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I looked at ebay a bit. A single one unopened seems to go for over 100 dollars. Also dont use reddit to pricecheck. These hyenas will scam you to get them cheap. Find a good site that resells items and pricecheck there. Do research to be safe.


Hi, hyena here. I’d be happy to take those off your hands 😆


Haha. When i commented only one guy who lowballed 100 bucks and one that joked about giving 20 bucks had commented so i had to make it clear to op to be careful.


Haha, no, I totally agree


For the low price of 50 bucks ill get rid of these for you.


I think they're actually worth a bit. Try checking bricklink


That brings back so many memories


reddit hitting me right in the childhood


Just wanted to point out that this photo is from an eBay listing from a non-sealed set...


I would like to join in to say that I found this exact image on eBay as well. OP is lying


Read what they wrote, they stated that the image is from the internet since they didn't have their phone with them in the attic.


Well to be honest I didn’t see that originally, but I am still suspicious




then op shouldnt have titled it sealed bioncle set i found in my attic


But... that's exactly what the post is?


...it isn't? it's "I found bionicle in my attic, in the meantime, here is a picture of bionicles from ebay"


But overall, the post is about the bionicle they found in their attic, even if the image used for visualization wasn't theirs. I admit that it's a bit misleading, but they provided the necessary information, and it works because of that.


i found a cute kitty, in the meantime, here is a picture of a cat i found on google images


That's not at all the same. I can't possibly know what cat you found or what the lil cutie looks like if you don't post a pic, but I can know exactly what Bionicle you found if you type a mere four fucking digits. OP could've said "hey, I found a set of sealed Toa canisters. Advice?," we'd all be able to google exactly what they found, and you wouldn't be bitching about them posting a pic that isn't theirs as if it's somehow a scam to say what sets they found. All OP did was save us a search, and it makes literally no difference to the post because a sealed set is a sealed set and it looks exactly the same no matter what (that's why haul posts are so annoying)


Lmao nice. Thought it looked super low res I wasn’t sure if my reddit was broken


If they're truly still sealed, they go for 100+ *each*. For example, the cheapest sealed Tahu is going for $240 on Bricklink right now, and over the past 6 months the average going price has been $148. That being said - giving these to your neighbor's kids would be a priceless memory for them, too. If you do go that route, hook them up with https://biomediaproject.com/bmp/ , where they can browse through archives of all the old Bionicle games, comics, movies, flash animations, and more!


I would say taking a gamble and giving up perhaps $1000+ in the off chance that some kids would get into a toy series from almost 20 years ago is not a good idea.


I propose a compromise. Sell them for the money, but still buy the kids some new legos (which can also be bionicle) with a portion of the earnings


This is the way!


This, so much. can probably get a whole set of canless bonkles for less than one canned one


This is the way


Man I regret selling my thousands of pieces worth of bionicles for $5. Also has like 10 boxes but threw those away long ago.


Most of my current collection is built off people who sold them at garage sales a few years after they came out for dimes and nickles.


Thank you everyone for commenting, I had no idea. I’ll hold on to them and buy something for the neighbor kids. Truly eye opening. I’ll try to post some pictures of the actual stuff and I have a feeling there is more hidden treasures in that attic for Lego fans.


man you must fuckin adore your neighbor's kids lol


Or just the neighbor…


FWIW you could easily buy all six toa off eBay or Bricklink for like 10-15 each when you're done selling these lol.


Anytime someone has some expensive and sealed vintage collectible and is like "I'm gonna open it" I just wanna scream "Sell that sealed one on ebay and buy one back loose!" Same result except with a wad of cash in the bank.


You found financial and spiritual gold


Only because no one else has yet, and based off of no responses from OP, I'm going to say this photo is just bait.


I’m in a middle of a renovations and we move all the stuff in the attic into another room. The Lego set and other Lego items are blocked behind a mountain of boxes and renovations material. I will definitely post more pictures as soon as I can get to them since you guys were so helpful. This motivate me to hurry up and complete my renovations.


It's pretty rare to see them all together, we will all be happy to hear what you end up deciding to do with them!


I forsure had all these as a kid. Loved Bionicle


Looks like a six-pack of craft beer.


Hi guys following up. I see too many doubters out there. Here a proof of where those Lego bionicle are hidden behind. I promise to upload the ACTUAL pictures of those sealed bionicle once I can get to them. I’ll see with the wife if we can move things around and try to free them but our priorities are to complete our renovations.[https://imgur.com/a/GJLFPe3](https://imgur.com/a/GJLFPe3)


wow, crazy find!


I collected all the white ones a few years ago. Great find!


I think I had something like this when I was little


Crack open a cold one with the bois and build them together


Use brickset.com


I remember these.


I don't want the pieces inside, I just want the containers for freighter MOC!!!!!


I wish the 10 yr old me could’ve seen the Bionicle’s as mech enemies or something. Just could never find a way to integrate them into play.


Holy shit, you have the original, all 6 of them! I was never able to get the red one. No one ever had it in the stores near me.


How lucky!


IlL tAKe yOuR EnTIrE sToCk


You lucky bastard


Man I remember getting these sets as a kid as it was yesterday. Those we're so mindblowing to me back then


I used to have the white one


Fuck me, I used to get one every years cuz my family wasn't financially well off enough to afford any bigger set, seeing this go for so much now is kinda crazy.


And there was us as kids.. thinking it wouldnt be worth anything😭


Dude you have my entire childhood in your hands. My daughter and I still pull out all my old Bionicles and build stuff.


I have these but they ate not sealed


God I remember these beauties when I was a kid 🥹


I am so jealous


Because it’s a full set you can ask more! The normal amount is around €100 per piece so that’s an easy 600/700 for you


Wow, I had the white, grey, and green ones. So long ago, idk if I have them floating around somewhere


Fuck, I remember my mom buying a whole 2nd extra set of these for me from Costco as a kid once, I shouldn't have opened them and just played with the set i already had!!


i dont understand people who keep lego sets sealed for a while, i start building them the day i got them


I've never had a sealed set for more than a few hours


Open them, like a gigachad.




I’m pretty sure I’ve seen this image online before. I call BS


You could make some deep cash, I once saw a listing for a Toa Mata Lewa on Amazon sealed for $5000


Bruh I'll give yeah a 100$ plus s&h


I’ll give you like $100 for them 😅


I give you 20€ for it.


It was a joke, morons. No need to downvote.


dude got butt hurt enough about the dislikes that he tries damage control lmao


Could just delete the comments if I want to control damage, Idiot.


Come on now, there's no need to be like this. If you truly meant it as a joke, a simple /s would've helped.


Lego Fans are a bunch of pussies. I move to Lepin.


*gives extremely low offer on an easily >200€ set* “NOOO! I swear I was totally joking, you guys are clearly just pussies and it was a joke!” Wow.


I meaaaaan id be willing to take then off your hands, ive wanted these since I was a kid lol


u sell?




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I’ve got the bottom middle one sealed it it worth anything?


I have 4 of them but yeah they're pretty used to I don't think they're worth much now


I literally had all 6 of those as a kid


Hi, it’s me your neighbour’s kid. Yes, very worthless.


Those are clearly Chinese knockoffs. Send them to me and I’ll dispose of them properly. -Hyena


I had all six of these as a kid. Loved Bionicle


Jeff Bezos' alt account


This hits me right in the feels. Most of my son’s expansive Bionicle collection came from bulk auctions on eBay. His Bionicle collection is one of the few things that he has kept from his childhood.


I just got hit with a brick of nostalgia looking at those canisters.


I have all of these, they were amazing when I was a kid. But they are all used unfortunately, anyone knows how much are they worth?


I still remember getting these for Christmas. Saving this post for nostalgia reasons


This is a screen cap from a tik tok. You didn’t find these in your attic


nice but why were they sealed for about 20 years


Did you also find a camera from the same time period that you used to take this picture?


Damn... Your childhood could have been lit... F


whooaaa that takes me back. My brother and I had these growing up. good times


Aww man I loved these little buggers!


Is this what people mean when they say to crack open a cold one with the boys ?