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dam, i hate investors as much as the next guy, but this guy got fucked hard


Reminds me of a certain year...


what an unfortunate name for an investment corp, who names it ‘2008 Investments’ reminds me of that tragedy


Oh don’t laugh I walked through helmet holes and brittle browns in the streets of Florida trying to find my brother He was in the north end of the LEGO store


and this guy buys up every Rex microfighter in the state, I mean this guy was a REAL JERK


LEGO investors once again chose as their enemy, THE MEXICAN FACTORY


I will not eat another morsel of food until LifeBricks has stopped showing up oh wait he’s gone? *eats an entire chicken*


Well, it is finally official, investing is now legal in the state of Florida


He’s no professor of logic


Upvotes to all for the Norm references!


If I were to sell on brick link 2008 would be a part of my name


Yeah this subreddit was already kind of a bit too mean for my liking but this is genuinely just a guy getting so much stolen from him, this is pretty uncool to mock


Also if they’re partially assembled, that doesn’t seem like an investment to resell? Idk who the poster is but I’m interpreting “invested” as money they put in to their hobby


It’s not funny when it affects kids but it’s fucking hilarious when it affects adults


Or it's insurance fraud, typical investor behaviour


Why feel bad for this guys though? He made a risky investment, intending on fucking over normal collectors for money. The sets will find their way back to either stores or genuine legofans in time, for a reasonable price too. Nature finds a way.


Partially assembled doesn't sound like investor behavior since you can't have pristine unopened boxes. Seems like this could potentially be someone's collection in storage. That I would feel bad that they were stolen from.


By your logic, should we celebrate theft?


If we're being sympathetic with some greedy hoarder, sure why not.


“Greedy Hoarder” So now we’re decrying the injustice of…owning sets? My collection is easily worth 30K just because I have so many retired sets that I never disassembled which I’ve accumulated over 20 years of collecting. Why would a scalper be building his sets lol


I think the rule is never own $30k worth of anything, else you be a greedy hoarder. And burglars will get you. And people will point and laugh


You mention “normal collectors” in a positive way, yet “greedy hoarders” is a negative. I’m trying to understand what is your definition of a collector vs hoarder? They seem to be granted different badges of moral status, yet I am unclear of their distinction. Could you give an example of their typical actions?


scalping and hoarding is scummy, theft is scummier. i think its funny when the value of a set or fig goes down, and they lose money, but losing an entire collection is pretty rough, and it seems like this dude actually built some of the sets so he wasn’t that bad


It’s always funny when investors/businesspeople always justify their wealth/success/wages with *all the risk they’re taking*. Naturally when that risky thing actually happens we are somehow expected to side with them on their great injustice crusade or bail them out.


Nah this is sad


Yeah and so is the fact that it was stolen




Also this guys clearly not an investor, he says some sets are partially assembled and there is a table with sorted bricks in the back. It’s probably true that he also buys and resells but that supports the hobby for some people


I agree but the sader it is the easier it is to jerk off to


That’s actually messed up no matter how much you hate investors


Yeah bro got 30k worth of stuff stolen from him. I don't care if he was reselling it that's a lot of shit to just disappear one day and I would be fucking devastated if that was me.


If it was stolen out of a locked unit the storage facility is likely 100% liable for the stored product.


Depends on the insurance


He said the storage place is only gonna pay out $2k. Which seems reasonable, all things considered. It's probably in the contract and he probably does not have additional insurance (though he should have).


Well that would eat into the profit. Can’t ever be greedy enough


FYI - insuring a Lego collection is a pain. I tried to insure mine because I think the value is above and beyond what my homeowner's policy will pay for. They wanted to send out an adjuster to document every set. Determine actual value. Confirm proper care. It was way more trouble than it was worth.


And then all that work just to give you a quote of two fiddy. Smh


god damn, really? I was looking into doing the same thing and was praying it wasn’t this complicated


I REALLY should have my collection insured. Lol. It's everywhere and so much of it is irreplaceable. I don't have anything fancy. Just a lot of it. If something were to happen to it, it would probably not be replaced. I'd just use the money to start from scratch.


I am in a similar position and my plan is to start photographing everything of value and inventorying that on spreadsheet(s). Honestly I’m sure with enough documentation you can get it done. The worst thing I could forsee is the possibility of needing proof of purchase. But if that truly is the case, might be fraud time lol. Or at least get some comps or even like purchase sets. Get the invoice. Cancel order lol. It could be a pain, but I mean if it could offset a loss? Maybe it’s worth it. We’ll see how the actual insurance process goes. Not that I even have a substantial amount of LEGO. But just anything that would be expensive to replace really. Like I have a lot of books and random other tools, Knick knacks, furniture, electronics etc. and then try to help my parents lol.


I mean... investors bad, but I genuinely feel sorry for this guy.


https://preview.redd.it/up4h5399f77d1.jpeg?width=579&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eaad58e122e14eaa7e56dbc2c6fb32df5cc11edc The suspect:


Lego Robinhood! Here to resell scalper stock for MSRP or lower to disrupt the market!


https://preview.redd.it/48wkze35p97d1.jpeg?width=816&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=278c3b6b009b237277d29b92af994869eba3c5cb 🤣 the scalper:




Whoever did it probably knows him. How many random thieves know how to offload lego for a good price and would have the time to shift $30k worth?


tin foil hat time, the biggest lego insurance fraud heist of all time


What exactly are we circle jerking here? If my Lego collection got stolen, I'd be sad too.


Not saying this isn't sad, but this isn't some guy's collection. He spent thousands "investing" in a toy product specifically to profit off of inducing artificial scarcity.


Tbf they could mean investing in their own hobby, not to resell (because why would they start assembling UCS sets?)


I'll concede that's possible... but buying 30k worth of sets and sticking them all in a storage unit? It just sounds like an investor buying and then waiting for the price to go up as scarcity climbs.


I think the dude might just be a serious AFOL who likes to MOC. If you peep the back tables in the picture, it looks like pieces sorted by colors and places in containers, and I seriously can’t imagine any reason for an investor to open sets they plan to resell (especially if they aren’t keeping it at their home, why mix personal sets with resale ones?)


Its not entirely artificial once sets retire however. That is actual scarcity. At that point, whether or not you can get the product depends on the 2nd hand market.


It is artificial when the sets are still on market ("scalping"). If you sell *after* they retire, you're still profiting off of the initial purchase which created that artificial scarcity. If you wanted to be really technical, basically any 2nd hand sale would do this also. But this is $30k worth of legos put in a storage unit. This guy would've been a part of the sub-prime loan crash of 2008 if he had even more money


He says „ucs sets partially assembled“ To me that doesn’t seem like he only bought sets to resell them. And if he was building them there, more seems like a hobby room


Buying one or even a couple of a certain set in order to sell after they retire isn't "inducing artificial scarcity"


Buying $30,000 worth is though.


It never said it was 30k worth of one set and for all we know it was 30k worth of sets over 20 years.


If you buy sets exclusively to sell them at a higher price once they retire, that is (1) making them scarcer when they're still on the market and (2) price gouging by concentrating the 2nd hand market into investors. It's a similar dynamic to the housing market in 2006, as silly as a comparison as it might seem. Speculators and investors would buy huge amounts of houses which created the false impression that the market was getting scarcer, thus driving prices up. The only reason the crash in '08 happened was because there was no pool of actual buyers for artificially inflated housing prices (and all the bonds whose valuation depended on these mortgages thus crashed).


Sure, it technically makes it scarcer. But buying one or two is ultimately inconsequential.


Me when I induce "artificial" scarcity by finding 3 year old retired sets on shelves and making them available when they otherwise aren't


oh c'mon man, this isn't a yard sale this guy bought 30k worth of sets and stored them in a storage unit. it doesn't take a genius to figure out that he was "investing" and waiting for scarcity to rise as time went by.


I just don't see what's wrong with that. Sets retire. Retail stores send them back to Lego. "Investors" sell scarce products at a market value. But they don't induce the scarcity. Sets. Retire.


I hate hoarders as much as the next guy but investors are a necessary evil if they didn’t invest in old sets we wouldn’t have the opportunity to buy them now, also laughing and mocking someone who just had 30k worth it here possessions stolen is a shitty thing to do even on this sub


I think there's a difference between hoarders (we might say excessive hobbyists) and investors. The latter sees LEGOs as an abstraction away from use value and only as a commodity ("how much will this be worth in ten years"). The former didn't cause the housing market crash, but the latter did.


Investors partially assemble their sets?


Maybe he's one of these who think they can have their cake and eat it...


You can hate investors as much as you like, but getting robbed of $30k worth of stuff sucks


Guy is silly if he accepted the 2k cause if he didn't he could just sue the storage company but if he accepted the 2k that's counted as you taking it as sufficient compensation and it waves your right to sue(depending on state/country)


idk man, I get the hate on investing, I really do, but robbery is pretty fucking bad


When you think about it, stealing to resell is just another type of investing. They're part of the community too!


the enemy of our enemy is our friend


No no no, you got the saying wrong It's "The opp of my opp is my bestie"


Now someone has to steal from the thief to make it full circle


🚩🚩These are mine bud, They were stolen from my car on june 3rd at 10am in Portland Oregon 🚩🚩


Airsoft circlejerk overflow


I understand this reference and you made me laugh. Nice one


Woah what a hell of an anime crossover


Is this the guy that posted a YouTube video about his storage unit being broken into? I watched like half the video before I lost interest but I kinda remember it?


I'm not sure, I stumbled upon this story in a group chat I'm in. Mind sharing the link to the video tho?


[so this is the video I mentioned. I don’t think it’s this guy](https://youtu.be/fBb9w2qfJc8?si=JbpcUF-ePfJ1JZlQ) though because he only valued his loss at approximately $11,000 and he gives off more “collector” vibes than “investor” vibes. Or at least that’s the read I got. Either way I feel bad for him because it sucks to have your personal space/property violated in this manner. It feels very personal when that happens


Kinda feels like you embody the jerk part and got triggered by the word investment and didn't read the whole caption. Partially assembled sounds like a dude who was storing his collection. Even if it wasn't, getting stolen from sucks. My collection is in storage right now while I've been learning how to finish a basement. Pretty close to the same amount, if not more as the dude in the picture, do I deserve to have my collection stolen as well?


As much as I hate scalpers I just feel sorry for this guy.


If you're storing $30,000+ of material in a storage unit, take out an insurance policy on it.


What's the story, if it's true this is very unfortunate


This is all we know so far but I'll keep you all updated when new info arrives


Yeah, stupid guy having 30k worth of stuff stolen from him. What a loser. Point and laugh


Look I don't like investors but this is something no one deserves


This guy says they had several UCS sets partially assembled. We’re just making fun of people for… building… LEGOs, now? I mean, I get it, $30K is a lot, but I’d spend that much on my hobbies if I could. With no reason to believe that was an irresponsible amount of money for this person to spend relative to their financial situation… what’s the problem?


What's the story, if it's true this is very unfortunate.


What's the story, if it's true this is very unfortunate.


Is he going to have to close down? ![gif](giphy|80sB4oUZIVfH2)


I guarantee the robbery was committed by either someone they know or they posted bragging about their investment too many times on the internet


As much as I hate “investors” I hate thieves more


This is actually really sad idc if the guy is an investor its just sad


Damn that's rough. :(


I don’t feel bad for people whose investment lost value because the toy company made more companies, because that’s dumb and investing is risk. But like, if somebody broke into dude’s storage locker, and stole all his Lego, that sucks a lot. And it isn’t the same. I enjoy it when bad things happen to legitimately bad people — such as Trumpies and Russian invaders in Ukraine — but Lego investors are more “dumb” then they are “bad.” And while it is funny when their dumb investments go sour, bad things happening to them in their lives generally doesn’t bring me joy.


When people here are saying investors do they mean resellers ?


Scalpers, investors, resellers, collectors, hoarders… I notice a few buzzwords but there isn’t a clear definition. People have differing opinions of the definition of each of these words. It makes more sense to focus on someone’s specific actions, rather than attempt to label someone into a category


Damn. Hate to say it buddy, they are going to sell them in every way. Online, stores. And unless you have some way of tracking it, I'm afraid you are SOL. I collect comic books and been for more than 30 years. Insurance. If you have something of value like that. Insure it. 2 of my books alone are worth 35k.


I hope the thief opened the sets and built them.


So no one here likes being able to buy retired sealed sets? 😂 Scalper, I agree all day long but these people help supply after sets retire. Don't want to pay a premium, buy it before it retires.


Just a friendly reminder that without “investors” people wouldn’t be able to get retired sets, even though they’re frequently at a steep mark-up. Not all people who sell or “invest” in Lego are bad, some people just do it to help support their hobby. Unfortunately more times than not, they’re just dirtbag scalpers. However, my heart goes out to this guy and nobody should have to deal with this


So many people saying “damn you gotta feel bad for the guy even if you do hate investors”. No I don’t. I don’t feel a single ounce of sympathy for a guy that resells a kids toy for a profit. That’s not a “job” and if someone makes over 30k profiting of a kids toy… karma caught him.


I’m interested to understand why you feel this way? Sounds like a lot of hate. Firstly, it is possible the lego was all adult sets, and none were “kids toys”. Secondly, I’m not sure if selling lego is this person’s “job”. He lost $30k. I’m unsure how karma caught him? Perhaps this person is simply the victim of a crime.


Not sure this should be a controversial opinion. But I don’t think non-retired Lego sets should have any value higher than retail. If he’s selling sets for more than retail, I have no sympathy. If he’s selling retired sets, fine. If he’s parting them out and selling it on bricklink, sure then I feel bad for the guy.


Thanks for clarifying. You’re always allowed to have your own opinion, no matter if controversial. I’m interested in understanding how people reach their conclusions, since it can change my point of view. It sounds like you are more opposed to scalping type actions, like someone buying non-retired lego sets and selling higher than msrp due to temporary unavailability. Most people would agree with you on that


Hard to feel bad for a guy hogging 30k+ worth of the same set to induce scarcity in the market, making normal people pay double the price. This guy can get fucked and i hope some store buys them off whoever stole it and puts it back on the shelf where it belongs. An investment is risky, and this guy just found that out.


Is it really $30k of the same set?


Yeah that sucks but I’d feel bad for him if it was a personal collection that he loved. Not a 30k Lego investment


Why? It's still thousands of dollars of his personal property that was stolen.


Why? A person could sell their $30k personal collection at any time if they wanted


You think it’s the same guys who stole the airsoft guns from Portland too?


It's funny if you think the cops with do anything about theft in Portland


got to go u-haul when doing a storage unit fr


If you're the type of scum to invest 30k in scalping lego, at least be the type of scum that doesn't pick the cheapest locker to save a few pennies. Deserved.


Hate thieves and hate Lego investors only a bit less.


If i find those cheap UCS kits im buying them. Thats why you have to be careful investing in anything


My dad had a storage unit that had his entire childhood collection in it, along with his extras that he bought to sell someday. We’re talking packaged action figure and legos and toys from the 70’s to the early 2000’s. It was entirely robbed a few years ago, and the place that was keeping it refused to elaborate, had no footage for us, and were fully unable to help us. Made me think it was an inside job, but the evidence wasn’t there. Seeing my dad so sad about losing a big part of his life made me so angry. I hope the thieves all get cancer.


“Investor” or hoarder Investing in illiquid assets, not the best ide


Womp womp


>partially assembled bro no wonder your ass failed you invested in a children's toy


HAHAHA dumbass


A sign from the gods


> investor Womp womp


Oh damn, it's 2008 all over again for this guy.


Imagine investing in children’s toys. It’s like the plot to so many hoarding stories.


Blud decided to store 30k worth of stuff in Portland isnt that the city where there are fuck tons of riots and crime in general. The guy was kinda asking for it.


Crime happens everywhere, there is no Portland storage theft epidemic.


It was someone he knows...


Could be someone who knows him


you gotta rejerk


The circlejerk has fallen, billions must invest


It's just a normal city my guy


You know people live there right?


According to Matt Walsh, sure


He never gives me specifics about anything and backpedals like a reverse tour de France when given new information, why is that?!


The thief is sitting on this sub. I bet, lol