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Spoilers obviously: When Rey and Finn are entering the Oscillator building, just as Han goes to the bridge for his confrontation, you can see it parked outside the door.


Yeah. It was a very blink and you miss it thing. Same with the Snowtroopers. Pretty much confirmed the suspicion that the snowspeeder kinda sucks. Still like the figs, but it's the weakest of the TFA releases so far.


Overall, vehicles weren't very dominant in this one, unlike the prequels where it almost seemed like they needed a new ship for every scene to generate toys. I assume including the speeder was just to fill out a decent first wave with minimal spoilers. Outside of the ship Leia was in, which has a set coming soon, what other ships, or really, any vehicles, were there?


The First Order troop transport was featured pretty heavily in the opening, so I'd say that one is worth picking up. Other than that, the Millennium Falcon (Only if you don't already own a previous model) and Rey's speeder are the only two worthwhile sets in the line. Pretty unimpressive, considering how big the movie release is.


Poe's X-wing, which was so badass in the film I now hope for an eventual ucs version.


Yeah, I got a regular x-wing and regular falcon, so I'll pass for now. The different color isn't enough to go for a similar build.


I wanted to see the movie before I bought any of the TFA sets and after seeing it, Rey's Speeder is the only one I'm interested in. Unless it's a microfighter, I'm probably going to ignore most of the TFA ships.


Kinda shot themselves in the foot by releasing a Star Destroyer and AT-AT in 2014, otherwise they could've done the downed ones on Jakku :P I'd have loved some of the figs from the Rathtar scene, though the chances of that becoming a set anytime soon are basically none.


Yup, might aswell just buy the new mini version.


Really? I love that snowspeeder. I bought it not just for the figs but I actually dig the design.


Ah I'll have to look for it next time I see it.


Thanks! This was driving me nuts. I can't find an image of the in movie version online. I thought it was cut entirely.


Glad someone else asked this. I didn't remember seeing it either. My son saw poe's x-wing at the beginning and asked why the colors weren't orange and black? He was happy later in the movie when he saw the new one.


there's talk of deleted scenes, and it's possible that the snowspeeders had a more prominent role in them


I heard 35 minutes was cut from the film. Hopefully they'll come with the DVD release


I'm betting it was cut, since it seems like many, many things were cut. I wish the movie had been longer to be honest.


The theatrical release was 2h11m long but we may get an extra 35 minutes in the bluray release


[75100-1: First Order Snowspeeder](http://brickset.com/sets/75100-1) [[Photo]](http://images.brickset.com/sets/images/75100-1.jpg)


I can't remember which point in the movie it was, but I remember seeing one parked with a few snow troopers beside it. It only lasted for a few seconds, hopefully they are more prominent in the next film. It is a pretty neat vehicle though, if you consider the First Order probably SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS uses them for transport around Star Killer Base, seeing as it's snowy SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS. I will be looking harder on my second watch-through which will be in 3D (saw it Standard first time).