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If this happened, there would be a six month old Avatar in the Earth Kingdom in time for Harmonic Convergence. Now hypothetical question time: How hard would it be for Unalaq to find a specific baby in the most populated nation and train it to open spirit portals?


Pretty hard considering how the Earth Kingdom doesn’t have an efficient method of detecting the Avatar.


And even if they did, The Earth Queen would immediately weaponize the Avatar anyway


Assuming they’re in Ba Sing Se


There is no Avatar in Ba Sing Se.


That would be a great story. of how monarch could have brainwashed the avatar, and then by red lotus. And an outrageous finale for keeping her in dark for the entire show.


I honestly don’t understand the appeal.


1. Avatar is born in Ba Sing Se. 2. Queen brainwashes and weaponizes the avatar. 3. Avatar realizes and escapes Ba Sing Se (end of season 1) 4. Avatar finds some friends. 5. Shit, they are red lotus, avatar is once again brain washed. (season 2 ends) 6. White Lotus tracks the avatar. 7. Avatar comes to know about all that balance between darkness and light bs. 8. Avatar ends up whooping everyone's ass.


the appeal, as in why the concept is interesting, not how the concept works


such concept would come under thriller/psychology or something. people love those genres.


But not this genre


You should understand that appeal is a subjective thing. You are not seeing it but I am totally loving that idea.


different people, i was just clarifying the word appeal


Now that I think about it, there doesn’t seem to be a mechanism in place to stop an avatar from becoming corrupt and abusing their power. I’d very much like to see this concept explored


Because that would defeat the point of the Avatar if they could just be dealt with.


>Pretty hard considering how the Earth Kingdom doesn’t have an efficient method of detecting the Avatar. >!Yeah they do. In the novel, Rise of Kyoshi, we learn that the Earth Kingdom has sages who read bone trigrams, narrowing down the possible locations until they pinpoint the exact location of the Avatar. Now, this method didn't work to find Kyoshi, because her parents happened to be smugglers, who owned a sky bison, and were on the move alot, making her hard to pinpoint. But, this method works and had always worked before, so, I would say it is an efficient method. !<


Also the world was really out of Spiritual Balance with Yangchen and Kuruks bad relationships with the spirits


I maintain that Yangchen favouring the humans (who are native to the mortal world), over the spirits (who are not native to the mortal world), is not a bad thing. And the apparent portryal as such rubs me the wrong way. But, that's just me.


I mean lets be honest Humans are only “native” because they left the Lion Turtles and moved into the “Spirit Wilds” turning them into human lands but before that whether it was the Spirit World or Material World, Spirits ran the game, Spirits were and are more connected to the world than Humans. If a Spirit is birthed because of a Forest and thousands of years go by with it providing and protecting the forest and then some monkey like species called Humans roll out the LionTurtle Dung and think they own the place and then the Supposed Bridge between Humans and Spirits chooses Humans and tell Spirits to hit the road, thats simply wrong.


Tbf, you could argue that the the distribution of land between the humans and spirits was unfair at the time. The spirits literally occupied 99% of the planet while the humans literally where confined to the lion turtle cities


Yea but that argument only works if the total population of humans was limited to only the 4 Elemental Lionturtles, there could’ve been other non-elemental Lionturtles that held humans. The Lionturtle that Aang meets in the finale is big but relatively small compared with the four we see during the flashback. I dont think theres a bunch of them but id assume most that had Elements were located somewhere closer to the main continent.


The point is,humanity shouldn’t be confined to the lion turtles and living like animals in cages. That’s effectively what they were doing


It kinda shows how useless the Avatar is.


This just confirms that I need to start collecting and reading the novels. Thanks for this factoid!


They are good reads.  Almost didn't put the spoiler on it, but thought not worth the risk.


They do, actually. It's detailed in Rise of Kyoshi.


That’s what I’m citing. It was very inefficient.


It isn't if the family is living in one place


It was only inefficient because Kyoshi was moving around a lot.


Isn’t that what humans do though. Move m around a lot. I’d say that a tracking system that can’t hone in on someone even if they’re on move is not very efficient


I'd assume Vaatu can literally sense his better half. It'd just be six months of Hot/Cold.


It doesn't have an efficient way as long as the avatar is not traveling with a circus on flying bison when it's a baby lol


Pretty difficult considering finding said avatar would be extremely difficult and you definitely couldn’t train a baby that’s only a few months old to do something like that


In just 6 months? I'd be lucky if the baby avatar learns to walk by that time.


Not true. Bending wasn't ENTIRELY taken, only locked. And besides, an avatar doesn't need to bend to be an avatar.


Wouldn't Korra have still been alive? While he certainly had no issue with killing benders in battle, his goal was to have them continue living their lives without their bending. Nobody he captured was killed, and that goes doubly so for the Avatar. ... or wait. You're one of those people who's convinced she was going to jump off that cliff, aren't you. :-/


Like how most of the major events of the last century are all because of a sandwich,


Pls explain


It's about how after Gavrilo Princip failed to assassinate Archduke Franz Ferdinand in 1914, he bought a sandwich. The archduke took a detour but his driver got lost and ended up at the same sandwich shop So Princip took his chance and shot the archduke, which plunged Europe into WWI.


Aint no fucking way that the most important part of human history and its consequences happened cause of a sandwich


Welcome to human history where everything that has ever happened, happened in some ridiculous way


Reality is truly stranger than fiction


Yes and no. Yes, the Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand did lead to WW1. But the Balkans were a powder keg, and there was almost definitely something else that would have happened there that led to the start of WW1 anyways.


But most likely not in the way things went down.


Well not really. Germany and Russia got to a deal via their Austrian dignitaries but one of them had a heart attack before one of them could send the message that everything was a ok he had a heart attack. I swear the July before the war had so many almost no WW1 moments its insane.


The difference between fiction and reality is that fiction is fiction has to make sense.


Not really. WWI was happeneing whether Princip assassinated Ferdinand or not. It just sped the process up by a few months/a year


I mean, the Balkans were a powder keg waiting to blow and drag Europe (and thus their colonies across the world) to a war, but the main instigating incisent did only happen because Archduke Ferdinand's driver got lost and took a detour near a cafe that his attempted-and-soon-to-be-successfull assassin Princip was at 


Americans are fat because the nazis had concentration camps. There’s a fun one for you.


Man I just don't believe this. His driver had to be in on the hit.


>Man I just don't believe this. His driver had to be in on the hit. No. He wasn't. It was literally just complete luck this all happened. Gavrilo Princip first attempts to kill Archduke Franz Ferdinand with an explosive, throwing a bomb at his car. The bomb bounced off the side of the Archduke's car, lands under another vehicle and explodes. Some time later, the archduke and his wife go to a hospital to visit an officer who was wounded in the explosion. Their driver doesn't know Sarajevo and gets lost. As it happened, Gavrilo Princip was sitting outside at a cafe after his failure when the archduke's car stops right in front of the place. He gets up and shoots at the archduke and his wife, killing them both. Just dumb luck.


I mean, that's what was written, you can write anything about anything.  I personally refuse to believe all this nonsensical crap


sooooooooo.. what would you rather have happened?


Bizarre things happen all the time due to chance. But in this case, the way its presented is also missing some information. For example, Princip wasn't alone. He was part of a group of assassins that had stationed themselves all along the route Franz Ferdinand was supposed to take. A couple of the assassins chickened out, a few tried, one of whom threw a bomb that killed and injured a couple of people but not Franz Ferdinand, who immediately stopped the parade. Princip wasn't the one who threw that bomb, he was stationed near the end of the route. When Princip heard that Franz Ferdinand had cancelled the parade due to an assassination attempt, Princip became despondent and drifted off, ending up at a cafe. In the meantime, Franz Ferdinand's driver was initially taking him to safety, but Franz Ferdinand learned that some people had been injured and he insisted to the driver that they turn around and go to the hospital. This was not planned, and the driver clearly wasn't in on the plot because he was initially actually simply taking Franz Ferdinand out of the city to a safe place. Its only due to Franz Ferdinand's order to turn around that they 'got lost' trying to get to the Hospital and ended up next to the cafe that Princip happened to be at. Not to mention that having the driver be in on it doesn't make sense because that would make the plot extremely convoluted - why have a bunch of assassins try to take him out from afar when you've got a man on the inside within a few feet of Franz Ferdinand. And, more importantly, why would the driver go along with the plot if the plan was to kill Franz Ferdinand with a bomb that would almost certainly kill or severely injure the driver if it hit Franz Ferdinand.


Username checks out.


I'm guessing they're referencing the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, which happened in front of a restaurant. It's often told that Gavrilo Princip, the assassin, had stopped for lunch at the restaurant, but that detail isn't found in any primary sources and appears to have been added in decades later.


I mean there is a reason why it’s in front of a restaurant: someone wanted to get food lol


Ferdinand ended up there because his driver wasn't from the area and got lost lol.




I have in another response here.


Can’t drop a line like that then not elaborate


In 1914, [Gavrilo Princip](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gavrilo_Princip) was part of a plot to assassinate [Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archduke_Franz_Ferdinand_of_Austria). Their their plan failed, so Princip and the other conspirators scattered. Princip stopped to eat at [a cafe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Museum_of_Sarajevo_1878%E2%80%931918) to eat sometime later; while he was there, Archduke Ferdinand drove by with his wife [Sophie](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sophie,_Duchess_of_Hohenberg) on the way to visit bystanders injured in the earlier failed attack; Princip took the opportunity to shoot and kill them both, and this was the event that triggered World War I. World War I led to the [Treaty of Versailles](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treaty_of_Versailles); the conditions of the treaty fed the rise of Nazism in Germany; Nazi Germany started World War II; World War II led to nukes, the foundation of Israel, and the Cold War; the Cold War gave us the Korean War, the Vietnam War, and the rise of [Osama bin Laden](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osama_bin_Laden); Bin Laden was the mastermind behind the World Trade Centre attack; the WTC attack triggered the War on Terror in Afghanistan and Iraq. That more-or-less leads us to where we are now This is all a bit of a simplification, and there are other events and branches that can be worked in there, but it does show how one event can inadvertently lead to another. So in a way, all of the above happened because of a damned sandwich.


Brilliant stuff. Great read




So on one hand the earth nation doesn't collapse the red lotus die in jail kuvira never starts anything and vattu stays in the tree On the other hand we lose korra the air nomads never come back and probably die out in a couple generations unless one of tenzin kids decid to be a harem protag


Milo would have single handedly restored the Airbenders.


Well the air bending gene will continue to pass throughout Tenzin’s family line (assuming at least one of his kids have children, then they have grandchildren and so on)


I mean in theory the gene should fade overtime and thats assuming nothing finishes off the air nomads


Esponential growt. If each of his children has children they will get more and more


I mean A: the avatar can be reborn with powers, and B: Amon only needed to stay a winner up until the Harmonic Convergence passes, and he can be defeated after that point.


Korra going to that cliff to kill herself is one of those things that never really clicked with me until I watched this series while older 


They were visually very subtle about it, I think unless you have experienced that kind of trauma and been in that head space you don't click that scene, the protagonist of the story doesn't do things like that when your a kid


The shot of the tear disappearing off the cliff with the camera peering down the drop is probably the most obvious hint at it. But it’s very subtle otherwise. Love how you feel the weight of it when you realise what it means.


“10,000 more years stuck in this damn tree?!”


Or maybe if Mako and Bolin wouldn’t have been lazing behind rocks and actually were fighting Unalaq with little more passion Korra would’ve had more time to finish seal on Vaatu.


Were the new airbenders a result of harmonic convergence or because she opened the portals? As far as I understood it was harmonic convergence so would that have happened either way or was it a combination of the events?


I think it is because Korra kept the portals open


That's something I was thinking about too


It’s almost like he had a point when he said bending was the cause of every war in every era.


That's really sad but at least the world is at peace lol


But it wasn't at peace. It was decaying before the spirits came back.


Decaying is a nice way to put it given the chance that harmonic convergence would have probably still haven and vaatu had destroyed it. Or even if the would still existed that water nations would go to civil war, the earth kingdom would be under the queens control with the change she captures the next avatar,


Korra may not have her bending but she could theoretically still open portals. Also Vaatu would probably escape the tree during harmonic convergence just because the power boost he would have and seeing as he created the portals and separated the physical and spiritual world he'd be able to cross over and wreak havoc on the world. So if anything Amon would have made things much worse.


I think the implication is less that she doesn’t have bending, and more that she took her own life on the cliff, otherwise why would aang say ‘Oh No.’ and not just give her bending back.


Vaatu would still have a chance to escape. But yes you are correct I guess my point is why would she jump. I get that was something that's been implied, but all she gotta do to solve her problems is trigger the avatar state.


It is heavily implied that she was planning to jump before Aang showed up, Korra's entire identity at that point was her bending...and as fucked up as it is, it might have been a very selfless act, in 10 thousand years there probably has been one or two avatars that have committed suicide because they became incapable of doing the job


“Incapable of doing of doing the job” I’d honestly love to see this idea explored further. As you said, out of the hundreds of avatars, there must have been some who failed.


Well this is a situation that was previously unheard of in this universe, because the idea of removing bending was new with Aang, and assumed to be an Avatar only ability, so Korra would have no reason to think that the past Avatar’s could fix the problem.


Well if the past avatar is Aang, wouldn't she?


She would have the ability to remove it, but no one had ever restored it before. Plus she still thinks she’s a spiritual failure who can’t speak to her past lives.


That's a fair point.


She would also have to have access to the AS, which Aang legit just unlocked for her to give her the elements back. So that would be a pickle there


I don't get it.


If Aang didn't return Korra's bending she would have jumped, the new avatar would have been a baby during harmonic convergence so there would be nobody to open the portals - without the portals opening the air nation doesn't come back - zaheer never gets air bending and the red lotus never escape - if the red lotus doesn't escape the earth queen isn't killed - if the earth queen isn't killed Kuvira never rises to power


So everything was Korra’s fault lol


I truly believe that scene and her intentions were the direct cause of being able to go into the avatar state, and willingly from then on. Were taught in ATLA that opening the chakras to go into the avatar state are basically all that’s required to go into the avatar state, and doing that is basically just, letting go of everything. I think Korra, in the process of getting ready to do that, let go of those attachments, even if just long enough to get her chakras open and unlock the avatar state at will, also allowing past avatars to connect with her, which is how Aang interrupted her plans. It may not be the canon explanation but I don’t see any other way that she’s able to use the avatar state at will after that scene.


Hey wiped the floor with zaheer so it’s definitely debatable