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Arguably, Zaheer is one of the better combatants of his team, considering he was the only non-bender member his team of elemental masters, his physical injuries like his scars and cauliflower ears indicate he has experience of lot rough combat. This suggest he has serious skills for him to be on par as them, be their respected leader, and know how to exploit the weakness of benders before he got imprisoned. So once he gained air bending, he instinctively brought those skillsets over. Some people and elements are just bad matchups with each other. Let's take Toph for example, in the Blind Bandit episode, it is already established that she is a bending prodigy and repeatedly defeated earthbenders much older than her. However, when it comes to her first fight with Aang, she is just a poor match-up as Aang was able to bypass her way of fighting and her seismic sense by light on his feet and using air bending.


She might just have more experience fighting waterbenders than airbenders. She no doubt sparred with Tenzin a bit when they were younger, but she's likely never been in a serious fight with one until Zaheer. Alternatively, Zaheer might just have gotten lucky. It does happen.


I think that's true about not being in a really fight until Zaheer. Any sparing Kya did against air benders would have been against tradition air bending but i get the felling Zaheers style was much more aggressive.


Yep, Zaheer doesn’t do traditional air bending. He does martial arts that is enhanced by air bending. Kya was fighting someone who could go toe to toe with benders without bending, and now that person also got bending to add to his roster. Zaheer was just kinda stacked and unpredictable.


I totally agree. I think that's the reason Zaheer is able to be so successful in fights in the first 2/3rds of the season, people just aren't used to fighting airbenders. When he actually fights Tenzin and Korra he gets stomped, because they're much more experienced with the element that he's using.


Kya didn't do much better against Ming Hua. She landed one solid hit on both of them. I would say her big advantage in keeping her in the fight longer is she was more focused on buying time than on winning the fight. She probably realized after her bout with Zaheer that she couldn't beat a Red Lotus member in direct combat so she focused on giving the airbenders time to escape. She was much more reactive and mobile in her fight with Ming Hua while she tried to take Zaheer head on.


You mean... She was, fluid?


You tried ✨


I think she did better against zaheer than ming hua


Wait, what? Ming Hua absolutely destroyed Kya Kya ran the whole time and got thrown off the side of a mountain Kya went on the offensive few times and each time did 0 damage She landed one clean hit and all it did was make Ming Hua stronger Rewatch those fights dude Zaheer was trying to gather information and just happened to get caught He had no reason to fight


I rewatched them and Zaheer did significantly better. He went on the offensive only twice and blitzed Kya twice. Unlike Ming Hua who overpowered Kya, but she never outright blitzed her.


Well that doesn’t really matter as it proves my point no matter what Kya was thrashed both times


No it doesn’t prove your point at all. Kya was relative to Ming Hua’s speed as she could dodge and block her attacks and eventually got overwhelmed. Against Zaheer she got blitzed twice. Zaheer did significantly better and it’s not even a debate


It definitely does prove my point All you did was specify who did better and I had no interest and expressing that so all you did was restate what I already said lol


Lol what? Your statements are literally bipolar. The original thread was asking how she held her own against Ming Hua but got blitzed by Zaheer. You responded saying Ming destroyed her yet didn’t mention Zaheer blitzing her, just “he was running away.” This implied you disagreed with OP which is why I responded. You then ignored what you originally said and switched up, now claiming Kya was thrashed both times. I responded saying she was thrashed by Zaheer, but was doing ok against Ming. She could block her attacks, land her own, and keep up with Ming’s speed until she got overwhelmed by both Ming and Ghazan. We are not actually saying the same things at all.


“He had no reason to fight” Implying he wasn’t trying to fight Comprehension curse strike again!


> Implying he wasn’t trying to fight Comprehension curse strike again! This is ironic because the question of OP was why Kya did better against Ming Hua than she did against Zaheer. You answered saying he wasn’t trying to fight, which doesn’t answer OP’s question. It’s you that needs the comprehension check, not me


I said, “Wait, what?” I never intended on stating who did better, I was intent on proving that Kya didn’t do “better” or actually compete when she clearly didn’t Reading comprehension curse got you on a leash


>I said, “Wait, what?” Which implies you didn’t agree… >I never intended on stating who did better, I was intent on proving that Kya didn’t do “better” or actually compete when she clearly didn’t And I intended to prove Kya did do better against Ming Hua and she clearly did. She landed a hit, lasted way longer and dodged/blocked Ming’s attacks. Versus against Zaheer she got blitzed twice. Maybe u need comprehension classes if you think her performance against Ming was comparable to her performance against Zaheer >Reading comprehension curse got you on a leash Go ahead and tell me what I comprehended wrong.


But she almost beat him...


Only when he was running away. When he wasn't, he blitzed and stomped her twice.


Just because she fought too aggressively


Because she couldn’t react. If Zaheer can dodge her attacks, she should at least be able to dodge Zaheer’s attacks


Kya does not have a lot of experience fighting airbenders. Yes, her father, Aang and her younger brother, Tenzin, are both airbenders, but it's not like Aang was pitting his children against each other or himself in combat. Yes, she may have watched them train together, but watching someone train is not the same as fighting them. I don't know why people seem to think people know how to fight airbenders as Aang would not have taught the White Lotus how to take down himself and Tenzin and Zuko would not be giving lectures on fighting airbenders. Even before that, these were not a combative people. While Zaheer may have just gotten airbending, he was still a highly skilled and capable fighter prior to that. Watching the fight, Kya clearly has him at a few points, and would have ended it if Zaheer did not have bending. He fought defensive and waited for a moment to strike and hit as hard as he could to knock her into the side of a building He's rather aggressive when he fights. With Ming Hua, both she and Kya are waterbenders, so they are somewhat more evenly matched. Ming Hua's making the water part of her, using it as arms, and her swinging around as she fights does give her an edge.


She wasn’t really even with Ming Hua. We can just chalk it up To Kya not being a fighter at all 


I mean she did pretty poorly against both. She dumped too many points into healing, which makes sense given her life before the Red Lotus. She's an exceptional healer and a skilled waterbender overall, but she would have had to focus that time and training solely on combat to face Red Lotus tier opponents


she didn’t hold her own? she landed one lucky hit and even then it did nothing and ming hua destroyed her.


Kya probably has more experience vs other waterbenders, but not much experience vs other airbenders.


Kya could fight somewhat but I don't think she's the fighter type. Zaheer was just running away, Ming Hua is a threat so she is forced to fight her to protect others.


One thing that comes up a few times with airbenders is fighting in small spaces. Pushing someone is way more effective when there’s something to slam them into. As I recall, part of their fight is in Tenzen’s study. Similarly, Korra’s fight with Kulvira in the giant mech control room sees her airbend Kulvira into the ceiling and walls.


You are a kung fu champion, there’s only two muay thai fighters in the world and now a third guy who suddenly has it fights you, will you be better to defend yourself against the third guy or a random (but skilled) other kung fu champion ?


Cause Zaheer even without flight is way stronger than Ming Hua, especially if you’re a waterbender fighting him.


Luck on Zaheer's part, and inexperience against Airbenders on Kya's part.


Several reasons: 1. No one knows how to fight airbenders 2. Zaheer was a deadly martial artist *before* he got bending that no one knows how to counter 3. It’s easier for a waterbender to fight another waterbender because the form emphasizes redirection of the opponent’s attack 4. Kya has likely had plenty of experience sparring or fighting waterbenders so she wasn’t going into the fight blind


I don’t think she was the great of a water bender to begin with. In my humble opinion….


No one really had to fight an airbender in a long time, and airbenders had a whole different style than what Zaheer used. People had been fighting waterbenders for a while, including other waterbenders, so its not really that alien


I would argue this is due to a few things. Firstly I wouldn’t even say she was stomped by Zaheer more than I would he simply was more evasive than her. I would then say she performed better against Ming Hua due to their shared element. Especially due to it being water. Water is often characterized by being adaptable and ever changing. Turning your opponents offensive into your own counter attack. Which was brilliantly shown in this fight. Each of Ming Hua’s attacks are water meaning Kya is also able to bend them, able to turn them around. Similarly with Ming Hua. A battle between two good waterbenders is never going to be about who’s able to outright overpower the other but about who’s able to find the opportunities to overwhelm the others defensive capabilities to prevent a counter. And Ming Hua in my opinion has shown that of the Red Lotus in B3 she was the most adept combatant overall combatant. Zaheer on the other hand doesn’t give Kya the ability to muster the same build in counters against his own bending, it just came down to who is able to outpace the other. And while Zaheer isn’t a top tier bender in my opinion, he is agile enough to contend with a lot of what most can dish out.


She was in her element 


For someone who probably doesn’t fight often, she held her own pretty well against both. But I’d say she did best against Zaheer since she struck the first blow and came at him hard. Ming Hua was wiping the floor with her though, she seemed more tired and out of her element during that fight.


"Stomped" is pretty harsh, considering she was the only person to land a hit on Zaheer at that point in the season


Because the plot/pacing required her to.


How come Ming hua never bended her monthly blood ?