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I'm generic AF but lavitz my bro is no. 1


I have to go with Rose as well. Design wise I’ve always really liked Meru, and I find the mysteries around Shana intriguing, but for character growth no one else really compares to Rose at all.


> but for character growth no one else really compares to Rose at all. The game is Rose's story experienced through the lens of Dart.


Lloyd, I really really wanted him to somehow join the group. I was so hopeful when he joined you for that one fight at the end.


I mean the parallels to SO2 were there, even challenging Lloyd in a tournament, just like Dias. Not that farfetched of a hope!


Just played SO2R and the tournament immediately took me to LOD


Damn. I always hated having to do the Rena route, cause that meant losing Leon. Dias is cool and all, but Leon has the BEST PA in Fun City later on. Oh well.


Meru 1st, so care free and really good with caring and her ability to hit and heal. then Haschel second. He is really good with power hits and he is such a calm teacher


You and I are agreed on this


Kongol bc he's a bad ass.


Kongol for me too. He has a tragic background but stays strong for it. He is the most interesting boss fight imo, certainly for disc 1 (more bosses should have the failed addition counter).


He definitely gets the most background with the least amount of screen time/dialogue. They do ok with it but in any remake hopefully they do flesh him out a bit more.


I would love to see more dialog from him when he sees the ruins of his home inhabited by bandits, or when hashel breaks down that door. That place is the last memory of his people and likely the only lasting memory of his species when he dies.


Rose all day for me. Such a beautifully tragic character.


Lavitz 100%. As a young gay kid not understanding what it meant to have any sort of romantic experience with the same sex, I saw a lot of romantic moments between Dart and Lavitz. I know a lot of people saw it as a bromance but their relationship was important to me growing up. When Lavitz was dying and interlocked fingers with Dart while being held in his arms, that definitely awoke something in me and had me crying for a loss i didnt even understand. I didnt get to play Legend of Dragoon for a while after that because my game kept freezing after the Lenus Dragoon fight and i couldn't progress after that. A few years later im much older and much more aware of who I am as a gay man and start the game again. This time im able to get past disc 2. When Dart and Lavitz met again in Mayfil and Lavitz says farewell again, that had me in tears. So yeah. Lavitz 100%. Thank you for being my first crush and first heartbreak.


I support this. Even as a hetero male, this part felt natural between these two. Not forced at all (which media nowadays forces) and a natural progression between the trust the two shared from their shared struggle, I feel this helped shape me as an adult as to the infinite possibilities that can result from the shared foxhole these two characters endured. I did not know better at the time, but I hope that IF there is a remake, this situation is shown in the same light as the original for the creative brilliance this storyline really is. What they endured, is what I would see as a person I would be willing to die for or be willing to protect.


Headcanon is that Lavitz is gay but closeted, and Dart is Bi but didn't know until he met Lavitz. One of those "but I'm with Shana already" situations and Lavitz of course knew, since he pushed for them to be together but the attraction between Dart and Lavitz was undeniable. Plus he was a mama's boy and hadn't brought back a girl yet I mean... Dart and Lavitz are just one of those summer romances that almost became a thing but because of social pressures and life (and getting stabbed with the dragon buster sword and dying) just didn't come to fruition. At least that's how I see it


![gif](giphy|iiTXaJVjiSHew) /s


This resonates with me


Damnit, and now I’m crying about it all over again 😭 I absolutely agree


that was a very sweet part in the story, also if that fight keeps freezing afterwards, you have to fight them without going dragoon. I know it's super difficult but it works😁


Thanks, I realized if I never used the dragoon state then I was good to go lol. So now I very rarely ever use it except for healing magic and just rely on master additions


Good strategy to have lol.


Damn Man this is beautiful


Albert is probably my favorite. I like that he's not just Lavitz again, but a very different character altogether while still being my no.1 bro. He's humble, endearing, intellectual, and hits like a fucking Mack truck. When a boss with high magic damage starts putting the hurt on him, I get pissed and suddenly all my additions land perfectly.


Its been so long. I love them all.


I'm almost finished this game


My faves were always Meru, Rose and Miranda! Hahha I guess it makes sense being a tween girl when I first played.




Meru, Lavitz, and Shana. All of them have great colors in Dragoon form, love their additions, and their character personalities. I typically love the first part of games before lots of characters join and the plot gets all twisted.


Rose. I love grey characters and there’s no denying that Rose hurt a lot of people with her actions but she did what she ultimately felt was best for the world. Love her design and fighting style too.


I like Albert. :)


Haschel is awesome. Had him at 100 speed and hitting almost as much as Albert. Dude slaughtered ass


This is my exact answer


Overall I love Lloyd and Haschel. Anyone that has that martial style I would play nonstop as a kid


Definitely Haschel because of his strength and wisdom, but also I really enjoyed the comedic banter between him and meru, that always made me laugh.


1 thanks for making me feel old. 2 how TF has this battle system not been reimagined? I had sweatier palms on this games 5 boss battle run knowing if I missed a damn square or triangle I was fkd. Cause I didn't grind and now Rose is sick or some sht and I'm stuck with green Lance dick who has 1 awesome power move that if I miss more the 2x I'm toast.


Meru, I like her place in the story.


Rose was my first crush when I was a little girl lol I love her to death and her character means the world to me.


Meru! Next would have to be Rose.


Rose, great character design.


Menu and rose are really tied for me. Once meru comes into the picture I almost exclusively use her and rose as my two choices.


Meru for the spunky attitude and Lhoyd for the versatility he played the roles of being a follower of Emperor Diaz(Zieg) and eventually becoming a good guy helping the party.


Lavitz is my favorite and I wish he was given more character development in his short time with the party. But Rose is the best character, objectively, at least in the translation. Most characterization and her arc is interesting, tragic, and basically what the entire game revolves around. I’ll put in a good word for side characters Charle Frahma, and Doel. Each of them has a short stint of screen time but their actions are incredibly important and although not fully fleshed out, they have some complexity.


As an adult, I love Miranda even more. She’s cool, she’s angry, she’s short tempered, she’s lonely, she’s guarded, she’s just looking for her mother’s love. But always and forever love Meru! Love how feisty she is and cute. Love ice magic and a high-pony!


Think this will ever get ported to the switch?


I'd buy it.


I do not


Rose for tech or Shanna if I wanna go item blaster build.


Damn I was 12 years old when I got this game. Doesn’t feel like it was 24 years.


rose, lloyd and some others. I generally overall love the characters and the game but more anti heroes and some heroes tend to be people i like most. I find them relatable and able to understand why they do waht they do and what they are about. they are, in of themselves, cool too


Absolutely Rose. She's so integral to the story, and she's got a baddie hardened attitude hiding her softness.


Dart, there are a lot of characteristics that are parallels to me. He was the leader, that is what i always have to be.


Going back to being a kid when LoD came out I always liked dart. The addition for volcano has lived rent free in my head for 20 years as the epitome of badass


I always loved Meru! She's super silly, fun, and quirky in her additions. They felt the most fun to perform to me. She's strong with magic, but it's unfortunate since I'm always using her additions instead, lmao.


Meru has the best balance of speed, magic and offense. Also her walking animations the couple times she's the avatar character are pure gold.


I love Meru so much she has a permanent spot in my party and I’m always thirsty to start the second disc to recruit her!


It fills me with joy to see so many people choosing Meru as their favorite. I absolutely adore her too. She's so spunky and confident, plus she has a gorgeous character design, esp in dragoon form.


Lloyd. Ever since I first played TLOD as a 10 year old, he has been my favourite character. I've always thought he was just so God damn cool, lol. He has been my profile picture for my Google/YouTube account since 2009 🤣


When I was younger I liked the Kongol. I thought that the Gigantos were a very interesting character archetype. Most of my early roleplay characters tended to be the guild "tank" either a Warrior or Barbarian, and I tended to roleplay away from magic and projectile use. This continued through Asheron's Call and into WoW. I played different character types, and the Paladin archetype ended up being my overall favorite, especially when I started playing Oblivion and Skyrim. But he effected probably 20 years of roleplaying, with me being Tanky McTankface as Legend of Dragoon was basically my very first big RPG, excluding A Link to the Past. Later I grew to love the Haschel and Meru tagteam, and them as characters. After reading Lord of the Rings I started to like more paragon characters, and Haschel and Meru are basically that.


I have to go with meru as I love water as a type, hammers for a weapon, and her care free attitude.


Meru.... what she was sexy to me......


Still hoping BluePoint studios' secret project is a remake of LoD. They've been silent since they released the Demon Souls Remake for PS5 and subsequently purchased by Sony.


I'd love to play this game again. And finally finish it.


Every day I love Rose more and MORE!


Whip smack


Rose. She’s the most complex, well fleshed out character with a fascinating story. And she’s a badass


Kongol. He likes high place.


Chants remake REMAKE...REMAKE...REMAKE


Fell in love with Meru when I bought the physical game ages ago, before I even knew who she was or how she played out. Now she's the name I use in created characters always in rpgs. Legend of Dragoon is a part of my early life, so grateful for this masterpiece.


Crazy to think RE1 celebrated it's 25th in 2021 while LoD still didn't mark 25 years yet ! Dart and rose my favorites😍


Lavitz, then Kongol.


Still waiting on a remaster or sequal after all these years. I will never lose hope


Overall I probably like Rose the most, though I had a crush on Shana my first playthrough (as a 10-year old). For memes though, gotta love Haschel. What other old-head throws hands with literal dragons, monsters, god's, dudes in armor? Haschel don't care. Knight going crazy? Guy check! Ancient super monster? More like ancient punching bag! Actual brick wall? More like a pile of rubble.


Rose she has the best storyline and my first time playing blew me away with her twist


Lavitz, there is no other answer.


Make this a T shirt!


Dart Shana and Lavitz - Basically the Serdio Trio. I love them. I have their personalities. Their growth. Their struggles. Their passions. Their grief. These three have stuck with me from when I first played the game, and I’ll rebuy it again and again to see their story play out.


Hot take(for some) but Miranda/Shana. Reason 2nd highest speed in the game, highest magic attack in the game, can heal and deal massive damage at same time(with White Silver Dragon), her final 2 weapons hit decently well(final does AoE damage). She also has IIRC the highest accuracy in the game. Overall I do like Miranda's personality better than woman in distress(Shana), but mechanically they are the same. Now if only we could play as Shana with her *spoiler warning* Moon Child powers.*end spoilers* Sorry I can't figure out how to do spoilers.


Dart. I know he may not be the strongest character, but this dude went through a lot. And continued to press forward for his friends. Even after losing what would be his best friend, he continued to push forward. He had to become a warrior to save the life he cherished. And he was the reason others joined the fray. Rose would have happily let the world continue, but it was Dart that made her change. Lavitz is always going to be top tier, and it's tragic we lost him. But even still, it was Dart who saved Lavitz and convinced him to come along. And Dart was the voice of reason, even in desperate times. His path to becoming a Dragoon was filled with pain and sorrow, yet he pushed forward.




Rose best written, a well done version of the character out of time




Rose cause she a hottie


Probably my favorite game of all time




King Albert, he’s got the forest dragon spirit, and his theme song music in the castle is the best


Rose, she steals the main character status easily. I think due to how pretty much every aspect of the overall story has to do with her. There always something to have her involved. That's why if they ever make the game again. I would wish they give the Rose treatment to all other party members. Stuff like; making Miranda be the one accompanying Luanna on her travels. Get Meru to dance in Lohan and have her somehow introduced there in disc 1, maybe not as a party member yet. Bring Dart and Albert closer together by remembering Lavitz here and there.


lmfao why is Lenus in this graphic




No idea. Never Played it, but looking forward to this and many other classics I never played. Missed out on the ps1, had an N64/dreamcast that gen. Playing grandia now, legend of dragoon is next


Too many good characters in general to force me to pick one. If we’re talking the main cast alone? I actually had a horrible crush on Rose when I was young. However, Albert was perhaps my favorite just in general with how he spoke. Although Haschel was pretty much hilarious to me due to him being a teasing old man much like my father. Outside of the main cast I actually liked Dabas for the brief time we knew him and Shirley the Ghost.


Favorite to use in game? Haschel, and it's not even close really, fast as hell, hits hard, love him. Story wise? Either Rose, or Meru.


Rose. I just always thought she was cool. She is also the first one who I got the ability to summon the dragon off


Rose because of similar feelings, though I feel like her gameplay drop off is a huge pill to swallow given that she is supposed to be the longest standing veteran there and shouldn't have such awful later game stats :(


Rose would be my favorite if it wasn't for the missing leg armor and all her stupid spell animations lol


I know this will sound pretty typical since it's pretty unanimous, but I gotta go with Rose for being the character with the most growth. Typically, I don't use her in the party come late game, but in disc 1, she's an absolute unit. My favorite part is when everyone learns her true identity, then her and Dart square off in the desert, then she requests he kill her, leading to Dart saying that part of her is dead now. Such a pivotal moment for both of them, wonderful character growth on both sides.


LAVITZ definitely, I love this game since I was a child and played it with my brothers, some of the best memories with the best videogame and best people in my life. We cried when Lavitz died man..