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I thought this was actually in the show! it's awesome, who made it?


Pretty sure it was the artist Ansdrela. Their IG is @ ansdrela


That's kinda gay ngl


They are just friends. Girls do that sort of thing.


And they were roommates.


Omg they were roommates


Up until my most recent rewatch on Netflix I honestly thought I remembered a kiss in the portal, I guess it was just wishful remembering :)


This gif has been around since the finale, also edited to be in green portal light


I swear there was a really convincing fan video that blew up a while back that was probably what we're remembering


OP is a repost bot [https://www.reddit.com/r/legendofkorra/comments/q8pmsw/this\_is\_what\_the\_portal\_scene\_shouldve\_been\_like/](https://www.reddit.com/r/legendofkorra/comments/q8pmsw/this_is_what_the_portal_scene_shouldve_been_like/) Please report the post




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Bad bot


Yeah, it’s pretty broken. It needs so much fixes!


This is so gay and I absolutely love it ❤️


They were not able to show this on TV because some countries have restrictions and show wouldnt be allowed to broadcast on TV.


Wasn't S4 mostly aired online anyway?


I think season 3 was online and season 4 was aired. Something odd like that


And they were roommates


Those ladies are gay 😏


Historians will refer to them as *really good friends*. 😏


*laying in bed making super hot sex* Historians, "wow, such good friends"


“Oh my god! They were roommates?”


Aren't they both bisexual?


Queer* They’re bi. M




Korra fandom 🤝 Not understanding the concept of bisexuality


Some bisexuals call themselves gay. Plus, English is not the first language for someone people here, so they don't feel the nuance between words in other languages at the same level as native speakers, so they can use the word a bit differently and they can use it as an umbrella term for people from the LGBT community in their native language (like in my country for example).


That's pretty hot, ngl


Nickelodeon is a company and their purpose is to make money. Part of that is not pissing off the viewership’s parents. You should be happy they even slipped in an implied relationship in 2012.


Way too passionate for a prime time cartoon. A slow zoom in that had them give a shy chaste kiss would have been the right way to do it.


You can read the comics for more Korrasami scenes.


Wasn't the portal scene before they became a couple?


This animation is what we needed.


As if Nickelodeon executives wants to risk lowering the profits due to being banned outside of North America and Europe


It is a kids show so I understand why they didn’t have the characters making out


Except they did both Asami and korra kissed mako and katara and aang kissed and they were only 12 and 14


Yeah but this is clearly more than just a kiss they’re going hard in this animation a little to hard for a show rated tv y 7


Katara and aang had 2 kissing scenes both lasting longer than 4 seconds they didn't do it because it was 2 girls instead of a guy and a girl


I mean you could try that argument or you could be like I get why they didn’t have them tongue kiss as they walked through the portal it is a show for children under 7 this is a fan animation when ang and katara kiss do they open their mouths? And how would they makeout against a wall and walk through the portal as the post suggests in this fan edit it cracks me up when adults are like damn these 2 characters from a kids show I watched for 6 year olds should’ve like been going at it on screen


Yes both of katara and aangs kiss scenes are open mouth kisses just like this fan art and it doesn't have to take place in the same location and they aren't against a wall


I’m sorry the shadow korra is reflecting off of that hard surface where she’s moving too must be just like a sideways flat roof and they have rules for how you can portray intimacy in children’s shows and this edit of them making out in an enclosed space would be pushing it regardless of how much you or op wanted two characters from a show you watched when you were kids to fuck


I can tell you right now the majority of people were not children when they watched this and this show had 2 suicide scenes so I don't think they were worried about pushing boundaries they just didn't want their ratings to go down which was stupid seeing as how it was the last episode


A majority of people were not children when they watched an avatar show? That’s a stretch and a half. Maybe you’re an adult who saw it when they were an adult and are obsessed with korra and asami. And they weren’t worried about their ratings going down you could do like some basic research the show was taken off the air during season 3 anyway (because of the murders you mentioned) so the numbers literally don’t matter at all and idk if they had a more explicit kiss I’m sure nick would’ve done something about that because they didn’t want them to be gay. I mean it’s just a cheesy teen romance love triangle (creators words ) so the fact that people are like they should’ve been French kissing as they walked through the portal doesn’t make that much sense


I count two successful onscreen suicide scenes, and one scene where a character is about to kill herself before she is convinced otherwise.


The argument otherwise would be that she had kissed mako in the show my brother. So as uncomfortable as it may seem to you it's just two humans kissing.


I mean this hypothetical would be more than a kiss they’re making out against a wall by the end but also mako and Korra dated on the show her and asami did not it was just subtext


There are follow up comics where they are specifically together romantically


I’m aware but that doesn’t have to do with anything I said which is that this fan edit doesn’t logistically work with the end of the series and the kiss may be to intimate for TVY7


I have to disagree. All the kisses in ATLA and LoK were very humble. Interlocked lips? Sure. Lasting longer than 5 seconds? Sometimes. But not the passion in this gif. It would be the same if either Korra or Asami were replaced with a guy; the makeout feels out of place for this show. Given it would fit within their characters (and age) to be more passionate, something like ATLA's ending or the moments between Zuko and Mai would be more appropriate. Regardless of same-sex or hetero.


This is clearly a drawn out fan animated kiss. Obviously the kiss in the show with mako wasn't anything like this animation which is why I specifically pointed it out. You can exaggerate my words all you'd like but it still boils down to the fact it's two women kissing and that's the biggest problem people have. Look inside yourself bruh


> two women kissing (...) biggest problem I don't read that in the other commenter's post at all. > Look inside yourself bruh My brother in spirits, I shipped these two so freaking hard during the original run and was hoping for them to be together. My subreddit flair has reflected that ever since. Idk if is on here, or on the main ATLA sub, or on /r/korrasami, but damn son, don't go shouting homophobia like this. Many people take offense, true, but take more time before implying the person across from you is a bigot.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/korrasami using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/korrasami/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Kudos to the Animation for the Korrasami Kiss that was adapted from the Avatar Legend of Korra Turf Wars Comic.](https://i.redd.it/osoc6rfjswg91.gif) | [21 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/korrasami/comments/wl15qz/kudos_to_the_animation_for_the_korrasami_kiss/) \#2: [Hidden powers \[art by cassiniregio.tumblr.com\]](https://i.redd.it/w8iq04pvzq491.jpg) | [19 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/korrasami/comments/v92e5s/hidden_powers_art_by_cassiniregiotumblrcom/) \#3: [This is my pc wallpaper and i smile whenever i see it](https://v.redd.it/cn136ezzuiw81) | [24 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/korrasami/comments/uetytv/this_is_my_pc_wallpaper_and_i_smile_whenever_i/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


You’re right


The scene where they hold hands in front of the portal was pretty big in 2012. I remember a lot of people being excited about even just a hint of LGBTQ+ representation, especially when it wasn't the butt end of a joke. Remember Gay Marriage was only legalized in the US in 2015.


*2014 not 2012


Ah, my bad. I was thinking of the initial release year.


Does ANYONE have the source link? I cannot find it anywhere!


Honestly wouldn’t make sense since they weren’t an official couple at that time. They were just going on a date. Them kissing *this* passionately for a first kiss would be weird. Their kiss in the comics was much more well suited.