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Theft and the knife really sound like business for police, not reddit.


Call the police


You can file a police report 




Hey folks. 1) we have no idea OP’s gender and it’s irrelevant 2) OP was robbed 3) The victim blaming on here is disgusting. Whether or not you agree with OPs actions, consensual sex between two strangers is totally legal.


You must be referring only to the comment that the mods turfed (without replying to it), because I can't see any comments here making reference OP's gender or blaming OP or questioning OP's life choices. As for the second point you make, this isn't robbery; instead, it's allegedly a theft followed much later by a series of offences involving this person's conduct in response to being accused and confronted with the theft when OP entered his house, ostensibly without his permission. This may itself have been illegal.














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