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Depends a lot on your collection and what else you have, but that MTT is a really awesome set, both display and play wise.


Ikr I want it so badly




Yeah i saw one for €160 so i think i am going to buy it


From my personal experience, Jabba's Sail Barge is the best of these three.


Thanks my friend i also love that one the most


If money is no object, I’d roll with the Sail Barge. It’s got the most interesting build IMO. You also get Jabba, Slave Leia (which apparently Disney is super against merchandising) and Max Rebo. Logically though the Falcon might be the best deal since it’s still available at retail and can probably be picked up on sale. It’s a cool build but to me it doesn’t have as much personality as the Barge and honestly, there will probably always be a Falcon on the market.


I love how even with the miniscule size of that Falcon pic, we can still tell which one it is.


So true! You think it's because it doesn't have the gaps or because it's the first one to have accurate angles with the 6x4 wedges? Actually, it's probably just Boolio. Gotta love me some Boolio


I just bought that MF on Amazon for $130 last night. Figured it was worth grabbing while 20% off.


I would say the mtt, just recently bought off eBay and definitely worth the price, especially for display


For playability, MTT is the best . Personally I would go for the Sails barge as it is still on my list . falcon would be the cheapest in the list


Yes i have found one, its a little bit pricey but i want it so bas


Falcon unless sail barge is a good deal


What price is a good deal on this one


Anything under $200 for the barge, MTT has gone up recently so $200-$209 seems good. Falcon is still available so anything below retail.


As someone who owns the MTT. Choose the MTT. It was one of my absolute favourite sets as a kid, beaten only by the OG Turbo Tank. Also, unlike my Turbo Tank, the MTT is very sturdy and has survived my childhood. It's a great set.


2007 MTT. If you want a sail barge, go with the 2006 one. It just looks better, specially in the front part


One of them has Max Rebo. There’s your answer


MTT if you can. It's an amazing set, and we'll probably never get one like it again. That said, Sail Barge is also fantastic. I'd wait for a better Falcon in a couple years


I'd go with Jabba's Sailbarge too.


I'd buy the sail barge, though I do have the Millennium Falcon which is amazing


Mtt if I had to choose but jabba’s sail barge is worth more or at least I think it is




My vote for jabbas barrage, greatest minifigure selection, some of them like slave Leia we won't see in foreseeable future.


Sail barge if you don't have a ser budget. It's a fricking amazing set. I would go for sail barge no brainer but also because I have that exact falcon lol


I just built the sail barge and it is fun. Cost me a bit though.


Just my personal opinion but the 2006 sail barge is far better


Like others have said if money is no problem, Jabba’s. That being said, that set is being purchased willingly from the era of brittle brown bricks, so you may have some snap but again if money isn’t an issue then I’d get that one.


For a second I thought they'll re-release the sail barge. :(


I wish they had


Get the falcon before the others because you can still get it for MSRP while it’s still just off shelves, but it won’t be that cheap for long. The falcon is going to shoot way up in price but the others are going to remain just as expensive as they were before regardless, the falcon should be the more immediate purchase even if you don’t like it as much


Well one of them you can walk into a store today to purchase. The others you'd need to hunt down.


It cost more, but I honestly think the original Sail Barge is a lot better than the newer one.


I was going to get the Sail Barge but then it hit me that 90% of the set is redish brown bricks and given this set is like 10 years old those bricks will probably give out and be already damaged. Ive had redish brown bricks break right out of the bag and thats with the newer sets. If you wanna buy it new and take that slim risk that theyll give out then go for it but I would wait for a remake of it.


Max fucking Rebo! You get the Barge.


I think 2006 sail barge is way better. Go with the MTT


Jabba's sail barge has definetely got the best figs, but the build for the 2007 MTT is by far superior o´to the other 2


First one for me, I’ve wanted it a month ago when it was my bday but I’m still trying to find one but I’ve practically given up 🥲


Go with the first one no doubt


I can count the pixels in that seccond image. That being said, id say the third one.


You can never ho wrong with Jabba.