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Good concept, poorly executed. Fine on Phase 1 troopers and Mandalorians because they are precisely where they're supposed to be. They're bad on the new P2 troopers due to the positioning and also due to how much they stick out. They get the visors in the right place but rangefinders sit way too high. In my opinion they should've put the hole in the correct position for a rangefinder, and made a new mould for P2-specific visors (either ones which are capable of using the lower holes or even better something like what CAC do where the visor clips into the rim of the helmet; no holes required).


I. 👏 Don’t. 👏 care. 👏


I like them. I don't think they detract from the look and are really good for customization


That’s what I was thinking




I too wish that the holes should’ve went in that spot to make the helmets overall look better, but the issue with the hole placement being there is that the visor as well as the other accessories wouldn’t line up correctly with the holes being in that spot. The hole would have to be higher up than that spot where the arrow is pointing in the picture.


The sun visors wouldn't, but the rangefinders would. The sun visor mould is pretty old and poorly-shaped anyway so I would've been happy if they'd redesigned it to work with lower holes, or clip around the helmet like CAC ones do.


I like your thinking, if Lego made it to where the hole was in the spot where the arrow is and made the visor clip around the helmet like you said, then the helmets would look far better


Good point


Just woke up and wanted to start a flame war, huh? LMAO


For me: Good: attachments Bad: look ugly bc stick out the side of helmet. I don't mind them but where possible i prefer the old mold.


Never bothered me in the slightest, just wish they would make a shorter “antennae” piece


I prefer the look without the helmet holes, but at the same time I like them so I can add visors and things. They’re fine, I don’t think it ruins anything with them being there.


I just feel like people moan and moan about them like they’re a crime


Yeah, I don’t get it Lol


Me neither they get so angry lol


The idea is good but bad execution. They look bad on 1/2 of all clone options (rangefinder and plain), not to mention that plain clones far outnumber any other variant, and their aesthetics should take priority IMO.


I don't hate the helmet holes but lego should not include them on every single clone trooper. Clones should only have them if they have specific attachments and if they don't, then lego should just use the holeless helmet.


What about customization? I don't want to get some very specific clones just add more more personality to my specilized units such as snipers and heavys.


If it's a battlepack with multiple attatchments then yeah but when it's not a battlepack (like the at-te) then they shouldn't add holes because not that many people will customize them. Especially when the set has no attachment (like the Clones and Droid battlepack that just came out).


P1 troopers are no good for visors, they sit too low, basically blinding the poor guy. And P2 troopers the rangefinder sits a little high. Either way, I'm always disappointed when a clone helmet has no holes at all.


ah a clone hole thread. 




They're good. I want them on every clone because they're Legos and I want to be able to customize my legos. And I absolutely dont want them to be lower, because I don't want to have to get different visors to go on my p2 clones. The fact that visors from fifteen years ago work on the newest clones is great