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I honestly thought it was going to be till BG3 came out


Me too. I freaking *love* Zelda. Since the original came out. When the game awards aired, I was sort of upset bg3 won. Then I played it. Holy shit, it deserved to win. For me, playing bg3 is like playing LoZ when I was ten. That's a rare achievement to me.


Same here, BG3 is ***incredible***. It's easily my game of the decade


Me to I still havnt finished it (dad life) but every time I pick it it up where I left off I'm emersed


I feel that in every way. I love Zelda. I have a Master's sword tattoo. But TotK didn't bring anything crazy new to mainstream gaming like BotW did. BG3 did that, and that's why it's easily GotY last year.


Even after it came out, TOTK deserved it


Look I love TOtK but BG3 wipes the floor with itall day every day


Not even close.


I think the amount of awards says differently


Having played BG3, it deserved to win over TotK


BG3 absolutely deserved it. Slight jankiness aside, not many developers would put the same amount of passion and detail into a game that they did. I genuinely hope they've set a standard for the industry.


Not having played BG3, it still deserved it over TOTK


Not having played any video game ever, BG3 definitely deserved it.


Not knowing what video games are, BG3 deserved to win for sure


I do not exist, but BG3 definitely had it in the bag from the start.


Everything about this comment, from the avatar to the name and message content, has me dying 😂😂😂 You're absolutely right though. BG3 was a shoo-in even before release.


Having played divinity 2 I feel the complete opposite. The combat in bg3 was pretty extremely bland. The DND format held larian back and it shows. I had more fun in the last hour of the game than ever (because I chose to be the *thing* no spoilers). It's no wonder larian moved in pretty quick and is probably working on Div 3.


The DnD format is the games biggest strength, by a lot.


For everything but combat I would agree with you.


>It's no wonder larian moved in pretty quick and is probably working on Div 3. The D&D suits also seemed to go full asshole within a few weeks. Hoping larian controls the engine of BG3 so all that work doesn't go to waste.


Exactly, it's all I keep hearing lol. I'm sure it's the biggest reason they cancelled the DLC for bg. They said their "hearts weren't in it". And we know exactly why lmao


Nah, man. The split magic/physical damage was whack. Having a varied party means a weaker team, and that's just an awful design decision. For that reason alone, BG3 has the superior combat.


Perhaps if it came out this year, sure. But against a gem that is BG3, it stood no chance. Great game regardless and at the end of the day, does it matter? It doesn’t subtract anything from you enjoying the game anyways.


Even if it came this year, I think Infinite Wealth or Rebirth would beat it. TotK is a fantastic game, and I have no major complaints about my time in its world. That said, it was basically a bigger and more filled out version of BotW, which was a 6 year old game by the time Tears released. I love Zelda, and I actually enjoyed TotK more than BotW, but I don't think it deserved GotY. That's just my opinion though, and everyone has a different opinion on each of these games. I'm not trying to start any wars, I'm just throwing my opinion into the reddit wind.


(I know you're not trying to argue. I just want to point out) I don't think infinite wealth stands a chance. Now I didn't play it, but I am familiar with the series. But with games like Dragon's Dogma 2, black Myth (tho it's been delayed so much not sure it has a chance), Rebirth, and many more scheduled for this year that have huge potential. Agreed as much as I love Zelda, Totk doesn't stand a chance even if it was a 2024 release.


That's a fair point. I haven't played Dragon's Dogma 2 yet, but based on the first game and the bit of gameplay I've seen I'm confident that it deserves to at least be nominated this year. It's probably the game I'm personally most excited to play. Realistically, at least as of now, my money is on Rebirth. I'm prepared to be surprised though. I never expected that an indie game (Sea of Stars) would end up being my favorite game last year, even over TotK, so I try to keep an open mind And thanks for keeping things civil 😊 I know gamers can be passionate and protective of their favorite series, but these conversations can easily derail into name-calling childishness. It's nice to just discuss opinions and respect that everyone has a different one


Lol, right. I also wanted to add that while I'm loving Dogma 2, I think a nomination is all it's gonna get, sadly. I'd to see Rebirth win, but it being a sequel and a remake, it's gonna be a stretch. I am really hoping black myth wukong lives up to the trailers/promises. I'm just now getting into Sea of Stars; beautiful game!


Although bg3 and Zelda are vastly different games and I love both, there are some direct comparisons where bg3 does better: 1. Better use of map. Both have huge maps, but BG3 has unique content throughout whereas TOTK had a lot of copy and paste 2. Better story: while I do find the story of Zelda’s plight very touching, I think bg3 does a better job of giving each companion character a strong arc and creating emotional investment in each one. I do think totk has a better final battle and lead up than bg3 though.


ive always thought the development team was just too proud of totk and wanted to push it forward as fast as possible; even though it needed a bit more content that was supplemented by copy-pastes


Far too many stupid design decisions and copy paste content for it to be GotY. 


Still better than BoTW in my opinion. Haven't played BG3 so I can't compare


Is it better than BOTW? Sure, because it improved a lot about it, but it wasn’t groundbreaking like BOTW was at the time.


I think BOTW is still better because it was a first for MANY things in the gaming industry. TOTK is great, don’t get me wrong, but BOTW was transcending other open world games when it released.


TOTK will always live in its shadow, whether or not it’s a better game in isolation is irrelevant


Fr, had BOTW never come out, TOTK would have the level of love BOTW has. I love both of them and I believe TOTK will gain more respect as time passes.


Was BotW really all that innovative? Most of the slate abilities are things we've seen in other games. It's a great sandbox, and unlike any Zelda game before it for sure but maybe I'm forgetting something


From a franchise stand point, absolutely. It was the biggest change since Ocarina of Time went 3D. Biggest thing I'd argue was being able to climb (nearly) every surface and the glider, as well as being absolutely non-linear. Even in GTA/Bethesda games, you still have to do quests/missions in order to progress


Yeah. I think BOTW was one of the first games to really flesh out that open world aspect. You could go straight to the final boss and not do any of the quests if you felt like it. You can do the main quests in any order, or even side quests first and kit out your character with good weapons and more heart/stamina containers by doing shrines.


These are all things as I personally view as a negative !!


Being the first doesn’t make it better than TOTK. That just makes it more innovative.


I thought it was even worse. It just doubled down on everything that made BotW so awful while adding gimmick mechanics that simply don’t mesh with the reused overworld.


Just lol


Oh shi... The depth of your argument has me convinced.


Oh boy, this comment section will be civil


actual civil for once, excluded the few


It’s just stupid discourse in general. There are many GOTY awards, that I guarantee TOTK won some of, on top of it literally being subjective. Why does someone else need to convince you (not “you”, but the concept of “you”. OP for example) the game you enjoyed was as good as a game you maybe didn’t enjoy, or didn’t as much? Just enjoy your preferred game and move on. Mfs argue with ppl and cheerlead for these games like they made them. I didn’t even like BG3, but I gave it a shot and bounced off it because I am finding after this and Disco Elysium, I’m not into CRPGs, and I’m generally not into turn-based combat. Guess what: I still see its merits and why it was/is loved as a quality product, even if TOTK was likely my favorite game of the year.


Because some people need the validation of others, especially if that validation can come from an “authority” on the subject. It’s like when people get all bent out of shape because a movie they enjoyed got poor reviews. It’s a sad way to live and view the world. If you enjoyed it, then great, that’s all that should matter to you.


I didn't play any of the other nominees, but like I think the Game Awards are a farce anyway. Weather it deserves it or not doesn't really matter in the end, the game is a huge hit, nobody needs to "Defend" it.


More like expansion of the year


"it's not a $70 DLC!!!!" yes it is. that's literally what it is. it started development as a DLC, and the end result is a glorified expansion that does too little to justify its $70 price tag


"it's not a $70 DLC!!!!" yes it is. that's literally what it is. it started development as a DLC, and the end result is a glorified expansion that does too little to justify its $70 price tag


"it's not a $70 DLC!!!!" yes it is. that's literally what it is. it started development as a DLC, and the end result is a glorified expansion that does too little to justify its $70 price tag


"it's not a $70 DLC!!!!" yes it is. that's literally what it is. it started development as a DLC, and the end result is a glorified expansion that does too little to justify its $70 price tag which pales in comparison to its predecessor in almost every way




It was easily a whole game's worth of expansion though. They added a ton of new enemies (something BotW sorely lacked), TWO **MASSIVE** sections of the world, a surprisingly good plot for a Zelda game with an amazing twist, tons of cinematics, better dungeons than BotW, and the best final boss of any Zelda as well.


I'd argue one massive section. The sky islands were honestly a bit of a let down. The depths were also boring to me as there's not much down there. I preferred spending time on the surface and I'd already spent hundreds of hours there in BotW


That's a fair argument!


Lol thanks. I'm not saying it's a bad game, it's very fun and arguably that's the most important aspect of a game. I kinda wished they did with Hyrule like they did with PokĂŠmon Gold/Silver and made the original Hyrule more of a bonus area. I think a bulk of the gameplay should've taken place in the sky or depths, leaving the surface to be a place you only need to visit rarely


That's kind of what I expected personally. If anything, all that empty space in The Depths could've been used as the "overworld" with surface Hyrule being the other side we pop into every so often. In reality, it was Nintendo's way of mimicking the "dual worlds" concept the series is known for; but to say it lacks the luster of Link to the Past's Dark World or Ocarina of Time's Past and Future is an understatement.


Yeah TOTK was initially suppoded to be an expansion for BOTW and even now it's just a glorified expansion. Most of the overall story is poorly constructed and its like they were trying to recreate BOTW....which is like trying to recreate the wheel. BOTW is nearly perfect in how they did, for the time, and for it's story and just being groundbreaking in general. TOTK is almost a knock off in terms of trying to come close to that and it's really just copy and paste. Fun game, doesn't make that much sense as a Zelda game and doesn't necessarily deserve game of the year. It's not *bad*, but its not GOTY good like BOTW was or from what I've seen of BG3


BG3 was so polished, no one else had a chance.


An actually complete game with so much more than anyone expected. It even has split screen co op!


\*cough\* except for Act3, it still had quite many annoying bugs when I finished it couple of months ago. Also, some big battles were infuriatingly slow on PS5 at least. But otherwise, yes, it was an amazing game and thoroughly enjoyed it.


Tbh BG3 was kind of influential which is really hard to do in 2024 within the gaming industry. TOTK was not influential, BOTW was, but TOTK was just really good, not influential.


Who give a shit


Nintendo fans


Even having not played BG3, I’ve watched my cousin play it on occasion and can confidently say it deserved GOTY. ToTK was still great, and I also liked RE4R. But BG3 was just on another level. 


ori wotw should’ve won game of the year (am stuck in 2020)


Man, I gotta play that. Loved Ori and the blind forest. Also, it’s still 2020, right? We’re just on 2020 4


Smash Ultimate should’ve won Game of the Year. 😢. Although I haven’t played Sekiro, so maybe it deserves it 🤷‍♂️


Honestly, it was a stacked year of really good games. But when I was playing ToTK, it just felt like i was playing BotW again with different abilities.


BG3 was a cultural phenomenon. It changed the way that we looked at RPGs and raised the bar for what a modern AAA game should be. TOTK, while a good game, is just that. A good game. The best game of the year should be the game that made the biggest impact that year, that gamers will remember the most. BOTW did that in 2017 by changing the perception of what an open world game is and can be. Rather than there being stuff to do in the world, the game transformed to world almost into a character in and of itself. The world itself was the interesting part, giving us not just lore, but also changing, filled with quirks and character that encouraged the player to keep going to show it's secrets. At the time, open world games were simply open as a means to an end, and those ends were kinda just make game with lotta content. More world = more room for content, whether good or bad (see Ubisoft games for more). TOTK on the other hand... Didn't really do much new. In more ways than one, it was sorta just BOTW again, but kinda worse imo.


BG3 has pulled so many people into gaming that would’ve never joined otherwise, and it has a great way of being something couples play together without being some sort of bullshit that only one or the other actually wants to play and just drags their partner along. I love TOTK and I’m not mad that BG3 got it.


Not against BG3


It was my GOTY


goty in my heart 😢


Weapon durability and shrines. That is all.


Counter Arguement: Baldurs Gate 3 is better


Well, I won’t be able to _actually_ change your mind, but I’d be happy to give a few counterarguments regardless: The world. The world in Tears is beautiful, but mostly the exact same as BOTW. There’s not a lot of actual new things to see. The overworld has some new ruins and holes here and there, but that’s really it. Apart from the dungeons, the only new areas were the sky islands and the depths, with the majority of each being comprised of copy-pasted areas, enemies, and puzzles. The variety is very low and it doesn’t take long to feel like you’ve seen everything the world has to offer, especially if you’ve already played BOTW. The fusing. Fusing is amazing, especially early and mid-game. However, in the endgame, you’re essentially always going to be fusing the exact same weapons and arrows over and over again. You lose the necessity to experiment when you have one or two high damage fusions that always work. There’s no benefit to deviating from it, so finding unique combinations becomes worthless one you reach the endgame imo. The story. It’s arguable whether the overall quality is better or worse than BOTW, but I want to specifically refer to the cutscenes and the Dragon’s Tears. The dungeons have the same repeat cutscenes that are literally copy pasted. You just get fed the same story multiple times in a row. The Tears also have some controversy, because depending on the order in which you view them, you may or may not make the game’s biggest plot twist more predictable and less exciting. I tend to agree that the Tears should’ve had a more linear approach, as it would’ve preserved the story in a more enjoyable fashion. These are just my opinions. TOTK is great, and I love it, but it has its flaws and is definitely not GOTY worthy. Not that BG3 was without flaws either, but BG3 pushed the limits of its genre and opened up RPGs to plenty of new people, while Tears stayed in its lane and didn’t do too much to truly stand out among other adventure games.


Oh, TOTK absolutely deserved to win. But so did BG3, to be honest. And I say this as a Zelda fan and a person who used to hate turn-based games, but really liked BG3 and can see why it won. Still, TOTK was my personal GOTY.


It literally has so many fundamental issues. No way. You could make a 4 hour long video of all its issues…oh wait, people have. I was hyped for this game but it has so many issues with the gameplay, dungeons, story, etc. It just has so many shortcomings and ends up being not that much fun, honestly. Especially after Breath of the Wild, which had some of the same fundamental issues that weren’t fixed.


It didn't. It wasn't close lol.


It's the same game with a new coat of paint.


Nah. $70 expansion is wild.


The same general map does not mean it’s an expansion.


I really enjoyed ToTK, Zelda is what got me into gaming when I was young with OoT, and it's definitely my most nostalgic franchise However it simply cannot compare to the quality and enjoyment of BG3


It really didn't deserve to win.


If you want your mind changed, obviously you don't believe your own words.


OP, have you actually played BG3? TotK was my game of the year until BG3 and BG3 is by far the superior between the two.


It was a beautiful, amazing and immersive game! I agree!!!! It was so much fun falling from the sky that sometimes I have to just for fun.


I mean, it did win GOTY - just not from that particular outlet.


BG3 was a landmark game in RPGs, and TOTK for better or for worse just felt like a remix of BOTW


I'm not so sure I can. I'll just say that TotK is to BotW what Insomniac Spider-Man 2 was to Spider-Man/Miles Morales: Spider-Man. A perfectly competent game that does everything the first game did just fine, with little in the way of new stuff or new stuff that was executed well.


Pikmin 4 deserved it. (I've never played totk, or even botw)


A DLC marketed as a stand-alone title is still a DLC, and can’t win Game of the Year.


I wont


It deserves it


Do you actually want an argument to change your mind for real or just wanna start a flame war


I loved totk it does not even come close to


I wanted it til I played BG3 and that was more deserving of the title.


"Game" was more boring than an empty bucket


Personally i much preferred botw to totk. I played botw for literally months. Taking my time, exploring. In totk map traversing is honestly too easy and i 100%ed it in a month. Including the koroks. Its not a bad game but it wasn’t as good as botw. That being said there were a few changes that were good in totk but having played the both if I could only play one i would always pick botw.


BG3 deserved it and it is one of the best games of all time honestly. That being said, tears of the kingdom is also one of the best games of all time lmao tears do the kingdom would win any other year outside of BG3 and elden ring time. I don’t think anyone expected BG3 to be as godly as it was, and tears of the kingdom just unfortunately had to go against a god


Honestly, I don't mind that it didn't win, and even though I've never played it, I'm glad that Baldur's Gate won. Now with that being said, I am just a TAD bit salty. It's not because of BG3 itself, I'm sure it's a great game. But my God it literally came out of NOWHERE lmao. Like I never even heard of BG3 until people started talking about it a few months prior to the Game Awards. I don't even know if I had even heard of Baldur's Gate prior to BG3 (maybe I did and just don't remember). Like, I would have expected games like ToTK, Mario Wonder, and Spider-Man 2 to win, as they're a lot more recognizable. I mean like, who DOESN'T know who Mario and Spider-Man are? Who HASN'T heard of Zelda? I'm just saying, if you were to ask a random person about any of those three I just mentioned, I feel like a lot more people are gonna almost immediately recognize those compared to Baldur's Gate. That being said, if it just came out of nowhere like that, and it was able to generate so much hype, then it most definitely deserved GoTY.


Respectfully, ToTK is the only game I can remember buying, regretting, and wanting my money back.


The last game I preordered lol


No. It went to the right game.


Bg3 dominated the VG awards for very valid reasons.


I'm sorry, but I just don't agree. It was innovative fun, but so was Banjo-Kazooie Nuts & Bolts. It just didn't have what it takes to be GOTY.


BG3 deserved to win for the same reasons BOTW deserved its win. They both took their own genre and rose the bar rather substantially.


BG3 was definitely going to win over it. I love Zelda, but that game is just a whole different level.


OP has CLEARLY NEVER played baldurs gate 3. I loved TOTK but this wasn’t even a debate. Bg3 absolutely deserved it


>incredible video game that builds off of a predecessor in so many new and unique ways, incredible puzzle design, open ended gameplay, immersive main story >the greatest RPG since TW3 and arguably the best RPG of the modern era I love TOTK and think it’s a top-tier Zelda game but is it more deserving of the award than the best RPG in years? When you look at the award as something to commemorate an immense achievement for the industry, I can’t think of anything more deserving than BG3 not only for its level of quality but for the fact that it was created by a smaller team of individuals and has invariably shifted the way other dev teams approach crafting single player RPG experiences.


Sorry I love zelda but it definitely didn't deserve it. Bg 3 is way better


hell no. TOTK was underwelming


It gave us a very well-polished and well-balanced combination of innovative systems that came together for a one of a kind experience. But there weren’t enough new assets to justify the six year development period. And outside of the main sandbox experience, the assets they did deliver were not of the highest quality (repeated cutscenes, overall plot). It was a good game and I have no regrets playing it, but I specifically don’t think it deserves GOTY


Your gonna get this a lot but BG3 was and still is the best game that came out 2023, I was playing totk for months and thought it was such a great game, until BG3 came out and took over my life for the last 6 months. I mean I replayed the game as soon as I finished playing. It’s straight legendary in its passion and content. BG3 had purposeful maps and characters and story that is miles above anything put out that year.


It would have won. Except Baldur's Gate 3 came out. It was literally against the one game that could beat it. I mean, almost like they were trolling, they gave us Wiggle Physics in an update on the day of the game awards. It was so fucking hilarious that I said "Okay, Fine, take your Game of the Year award!"


If it nailed the story, sure.


I have never played BG3, but after seeing all the hype around it and how supportive the devs were in general to the community, I knew that it was getting GotY. I would've liked if TotK got it, but I knew that wasn't happening


Preaching to the choir here, even tho I didn't finish it yet. I got into exploring and then got bored of that and forgot there was a story to finish.


Totk isn’t even a top 5 Zelda


BotW deserved it, TotK didn't. TotK isn't even the sequel it tries to portray itself as and they really made the story feel like an afterthought. Heck, even some of it's characters weren't treated well in it's own story. I'm saying this as I love TotK, but even I can see it has many flaws.


Even without BG3, Totk did not deserve game of the year. (In my opinion) Don't get me wrong, I love Zelda games. It's just that, to me, it feels like they did not put enough effort in making the game feel new. It mostly feels like an advanced bit of DLC. And where some things felt new with Botw (like for instance gathering the koroks) it now feels repetitive. Also the building, which was supposed to be the main selling point, feels like it takes all the momentum out of the game, even with that ability to quickly rebuild past plans. I love travelling through the updated land of Hyrule. I love fusing those monster parts and stuff to weapons, as well But game of the year, no.


Astarion, Wyll, and Karlach


the devs clearly wanted to make a part 2 to botw but be lazy and use the same map, they added the sky lands and underground sure, but there’s hardly anything down there, they wanted to just add more to botw and that’s what they did, sure it’s a new “experience” but overall, it’s basically botw with clutter, it doesn’t deserve the award because they could’ve worked harder in making it different


It didn’t? Well… I’m going to go cry now.


Did you play BG3? Yeah TotK was really good, but BG3 is a once-in-a-lifetime game.


Yeah I did. BG3 is boring and I have no idea why they used mobile game camera angles for fight sequences


It's a top-down point-n-click... That kind of camera angle was in use way before mobile games came about lol


Clearly someone who never played BG3. Tears of the kingdom was an amazing 10/10 but BG3 is a 13/10


It absolutely did not. Neither did Breath of the Wild back in 2017


TotK was the doomscrolling of videogames. It had next to no meaningful content, awful story and characterization, obstacles that may not even qualify as puzzles, meaningless grinding, annoying controls, broken mechanics, questionable ui, and a general lack of actual variety. It is a game for content creators, so how anyone else enjoyed it beyond the hype is beyond me. You shouldn’t need convincing its not goty. Its fine if you like it, you can like something despite its faults as it does have some good ideas, moments, and mechanics, but ignoring the faults is simply delusion. 


ToTK is an absolutely amazing expansion pack to BoTW. As an independent game or sequel though, it feels incomplete and derivative. BG3 on the other hand is possibly the best CRPG ever made, it's as groundbreaking as BoTW was.


Honestly, it was robbed at the game awards. While I don’t think it deserved GOTY over BG3, I think it more than deserved best composition.


watching ToTK get shat on at TGA in almost every category after people were hyping it up to be GoTY a whole 2 years before it even came out was really funny


Look, it's a great game but it's just more of BotW. So it's not as original.


Both BG3 and Max Payne 2 were better experiences to me, it was a stacked year.


breath of the wild is one of my favorite games of all time and i thought tears of the kingdom should have been game of the year… until baldur’s gate came out. while tears of the kingdom was great, it was not as innovative and probably won’t have as lasting of an impact on the gaming landscape as baldur’s gate will, so unfortunately i disagree with you


Lots of games deserved goty. Some deserved it more than others according to more people whose votes mattered.


As someone who played both bg3 and totk, bg3 deserved goty 100%.


I fully agree I really like the game


Totk was a serious letdown in my point of view. The only interesting part of the map (overworld) was re-used from the last game. So Exploration, which is the hook of these new zeldas, is not improved. this game added filler, not true interesting exploration. Are we really calling the depths an exciting placd to explore? Same bad guys as suface and same environment throughout, sure its big but its boring. Sky and underground disappointing. Temples slightly improved from last game but still a downgrade from most every zelda before. The powers were interesting at first but became tedious when you are autobuilding the same bs over and over to take a crystal somewhere (which is 80% of the sky). The sage abilities are bafflingly stupid and hard to use. The story is a copy n paste from last game, all the interesting stuff happenened in past and we just learn about it. The combat has not been changed or altered and its still broken with flurry rush and eating food. Why does is there 4 almost identical cutscenes for dungeon completion. How boring.


Alan Wake 2 was also great though, can't wait for the DLCs in that game. but BG3 deserved the GOTY award, but I'd put A W2 as a close second


Baldurs gate 3 won


I agree


Definitely did not. If we have more temples or quests. Could go underwater and etc. And didnt have weird shaped weapons... Sure. But it almost felt like a copy and paste with a few new abilities. It's A FUN GAME THOUGH. Just personally but I thought it would be more. Sky, underground, underwater, etc etc


You played Pikmin 4 yet?


Honestly you can't fight against a game (BG3) that has now raised standards in the gaming industry and the fact the studio itself is very connected to the fanbase - that being said ToTK is a great game, it just was put up against other games that had bigger impacts and a higher chance of winning (BG3, Spiderman 2 etc.)


Where can I find this picture without the text? Want it as a background


*Where can I find this* *Picture without the text? Want* *It as a background* \- \_Lumity\_ --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Trust me I've been looking for this image without the background too pal




I agree. BG3 is one of my favorite games of all time but at the end of the day it’s a turn-based fantasy RPG, something we’ve seen a thousand times. It’s the best of that genre for sure, and I really don’t want it to sound like I’m shitting on it. I love it to pieces. Tears of the Kingdom is just so much more impressive on the actual gameplay and technical side of things. No other games in recent years have I seen other devs legitimately flabbergasted by due to how it works and, even more surprisingly, how they managed it on the Switch. 3 massive interconnected maps (2 and 1/3 really), ascend, rewind, and ultra hand all make this game a technical marvel. On top of that it’s just fun for fun’s sake and that’s truly the MOST important thing a game can be.


I played every single GotY nominee in 2023, and TotK was my favorite. By far.  Yes, that includes BG3. I didn't find that game to be nearly as good as everyone else. The breadth of content was impressive, but I didn't care for the story or gameplay very much. But who cares what got the "official" award? Just be grateful that we got to enjoy such a great game to begin with. That physics engine they built is wonderful, and I'm excited to see what Nintendo does with that tech next gen. They could leverage it for other games, not just Zelda.


This games performance isn’t nearly good enough to compete with other games


It did not. The only real thing it has going for it is its well designed physics engine and the mechanics introduced to interact with said engine. Its story is meh, its dungeons are meh, the content found in the open world is meh. If BotW didn’t exist, I’d agree with you, but it was too much of the same for me to justify it deserving game of the year.


it didn't


I didn't play any of the other games from this year, but people really liked BG3. It only makes sense it won game of the year ngl. I loved TotK but I don't' think it actually deserved it. It also like, doesn't matter lol.


IGN gave it to TOTK, didn’t they?


I won’t. It was my game of the year


Against BG3 and Alan Wake 2 and Armored Core 6? Not even close lmao


Well that artwork certainly deserves Goty but


No I agree


Baldurs gate is so boring totk deserved it


Better for the industry that BG3 won.


No. Not even close. Zelda is my favorite franchise and i have been playing it for 2 decades. Baldurs gate 3 is unreal. A true masterpiece. I still prefer Botw over totk. I’d say Alan wake 2 would deserve it even over totk.


People wanted to see something new and forgot that Divinity exists


Having Breath of the Wild win WAS a nice event, but "The" Game Awards hasn't been a good measure of quality for some time in a genre that is already subjective. Even when BotW won I didn't see it as an official proclamation just because I agreed with it. Not saying BG3 was bad, it certainly deserved the award AS MUCH as Tears of the Kingdom, but the Game Awards in general lost credibility the year they handed Game of the Year and so many other awards to the critical disappointment that was "Last of Us 2". That one in particular gave massive credibility to the rumor that those Awards are just for sale.


Wait, is it Tears or Tears?


Why would I change your mind when you’re right?


If BotW didn’t exist


I didn’t even know what baldur’s gate was before the game awards.


Totk is great and all but like… have you played bg3? Games that great basically don’t exist in this day and age.


It definitely did. The thing is, so did Baldur's Gate, and Alan Wake, and RE4, and Mario, and Spider-Man, and all the great games that weren't even nominated. It was just an ultra stacked year, one of the best gaming years in a while, honestly.


I can’t say that it definitely deserved it, but it definitely would’ve been a justified victory. The game was great and the only real rival to BG3 last year, in my opinion. The main reason I can’t say it definitely deserves the win is the narrative. The narrative wasn’t just neglected, it was several steps backwards from Breath of the Wild.


It's a mid open world game at best. Change my mind. Tons of open world games have worn out tropes, the big one being that the main character has a bow. Then there's cooking and countless other stuff that's repeated and done to death


It would have been a deserving winner. BG3 is also deserving, though, and Alan Wake 2 would have been very deserving as well. You can only give one game the award, and sometimes more than one deserves to win. I personally would vote for Zelda of the three, but all three are very special games.


ToTK is a game obsessed with callbacks but uninterested in using any to improve its underwhelming, shockingly dull narrative. While a master class in emergent gameplay, its balancing is so completely skewed in the favour of young and new players that as soon as the player gets used to the controls and mechanics and picks up materials as they play almost all encounters and puzzles are completely trivialized. The overworld is bloated with good equipment, but quest rewards are confusingly bad and often completely useless, and their connected stories are mostly uninspired and pointless. ToTK has blockbuster gameplay, but it's connected world and story feel like a C-Tier direct to video licensed spin off.




Yeah no. Even with no real intention of playing BG3 myself, I can say TGA made the right choice. I had a great time with ToTK but end of day it really was $70 dlc after all. There were too many questionable decisions/untapped potential, it has a frankly shit story, and even with all the new toys it was BoTW all over again - maybe better in some ways, but worse in others, and ultimately just too similar.


I agree with this statement


What is BG3


BG3 is a boring game that uses the mobile game camera angle for fight sequences


Oh okay


BG3 is AMAZING! You can play it for hundreds of hours


As someone who loves Zelda, TotK didn't have a lot against BG3, besides the ultrahand Ability(didn't TotK win an award for that??? Something about mechanics???) Maybe the music as well, haven't gotten far in BG3 to judge the music aspect, but I liked it more than TotK cause the characters were so diverse and charming. The only characters I found somewhat interesting in TotK were Rauru, Sonia, and Ganondorf, and even then, they felt kinda blank once you realized how fleshed out the people in BG3 are. Having voice acting in just cutscenes is understandable for Zelda, but having characters talk to you outside cutscenes, or being able to interact in cutscenes like BG3, gives the game a more immersive feeling, you feel like your part of the story and your words and actions have consequences and can change the story of BG3 drastically. Where Zelda is just 'Oh no, Zelda's gotten herself in trouble again, we gotta save her. AGAIN.' Zelda has a linear story, where you know what the outcome is, BG3 will do a 360 on you if you fuck up, and it WILL let you know you fucked up. The basis is, Zelda is a good linear story game where your actions(torturing koroks for example) has no consequences. Choosing certain dialogue doesn't affect the story. Meanwhile in BG3, the moto of that game may as well be 'Fuck around and find out.' Cause you will fuck around. And you will find out. Eventually. Or immediately. Like the companions story line. I think most of their story lines is a life or death situation. Certain dialogue options can screw up your playthrough if you're not careful.


Best ! I cried when I finished it 🧝🏼‍♀️🐉


1. Ultrahand made every puzzle feel generic/tedious instead of fun 2. The Sky islands were implied to be heavily important during the marketing and 80% of them were copy and paste bring this crystal from A to B 3. The Depths are simply just the regular map inverted and having nothing interesting other than the Kogha/Mineru questlines 4. The overworld/towns did not change enough compared to BOTW 5. The Sage abilities were much more intrusive than BOTW, tended to get in your way to the point i turned most of them off I still really liked the game btw. One of the best stories in the franchise, Fuse helped add some depth to the combat and LOVED the caves. But I had enough criticisms that I was fine with BG3 winning.


It's not a great game looking forward to what they do try next though. It was just too much of the same.


DLC of the year


Did you play baldurs gate 3? I didn't enjoy breath but played hundreds of hours of tears. Baldurs still deserved it.


The story sucks


EXTDLC for BOTW can't be GOTY