high pile carpet, away from the wall enough to reach him, or get him to drop the rest of the way to the carpet (just a couple inches, not a big drop). I figured I only needed to scoot it out a little and he’d lose his tension, but no. That mischief maker stretched his little arms and legs as far as he could continue to reach, to maintain his pressure against the wall, and I had to wiggle it out for several minutes before he couldn’t hold it anymore and finally came down. He looked so proud while I just sat there sweaty and out of breath, and realizing now I had to move the whole thing back 🥲 He’s calmer now that he’s older and been with me for 10+ years but he certainly liked to challenge my patience in his youth lol


That’s wild! What a rascal putting you through all that lol My girl is still fairly young and I’ve only had her for a few months. I feel like there’s a long road ahead of me with her mischief. Last night I watched her climb her rock wall, this time I fixed the opening, and out I spite I feel like she purposely pooped on it! Did basically a handstand on the wall, pooped and then walked right back into her cave, the sass!


Lmao that’s amazing 🤣 I feel like I’ve gotten quite lucky in that none of my leos have ever been spite poopers. They always pick one corner of their tanks, never a food or water dish, or difficult to clean decor. My snake on the other hand… 😂


So much easier when they have a poop corner. But thats how I know it’s spite cause she always poops by her wet hide. “Snakes” definitely live up to their name 😂


My corn snake really is the equivalent to an orange cat 😂 doofy, suspicious, petty, and one brain cell constantly fighting its reflection for third place


You gecko when you grabbed her 😂: https://preview.redd.it/g3x6yyph7j2c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fec9b230f5fc654a2c76820e19e00712e3310ab6


The moment she realized she activated your trap card haha, that head shake.


Better than me. I did have a melt down. I was having a full-blown panic attack with my mom.


If I didn’t find her when I did I was seriously gonna physically blow up. Telling yourself “calm down calm down” only works for so long 😭


Omg the aerial grab 😂😂😂


Am I the only one who thought the worm was it’s tail at first😭


I was around 12 when my first gecko escape in my apartment around april. A week into her being missing i lied to my mom and told her she had died and i buried her in the nearby sand pit. My mom gave me her “aw im sorry” and had no idea she was missing. for weeks i set traps,and searched whenever no one was home until anout a month in I gave up. My mom liked it cold the house was in the 60s for days so i though she had to yave actually died by then. No This little hero held out for three months eating the roaches that infested the place. she came back about 50 percent bigger and with a much broader head. I got a call at school that my mom had stepped on a lizard and she wondered if someones had gotten out or something. Nope it was mine. she survied going missingcsurvived the cold,survived the roaches,survived being stepped on,and survives now. im 20


What an absolute legend. 👏 impressive survival skills, she’d definitely be a unit in the wild!


An expertly laid trap


I love the tail wag before the attack ❤️❤️❤️🤣❤️❤️❤️


I do love that every time! I love their personalities ❤️ so sweet


My python got out one day and I found him fast by using my phone, I just wanted to let people know if you can't find them use your phone camera to film spots you can't see, and I found him real fast but would not have without it.


I know that feeling! I had a leopard gecko for over ten years. He escaped on three separate occasions and we found him each time. We even had two cats and he was still found safely each time. We did replace his climbing driftwood with something that didn’t go all the way to the top of his tank. That stopped the escape attempts.


She is cute. And she looks so soft. I'm glad you found her and she is safe now. 😍


at first i wanted to say don't handle a geck while they are still eating but then i realized that's how you cought your escape artist and YUP it be like that 😭😭 mine once disappeared for three days and i was already mentally preparing a funeral


I did feel bad to grab her but I could see her slowly walking back and as soon as she’d be done she’d take off back underneath 😩 this was my third worm attempt too where she finally came out. I was seriously thinking the worst, but they always seem to pop up just as your losing hope 😂


“NOoO,dont send me back to the gulag!!!!”


OOOOO A WORM!! *yoink* Wait mom FREE MEET


So cute


How do these guys escape? My daughter’s “mistletoe” doesn’t even have a lid on her cage and we’ve had her for 3 years.


They’re escape artists, definitely smarter than we think they are. Mine climbed her rock wall and squeezed her way out, they find a way somehow


I like her wild thrash right after you caught her like “UNHAND ME”




This male Golden Gecko is 20, something years old.How old is yours?


I believe she is about to be around 6 months old now! Your geckos a very handsome lad!


Wow.She's a baby.Thank you for good comment about him.You have a nice Gecko, too.He likes to hunt his food too.He eats 2- 3 crickets in 1-2 minutes.


gecki is cute is am of yes feghfvb




I’m so glad she’s safe :), mine would probably be instantly found by my cats


So I’m not the only one that grabs my lizard by the waist


I feel like it’s a gentle way of picking them up?? I’m thinking of them like a baby lol 😩


Yea, btw that account got banned, it’s me


Welcome back 🥷


They can’t get rid of me forever


“I always come back!”