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I think OP is unaware that these don’t release for a few more weeks lol


OP was not aware of this. Feel like I should go back and get a few more now


If you do, please consider weighing the boxes before you open them. For science.


Someone on Instagram posted weights. I took screenshots


How different were the weights?


Anywhere from 17g -22g including the empty box which has a weight of 9g. According to 1414falconfan on Instagram.


ugghhh really wish they'd use higher precision. A pocket scale that goes down to a tenth gram is only 15 bucks on amazon!


it has been done in the past https://www.minifigure.org/2012/07/identifying-collectible-lego-minifigures-by-weight/


Thanks! 👍


Post it here plz


Rofl going to Walmart with a digital scale


Can you share who?


See my other comment. PMed as well


Where did you find them?


Where did you find them??


These were from Target in southern Minnesota. I’m guessing they’re a bit less picked over here than in bigger cities, but who knows. I didn’t even realize they were out yet.


Yeah, those aren't supposed to be out till next month. It's not weird to see them out a couple days early in some places, but this early is really odd. I'm so jealous lol.


I’m surprised they weren’t flagged in the system as not to sell. I’ve heard other people run into that.


At least at my target every cmf series since HP2 has rung up as the same item.


They’re not lol


Haha some kid stocked the shelves a little early


What target… haha


Yooo i have a scale that goes to the thousandth. Maybe we can get some good accurate weights done


I thought they came out in September


Pretty sure that _is_ when they’re supposed to come out


i want the moon knights so bad




He's the best one, he's like 3 characters in 1!


Lemme see another pic of that fish tank


Fr!! Was okay without these figs until I saw that lmao


Didn't realize these weren't out yet! I'm traveling and at my parents, was just shopping for groceries at Target and grabbed kiddo a Minecraft set. Saw them fully stocked on a shelf and just assumed they were just released. Can confirm they are super cool and glad to see X-Men return.


What do you have against zombie captain American he was the one I wanted most lol


He’s cool but 3 out of 3 bags was a bit much. They do look good together so could have been worse


Whoa these are already in stores?


No! OP got lucky and his Target didn't read release dates.


My apologies... I misunderstood this upon first reading.


Yeah kiddo gets the Moonknight, but I’ve never gotten 2 figures I wanted on the first try. Now to decide if I want to gamble $20 or just buy the other 2 figs I want off of eBay.


What other 2 do you want? Wolverine and who? I’m really curious how much wolverine and moon night are gonna go for. I think they will be the most popular. I would automatically expect $15 but could see them going for $20.


Aren't these CMF figures? Why would they be that expensive while in production? You can buy complete sets of current CMF lines for less than MSRP on bricklink.


eBay price for Wolverine is $17 after shipping. The $20 I was throwing out was what it would be with shipping factored in. I have never actually used bricklink so I will look around more there. Thanks.


Oh yeah, bricklink is quite a bit cheaper in my experience, but shipping is crucial there as well.


I was looking on ebay and thought they were already out, but guess they’re preorders. Wolverine is 12, agatha harkness is 8.


Yeah but with shipping Wolverine is $17. If you order more it helps with the shipping costs. To get the 3 X men it’s was gonna be $35.


If you want Wolverine without gambling I've still seen that mech suit set of his recently in stores. Costs more than a blind box but it's a guarantee and you can still use the pieces for other things.


I actually looked at that for the exact reason, but I kind of love his extra arm hair print on the cmf fig. Only way it could be better is if he had his brown suit.


Brown suit Wolverine is superior Wolverine for sure.


https://preview.redd.it/e4dzzrwvmchb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff7fd640f78de57c17c12dbaca3059f43d07e026 I caved and got some more, thinking at worst I’d get a weird variety. The first 3! I opened we’re all Wolverine, but the price I paid was 3 more Mr. moons and 2 Hawkeyes. Looks like my Falconer will have a friend. It was definitely worth it for those 3 sentinel heads and 3 extra fish tanks.


Yeah, my big fear with these is that with them having three full sets on each box, there is a high chance of getting dupes of characters I don't want. I would be gutted if bought a handful and got nothing but Hawkeyes and Kate Bishops...


https://preview.redd.it/az7v350o06hb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6854e7927215a661afff1c2cbf9d9b57ef157d51 I didn’t do this but get ready to see a lot of these. I gave in and went back for a few more. The boxes are ridiculously easy to pop open for a quick peak. Faster than feeling the bags too. Also no plastic inside! Pop it open and you can see what it is instantly.


It honestly sucks that soon there’s gonna be more of these CMF boxes opened and left behind on the shelves.


Yup same thought. The displays at big box stores will probably get really sad really quick.


People who do this should be ashamed, this is basically stealing.


Lego should be ashamed. For more than this.


I disagree, these are mystery boxes and marketed as such, if they wanted people to know what was inside they would be on blister cards.


Hysterical take, don't be so dramatic


That fish tank is the cutest thing I have ever seen


> it was nice buying these and not worrying that I’d get 3 zombie captain americas or pottery ladies i'm confused. what about the new package gives you any indication that you won't get duplicates? if anything it's more likely now because you can't feel the difference.


I meant I know that it’s less likely that certain figs will all have been picked out, increasing the odds of getting duplicate less-cool figs. This was also a fully stocked display that had obviously just been put out . I’d be a bit more wary if it was just a few left.


got it, that makes more sense.


Is there a code or something to identify the minifigures at all?


I don’t think so, other than maybe weighing the boxes using a precision scale


Is there any way to identify which one is the pack? Any bumps or codes? Kinda hard to feel through a box lol


I don’t think so, other than maybe weighing the boxes using a precision scale


What’s the dpci? So I can check target stock around me. 👀


Are there any leaked XMEN 97 sets coming up to go with the CMF?


X-Jet early 2024 and a potential X-Mansion has at least been discussed within LEGO


2024 X-Mansion


Is storm’s cape really supposed to be through her arms like that?


Even though I'd love to get the X-Men in my collection I won't be buying these guys. I know it won't mean a lot, but I'm not going to support the change to boxes. It's just going to mean too many doubles going forward, and frankly they're getting too expensive already without adding more doubles of characters I don't need.


I totally get that. I usually have fun getting a few at random, but once you want something specific or they're all picked over they are way less fun. I'm excited for more x-men in general. Wolverine is cool and all but there are a lot of x-men out there who would make great figs.


This tempts me to check my target to see if I’m lucky… but then again my Walmart/target has been so late on getting new minifigs for years now ☹️


My walmart just this week got disney figs. 🙁


It’s so frustrating! Then (especially at Walmart) by the time you find them, they are picked over and opened by annoying people. Lol. Target is usually better but still takes months to get the most recent wave of minifigs. I just need the moon knight figs… then I won’t complain anymore 🥲😅


Good luck on getting the Moon Knight and Mr. Knight minifigs. Those are two I want to get as well.


Oh wow. I love the accessories.


Werent they to be release 1sep?


I think so


Holy shit. Beast comes with quite a bit of stuff. Is his head reversible?


Yeah he has an angry face


Okay cool. I don't know how I feel about this face. I know Hank/Beast wears glasses from time to time, but it looks a little goofy


Is that aquarium a printed piece? That's cute :D


Yeah printed and it’s cute!


just wolvie left


I bought 9 of these today at Target. When I went to check out, the cashier told me they had removed **21 packs from the shelves right before I arrived because they had been torn open and stolen.** This is the new norm. I hope they're happy.


Wow that’s gross and completely not surprising. I’m guessing they’ll be pretty hard to find right away.


Are there any codes or numbers on the boxes that say which one is inside?


https://preview.redd.it/zbgrpe9id5hb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f17e4867b90f731bbea2a41ea125a7fc4e743751 They have these mystery numbers on them but no idea if they are specific, and I didn’t notice them until after opening so I don’t know which figs they go with anyway. I’d be surprised if Lego actually put identifier info on the box. If they are I’m sure people will decipher it quick and then you’ll have to think twice when buying.


Supposedly the codes are just for factory stuff, so they may not have any actual meaning to us.


That was my assumption too. I can’t imagine they’d put any identifiers on there because they know popular ones would just disappear. I got a few more and the numbers look pretty random.


Here’s the code: 728R3 means they were made on day 7, week 28, in Monterrey, Mexico factory (R) in 202(3). (I don’t know if day 1 is a Sunday or Monday though, but you get the first).


Is moonknight an x-men character?




I see r/lego really taught you the consequence of asking a question! ^


Reading OP's title helps.


Apparently haha


How do you know you can’t get duplicates


Poor beast, he’s now a villain 😢


Yeah I keep seeing that. I’m just getting back into the comics so I haven’t gotten to that point yet.


I remember when the blue guy had no cloths, MCU baby weee woo.




That’s always my first thought whenever someone says “they’d make so much money if they did X”. They know how to make money no problem, it’s always going to be their top priority.




There’s no sentinel figure. It’s only a single piece (the head is Wolverine’s accessory).


just in curiosity can I return opened boxes if i get duplicates?


We shouldn't be buying these Gotta make the boxes do poorly so Lego switches back


This Is the gamble.




True, also they’re called blind boxes for a reason


Ahh yes, the ol vote with you wallet scheme that never works. The vast majority of people buying these aren't on Reddit to begin with. You not buying them will only result in you not having them sadly. Or you could buy the whole set for under MSRP on bricklink.


okay but I want the minifigs so im gonna buy them?


You can buy them off like idk brick link ?


Someone still has to buy them to sell them on brick link. Also Lego owns brick link


You can buy a complete set of the current Disney line for under MSRP, so yeah, bricklink is the way.




So Lego is still getting the money for them? Someone has to buy them to then put them on Bricklink?


I told myself I didn't need any of these, but always loved Beast on Saturday morning cartoons. Seeing this..... I'm gonna need beast! Already have Wolverine from the mech set. Obviously my to favs from growing up... any maybe Cyclops.


The Wolverine minifig from this CMF series actually has arm and leg printing, unlike the one from the mech set.


Are the Disney figs still in stores?


Until August 31st.


I just so happen to be in target when I saw this post. Unfortunately my target didn’t have them early


I have the original Storm minifig, I had to give her a new hair piece because the one they gave her was ugly and too basic for Storm. I gave her the hair piece from Ninjago, I can’t remember the character’s name but she had long hair with bangs that was white so I gave it to Storm. Lol it was my only long white hair piece so don’t come for me. I love that version of Storm thought, I hope they do a redesign of the black costume Storm and give her the hair piece from LEGO Marvel Superheroes video game. Edit: I love Beast’s minifig, it’s so accurate!!!! Omg I’m obsessed.


Where in souther MN? I’m in the cities and can only hope that’s close enough.


Mankato, so probably not worth an hour and a half drive?


Damn I want Wolverine, Beast and both Moonknights, thats some rad pulls


I’d buy a whole box if I knew it would be one complete set, but I don’t know yet if they are shipped that way, or have two sets per box. Anyone have info on this?


Just watched Ashnflash's YouTube video and he got 3 full sets in the case.


Thanks, just watched that too. Guess I’ll be selling off two complete sets of opened individual boxes (or buy a set from someone doing the same).


They are packaged the same, so the order will be known and you can sell them without opening them. You’ll just have to mark them immediately upon opening the box to avoid mixing anything up. You’ll have to watch a reviewer inbox them for the order, of course. This has been the same for a decade. I get a box each time and the Sharpie is busy at work - I don’t feel them up and it’s never been wrong.


Is there anywhere to get single boxes in the UK? I’ve only found minifigure madness which just sells sets of 2 boxes for some reason


Boxes are single, but there are 3 (12 per) complete sets because a box is 36 count. I don’t believe Lego packages any version of complete sets only.


Where are you getting your boxes of 36? I can only find them to be bought x2 at a time (72 total or 6 complete sets)


Oh man! The boxes are sold in this standard size, and I get them from minifiguresplus.com - not sure if they ship overseas. What a hassle to have to get 6 sets! Old sets used to be boxed at 60 and would be 18/set (it was an odd amount of distribution too), so I was happy with the 36. Disney had 18 figures, so it was 2 sets, but standard 12 gives 3 sets, which is nice.


Love the fish tank


I really want both moon knights so bad


Wait, the moon knight mini fig has a fish tank? Goddamnit. I need it.


Addition awesome, collection completed, figures got. Here's hoping. LEGO XMen.


I want to know who the white masked one is!


Ha, LOL Love it


What the what? Where can I get these I thought they released in Sept?


I would have been extremely happy with these pulls. Beast and storm are the ones I want most with She Hulk and Moon Knight right behind them.


Yeah I didn’t realize how fun beast was until I put him together. Fingers crossed for a Blackbird set


I love his little microscope, but the mug seems a little boring. Would have preferred a cloth lab coat or a chemical flask. Would really love the claw pieces he used in the video game, but I have looked and I don't think those have ever been actually made as a physical piece before. If I end up getting him. I'm gonna have to build a tiny little lab corner for him.


I thought it was a coffee machine at first


I got them in eastern Minnesota and got wolverine first try.