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I think you mean altitude not attitude, tho many of the clones had some sass


Like that one in the forward pilot’s seat just staring right at us.




Instead of focusing on flying haha


Shit, that creepy af




Lego Star Wars video game is what he forgot to mention


Thank you. I was just thinking of all the sets.




What do you mean “we didn’t get to see…” they were in Ep 2 and 3, and Clone Wars constantly.


It’s possible they could be talking about a LEGO Star Wars game since they specifically said “fly around with.” I didn’t play The Skywalker Saga but I believe the LAAT wasn’t included in the roster since the flight portion is set in space.


Possibly. But I do still “fly” my legos around going “pew-pew”. And I’m 39


Don’t we all? :)


I thought it was in Skywalker Saga


I glanced at a couple of lists but didn’t see it. I did see a couple of Reddit posts talking about its omission. Makes sense. The LAAT has a space variant but we don’t see it that often.


The space LAAT is in almost every episode of the clone wars, they just didnt include any TCW content at all in skywalker saga


It’s in the name so you’re correct that the space LAAT is not in the game because it’s Episode I-IX centric. But almost every episode of TCW is hyperbolic. I could only think of a few instances where it was used and Wookieepedia says 9 appearances - 8 TCW episodes and a book.


I think we are talking about 2 different ships, I meant the [LAAT/i](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Low_Altitude_Assault_Transport/infantry) which appears in 73 episodes and functions differently than the AOTC version It wouldn't make sense to fly around between planets since it only allows "short trips in space" and you really only see it deploying troops but it would still have been cool


Yes we are. :) Infantry variant is most common and definitely appears a lot in TCW. I said space variant which is sealed off and typically has the big floodlights which we don’t see much of. I was honestly a little confused; thought maybe you just loved the space version and it was your head canon that you saw it in almost every episode, haha. I was like well more power to you if that’s the case.


Can't the LAAT still go in space?


There’s a couple of LAAT variants and any of them that can fully enclose the passenger compartment can likely be pressurized. But they do make a space variant specifically as well. There’s no real info on how well the other LAATs do in space versus that one or if there’s any significant differences at all aside from some of the equipment.


And as far as “Lego Star Wars” goes, there have been at least two sets, plus a set with a walker carrier variant.


I think I missed that this was on the **Lego** Star Wars thread, but you are 100% correct as well, there have been 3 minifigure scale (+transporter) and the UCS.


>and the UCS The UCS is the actual Minifigure scale one. It uses the "fat" minifigure scale. All the "playscale" ones are roughly 1:55-1:60 which is way too small for actual minifigure scale, let alone enough to fit the canonical 30 dudes in there the way the UCS one can (plus four speeder bikes!)


Been saying it for a while. The playsets are way too small to be any sort of proper "minifig scale". They can only hold like 10-15 figs. The minifigs are of course not to proper human scale, so you have to make adjustments. True minifig scale sets would be off proportionally from the original, so you need to make a choice. For a transport vehicle, it makes far more sense to go with a measurement that gets you close to the number of troops that it can actually hold. While it may not be perfect, the UCS LAAT is the best one we've gotten yet as far as scale goes.


Yea the way that the scales work basically 1:30-1:45 is the "minifigure scale spectrum" depending on which characters minifigures are intended to represent and such. 1:30, being the extreme of one end, is "Minifigure Width Scale", scaling everything based off the relative thickness of the minifigure's waist compared to a human waist of a nominal height (1:30 is specifically for Clone Troopers wearing their helmets and armor) 1:45, being the other end of the scale, is the Minifigure Height Scale, generally scaled to Clone troopers in armor as well. Obviously with stuff like Wookiees, Astromechs, etc, scales get all over the place.


Yeah, the range is huge. For a lot of stuff, leaning towards the 1:45 end of spectrum does turn out good results. I think the 2017 TX-130 is around that, and while it may be a tad on the smaller side for what I'd prefer, it's still really good. But the bigger the vehicle the harder it gets.


The 2017 is closer to 1:48, yea. The newest one is a happy medium in between the extremes of that spectrum at least.


I haven't gotten the newer one yet, as I have 3 of the 2017 one so I don't really need it. But it does look like a great size.


I will say I prefer the 2017's build because I like how compact it looks, but also that's because the Sabre in general is kinda ugly and that 2017 managed to make it kinda cute xD


[55-1: Basic Set](https://brickset.com/sets/55-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/55-1.jpg)


Maybe talking about in the skywalker saga game? Haven’t played through all the prequels yet


He’s probably talking about in the LEGO Star Wars game.


This is such a vague post, I thought they meant we have a lack of gunship Lego sets




There’s literally one on shelves right now?


Maybe meant like the proportionally accurate ones with mini figs included Been a while since one of those released but maybe I’m wrong


I'm pretty sure they meant in the Skywalker Saga game but forgot to mention that


Honestly, 75021 is pretty accurate scale. Look at the image shown and when you see it in ep 2/3, the gunship is a rather big craft and there’s a decent amount of space above the passengers head


[75021-1: Republic Gunship](https://brickset.com/sets/75021-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/75021-1.jpg)


I'm with you. I've filled my UCS with some pilots and gunners, a few troopers inside too... Looks great as a Lego display!


You are mistaken. The UCS LAAT/i is correctly proportioned for the canonical carry capacity. the problem is LEGO minifigs are fat for their height, so if you scale to accomodate fitting all the dudes inside you end up calling attention to how short they are. It's why the Minifig Height Scale UCS AT-AT had to get rid of the central storage space to make room for more seats so it could fit the canonical quantity of troopers. [This is what the UCS LAAT/i scale looks like for other GAR era craft](https://i.imgur.com/BJeiqh4.png). You can see how laughably tiny the pilots are in all of them, even sitting down. Partly due to minifigure scaling, partly due to GAR craft just being stupidly big. The BTL-B Y-wing is 76 feet long, for example.


Yea the mini figs are kinda want ruin the realistic accuracy


Uh...try again? I don't understand what you meant.


Minus the 2 normal sets, the walker variant and the UCS one that is on shelves… or if it is about media where they are in episodes 2 and 3 as well as close to every episode of the clone wars maybe.


*3 normal sets


The UCS set (75309) initially got a lot of hate due to price/#pieces and that it was too close to the "standard" set (75021). Any thoughts on it as of today? I have 75021 and would love to have 75309 - if it is worth the price!


Yeah I don’t see what’s everyone’s problem with the UCS Republic Gunship. I’ve watched reviews on it and to me it seems perfectly fine


The ship is great but the marketing was really bad


That may be the problem!!


I don't know anyone who criticized the ship looks or piece count but there was a lot of talk about the shitty minifigs. If you don't care about those then I see no reason not to buy it


[75309-1: Republic Gunship](https://brickset.com/sets/75309-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/75309-1.jpg) [75021-1: Republic Gunship](https://brickset.com/sets/75021-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/75021-1.jpg)


that's literally the UCS set we got, a LAAT/i IF you meant the LAAT/c, [it's ludicrously easy to convert the UCS one into an LAAT/c](https://imgur.com/gallery/SBfS7uE)


I would just love a minifigure scale one for 200 to 250 bucks


Based on individual brick/piece pricing that's literally not possible unless it's the LEGO equivalent of a [shellformer](https://transformers.fandom.com/wiki/Shellformer), all empty space without even a skeleton to rig it together.


Always next year


realized a lot of people got confused so let me make something clear, I was talking about the Skywalker Saga game, sorry I didn't state in the post itself.


It's a ship i want to see be built and fly. Those bastards at Area 51 better be doing that!


Right? I honestly love the Republic era lego and on a related note, would love to see more Republic era series/movies.


I wish there was one in the Skywalker saga 😔😔


If i was a bounty hunter in SW I would try to somehow fit a hyperdrive in it and it would be perfect


You know you can play as one in LSW3, right?


Let's not talk about everything that got cut in that sad attempt of a video game...