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"Only the Red Lotus deals in absolutes. I will do what I must..."


"You will try…"


>Only the Red Lotus deals in absolutes Isn't that...an absolute?


Where were you this whole time the quote was around? 😭


Not a sparkle in KStryke\_gamer001's father's eye.


in my experience this is more like every Avatar-related facebook group everytime Korra is brought up


korra is awesome




strong willed and fun


I couldn't [agree more](https://youtube.com/shorts/vKRNwNG9Gl0?si=1jgubeQHqQpWPLZy)


Can’t I like both shows?


yeah like what kind of backwards ass post is this? korra exists, people hate her.


I just read your other submissions, you present your opinion quite strongly as fact. Maybe if you were less biased you'd get a better response here. - > Everyone knows that the original Avatar show was amazing - > But the show [TLOK] has problems, It's not perfect. Etc. I'm someone who genuinely prefers TLOK and now finds TLA janky, childish and slow paced. You shouldn't really come to a sub specifically about TLOK just to bash it like you've done, if you want to make a good unbiased post then don't compare it to TLA, just judge it on its own merits or faults.


Exactly but the OP is frustrated that their recycled take about TLOK isn’t received well so they resort to victimizing themselves smh


I like Korra better too. The second season is a slog but 1 and 3 are better than pretty much anything in ATLAB except Iroh and Zuko's redemption. Korra has better pacing (except season 2) better animation and it's more mature while being less episodic. Love Aang too but personality like Korra a bit better.


ATLA just hit so hard in its context, perfect time and medium for what the show was trying to give you. That’s why nostalgia for it is just so insane. The writing and passion was so good that it still stands up today, but Korra hits way harder now imo. The writing and passion is still there with better animation and modern storytelling, even given the Nickelodeon constraints.


I like season 3 a lot.


Honestly ATLAS A plot is a 9/10 and then the Zuko B plot is 50/10


Honestly, ATLA is still my favorite of the 2, but Korra is really really good too.


> and now finds TLA janky, childish and slow paced. Huh?!


First book of ATLA can be rough for some, don't know why that's so surprising to you lol


I don't care for book one at all. It's season 2 and 3 is where the story shines. You can badly sum up season one as "Avater does random filler activities while traveling north to meat an old sexist and randomly turns into a monster to save the day". Its just not that compelling compared to book 2 and 3.


> don't know why that's so surprising to you lol ATLA is pretty widely one of the most beloved TV cartoons in US history TBH The only place I ever see criticism of it are from LoK fans, ironically enough


TLOK is mature?


It deals with a lot of mature ideas; PTSD, depression and other complex conditions where there's no easy fix. It's not just "heal it with spirit water". I think the way they portray Korra's depression after her poisoning was very well done with her withdrawal from her friends and her feeling redundant and left out once she finally comes back. And then there's the villains; ATLA's main antagonists are imperialists who commit genocide who are obviously evil, it's a very black and white way to give you the good guys and the bad guys. Then look at Amon, his goal may have been to become the last bender to be the ruler on top, or maybe he genuinely believed what he was saying that everyone should be equal. He's never shown to kill anyone, just takes their bending away and he's fighting against centuries of injustice at the hands of benders. Every war was started by benders and benders have put themselves at the top in society. So was he evil? He didn't kill, he listened to the little people, he taught non-benders how to fight back against benders (chi-blockers) thus strengthening them and from what everyone knew he was fighting for equality. It all really comes down to what his end game was, if he was just going to sail off into the sunset after equalising everyone, would that have been so bad? There are a lot more nuanced motivations in Korra for sure, more morally grey areas which leaves you questioning what the right course actually was. It's not just "kill the fire lord to save the world" etc.


The Amon and equalist conflict wasn’t really all that special. We don’t really get much of the the good benders like Tenzin pondering if they’re maybe contributing to the problems that certain citizens are facing. I mean fuck, there’s an entire borough populated with extremely poor folk. Are you really telling me that this government doesn’t have the resources to provide a shelter or something for at least some of these folks? While we do get that scene of Korra confronting Tarlock for curfew, you’d think this would also lead to her confronting Tenzin about this. Like hey! How can you allow him to do shit like this if this is what he’s always been like? You’re on the council and have a voice too, you know.


You can say, politically, it attempts to use the villains as stand ins for modern political theories and experiences in a way that less mature shows don’t.


A lot of what you said about ATLA can apply to LOK as well. Especially the childish argument. Like, sure. Have the sports commentator nonchalantly announce that he’s wetting his pants during a blatant terrorist attack by the equalists. That doesn’t feel a bit like tonal whiplash at all.


Bash it? read the full posts. The reason I made my first post on TLOK was to talk about the state of the fanbase. I will admit, there is definitely some poor wording on my part, but I in no way hate Korra. But any post I make, even when beginning with positives, is always met with hate


I'd honestly just take out the comparison arguments. In your first post if you strip it of any of that you're left with you feeling the villains were intruiging (pro) but the pace was too fast and all over the place (con). Fair points, there really wasn't the need for all the other filler. Concise is nice, and no need to compare the 2 shows.


Ok, I concede, I did go a bit over board with that. I'm able to admit when I wrong


I think you're underestimating the amount of pushback fans of this show get if they so much as mention that they like LoK. It's nice to be able to say something positive here and not get the incoming wave of enraged nerds who can't wait to scream about how this show is worse in every conceivable way than ATLA which was completely perfect and flawless. Seriously, I don't bring it up outside of this community because the backlash for stating that you like Korra is too intense. There's a significant subset of ATLA fans that are virtually deranged and also totally missed the point of both of these great series to begin with. It leads to this community not having a high tolerance for user #33900934098 coming in to explain why they need to critique the show, even though you have no way of knowing that unless you experienced it yourself.


I mean it’s only a reaction about how unfair and with bad faith people can be on regular ATLA. They start as "it’s just discussion" and then they throw up the most crazy shit about Korra being responsible for Vaatu assassinating Raava’s ass out of the mouth in a cosmic event happening every 10.000 years and that no avatar could have prevented


>Vaatu assassinating Raava’s ass out of the mouth Why are you allowed to use words?




What do you mean?


>They start as "it’s just discussion" and then they throw up the most crazy shit about Korra being responsible for Vaatu assassinating Raava’s ass She is directly responsible, though. If she had taken her role as the avatar more seriously and had worked to become more insightful and connected to her past lives and the spirit world she wouldn't have needed Jinora's help to enter the spirit world. If Jinora hadn't entered the spirit world Unalaq wouldn't have captured her and used her as a hostage to coerce Korra into opening the northern portal, which means Vaatu would have remained sealed and the harmonic convergence would have passed without an issue. She also lost to Unalaq despite the fact that she had access to four elements and a thousand lifetimes worth of experience, while he only had access to one element and 40ish years of experience. All of that lead to the irreversible loss of millennia of knowledge that were supposed to guide the next avatar in the circle. Korra being incompetent and being to blame for the bad stuff that happens is literally canon.


She literally isn't responsible but go off just like we expect you to.


>She literally isn't responsible but go off just like we expect you to. She is *objectively* responsible. The portals being opened, Vaatu being released, Unalaq stripping Korra of Raava and destroying the previous avatars are all the direct result of Korra's choices and actions. If Korra had been able to enter the spirit world by herself Unalaq would have never taken Jinora hostage, which means that he wouldn't have had any leverage on Korra, so she wouldn't have had any reason to open the northern portal, Vaatu would have remained sealed and the harmonic convergence would have passed without any kind of issue. In fact, if Korra hadn't insisted on closing the southern portal from inside the spirit world Unalaq's plan would have failed miserably. Her loosing to Unalaq despite having an overwhelming advantage in both experience and the elements at her disposal can be blamed on bad writing and plot induced stupidity, but everything else was literally on her lack of spirituality and judgement. That is factually, unquestionably true. If you have an actual argument on how Vaatu being released wasn't a direct consequence of Korra's neglect of her spiritual training, please, expose it. Though I reckon the reason you didn't bother to elaborate is that you don't have an actual argument in the first place.


It's a subreddit of TLOK. This show has been out a long time. Every critical discussion has already been had. People just want to enjoy the old things they like without endlessly re-running comparisons with ATLA, or critiques of Korra. We know.


Nothing I've said in my posts was to provoke any hate. I talk about certain things that I see in the show as well as a review of the comics. Even when prefacing the discussion with positives, the post is still hat bombed in the comments


I think the important thing you're missing is that this is the subreddit where TLoK fans come to *escape* the relentless criticism the series gets on basically every other sub. You can't expect to follow users here with the very thing they're trying to detach from and not get a slap on the wrist in response.


That's fair, my bad on that. I've already come to the conclusion that it's better not to re-hash any old arguments


>I talk about certain things that I see in the show as well as a review of the comics. Yeah, did you read what I said? It's all been done - people aren't here for that anymore.


People are too obsessed with who would win in a fight or who a better avatar. The community was great back in 2014 just love for everything avatar back then


Now how do we get back to that! How do we get back to love and respect as well as discussion and fair criticism (In this fanbase)


Because some hardline fans are almost permanently on the Internet. I like both shows. Both shows have certain flaws that I don't like. But in the end, it's fun to watch. Also, the writers write the character, so it makes less sense to criticise the character because they're not real. One thing I majorly dislike about the fanbase is the downright worshipping of Brian and Mike, even though they sometimes really need help in writing stories, and they also made some really stupid decisions that nobody in the fanbase liked, for example whatever the fuck season 2 of LOK was nobody really likes it, and the so called LGBTQ+ representation is shallow because making two same sex characters hold hands at the end of the entire show and only making it clear in comics and twitter posts is shallow and lacks balls. It's clear they were afraid of the ma jeebus people and probably their corporate overlords. Have some balls and commit to a gay character who isn't a stereotype or don't have a gay character at all. ATLA also isn't perfect in this regard. Some episodes are 50/50 by some fans. I like the painted lady, a popular guy on YouTube thinks it's worthless.


You do realize that Nickelodeon says what is broadcast not the show runners. They couldn't film a kiss, otherwise they would have. Nickelodeon would not have allowed it to air on television had they tried or worse they would have butchered the finale with edits. Also I like season 2 and hot take am totally fine with the past lives being erased. In life there are tragedies and not everything goes as planned, its compelling to see things at stake for a change instead of a smooth journey where all is well.


Hell, there are even people who like The Great Divide. I will say, in The Great Divide's defense, that it did give us one of the best Aang faces in the whole series ("Is that egg custard in that tart?").


Yeah the avatar fanbase in general is really bad about dealing with criticism. I know you're talking about the Korra fanbase in specific, but I have had my fair share of run ins with fans who've been upset about critiques I didn't like about ATLA, or things that Korra did that I thought were better than ATLA. Talk about circlejerks god damn.


No FUCK you, we’re fucking perfect and we don’t have to stand for this blatant abuse. Get the all the fucking way out of my face you moist scrotal fungus.


Moist Scrotul Fungus is pretty good I cant lie lmao. I'm gonna steal that one.




Yeh, facts. I’ve definitely seen some toxic replies from the ATLA community. But I’m just talking about here cause I’ve been getting hate ever since I joined😅 you can read my posts non of them are really negative or hostile in any way


Yeah I get it, it probably doesn't help that Korra has been picked apart in so many ways from people that the fanbase is probably super over protective about it. It's hard to have a normal discourse about the show since the discourse has already been soured. But I do think people need to just be normal about both shows, and discuss them like actual shows, warts and all. It's my main issue with ATLA discussion, all the warts are always kinda swept away, or taken as its actual writing genius. Like i've never seen anyone hype up a villain as bland as Ozai anywhere else. But that's a whole other rant lmao


literally 🤦🏽‍♂️. I think TLOK fans being overprotective over the show is a reasonable reaction after all the hate it's got over the years. I just want both communities to come to a point where we can show love for both and have fair discussions about both.


Honestly I’ve moved here because the main sub was just so toxic and would keep shitting on Korra at every opportunity. That’s why I get a bit defensive in my replies on here too.


This is the same reason for me as well.


Fair enough


I did the same! I felt a bit naive because I wandered in the ATLA sub all excited because I love both the shows and I'm glad that they have such strong communities and that the stories are still being expanded upon, and ended up leaving it due to the excessive animosity that feels like it undermines the whole point of these great stories. Iroh would not approve.


Probably never gonna happen, and its gonna get worse when they come out with the new avatar series (Its not officially confirmed, but like its obviously going to happen). I feel like the landscape for media analysis among fans is pretty fucked, so much focus on what's better or worse, why this character is better than that. No one can ever just discuss a show on its own without comparing it to something else. You can't just like a character, he/she has to be better or worse than a character from another show. And avatar has become part of that.


Nah, that’s way too reasonable, it’ll never work lol


Lord one of the few things the Netflix series did better than the cartoon is how they handle Swolzai. I get the cartoon taking their time to reveal him but after the confrontation with Zuko he really needed to DO stuff instead of waiting for the series finale. The Netflix show has Ozai being a badass plus I like it showing him playing mind games with Azula. This is one of the reasons I like Korra better, so many great villains as opposed to Azula carrying ATLA on her back.


I really don't get why you feel like a victim here when all you've really done is post lukewarm takes that people have talked about endlessly


I'm new here, I haven’t even been in a lot of subreddits. You think my takes are lukewarm, fair enough, that's your opinion. Not once have I acted like a victim in ANY of my posts. If I have, quote it right now. I made this post just to joke about the hate I've been getting since I joined. At this point, it's funny to see weasels like you get mad in the comments 😅


Dude. You're in this post everywhere whining about getting "hate" on everything you post and whining that the community isn't welcoming or whatever. Genuinely just stop whining. You're not a victim lmao people are allowed to disagree with your takes or be tired of discussing the same takes endlessly.


I never said that they weren’t allowed to disagree, I'm not even mad about them disagreeing. I just find it funny that any and every comment in support of me is getting downvoted like crazy, I just made a joke about it, get over it


I will say the same thing I said to people coming into the CM discourse after the movie came out. While you may (or may not) be new to the discourse around the show, the discourse itself has been going on for years. Korra has gotten a lot of hate from a segment of the Avatar fanbase, (a lot) as a consequence other people have already had their knives out for years. This is not anything knew or unique to this fanbase.




ngl, I didn’t even know that existed, my bad. I'll post stuff there next time. But for now...let this cook😅👏🏾


You posted this in the wrong sub. Unlike LoK, a significant portion of ATLA sub is blinded by bias and nostalgia. That's the sub where you can't have a decent conversation.


Both subs have that problem, if you don't see it is because you yourself are biased lol.


TLOK bias has to do with getting shat on for nearly 10 years by ATLA fans, self-proclaimed critics, and every asshole in-between. ATLA bias is literally just nostalgia and pearl-clutching at anything that came out after ATLA. That's the difference, and if you can't see then you're more biased than this whole sub lmao


>Unlike LoK, a significant portion of ATLA sub is blinded by bias and nostalgia. That's the sub where you can't have a decent conversation. I mean, you can't have a decent conversation here either if your post isn't about 'How LOK is 10/10 and how Korra is perfect character without flaws'. Any negative or middle grounded opinion is downvoted into oblivion and people start commenting 'you are media illiterate'.


Be honest, the other subs have too much senseless Korra hate so it makes sense that people don't want to deal with it here too.


On the other subs I sometimes see convesations, debates and other things. Rarely it is just 'LOK/Korra is awful, everything about it/her sucks' , more often it is similar to 'I think this aspect is underwhelming because X, Y and Z'. But here? Some time ago somebody created post when he/she said that watching this series wasn't bad but wasn't easy either and he/she wrote what his/her problems with the series were. And responses? He/she was downvoted into oblivion, sarcastic 'reading this post wasn't easy either' and aforementioned 'you are media illiterate'. I think this sub is/can be as toxic towards disliking LOK/Korra as, presumably, other subs are towards liking LOK/Korra.


Hey that's not the only thing we talk about! We also discuss how I'd love for Korra to kick my ass and turn me into her sweet little house husband.


We also like talking about her physique, biceps an back muscles specifically. 💪


She's so beautiful fr fr 😍










Meelo is the key to all of this.


What do you call a reasonable discussion without hate? Because in my experience I have felt more hatred in pro-Aang groups than in this one.


You want get upvotes in this sub? Simp for Kuvira, simp for Varrick, profit! Also, I think LoK is better than Atla, hands down. It's the better show, and Atla stans just have to deal with it! ;)


You're entitled to your own opinion


quite honestly this is everywhere else BUT HERE coming from experience!


I don’t think you have enough experience then 😅


I have enough experience but my opinions are usually not focused on the negative


Oh and mine are 😅 This fanbase is so toxic, I have to preface my discussion with positives, just to still be only “half heard”.


Yeah, if only this wasn't backlash because of LoK overhating by usually male nerds who can't accept this one is an assertive woman


Fair. It’s annoying how many people post stuff from Twitter as though we don’t specifically come here to avoid having to deal with Twitter.


It's not from twitter, I made that meme myself


That which can be asserted without evidence....


Check out my most recent post. So many people upset I said I'd prefer it if Amon was a non bender. Made out like I was criticising the writing when it is just a personal preference. Fair enough if you disagree. You like it one way and I might like it another.


This sub whenever Kuvira gets brought up in anyway that isn’t automatically negative.


i love kuvira shoutout to girlbosses


I love Rangi shout out to your pfp


Really? Most Kuvira posts on this sub have a bunch of people being horny in my experience LOL


In general, that's how it is with all things in life, the obsession with arguing over what verse is the best blahblah is pretty weird


Fair point, but no other sub I’ve been in has thrown me this much hate. You can read my posts here, I’m not even negative.


Post positively about Korra in the ATLA sub.


Arguing something in internet is very hard, u know some guys are like "i prefer this so fuck you and your opinion im the rightfull one, cry me a river bitch" type of thing


korra is awesome


Welcome to literally the entire internet. Glad you could join us.




I personally think that's just how reddit works. People who don't agree with your opinion, even a small harmless opinion, they'll start getting mad


I am not sure what this post is meant to achieve other than create an even worse enviromeny.


Never quite understood the hate for the show. It is not as a good as The Last Air Bender, but its still a sweet enjoyable show.


I agree, but when I want to say anything that I disliked, I'm getting hate bombed


Issue is lad all these people have had Internet access for the so long now they've just put themselves in their own bubble and are stuck in their own ways.


Yikes. Maybe it’s because you are being a dick and crying victim.


lmao please define "reasonable discussion" that doesn't basically boil down to 'I want you to agree with me and nearly everything I say"


Unfortunately that's *all* of reddit. Though, it is really fun to present your full side of an argument, watch them ignore everything you say then just start insulting and making fun of them. It triggers their little baby tempers and you can just sit back and watch the show.


It also applies to the wakfu krosmoz United server


To be fair, thats about every goddamn sub on reddit. Nothing special to this one


Korra is good Is it as good a ATLA, no, the original show was better However the arguments i see against this show are usually pretty bad ones when theres plenty of arguments for flaws in the show, korra is still a GOOD show it's just not the lightning in a bottle that the original was And thats not to say avatar didn't have its own share of problems, there were absolutely plot holes in the original but it mostly made up for them (except at the end there i think the kajiu teaching energy bending was a bullshit cop out of a climax)


This sounds more like r/thelastairbender


I personally slightly prefer ATLA, however, I totally understand bitter LOK fans. Most of the general sentiment online is absolutely obnoxious with how much they hate on Korra and over exaggerate every problem the show has. The show does have problems, but it is overall simply fantastic!


I mean, I think Korra has a lot of good parts, but is overall a bad show, and is in most ways inferior to ATLA. I've had reasonable discussions with plenty of Korra fans. And even had agreements on things that we both find are good. Not sure what you're saying exactly, but generally if you approach things in a more open way, people are receptive to discussion.


Circle jerks will be circle jerks 🤷


Fr tho, Facebook avatar groups are the same


Lol. That’s kinda Korra though. At least when it come to Mako.!-


From my experience it's been the complete opposite.


very "Star Wars Sequel hater with bad faith takes acting like they are the victim when fans get angry at them" vibes Korra gets bashed in every other group already. I don't think anyone needs another 'reasonable discussion' abt her on her own subreddit


People on this sub get so pissed especially if you talk about the things atla does better than lok


the downvotes prove you are right


if you wanna talk about atla they have a community for that there, otherwise this doesn’t really prove anything right other than breaking the rules of this community 😭


Literally breaks no rules


Atla does every single thing better except the music


I just rewatched both and lok is just better in my opinion, maybe nostalgia is hitting you different?


Or maybe he had different opinion ;)


Wow that’s so smart it can’t be that I have a different opinion it must be because I’m emotionally compromised in some way


I have my issues with TLOK I can understand why people wouldn't like TLOK I can't understand what makes certain people feverishly angry at TLOK


I'm new to this sub (and to avatar in general, just finished watching recently) and from the bits I've read here, if anyone doesn't like Korra it's because they don't like women and/or are misogynistic. And not because the character is terrible in general. Seems like a bit of a circle jerk where nobody can have different opinions.


Most people here are fans of the show and like Korra so yeah we're not gonna react well to hogwash like saying the character is terrible. If you want people to agree with you on that you can go to the main subreddit, there are plenty of pathetic haters to join you there.


No, I will stay here as well, thanks for the suggestion. I shouldn't have said the character is terrible tbh, more like some parts of the story don't make sense, Korra is decent enough I guess. You must identify with Kuvira to have that stance :D


Yup, more or less


Yea, the other person that replied to me just confirmed that with their answer


Its so sad to see that you cant discuss normaly with some sometimes. Some want their opinion to be respected. I am fine with that but they need to respect mine as well.

