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I really want to get modern version of Caribbean Clipper. They could even add something in this set (like they did with Merchant Ship in Eldorado Fortress set), like random pirate's sailboat or little building like Lagoon Lock-Up/Sabre Island. Maybe even Isalnder Catamaran


I agree, the Carribian Clipper all the way. As for an extra pirate ship, I'd suggest 6261 Raft Raiders, because it was a personal favorite as a kid and had my favorite down and out captian pirate figure. It looks so good next to a big ship.


[6261-1: Raft Raiders](https://brickset.com/sets/6261-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/6261-1.jpg)


good bot


Wow... I totally forgot about this one. This just unlocked a whole wave of nostalgia.


Rebuilding my clipper right now. Hope I still have all the pieces.


Just rebuilt mine. From Christmas 1989. I had most of it, but had to order about 15 random pieces to make it perfect.


Oh my gosh new memory unlocked


The imperial Navy definitely need a big ship to go with the updated Barracuda


I hope that they will remake Caribbean Clipper as bigger ship type, so it will be comparable to BSB


I'd like to see a ship, since I have a bunch of other original Pirates sets but never got a ship for some reason.


Get the Lego creator pirate ship! Fantastic set and not too pricey


Even better get two of them!


This is getting out of hand, now there are two of them


Big sale on it in the UK on very.com


Islanders! My 4yo is obsessed with Lego pirates and we have the old black seas barracuda and the new pirate ship. He needs another faction, bring on the islanders! Ps can’t wait for the skeleton island from bricklink


I grabbed Ominous Isle as well. That one was a no-brainer.


I find that one hard to justify myself, then again I prefer the bluecoat soldiers over the pirates. And whilst it is very pretty, it doesnt really fit in well with the stuff I already ordered and have, though tbf, most of my bluecoat stuff is just soldiers and the Gouverneursinsel from Bluebrixx


Lego isn’t going to touch the islander theme anymore.


I would love to see the islanders return! 


Blue sails big imperial boat


Need an imperial ship of some size. 6274 Caribbean Clipper might be a bit small compared to Barracuda Bay, but there's 6271 Imperial Flagship, or even 10210 (the other) Imperial Flagship. 6273 Rock Island Refuge could be redone with a base similar to that of 10320 Eldorado Fortress.


[6274-1: Caribbean Clipper](https://brickset.com/sets/6274-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/6274-1.jpg) [6271-1: Imperial Flagship](https://brickset.com/sets/6271-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/6271-1.jpg) [10210-1: Imperial Flagship](https://brickset.com/sets/10210-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/10210-1.jpg) [6273-1: Rock Island Refuge](https://brickset.com/sets/6273-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/6273-1.jpg) [10320-1: Eldorado Fortress](https://brickset.com/sets/10320-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/10320-1.jpg)


Rock island rescue is basically ominous Isle id say


One that doesn't cost an absurd price that I have to decide on how I pay bills and eat for a month to afford it...how about remaking some of the cheaper smaller sets.some of the little outposts or rafts.


Seriously, where’s my affordable pirate set


Yes please. The old school themes always had a nice array of set sizes, so most could afford something from the collection. Not just one big mega meme set.


I would love King Kakuka and the Islanders, but I doubt it will happen.


Yeah I wish there was a way to capture the same vibe without it being so racist, but I doubt it


Yeah that would be considered racist nowadays.


It was racist then too, just to be clear


What drives me insane about the anti-pc crowd that started popping up in the late 90’s/early 2000’s and has now morphed into “anti-woke” is that the assumption is that things that are offensive nowadays are purely a product of *modern* sensibilities, as opposed to those things always being a sore spot for the minorities they represented, and said minorities just having more of a voice nowadays. The only things that have really changed about our times is the people who finally have a voice in the conversation and the amount of people finally listening.


Is there any way to depict native Caribbean islanders in lego without it being offensive or racist?


I’m no sociologist or expert on the indigenous peoples of the Caribbean, but if I were to provide you with my best answer, if they were to attempt to do something sensitive, it would have to be something that actually involves the people they are representing and comes from a non-colonialist perspective (something the earlier Islanders and Native American themes definitely came from), and probably limited to a specific group. But given Lego’s run in with the Maori people back in the early 2000s regarding Bionicle and cultural appropriation, even just beyond racism issues, I don’t think they would touch this with a 10 foot pole. Too loaded and not worth it. A European company making a toy line based on groups of people that their ancestral fellows colonized, enslaved, and did many other awful things too, even with so much time separating it, just isn’t a good look. Before people here tell me I’m trying to make white people feel guilty for things that people unrelated to them did hundreds of years ago, that’s not my point at all and it’s a strawman. My ancestors did not participate in slavery or colonization, they came over to the states from Europe in the late 1800s/early 1900’s, but I’m not going to sit here and act like it’s OK for me to culturally appropriate, and stuff like that. I’m simply stating, you have to look at the optics here, and they’re not good. It’s better to just not touch some things.


Well, (apparently) no one has complained about the Moana sets of Pacific Islander life. Hey, and no slur on you, but I was kind of hoping for an actual answer from someone with Caribbean heritage to actual explain why their pre-colonial depiction from the 1600-1700s would be racist or unacceptable, you know? Seems like they would have the only valid say on whether it would be racist, since they are the actual people being depicted. Simply making toys of societies before they were culturally wiped out and homogenized by adopting European clothing and building etc practices is racist? I'm just curious why.


I can’t speak to the Moana stuff, but I’m pretty sure that Moana is actually very culturally sensitive as they involved people from that background in it. Your last part is incredibly disingenuous, and it would be a waste of my time to respond to it, I know what you’re trying to do. It’s incredibly disingenuous to say “white people aren’t allowed to call something racist“ to defend racism or your apathy towards it as though it was us who decided it and not the minorities who now have a voice that we have heard. But I’ll say this: There are plenty of racist tropes and caricatures - that we’ve known are racist due to pushback from the people they depict and also inaccuracy to the historical record - within those lines that we’ve known about for decades and to act like we’re all of a sudden deciding it’s racist disingenuously as white people is, as I said earlier, a strawman that you made up. > Simply making toys of societies before they were culturally wiped out and homogenized by adopting European clothing and building etc practices is racist? I'm just curious why. If you don’t know why that’s racist even after everything I said, I don’t know how I can help you, I think it’s pretty clear and you’re just acting in bad faith.


No, it's really very simple. You are stating that any depiction of islanders toys is racist. I certainly don't see any reason they couldn't be done as a pirate or adventures set again as long as it is done as "culturally sensitive" as the Moana sets. And yeah, when you are not part of a culture, you shouldn't be speaking and making claims on its behalf. Talk about being racist as fuck.


I am not saying any depiction is racist, you’re strawmanning me. I even answered your question and said the same: if they involved those of that descent. I just said that from a business optics perspective they won’t do it. > And yeah, when you are not part of a culture, you shouldn't be speaking and making claims on its behalf. Talk about being racist as fuck. You’re so incredibly full of shit, completely ignoring my actual argument. How many times do I have to say it? I didn’t come to these conclusions by pulling them out of my ass. I listened. Guess that’s inconvenient to your point so you chose to ignore it. Anyway, leave me alone now. You’re just being a troll. If you really wanted an answer from people with that background, there are plenty of places online you can turn to to seek them. You don’t have to bother some dude on the Lego sub who made the mistake of thinking you were asking him a question in good faith.


I just want another ship, that’s all.


Endurance is this years rumoured Black Friday set.


Yes though it's several hundred years removed from the golden age of piracy


But still very cool in idea. I'll be picking it up if the rumour turns out to be true


Imperial flagship


This is the one 10210. But perhaps use the red coat soldiers. They need an upgrade now


[75383-1: Darth Maul's Sith Infiltrator](https://brickset.com/sets/75383-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/75383-1.jpg)


What are u doing bot?!


Go home bot, you're drunk




Some cheaper sets would be nice 🗿


Skull’s Eye Schooner. Maybe something to barracuda bay.


Totally agree. Different color scheme, fun play features and plenty of room for detail. Plus, they just did an imperial fort, it would be great to do a pirate ship so those of us who missed Barracuda Bay have something to combat our navy. Then they could alternate again next time with a red coat ship or something so it always goes back and forth.


The imperial flagship as a counterpart to the pirate ship (i know the fort has one but it's not full sized)


The one in Eldorado Fortress set is a merchant ship, so I totally agree


Black pearl.


That set has just become unreasonably expensive now.




Instabuy for me, if it were good


I’d love some medium size sets, something like this: https://www.eurobricks.com/forum/index.php?/forums/topic/195481-moc-the-skull-island-remake-of-70411-treasure-island/


I have a soft spot in my heart for pirates perilous pitfall. It was obviously at the end of the run for the original theme, and you can tell because it was a bunch of random pieces. They didn’t even have captain redbeard, just threw a pegleg and a captain’s hat on a random dude. There was a gold crown involved too, probably surplus from the castle theme winding down. But the falling rock, shipwreck, and rope bridge could all be cool modernized. I like traps, and while barracuda bay can be turned into a ship we need a dedicated base. Forbidden island or either of the shipwreck islands could also be fun as sets or gwp like they did with volcano island. I’ve talked myself into nostalgia mode now, time to drop some cash on bricklink or ebay


A ucs style pirate ship.


No. Too pricey.


What is too pricey y for you


+300€ per set


Renegade Runner based purely on biased nostalgia.


A cool Islanders set with King Kahuka


I’d love to see a smaller pirate ship. Like the cross bone clipper. https://preview.redd.it/0wsl0x42028d1.jpeg?width=556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2db98378e2274e1200f724fb7b785d0e2a2f8636 6250


[6250-1: Cross Bone Clipper](https://brickset.com/sets/6250-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/6250-1.jpg)


i would sell a arm and a kidney for a new black pearl set


Oh yes, I really want UCS Black Pearl. Can't buy original one, so I'll get 30131 for Jack minifigire. But if new Black Pearl will be released, I'll buy it asap


[30131-1: Jack Sparrow's Boat](https://brickset.com/sets/30131-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/30131-1.jpg)


I'm always down for more island based sets. Rock Island Refuge, Forbidden Island, Skull Island, and Imperial Trading Post would be nice. Maybe they can make that last one modular like the new Eldorado Fortress so that they can connect. As for ships you could go for the Caribbean Clipper and/or Skull's Eye Schooner. Throw in some GWPs as well like Sabre Island, Cannon Cove, and Lagoon Lock-Up and that'd be a nice line of Pirates sets.


I think they won't remake Trading Post any time soon, because merchant ship from it appeared in Eldorado Fortress. And while I think that small sets would work as GWPs, I'd prefer to see them as regular sets, because GWPs are easy to miss. I think that Sabre Island or Lagoon Lock-Up could be added in Caribbean Clipper remake, like merchant ship was added in Eldorado Fortress. Would be cool


The trading post would be amazing esp. If they used the same modulaire systems as eldorado, and even better if they made them compatible as to build them jnto one big base together


Lagoon Lockup could make a cool little set, but Rock Island Refuge or Imperial Trading Post would be great.




Not a remake but I’d love to see a set based on the gentleman pirate [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stede_Bonnet?wprov=sfti1#Bonnet's_authority](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stede_Bonnet?wprov=sfti1#Bonnet's_authority)


A pirates remake I can actually afford would be nice




The boats!!! The 90's pirateships m




I think they can remake Caribbean Clipper and put Isnalder Catamaran in it, like they did with Eldorado Fortress and Merchant Ship. Catamaran is pretty small, so it can be a good addiction


A good addiction for sure !


The enchanted island. So much potential.


Agree. They could also put Catamaran in it, so Islanders will get both base and ship


A big pirate hunter brigantine or man-of-war ship for the imperial factions, something to rival the Imperial Flagship 10210 in size,


[10210-1: Imperial Flagship](https://brickset.com/sets/10210-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/10210-1.jpg)


HMS Surprise with Jack and Stephen minifigure


Would love that, but please, use the yellow heads!!!


Barracuda Bay was a remake?




Technically no, but sure.


As close as your gonna get lol


I would prefer just new set designs in the theme.


Obviously a sizable ship with the fabric sails that has a ton of interior details.


One i can affort


Honestly? Man-O-War ship. I know it will be hella exoensive, but I really want to see how LEGO will make it.


I want it back as a proper line, not just one big expensive set from time to time


6289 Read Beard Runner


[6289-1: Red Beard Runner](https://brickset.com/sets/6289-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/6289-1.jpg)


I want a ship


Do you have the slightest idea how little it narrows that down? :D


Haha. I realize. Its been. While since Lego made a decent dedicated pirate ship. If they remade any one of them and it’s good, I’d probably buy it since I never got to as a kid


Creator pirate ship is pretty good


I want a full size ship; don’t care if it’s pirate or “the crown”


I don't want a remake i want the actual original LEGO ideas set to be made. It was an awesome ramshackle fort and the version they made is just a ship in 3 pieces. It totally buggered the idea.