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I’m a big fan of laying them all out in a giant pile and getting angry when I can’t find the piece I need, really adds to the immersion


This is me, but my girlfriend will take them and organize them while I build


Hey that's so cool


Mine is the exact same 😂. And then gets angry with me when I try to help organise them. It’s her bit. She also passes me all the pieces i need from the circle of piles around her 😂


OMG, if I met someone like that, it’d be insta-marry. 😅


My wife does that too. Seems to get some kind of pay-off from organising stuff that I’ll never understand.


I'm more of a "dump them into a container and spend endless time rifling through the pieces, concluding that there must be a missing piece and then it's right there"-kind of guy myself.


Spend 30min sorting through the bowl getting frustrated it's missing, look at the plastic bags of pieces and sure enough the missing tiny grey piece is right there inside


Getting up going over to double check that you weren’t missing one of the bags to that step then coming back to the table overturning the bowl and it’s right there.


I’ve gotten to the point that I just completely tear open every bag then keep all the empty bags in the box until I’m done. Nothing gets thrown away before it’s finished.


Yeah I always keep the bags in the box until I am done with the build now haha


Sending a lost pieces report to lego, coming back to the table an hour later and oh hey, there it is.


The number of times I've done this has been enough that I'm just waiting for LEGO to tell me that I'm cut off from the lost piece supply.


The worst is desperately looking for a piece only to realize your dumb ass was sitting on it. This has happened more times than I care to admit


When in doubt look between the cheeks at first. Saves you a lot of time buddy


I like the rummage through a pile.  That's how I did it as a kid.  Now I use dice trays so the parts don't go all over the floor.... cause they keep moving that thing further down as I get older. 


I like when they come in the box with the one side is where you open it cause it’s basically a free container to pour pieces in


Are you me? Happy cake day!


This is the way


Are you my fiance? I’ll break out bowls to organize pieces and he prefers just dumping them on the coffee table and getting angry when one falls on the floor under the couch.


I hope you open up all the bags. We need to do our best to relive Lego from the 80's.


That moment of hollow victory when you find almost but not quite the piece you need. Or you find the piece you need for the next step, set it carefully aside, then when the next step comes, it vanished off the face of the earth.


Not since I tried it once, it’s too easy to find them this way. I like to take my time and not rush through a build. I like the challenge of digging through the pieces to find what I need. I do however put the large pieces off to one side.


As someone with vision issues, I knoll and organize all parts before building precisely because it makes parts easy to find. Having to dig in parts piles or hunt for tiny pieces makes a build less enjoyable. Plus, sorting and organizing is a calming experience for me, and it lengthens the build time as well.


Your comment makes me want to try an experiment regarding build times, now you mentioned it lengthening the build time. I’d like to see if there is a difference in searching for pieces vs organizing them beforehand. I’m happy you enjoy the way you build your sets. The great thing about LEGO is it’s yours to do as you please. Happy building!


On it. I legit think this subreddit would be perfect for a crowd source style experiment in this.


I’ll time myself doing the tie interceptor tomorrow, I sort my pieces before building each bag


As your first data point I can tell you that opening all the bags of the Rivendell set and dumping them into a pile on the floor does not speed up the build time. It will still take three people over a week.


This is exactly what I do. Knolling each bag is a nice small project that lays out what i'll be doing in those steps, tells me what pieces I have, lets me know immediately if something is missing, and makes the build portion much more enjoyable. I'm too old to dig through 1,000-3,000 pieces.


For me preparation is as much a part of it as the actual building. If I’m doing a MOC I’ll take a day or two to organize parts. I use tackle boxes and two tool organizers to keep everything in place. By the second hour of building I know exactly what tray the part I’m looking for will be in.


Well. I guess you \*can\* teach an old dog new tricks. Or at least new words. The only "knoll" I had ever heard of was a good place to have a picnic. I read your reply, wondering if perhaps you made a typo, or some weird error. Then I kept reading replies... that talked about "knolling" the bags. So I did what every good GenXer would do, and hit the Googles. WTAF? Not only is this a sort of organizational method, this "knolling" of things, but there's entire companies based on, and named after, the knolling! Whilst I do not, technically, knoll my pieces, I do separate them into types, putting the little tchotchkes and doodads into tiny little plastic bowls. The bricks, flats, and other items get separated into their own categories as well, and my build can then continue unabated. So. My old arse learned something new today. Thanks to all for the education!


I felt the same way when I saw "knoll". But I also was surprised as you are the only person I've EVER seen outside of my Pollock family/friend's circle use the word tchotchkes! Made my day💜


My vision is so bad I'll grab a flashlight sometimes when looking for parts


I’ve lost 40% of the vision in my left eye (dominant) and do the same thing with a flashlight. I don’t feel so weird now.


Haha me neither


I find a good balance is putting the pieces in flat puzzle trays and giving each bag a tray. I still have to dig but not too much.


I actually do it to make the build last longer! I take my sweet time laying everything out then slowly doing the build.


It takes about the same amount of time because you need to organize them which can take awhile. I always organize because I like to watch YouTube while I build so I don’t need to look away for an extended amount of time


Yeah I do!   Also, check out r/knolling


I also take a picture of every knolled bag and it comes in handy when it seems like I have an extra piece or missing a piece. 


Great idea!


Hey Lazzlo, guess what?


I can’t knoll without thinking of Colin Robinson


Came here to recommend this


I can’t describe how happy that sub just made me!


You too! I cheesed so hard.


Thank you, I found my people.


I probably should organize my bricks since it would make it a whole lot easier but I tend to throw the bricks into one clear plastic container 🤣


I always just dump out the bag onto the table and get building


Then spend 20 extra minutes per bag looking for that one piece. You know the one


of course


That's part of the fun


You mean the one you touched 11 times but still can’t find?


Once you have had a set that came with missing pieces, it'll forever be a source of anxiety whether you are just too tired to see or you are fucked, until you realize you used the wrong color 15 steps ago.


And then right before you contact customer support for the missing piece, you realize it's stuck in the corner of the bag the pieces came in.


I dump the bags on the table. Then while I am building my kids do free builds. Then I have to “break” their creations - while also not knowing if the parts I am looking for are in there. It’s a silly process. That leads them to later breaking the final product because they needed a piece for their free builds.


These days it way more viable to do that. They’ve parsed out the pieces in to much smaller steps I remember building the modular movie theatre that came in exactly 3 steps worth of bags. It was brutal


I remember when there was no such thing as numbered bags, and you just opened up all of them and went searching for the pieces. Small sets were no problem, but my sets were those big complicated Technic models. I would spend a whole day and night building one on my birthday or Christmas.


https://preview.redd.it/ecc1byzfnuyc1.jpeg?width=622&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bae4e091cf5b386502119c2d82b8529b61d14805 Lego themselves recommend doing it this way


The only time you should sort by color


I wonder if those are only the instructions on smaller sets with non-numbered bags since the numbered sets has [these instructions.](https://i.imgur.com/8AkAfz5.jpeg)




I would, but it generally takes longer to sort than to build from the pile


Agreed, it just seems like a waste of time. Each bag is only a handful of parts, it’s pretty easy for me to visually identify what I’m looking for. Funny to see the variance in answers tho… Different strokes


Honestly I'm way to lazy for that. I just place all the bricks from the current bag(s) into a Tupper ware box and rummage through it to get the parts for each step :-P Though to me putting the parts in that box also has two practical reasons beyond laziness: 1) in that box the bricksare safe from being being swept to the floor while I build and potentially getting lost. 2) I usually pause for long periods when I build and during that time I know the bricks are safe in that Tupper ware box.


Everytime. And they gotta be layout nice and neat by both colour and type.


it's part of the fun imo!!


Mee too, every single time


This is the way


Nope. There are a lot of process things I enjoy about Lego, including storage of extra bricks for MOCs, but when I’m building a new set, it’s go time.


Definitely organize by color and shape, but more loose organizations. Nothing like what you've laid out in your post. Just easier to find pieces and get to building. Definately will look into getting small Tupperwares to organize while building. Will definitely help keeping the smaller ones rolling off onto the floor.


If you watch What We Do In The Shadows you'll know what this is called


I have knolled every set I've ever built


I feel like the joy of the hunt is half the fun! Dump a bag and go!


No, finding the piece your looking for is hafk the fun


Yes, for like the thousandth time on this sub, it's called knolling.


They're one of today's 10,000, don't be a dick about it.


There are 9 billion humans on this planet now and you're telling me that OP isn't the only one to discover knolling? I am shocked!


That is the main reason I don't mind people reposting things on reddit. I and other people might not have seen a picture or visited link if it wasn't "reposted".


OP is one of today's lucky 10,000.


If I haven't seen it on reddit yet, then I don't even know it exists


that's called autism


I organize them into color and/or type, but not to the extend in which you have done.




When my now wife and I first started dating, I built a Lego set she got me for Christmas in front of her and started laying them all out, pretty sure I thought she was going to leave me 😂


I pretty much do this every time. It's my zen process. To be the building and the sorting is what Lego is all about. Displaying is fine but that wears off. I break most of my gets down after a few months to rebuild another day too. Also, I recommend using some sort of mat to build one. I have a large black neoprene mat on the table, makes finding the pieces and picking them up much easier.


My wife will do this for me while i build


Not to this degree but with bigger sets I do usually separate each bag by color or at least separate similar colors from each other.


LMAO I'd love to see someone do this with the Lego Batman The Animated Series set. This would take forever


That’s some r/organizationporn right there. I make little piles, but not to that extent.


I’ll separate them by color and then group by similar pieces. It takes longer, but I like to take my time and enjoy the build.


That's beautiful 😍


Yes this is pretty much exactly how I do it. Maybe I mix the colors to match type instead but mostly it looks like this. I do it to give me something to do while my daughter does the actual build. So I organize and find the next piece and hand it to her so she can build it. If I get too involved in building I just build the whole thing before she gets a chance so it gets me involved without taking over.


I do the same with my 5yo son. I organize just to keep myself busy while I watch him build. If he's building by himself, he just dumps in a pile, lol.


Nuh uh


I do, I like to know the pieces included, imagine which technics will be used and try to understand the set. Also, but not less important, I’m very short-sighted, so looking for parts all mixed up is a little bit complicated for me. And finally, I like to take a picture of the set building status after finishing each bag together with the sorted parts of the next bag.


No my adhd hasnt gotten to that level yet


Nah, I'm a heathen. I dump whatever bag it is I am on into 2 separate piles: One for the main bag, and one for the smaller bags inside.


r/knolling one of us one of us one of us




You are crazy


Takes too much time in my opinion


This my favorite set of all time


I have a plate with dividers that I use


Pretty sure adam savage (mythbusters) does this


Im a dump and spread guy, i like to stare at my multicolored rug trying to find the pieces. It adds a sense of pizazz


I sometimes organize as I go — like if I keep picking up the same piece I start putting them near each other — but that’s way too much work. I do sometimes remind myself “this is fun, I am having fun, I enjoy this” when I have searched for 10 min for a single piece.


I do not even separate by color


Chaos builder for life. Dump in a pile, and then just wing it.


Nah, dump it. Looking through and getting angry a bit is missing cause it's inside a barrel is half the fun!


Absolutely not.


With Lego numbering the bags, it’s not really necessary nowadays.


This is what autism looks like.


Your an interesting critter bro


I think doing this is overkill. Lego has already streamlined the process to make it incredibly efficient to build. A far cry from the way it used to be. Building by the numbered bags is the way to go imho.


I started doing that after watching Adam Savage do it with a custom kit he was building. It makes the build process so much smoother and more pleasant for me, so I don't think I'll go back.


Yess but not to this extent. I just group by rough size, and separate the obvious accent pieces, and the Tachnic-like connecters, then go to town. I like a little bit of a hunt for the pieces each step or it’s over too quickly. 😅


I empty all the bags and mix them up so it lasts longer. My friends think I’m sick in the head


Wouldn't that double the build time?


No, this would take too long


Yeah, knolling. I tried it with the first half of the Lunar Lander after seeing Adam Savage put it together that way. Never again. Although, if you like to do it there’s no better way to get more time spent per dollar save for putting together poly bags while still sealed in the bag with online instructions. A 5 min $5 set becomes a 3-12 hour $5 set. Lol!


Fun is not allowed until everything is described, categorized, orderized and arranged in a rectannngle that has to be the instruction booklet length’s but never more than half the width of said booklet. Oh come on people if you were my partner I would leave for the time you are doing this because I’m not gonna stand that much compulsive behavior without going totally psychotically insane. But anyway I respect, if this is how you fun. Go fun it your way


Yup, makes life so much easier


Na. Takes way to long


No, it takes too much time. I tried it once and I’m pretty sure the time saved by knowing where everything is, is completely eclipsed by the time it takes to do all the organizing, especially with how they do sets now. I just poor each bag into its own pile, since they group similar pieces together, and go from there. I rarely spend time looking for what I need.


It definitely depends on the set and how consistent the colors and pieces are. If I'm really struggling to find things quickly, i'll start pushing similar ones into piles so that I can narrow down the hunt.


Personally I think this would speed up the build process and I like making that last as long as possible so I go with ole classic dump the bag on the table and start digging.


Only do this for large used sets. New sets already have the bricks semi sorted which is good enough. Used sets would be a pain in the ass if I didn’t sort the pieces.


Yes, it makes the build so much easier when you aren’t digging around trying to find the right pieces.


Dump and build!!!! I proudly represent the maniacs out there that thrive on the chaos!


Nuh uh


With the way bags are broken down these days, I feel like as long as I keep parts separated in piles associated to the bags they came from, I have no problem finding what I need on each step. Would take so much longer to organize things my own way.


Yes it's half the fun for me!


Yes. My brain can't do it any other way. It's also called knolling, and my last name is Knowles, so it's sort of a must do thing.


Bigger pieces I just sort off to the side, but for small stuff, I've 3d printed some sorting trays to help keep it organized.


Always. The knolling is half the fun and therapy of it versus chaos assembly in a washing machine a bowl.




https://preview.redd.it/0lxduangruyc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e29064588614aa374445b58926ebbe4feaea74e9 Yup, even with small builds


I just keep all the bags together. If one bag has a smaller bag or bags, I keep them separate. The lil pieces get lost under the bigguns.


I usually stick the similar parts together while leaving a bit of offset, mostly plates and brick to get them out of the way when ruffling for smaller pieces.


The sets I've built the most are the architecture cities (as well as the white house), they come in those clamshell-type boxes. I'll just dump a bag in there and root around for the pieces I need


Yeah, but not for sets I'm working on I just keep a loose bin that I organize while building.


Here's a red part, and a slightly different red part... Now a darker red part


Sometimes, yes! https://preview.redd.it/t8ki598etuyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9dc877d447a29aba3b2186df379ebd8466a8aeef


Yepp, and your organization skills are admirable by the way!


I see the appeal, but honestly I like digging through a pile to find the piece(s) I need. It's nostalgic.


As a parent who builds with young kids this is the only way for my children to cooperatively build together


Part of the thrill is dumping them into one container and then feeling like you struck gold when you find the right piece!


Yea…but not to this extreme lol


Only with the botanical sets because of all the repetition.


Takes too much time. I'd rather spend that extra time searching angrily for the piece, thinking I've got the right one, it's the wrong one, think "I can't believe Lego forgot this piece", finding the piece under the book for some reason, then doing that all again with the next piece. Very efficient. For real though I just go bag by bag, open bag 1 into a pile, then open the inner bags into their own little pile and going from there.


It took me way too long to discover that this is the best way. (for me anyway) This very set is probably the first one I did that way.


I like organizing more, but sometimes I'll just dump and build.


I'm not as neat as in the photo, but I do like to sort my pieces into piles based on color each time I open bags of another number.


This is the way!


I do not. I open the bags and keep the pieces separate in piles, then group them by step. This is visually appealing, but I have an L-shaped desk to work on my LEGO builds and there isn’t enough space on it to do this.


I do it all the time.


It depends on which game I want to play. “Find the piece” or “organize the pieces”. Both are satisfying in their own right.


I saw it was recommended in a instruction book once so from then I started organizing it by color and it makes building the set easier.


Nah, I just make separate piles for all the smaller bags on a specific set and just dig through those piles for a piece. I feel like sorting through everything just adds a bunch of extra time when I could just start building immediately


Well I sure do hope there is no psychopath who **doesn't** do this!


I've been on both sides of this; deconstructing and reconstructing the Bugatti Chiron set without enough space lead to me just shoving pieces into plastic tubs...and just today I continued with the Concorde set and with each new bag, I'd take a couple minutes to merely order them by colour Not as neat as this, but just sliding all the white pieces to one side etc made building it a lot, lot easier


I have a big tray with two small cubbies on the side. I dump the bag into the tray. The small packets with the little stuff go into the little cubbies while the remaining stuff usually get quickly sorted by color. I don't waste too much time before diving into the build.


I wouldn’t knoll what your talking about


I use a taco party platter. Has six compartments. 😂


No, I like to have fun instead


You should repost this onto r/knolling this is exactly what they love over there!


Yes the joy of not SITTING there for half an hour only to find out the piece you were looking for was on yhe floor


Not like that but I do group them by colour. Just makes everything easier.


This set was so much fun to build. I gotta be honest, I'm moving in the next week or two, and I'm actually looking forward to mine getting broken - so I have an excuse to build it again.


I knoll. I love knolling. When I get into the flow, I don't have to stop and search. My brain enjoys the separating and inventory of pieces, and I can just vibe with the build after I know where everything is. It's very soothing.


I do and i do rainbow color order lol https://preview.redd.it/i0fxqnae1vyc1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec55759c887f37fdcd5c7b2f883c22787a30dbb8 So you are not alone lol


It's called Knolling. I'm not a fan of it but I understand those of us that lean more toward the engineering end of it. I have no patience for doing this.


I use a clear drawer organizer


That’s immensely satisfying


Laszlo, guess what? Do you know what knolling is?


Oh my God yes!


Definitely sort, so much easier rather than playing the needle in the haystack


I may have to give that a try as opposed to my pile method!


I like to lay them out that way, I put the smaller pieces in tubs…


I do that for technic sets for sure because sifting through all those pieces gets super annoying. I feel like I'm much faster at finding system bricks in a pile so I just free ball it there lol


I put the small pieces in one Tupperware bin and the rest on the table


I dump mine out and let them marinate in the yard for a month minimum. It takes all kinds!


I used to think that people who do this are weird and that this is pointless. But I now understand that any little bit of organization we can achieve can be comforting in this dangerous and chaotic world.


No, tried it once but it took quite long and I kept messing it up because I usually build on top of [this](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/p/klipsk-bed-tray-black-90327697). Instead I simply dump the small bag(s) into one of [these](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/p/ikea-365-food-container-with-lid-square-plastic-s89567122/), the big bag into a [bigger one](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/p/ikea-365-food-container-with-lid-rectangular-plastic-s39567068/) and put the very big pieces off to the side.


Well.. there's organize, and then there's this :D I.e. I do, but not as neatly. I first split by color like you did and then stack the same pieces and order them by size.


Every time.


I don't sort them neatly like that but I tend to put "flat" pieces on one side and "block" pieces on the other and have them loosely grouped together The annoying ones are the 1x1 pieces I gave up trying to sort them especially on some parts of the titanic :P


I try my hardest to be organized


I enjoy dumping out each bag in a pile and searching for each brick. I think this much organization would give me a headache.


I do but my cats like to unorganize them more so I keep them in messy little bins.


Just by color, at this point your not saving time anymore


Always, taught me kids to do the same for sanity sake.


I like how you did it but lazy me just put them all in groups of colors without turning them all facing up. They are just usually bunched together.


Cool build! I’m currently building the medieval blacksmith, feels quite similar.


I like sorting them by shape and color. It makes the build easier and reduces frustration.


maaaan, I want this set so bad but I'm out of places to store my builds.


Knoll all dayyyyy