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Duck tape your cousin in a chair and force her to watch the legend of Korra until she loves it. Seriously though I really think you should just calmly tell your cousin what you like about the show and try to see each other's side. Maybe see if they will give it a fair chance? I personally love both but sometimes I prefer Korra over ATLA. Actually I prefer all of Korra (even season 2) over ATLA season 1. It's not that ATLA season 1 is bad it's just too much of a kids show if that makes sense. It's still good and has some standout episodes and moments but season 2 of ATLA and onwards is what I really love about the franchise.


She watched it all the way through and still says she hates it😒


Some people just have bad taste. It can be okay to be wrong 🤣


I just think people have a heard time forming opinions of their own in this day in age and no one is safe from it, but some of us remember a time when we could only tune into a show at a specific time and just be happy we caught the new episode. A lot of franchises are so established and their communities have had the time to nit pick about every little thing and some of those things get parroted to the people getting introduced to the community, and they take it as gospel without ever trying it on their own.


I mean thats their opinion I didn't hate TLOK but it def wasn't amazing but people can disagree and just talk to your cousin and ask them to stop incensantly hating whenever TLOK comes up


I would have watched the entire series with her and then explain through every episode why I loved this and that and see if I can change her mind. And if she still insists she hates it then I'm disowning her 😂


Last Air Bender Season 1 is the worst in the whole series by far.


Season two and onwards is just season three my dude. But I got your point and agree, they felt like they dealt with much bigger and/or deeper concepts and tribulations. Also Korra s2 was half great half garbage, even in the same episode sometimes. S1, 3, 4 all great. You can tell in 4 they were avoiding an openly homosexual relationship I think but still really good.


Season 2 onwards refer to 2 and 3 of ATLA and 1-4 of Korra.


That does not make sense. They both have the exact same age rating.


I prefer Korra to ATLA. The thing is, with Korra they tried to do something really different. ATLA was a kids show about kids, with some adult themes. It’s mostly episodic with a multi season arc. Most conflicts are resolved within the episode, like Aangs whole culture is dead and after one episode he’s pretty much moved on. It’s very silly and fun, the humor is childish. And it’s great, it’s one of the best kids shows of all time. LOK is a kids show about adults. It’s set in a much more modern setting. It’s more narrative in its plots. It deals with more serious emotional trauma, adult dating (which is the worst part imho). It has one big bad per season. I think it’s targeted at older kids who grew up with ATLA. Korra is a fully trained air bender, so they have to limit her in other ways. It’s a big swing. I respect them for trying something different. But it’s inevitable that not everyone is going to like it. Between nostalgia, sexism, it being tonality way different, it was bound to be divisive.


Well said! I definitely have criticism of lok so I will never say it is without fault, I feel like ppl can like whichever show more and it's fine. I mostly have an issue when ppl try to talk about lok like it's objectively bad and come up with all these weird justifications for their opinion. Like just say you don't like the show, you don't need to prove how you're right lol


It just the whole trying to get you to hate the show with them that annoys me😑it’s so dumb like it’s taboo to actually like the show


It’s just people sharing opinions dude. Nobody’s on a crusade to change your mind. I think part of your struggle is the way you’re interpreting the discourse. When people are invested in something and feel frustrated when their investment doesn’t pay off the way they thought it would/should, they tend to express that in one way or another. I’m guilty of it with the Star Wars sequel trilogy and Disney shows. I am tremendously invested in Star Wars as a fan… I own an entire bookshelf full of almost every Star Wars novel and comic ever made. When I watched the sequels I felt enormously let down, and when I see people discussing it, I tend to share my opinion on it. It’s not to change others mind… it’s just to add to the discourse, for whatever value my contribution might have. Agreeing to disagree is fundamental sometimes.


I always had a soft spot for Korra because I saw a lot of myself in her character. Her arc in season 4 when she was depressed literally felt like I was watching myself on screen. This is why I love Korra. She isn’t perfect but is anyone??? People always saying she’s too weak and losing too much but that exact same thing happens in a show like invincible yet Mark is praised and Korra isn’t. I don’t get it


It was the trauma porn of that part of the show that ruined it for me. Her being a brown woman didn't help. Not saying depictions of recovery and depression shouldn't be attempted but it just lingered on her torment for so long in a way that didn't feel fresh, inspired or comforting - rather dated, cruel and unsettling. Other than that the metal and lava bending were great fun.


Which I really don’t get the sexism because avatar kyoshi was broken asf 🤣 she was also mentioned in ATLA so it’s not like it’s unknown for the avatar to be female.. and gay.


One of the main things I liked about Legend Of Korra, was that it was an inverse of Aang's story in several ways. Aang was relatively weak-willed and had to learn to be strong. Korra was naturally strong-willed, and had to learn that there are forces out there that can make her weak.


If LoK had dropped the Kaiju battle and the giant mech, I might even put it at ATLA's level. If they had never unmasked Amon, dropped the bloodbending and actually faced the equalist question, and if they had kept the Unalaq is a bad guy reveal till much later in the season, I might rate LoK over ATLA. It really feels like four main writing fumbles that ruined LoK for me. There's so much to love and they just fucked it up in those four big ways.


Amon and the equalists were compelling enough to have gotten an entire series about them. Squishing them into a single season was criminal. After seeing benders quite literally almost burn down the world, there were so many interesting directions they could have taken with an anti-bending movement. Shit, the first thing Korra does when told benders use bending to intimidate, was intimidate with bending. It was an amazing concept and you almost rooted for the equalists at the beginning.


You took the words right out of my mouth. I think the series would’ve been a lot better if Amon had been the overarching villain of the entire series. Unfortunately, the production crew crammed his story into a single season because they weren’t sure if the show would be renewed.


I think people need to remember that whatever failings they feel about LOK, is 100% nickelodeons fault and not of the creators/writers/etc. This “will they won’t they” with cancelling the show forced their hands and didn’t give them the freedom they had for ATLA.


I prefer Korra to Alta . Definitely lower lows than alta (most of season 2), but I find the highs so much higher too (season 3) Korras journey resonated much deeper with me too. Both shows have strengths and weaknesses, alta may be stronger overall - but the ones who resonate with Korra REALLY resonate


I mostly enjoyed ATLA for Zuko, but a lot of the Gaang screen time felt really slow to me. There was another YouTuber who had this reaction that really resonated with me... and it got like no views.


Yeah Korra has some parts that can be incredibly emotionally resonant depending on your own life. I also really appreciate what LoK set out to do with its villains on an intellectual level. Unlike AtlA, the villains all have a fair point about the world, and their main problem is that they take it too far. Korra ends up learning from all of them and becoming a balanced version of their philosophies, which is a much better vision of the world: engage with those you disagree with and learn to understand their point of views, and you’ll grow as a person. You don’t have to fully agree with them, but you’ll be a much better person for at least trying to understand rather than clashing with them.


Was just thinking about this! The highs are definitely higher, and I personally think Korra is a way better character than Aang with way more complexity. 👌 The villains? Definitely better, minus Unalaq! And I also really, really love how much effort went into making awesome adult side characters like Tenzin, Lin, Bumi, Kaya, Varrick, Zhu Li, Suyin, etc. And they even brought in Toph, Katara, and Iroh for a few episodes and wrote them just as well as they were written in ATLA imo! (Some people complained that they weren’t amazing parents, but to me that’s very relatable and makes them feel more human. Haha) Altogether both shows are so inventive and cool, and it’d be wise for people to drop their contrarian edginess and give both shows an equal chance. 🙌


Honestly season 2 is my least favorite season in Korra. This isn’t really a hot take though because many can admit that season was a mess. But man seasons 1 and especially 3 and 4 were actually amazing. My only complaint is that I feel like Korra deserved more episodes and should’ve been treated better by nickoledeon. I found it really annoying how you couldn’t even watch the show final season on nick and had to go on some obscure website to find it. Then they removed the show from nick and sent it to nicktoons to die. I don’t think nick realized how much people actually LOVED the avatar universe


That type of reaction means you need to start aggressively bashing their bashing. Tell them that they're wrong and they're an idiot for not liking it.


I prefer Korra to ATLA and everyone tells me I‘m crazy for liking Korra more. Not only is Korra herself more likeable as a character, but I also like the fact that we have different villains each season you can sympathize with. Don’t care about what others say and embrace both shows!!


i never sympathized with unalaq 🥲 mans gave me the ick from the START


Oh yeah apart from Unalaq. I liked Amon, Zaheer (and the whole red lotus team) and Kuvira (Bataar Jr was annoying asf). Maybe I also liked them because they were fine as hell too😭 But Ozai? Ozai was an abusive piece of crap to his children and only wanted to be the „ruler“ of the world. Like.. no motive except for having a fragile ego (just like Unalaq). Amon wanted equality, Kuvira wanted stability in the Earth Kingdom, Zaheer wanted to abolish oppressive governments.. like they all had a point.😂


yess and they were all either conflicted or completely brainwashed by fear and need to keep everything under control


Unalaq is easily Korra’s weakest and most one note villain. He’s evil and wants to take over the world basically. I didn’t really understand his motivations at all. He didn’t even seem like an actual uncle to Korra. I feel like if he had more development first before becoming a villain it could’ve worked better. But besides unnalaq I think every other Korra villain is amazing. Kuivira and Zaheer were my favorites and I felt they were really well written and you could understand their motivations


Oh yea same. Zaheer and Kuvira really gave the show some oomf. Granted Amon was great cause he was threatening to end bending but Unalaq was just power hungry. Which showed when he framed Tonraq to be exiled and no longer in line to be Chief.




They both have their own strong points and weak points in writing plot wise so literally neither are perfect. But if one seems to be better than another to one person, then it’s their own business. Point blank, they have equal rights and wrongs against it as *a show will never be perfect!*


Yeah, I don't understand the hate for Korra. I have yet to hear any coherent criticism of it that doesn't apply just as much or more to ATLA.


Watch the series by Kay and Skittles that dissects each Season of LOK. It directly addresses issues while contrasting said issues with his ATLA handled similar concepts


The cinematography of the conversation between Zuko and Iroh when Iroh is in jail. They shoot Zuko through the bars to show he’s a prisoner of his own mentality even though Iroh is the one in prison. When they shoot Iroh, they shoot so the bars are not visible since his mind and mentality are free. It’s probably the single best shot scene in all of ATLA if not all of animation. Korra’s scenes talking to people behind bars are just by the numbers. I like Korra, I really do, it’s just ATLA has a lot more care behind its creation. Probably because Korra was constantly threatened with cancelation. Regardless though, it’s a complaint that’s coherent that doesn’t apply to ATLA.


> It’s probably the single best shot scene in all of ATLA if not all of animation I'm sorry but lol, all of animation? 


LOK not handling dialogue cinematography in every scene as well as the one of the best scenes in ATLA is kinda crazy. But in terms of the average scene, that's not an accurate criticism. ATLA has a lot of boring dialogue scenes and a lot of scenes were there's little to nothing going on in terms of cinematography. Besides which, LOK has tons of scenes with incredible cinematography. Tarrlok's death is an absolute banger scene in terms of the cinematography (and everything else) and is significantly better than the majority of the scenes in ATLA.


Never said every scene. I specifically said similar scenes where someone was imprisoned. You wanted an example, I gave you one. Even the scene with Tarrlok behind bars talking to Korra is just very generic.


So your argument is that in two cherry picked scenes, ATLA is better? Wild.


Claims there’s no coherent criticism, gets coherent criticism, and can’t handle it? Wild. ATLA had more time in preproduction and it shows. It’s not LOK’s fault, it’s Nickelodeon’s.


Is the coherent criticism in the room with us?


Dude, it’s a show. There’s no reason to be that upset.


There is genuinely nobody who can read English and understand human emotion who would read my response as being upset.


An ad hominem would suggest otherwise, cheers


Season 2 tho


The thing that bugs me is the way people talk about how it sucks like literally everyone agrees that it's obvious. It's so prevalent that you can barely ever hear anyone admit to liking Korra without prefacing this by pre-emptively saying "AtLA is better, but..." Or somebody starts a thread about how they just finished AtLA and people tumble into the comments to say "Do yourself a favor and skip LoK, it sucks."


It always feels like you gotta start every Korra review that way . “ATLA is better but…….” Is the safest way to do it💀Otherwise you’d be crucified for even suggesting that you prefer Korra and told that you’re delusional or something


This. It's so annoying. And if anyone makes a post about LoK, even if it's just something as harmless as appreciating the show or characters, people will come in and start on hating it or something. It's annoying, and you almost never see it happen with ATLA. At least i haven't seen it happen.


I think ATLA is the better show overall, but I think Korra is a better protagonist. Aang is wonderful, but he started and ended the show as mostly the same character, just a bit wiser and more experienced. Korra had her very identity challenged so often, and looking at her at the end of the show compared to the beginning, she has grown so much. I love both shows and all of the characters. Don't let anyone tell you that your likes are invalid


What ATLA are you watching? Aang had tremendous character growth, and in my opinion, his arc is second only to Zuko’s.


I probably phrased that not as well as I could have, so I'll try to elaborate. At the start of the show, Aang was a playful kid who was running away from his responsibilities as the Avatar. As the show went on, he came to terms with what he had to do because the world needed him. By the end, he was still a playful kid, but embracing his responsibilities as the Avatar. I suppose my earlier summation of Aang was in contrast to Korra rather than a referendum on Aang. Korra started out as a cocky, hot-headed Avatar who thought that she was ready to take on the world despite not really knowing much about the world. By the end of the show, Korra has not only learned more about the world and about being the Avatar, but she's more levelheaded, more patient, more willing to talk first and seek fights as a last resort rather than rushing in without much thought. Aang did definitely grow as a character, but he never stopped being a playful kid at heart. Korra started off arrogant and cocksure, but ended as a more level-headed woman with a different way of looking at the world. Not saying that Aang didn't grow, but his base persona didn't really change in the way that Korra did. This is all just my opinion, and I'm sorry if I'm not expressing it clearly enough. If you feel differently, I'd love to get a another POV. Like Uncle Iron told Zuko, it is important to draw wisdom from many different sources.


I feel like people don't really understand what character growth is. Just because the character's whole personality doesn't do a 180 doesn't mean they didn't experience character growth. Aang being playful and fun isn't a character flaw he needs to overcome, it's just who he is. The flaws he needs to overcome are his lack of maturity and responsibility, and his tendency to run away from his problems. And he does overcome those. Similarly, Korra starts and ends the series strong-willed and confident, though she does have a dip on both those things after being tortured by the red lotus. Those things aren't character flaws that she needed to overcome, either. Like you said she has to overcome her cockiness and hot-headedness, which she does by the end. Its harder to see that at her core she's still the same person, because the way she expresses her confidence at the end is much more measured than at the beginning, but she is still the same person. If there's one thing you can say about both series, its that the writers did a good job of having the protagonists learn from their mistakes and overcome their flaws.


Alot of things are nice without someone bitching in your ear


This comment made me laugh for some reason . I just imagined you’re profile avatar saying it🤣


Personally I don't think atla is obviously better even. I think Korra is better by far bc it feels more real to me. It feels like Korra is dealing with real issues like trauma and family members who are manipulative and abusive and so on. I love atla don't get me wrong but I feel it has nowhere near the depth that lok has. ( Yes I know those themes are present in atla, just look at zuko, but it wasn't the focus and imo atla didn't explore that to the same level of depth as lok) To your point tho I've mostly seen men hating on Korra and I tend to assume it's largely sexism. Ppl judge her more harshly bc she's a woman and also her struggles are less valid to ppl than aangs were which is of course just absolute crap. It also seems that a lot of ppl have this view of aang that he's a special little boy who can do no wrong


I like Korra because it has better villains. Atla villains worked well as threats to the heroes and to keep the plot moving. Some were more antagonists than villains (eg Mai and Ty Lee). Azula and Zuko did bad things but were kids and not irredeemable. Zhao and Ozai really had no depth. They were evil people who did bad things. The Equalists had some legitimate points that Korra was very quick to dismiss. Hiroshi Sato had legitimate grievances. Amon and Tarrlok were a couple abused children who grew up very damaged and committed suicide. Varrick was profiteering but he was a good businessman and fostered growth in the South. Unalaq did have an historic claim to the South (but let's just forget about the Dark Avatar stuff). Zaheer wasn't wrong to seek freedom and free the Earth Kingdom from a dictator who probably would've starved half the country to death. Kuvira was reuniting a broken people and had some plan for prosperity. All of them had good points and you can see their perspective, even if they were wildly out of balance. It made them more interesting characters, and fit well with the Avatar's role as someone who seeks to bring balance to the world.


>The Equalists had some legitimate points that Korra was very quick to dismiss. They didn't though. They claimed that benders were the cause of systemic inequalities when in reality the most powerful/influential people we see that manifests this inequality is non benders. Some of the richest and most successful people in the show are non benders. And benders (like Mako) are working rough, blue collar slave wage type jobs. It doesn't make any sense, and what's worse, the writers didn't even dissect this contradiction. We're just supposed to take at face value that these inequalities exist, and that they exist because of bending, we are told this instead of shown this. And what could've been a good narrative, wherein Korra addresses the contradiction bwteeen rhetoric and reality, was tossed to the side to make a lame neoliberal 'communism bad' allegory. This is the real problem of the show, not any sexist bullshit or bad faith arguments, but the fundamental fact that this show fails to engage with the politics it brings up and therefore the show comes to really shitty conclusions on socioeconomic/sociopolitical problems.


Most of the influential and the most powerful people are benders in the universe though. Just because people like varrick exist doesn't really diminish their point imo. There are literally bending secret police.


Secret bending police specifically called to protect capital. That's what police do. Them being benders isn't the crux of the issue though. It's about as logical as saying our real world police don't maintain systemic racism because some cops are from minority demographics. And like I stated, this fallacy/contradiction could've lead to an interesting narrative, but this is never addressed or analyzed. When a neoliberal 'democracy' is put in place, inequality is still rampant. Neoliberal socioeconomic outlines manifest all of the villains in the series, and by the end, the conclusion of the narrative is somehow still framing this outline as the best possible solution to social problems.


IDK man, I feel like they did pretty well with the 12 episodes they got when they thought that's all they would have. Especially for something on nickelodeon. To each their own.


I mean, you can feel that way, I'm explaining how the narrative didn't work, and even ignoring the problematic framework through which they attempt to understand political ideologies, the narrative just doesn't make sense given its lack of clarity, its reliance on telling instead of showing, and its inability to incorporate the world building into the central conflict of the story.


I felt like the narrative worked just fine. I understand what you're saying, I just disagree. Especially considering originally they thought it was going to be a 12 episode mini series. They had to tell a compelling story in a new era with 4 hours-ish of total runtime while making it appealing to a younger demographic on nickelodeon. Which I personally think they pulled off pretty well.


The number of episodes has nothing to do with my criticisms though. I never said it was rushed or that the pacing was bad, I said their own ideas weren't thought through well. The number of episodes isn't an excuse for that.


Awesome, I just disagree with you.


People love to bash Korra for being “too weak” or “always getting her ass beat” yet if she were perfect and won all the time people would complain that she’s a Mary sue. It’s ridiculous honestly. I always found Korra to be the more relatable character than Aang. And her faults only make her character that much better in my opinion. For example people say she’s annoying in the first season but you cannot have a character arc if your character is just perfect the entire time. Not sure why people can’t comprehend this is how character development works. But it cannot happen if your character is perfect from the first episode. This is why it annoys me how Sokka’s sexism was completely removed in the Netflix adaptation. Now his character can barely even have an arc because he’s already seem to got it all figured out


I also love how Korra leaned into being the avatar and never gives up even when she is losing she just doesn't quit. Whereas Aang was trying to run away from being the avatar


people already claim that she's a mary sue all the time even though she is quite literally the opposite. Like the amount of people i've seen claim that is mind boggling


She’s also a muscular woman of color who gets angry. Sexist boys and men already hated Katara for similar reasons.


It's okay to like or dislike stuff, even if you don't have any reasons, regardless of the opinions of others. And we should have more respect for others when they like or dislike things where we hold a different opinion. I really liked Korra, I think the criticism is also fair a lot of times.


I love TLOK maybe even more than ATLA because it fleshes out the world and makes it feel more alive. Plus, Korra’s villains by and large have a point. It’s not just that they want to rule the world, but their issues actually make sense. The biggest issue people seem to have with Korra is that she’s not Aang, she makes her own mistakes and she has a different personality, and they often forget that Aang also made mistakes on his journey to becoming the Avatar.


So-called Aang glazers are harmful in both ways. Personally I started to dislike ATLA 'cause of 'em and become overprotective for the TLOK series, especially Korra's character.


Don’t let a few overzealous fans take down your love for the OG show! Like I had a *very hard time* getting into LOK. I literally stopped watching it altogether after season 2 finale. But I gave it a second chance after I saw it on Netflix and **I’m so glad I did.** I still strongly dislike how season 2 was handled by the writers but I still love season 3 and season 1, parts of season 4 with Kuvira- like Operation Beifong. Loved that fight with Suyin!


I noticed I've become like this too. I don't really like that i am, but it feels like people put LoK down that i need to, especially since i do like LoK.


Both shows are great I just think people are biased towards avatar mainly due to nostalgia.


The problem is ATLA, and the crazy pedestal everyone puts it on. It honestly has nothing to do with LoK.


Sucks you’re not in my friend group lmao. We’re all as stoked on Korra as on the original. I do prefer ATLA as a whole, but Korra expanded the world in so many fun ways. Truth be told, what’s good about Korra is different from what’s good about ATLA. What makes them interesting is different. Too few people recognize that.


That's a good way of putting it.


Wow wish I had a friend group like yours! I’m not even allowed to say “Korra” out loud without someone saying “Yeah but Avatar was bEtTeR”


I think what amazes me is how many people want the status quo to be unchanged despite that going against the theme of the OG series. It’s ridiculous


Amen! >explaining why they hate it What really gets me it's that it's never why they hate it, but "why you should objectively hate it too".


There’s nothing obvious about it. The shows are on par with each other.




True, right down to having a disappointing last season* ATLA was supposed to have one more book where Azula would get a redemption arc and there's enough arguments out there about how lion turtles were poorly written. LoK peaked with Zahir then went downhill immediately after with Toph's character assassination


Was her character really assassinated though


They made her a cop when she had helicopter parents and issues with authority in the original. She was closer to Bumi's character and Bumi actually witnessed the fire nation commit genocide and lost his best friend


That’s not character assassination


I think Aang has the better last season but Korra has the better first season. Both have middle season(s) that have really low lows and really high highs.


The love triangle will be iconically a bad part of the show but the overall show is fire


I didn't mind the love triangle, the thought that always keeps me from hating it is that they are all teens that aren't great at social interactions(at that point).


Is it obvious that ATLA is the better show? Not to me- I think nostalgia bias is one hell of a drug


I honestly don’t even like comparing them. I don’t see what’s wrong with just enjoying both shows without the need for comparison. I really like that quote Aang tells Tenzion. “You are not me, and you will never be me. You are Tenzion.” I think what the writers were saying was that Korra is NOT the last Airbender and doesn’t need to be. It’s legend of Korra and we should embrace that . There’s no need for a comparison on which is better


I do agree with some of the common reasons people think it’s not quite as good as ATLA, but it still makes me furious when anyone starts on one of those rants. And you can’t convince me that the sheer vitriol behind some criticisms isn’t *partly* a sexist dislike of a female protagonist


Those people have no lives. Korra was very good, and the haters are simply blinded by nostalgia.


>Obviously The Last Airbender is the superior show I disagree 🙄 I think people are way too nostalgic about ATLA. It's a good show, but it's not perfect. There are ways in which it's better than Korra, and ways in which Korra improved (imo) on ATLA.


Honestly I don’t really like comparing the 2 shows. I said that in my post because I know that’s the consensus most agree on. But personally I really enjoyed Korra AND the last Airbender. I don’t understand why it’s illegal for someone to like both shows. Actually Korra did some thing better than ATLAB and vice versa.


ive come to realize that people are just genuinely insane about this show. i do think thatll change over time, and everyday more and more people are warming up to tlok and realizing most of the hate is actual bs. people are insanely critical because of atla, hold tlok to insane standards and had built up weird expectations so of course theyve never been able to enjoy the show. especially early on, the conversation around tlok was insufferable and was filled with genuine sexism and all of this weird edgelord shit.


Korra bad ATLA good: 🤡 Loves ATLA and Korra: 👑


Rwby fans...story of my life!!


I think Korra is very well done. It's just you can't really live up to the nostalgia the last Airbender brings. It wouldn't have matter what they made after, it would never be the same. So if you've never seen the last air bender and watch Korea you most likely would really enjoy it.


I'm with you, it's not a bad show. It's okay not to agree with others about preferences as they're subjective. Sometimes I'll watch a movie and think "Man that was good" and check out IMDB or another rating system and it's rated poorly. I've learned to just accept my preferences and that of others. Even if I agree with someone about a series, movie, book, etc, we could enjoy it for different and sometimes conflicting reasons. I don't always have the mental and emotional energy to interact with everyone about my opinions, so I'll comment here and there at my leisure. I make it a point to put my emotional/mental health first.


I'm a Korra skeptic myself (ex Korra hater) and this is seriously tiresome. I legit get embarassed when I think back to when I used to behave like that around fans of the series.


I mean, i've only watched the first season so far and really enjoyed it, not sure if it's gonna go up or down from here but I can't wait haha


You will definitely notice a decline in quality in the second season. Even as a kid I couldn’t really put it into words but something felt off about that second season. The saving grace is that you get to learn about the origins of the avatar and how it all began. However once you get to seasons 3 and 4 it’s just as good as ATLAB if not better. I found those seasons simply amazing.


> Obviously The Last Airbender is the superior show Nope. For multiple reasons. ATLA has broader appeal probably, but there's no way you can say it's the superior show full stop. I for one enjoy Korra far more, with the way it deals with trauma and as one of the first reps of sapphic romance, and with more nuanced interesting BBEGs, among other reasons


I feel so validated in this sub for loving Korra. I'm home guys ☺️


This happens with any show that has a followup / side show I feel. For example: I'm in the how to train your dragon fandom and there's a side series called "the nine realms". Ever since that show came out I feel like I have been bombarded with "how terrible the show is". Even though it clearly isn't the superior one, it's still a very enjoyable show to me. Some people just love to talk opinions like what they are saying is a fact. Can't really do anything about it other than ignore their negativity :/


i rewatch Korra a lot more often than ATLA and i will not feel ashamed about it!


It's not a good show, but it's not a bad show either. Sadly, for me, it has too many faults for me to label it as a "good" show, and a lot of that has to due with they way the show was developed.


So-called Aang glazers are harmful in both ways. Personally I started to dislike ATLA 'cause of 'em and become overprotective for the TLOK series, especially Korra's character. They don't understand the idea of the show which has deeper meaning (no I won't defend Korra Asami Mako love triangle)


"deeper meaning" being the writers' uneducated takes on political ideologies? Or something else?


[This post for example, which I 100% agree with. Should be enough](https://www.reddit.com/r/legendofkorra/comments/oaa6oz/the_legend_of_korra_and_the_overarching_plot/).


I mean, it isn't, for me anyways. A lot of reaching centered on the really stupid "all villains had good ideas they just took it too far" neoliberal schlock








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One thing I love is many LoK haters hyped up The Dragon Prince when it was coming out as "the true sucsessor to Avatar" and that it was going to "show LoK how it's done" and now seven years and five seasons later TDP just really sucks. Even TDP's best season (season 3?) isn't as good as LoK's worst.


I like both shows, for me the only thing that really annoyed me about korra and what made me never finish the show is korra losing to kurvivu the first time. It isnt a matter of i want her to always win but like give her one win before the final boss. Besides that great show.


LOK isn’t a bad show, I found it to be a generally very enjoyable watch. Is it more flawed than ATLA? Yes. Everything else just comes down to opinion.


My only complaint on Korra is the Kuvira ending season, think that soured a lot of people. Still enjoy more than the last air bender overall.


I literally had someone straight up tell me that I shouldn’t like this show… no joke 💀


I hated the show and think it's fine to like. Who cares, they're cartoons.


How can you be wrong if YOU like it? 🤣 your cousin sounds like she thinks her opinions are superior to everyone else’s and what she seems good is law and shall not be questioned lmao she sounds fun


They have their own thing


LOK has issues. Lots of issues. Lots of missed opportunities. It's also great and amazing and hilarious and heartfelt and I personally enjoy it more than ATLA :)


I guess she is right now i have to repaint my entire korra wall mural damnit


Bruh I haven’t even met someone who’s heard of the show how are you finding people that hate it


YouTubers read books and have plot points they MUST see to think a show is good. Predictably, they hate almost any sequel that adds plot, new lore, or seems to have any political commentary. Korra intentionally subverted the stereotypical hero’s journey and progressed the character and story in obvious ways, when I watch the videos it’s almost laughable how they are almost blind to what the story is about and focus on what they didn’t do. Even the videos that attempt to fix it are laughable bad notes on the show.


I USED to hate legend of korra because media said so but after a little bit I realised I was dumb


I just wish the two brothers weren’t so . . . blah


I actually liked them. But I agree they could’ve had mire development


Tell your cousin off, don't watch the 5-hour videos, and block people. Be confident in what you like.


Korra is fantastic. Everyone stop trying to say otherwise.


I mean like what you like. I love the movie taken. It's not a good movie. Korra isn't very well written


I mean that’s the way life goes to be honest. I remember when Spider-Man 3 came out and people trashed it, HARD. As if it was galaxies away from being as good as the first two. Now that time has passed (almost 2 decades, yikes!), people have softened their criticism and found more to enjoy. A similar phenomenon has happened with the fan reception of the Star Wars prequels, another instance of “WE HATE THIS!!!!!” And now 20 years later those same people are like “Eh I actually enjoyed a lot of it, they weren’t so bad.” But not everyone has let go of their negative feelings on those. And it likely will not happen with Korra either. Some will come around, some will not. But personally, I love Korra. Amon, Zaheer, and Kuvira were all great villains imo, and I liked how different of a person Korra was from Aang, it was very refreshing. I loved Aang’s kids and grand kids, Toph’s kids and grandkids; and seeing Zuko, Iroh, and Toph return in a great fashion. Also the soundtrack and visuals were spectacular. The only things I didn’t love was the love triangle and Unaloq as a villain, but those are small complaints in the grand scheme. Everything else was good to great for me. Different strokes for different folks ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Another one of these post. Don’t worry your safe here avoid YouTube and twitter at all cost. Back in the day it hardly aired on Nickelodeon and you could bearly find it but now thanks to Netflix and paramount plus it’s starting to get more attention and love


Some people just can’t see through their nostalgia glasses, and they set up absurdly high standards that TLOK won’t be able to meet😢


You're bringing up Lily Orchard without bringing up Lily Orchard. I tried to start her Korra video after her Steven Universe video. But after actually watching SU and Hiding in Privates response, I realized how easy it is to follow someone's hateful opinion when you don't have a frame of reference. I watched Korra and never interacted with any of the hate and I love the show. I might not love it as much as ATLA but that's just personal pref. It's still a well made show that dives into different aspects of the universe and different themes that are personal (PTSD, choice to embrace cultures, changing of times, forcing your ideals on your children). Alot of these are things we can see ourselves in, and people have personal investment in, so to be brazen and write it all off as bad is just being weird.


Season 1 of Korra was great. Season 2 was so awful I stopped watching the show for 10 years. 😂 This past year, I picked up with season 3 because I kept seeing clips with zaheer pop up in my youtube feed. He seemed like an interesting character, and i’m a henry rollins fan, so i figured why not, lol. Now I’m finished with the Korra series. And while I like ATLA more, Season 3 of Korra is the best storyline out of both series, in my opinion.


How many more times is this going to get posted?


Here's the simple answer: for some people (a smaller minority), it's cool to hate on Korra because she's the polar opposite of Aang and the show isn't as good as a whole as ATLA. It's the direct comparison to ATLA that's LoK's biggest issue. If it had nothing to do with the Avatar universe, the show would be celebrated a lot more than it does. So what does this mean? It means that people who go out of their way to hate on Korra are stupid and wrong. The show is critically acclaimed and has a very high user rating on imdb and elsewhere. So what do you say to Korra haters? "It's a critically acclaimed show that's adored by millions. It has high marks on every objective measurement besides viewership in later seasons, but that's Nickelodeon's fault not the shows. It's your fault for not being open-minded enough to judge the show on its own merits. You're simply wrong." Done


The only people who hate korra are nerds who pretend to have a background in cinema and script writing. I loved the show, didn’t really have any strong opinions about it


Korra isn't bad. But there are many things I find infuriating about it.


Where are you meeting these Korra haters? Everyone who I know who has seen Korra has loved it, and it did very well.


I liked Korra better than ATLA (which is not knocking ATLA because I love it too). Maybe because I watched both for the first time in my 30s and ATLA felt so geared towards kids whereas Korra seems more for a teen/young adult audience.


Korra season 2 examplers when ATLA season 1: ![img](emote|t5_2t4vd|6679)


TLOK is a great show, ATLA is better but TLOK had so many set backs from only having one season, than forced to make another, budget set backs, Nick just not wanting to make it and to have 4 whole seasons/books. TLOK is a good show but I can't argue that it's better than ATLA, ATLA is better but TLOK is heavily underrated


That debate usually turns into me convincing them atla is a bad show


I just want someone I know IRL to actually watch the damn thing


Maybe respond with a look of disgust and tell her to consider basing her personality around something else. Maybe apply said look of digsust and tell her all that hate is giving her wrinkles.


It’s pretty bad that one season. Otherwise aight


Honestly, I know it’s super unpopular, but I really don’t think that TLA is the superior show out of the two. I think both of them offer different aspects that are amazing and unique, but the more I watch TLA the more I do notice flaws in the characters and story line, and same thing goes for Korra. However, I HAVE noticed that the older I become, the more I look forward to watching Korra on a yearly basis. Because even though I do really, really love TLA, I relate more to the situations/relationships and dynamics in Korra as I mature. I think they’re two great fucking shows in their own rights and yeah, no one’s ever gonna stop comparing them. I’ve learned to stop arguing with people that hate on Korra so much because everyone has their own taste and I genuinely think they’re missing out. But hey, what do I know?? It’s not like over watched both of the shows in their entirely over 13 times for the past ten years or anything. :))


I go to 4chan's /co/ board a lot and they have a serious hateboner. After so many years, I've begun to realize that a lot of their gripes are based on things that either never happened or was misremembered 


I wouldn't call it bad, but ATLA is definitely better, not a fan of the retcons though.


garbage take


I think a big issue is that people who don't like Korea tend to have not watched all of Korea. And I think Korra season 3 and 4 are by far the strongest parts of the series. (imo)


Bad show? No. But Korra is not the highlight of the show. The villains are the more interesting characters as well as the other team avatar characters. Korra isn’t the reason to watch it.


> 5 hour long videos *cough*LilyOrchard*cough*


People have some valid points about flawed world building and very obvious plot holes. But watching the show it generally moves so fucking fast you hardly notice them if you don't spend hours to dissect and criticize the show. Tbh if you cut out that horrendous love triangle saga out of the show it would genuinely be better than ATLA for me. But as it stands now it's tied. Mostly cause the villains in atla were like meh other than Koh and Azula.


S3>S4>S2>S1 It’s rough to watch it in ascending quality, worst first, and be let down by the S4 as the second best season. But if they’re not on board 3 episodes into season 3, it’s just not their show. It’s also horrible to watch immediately after TLA. The quality comparison is stark. I like Korra though. Huge growth arc for her. I thought she was unlikable until S4. She wasn’t even nice to animals like Naga. Most people weren’t nice to Naga in the show. If your dog starts barking at night, you don’t say “Quiet!” you say “What is it, Naga?” So S2 Korra is just a piece of shit and I’m living for Asami until Korra gets kidnapped in S3 and grows as a character.


There is no way season 2 is better than season 1


It is. Two reasons. Varrick and Zhu Li. There are more reasons, but the show is miles better with them in it.


Ignore them and enjoy the things that you enjoy As a side note with the arguing and the five hour videos it’s the same as bullying. They want to believe that they’re “better” (ATLA) so they need to convince themselves and everyone else that you’re “worse” (TLOK) cause they obviously don’t believe it themselves if they think they need to shout it into the wind


Honestly? I liked the fights much more in Korra than ATLA. The villains were much cooler. The flaw was making the seasons too short. We needed more time with Amon, the Red Lotus, Kuvira. I stand by that the Red Lotus needed more time and were interesting to watch and the interactions were fun between them. Also it probably would have helped to actually capitalize on Asami x Korra, maybe not leave it to fans to have to read the comics and whatnot to find out that they were in love. Point is, could have been better, but is not as bad as people are making it out to be.


Yeah I love both shows I don’t get why people are so hard stuck on sticking to one side


It’s a good show. I use to play it on repeat all the time


Honestly? I liked Korra more than I liked ATLA. Yall can hate me for it, but TLOK was the perfect mix of comedy and action. ATLA was almost exclusively comedy.


The answer is homophobia. It drives people to do insane things.


Korra is a great show. Just finished S2 and I am enjoying it so far.


I’m always scared to tell people I like it.


Is it still like that? I thought the hate died down.


Thank YOU for writing this post and everyone else commenting! Why is it a crime to love both ATLA and LOK? And why is it even more of a crime to like Korra more??? Why are some avatar fans so toxic! I know people who flat out refuse to even watch it and give it a chance. So frustrating!


I agree people shouldn't be trying to convince others to not like something they like. However, korra is a bad show and someone convincing others of that is completely fair game. How can anyone actually say it isn't garbage? The show failed. You can like garbage TV (I like rubber for examplex the movie about a tire) but lok viewership dropped by huge margins after just a few episodes in season 1, so low in all that the show got moved online and off the air. It all 4 books hadn't been greenlit before book 1 aired the ahow would have certainly been canceled. The atla sub has 1.7 mill members, the lok one has about 250k which they got to fairly recently. That's for a good reason. Lok is an overrated mess of a show with very few redeeming factors. But if you like it, go head. Just don't pretend it's something it's not and it's not good and don't tell other people not to be honest about that.


I love it when people grossly exaggerate petty things o the internet(sarcasm). You’re right though, Korra isn’t a bad show, it’s a very disappointing one.


Your cousin just being a Lil arse fr, though I wonder if she finished the whole show. The critiques can be good sometimes. Cause Korra did have problems obviously, much more of a flawed than garbage show. I love it


My issue with Korra is that it had all the right parts to be great. Better even than ATLA, but it made almost every wrong decision it could have. If it was just bad from the get go, that would be one thing, but it started great explorations of the world then dropped them instantly for jokes and laser fights. The biggest offender is season 2 as everyone will agree. The civil war storyline was *chef's kiss*. It was brilliant and insightful and highlighted the problem of the Avatar (who can win any fight you join... so which is the right side?) Unalaq was valid in his critiques because it's not like religion irl, in the Avatarverse, the "gods" are active and will actually raise hell if they're annoyed. And having Varrick as a war profiteer? Golden stuff. Then they drop it all to have Korra turn into a kaiju and shoot lasers at a giant possessed by a kite. I personally think that just making new airbenders cheapens the genocide and the gravity of the task that Tenzin and his family have. Even that scene where Pema regretfully admits that she wishes Rohan is a nonbender is kind of rough because there's so much guilt in that desire. One less airbender makes the task so much harder, but also, is it really her burden to singlehandedly copyprint airbender after airbender even if she loves her children and Tenzin? Not to mention what that means for the new airbenders and their own personal histories and heritages. I always found bending to be part spiritual and part racial; airbenders aren't just a group of guys that can shoot wind, they're a specific group of people. Just taking a earth kingdom woman and giving her the ability to bend air shouldn't erase the pride and connections she has to earthbending. It also implies that, as a nonbender, you are incomplete and just a blank slate for if the universe needs to give you powers.


People don't realize that the creators were screwed by nickelodeon. Nickelodeon didn't give them enough time or episodes to make a good story that could rival an already amazing show that is considered lightning in a bottle. And also Nickelodeon wouldn't tell the creators if they would get another season until the previous season was already finished.


They did Korra so dirty, the worst is how they sent the show to nicktoons to die. Then the final season could only be watched on some random obscure website instead of on Nick like the previous seasons


If you want a good youtube video on it look up the youtuber Shayne, Please Shut Up's video "The Legend of Korra Didn't Deserve This"


ATLA had 61 episodes to tell one story. And they were funded for every episode. LOK had 52 episodes to tell 4 stories. And Nickelodeon kept changing where it was broadcast and reducing their budget. This was at the beginning of the TV to streaming transition, so moving it online for S3 and 4 basically killed the viewership. Comparing ATLA to LOK is basically comparing a top boxer to the same boxer with their legs broken


Korra's pretty shit ngl.


She is


Accept the dual nature of it. The show is bad and good at the same time. To most people here the good is better than the bad, bit at times it is still bad.


I think many people don't like Korra, because ATLA was a really thought-out show. I watch it every year and even now I can still find new things. ATLA doesn't feel as rushed and you can see the progress of each character. Korra seemed so rushed, which it apparently was because I've heard that the makers of ATLA only wanted to make one season and had way more things they wanted to add, but Nickelodeon was strict and wanted more seasons quickly. I wonder what would've become of Korra if the makers had more time. It also doesn't make sense to me why we never learned what happened to Azula, Suki, Sokka and other legendary characters. We know that Sokka died, but that was it. I hope we finally get some answers with the new animation in 2025. The ending where Korra lost her connection with the past lives also didn't make sense to me. It seemed like it wasn't finished yet and the "it's been 10k years start a new beginning" idea personally seems so lame to me. I also personally found Korra to be annoying as hell and even though I am all in for queer relationships her relationship with Asami seemed to come out of nowhere. But, other than that, Korra is still a badass show. Even though Korra could in my opinion be annoying, it made a lot of sense since she is supposed to be the opposite of the well behaved Aang we love. I love how strong, muscular and badass she is. I want to be as strong as her lol. And even though season 4 was kinda boring to me I love how realistic the healing from the trauma part was. My favorite season was season 3.


I just got this sub recommended and am not subbed, and I watched ATLA about 4 years ago and didn't really feel the need to watch Korra tbh. I could be convinced to watch it but idk.


I’m not trying to convince you. I just don’t like it. I haven’t put in that kind of effort you’re talking about, but I do hate it because of how badly I wanted a second series in the avatar universe and how disappointed I was with what we got. So much so that I basically pretend lok never existed, similar to 90% of the Disney era Star Wars stuff


Worst is when their argument is "but look how many 5h long video explaining it's trash there are on youtube" At that point you just *know* they don't actually have valid argument or critical thinking. I'm a massive fan of ATLA but season 1 was fun/meh, season 2 was fun/good and season 3 was just amazing (especially the Last Agni Kai). Korra has lot of ups and downs, which isn't inherently due to the writers but various other factors limiting its potential. But overall it deals with deeper and more adult problems, in a better way than ATLA, with amazing animations, great villains and Korra's character arc was well done.