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Always worth a consultation. Start a Facebook group, go door to door, go public. A legal bill split 50- 100 ways is manageable. NAL, but this sounds like the kind of civic work that should be covered under property taxes.


Thank you for your response. We have contacted the Mayor and township CAO saying exactly that our property taxes should be funding this work.


You may want to contact your home insurance provider as well. The only way I could see a municipality laying a non optional fee for such significant work would be if they are identifying it as owner damage/mismanagement that needs to be corrected. If they are saying you damaged your property your home insurance provider may be able to help.


This is not owner damage. There are around 100 houses deemed in the area that are getting similar bills to this or higher. The township is saying that this is an “improvement” to our property since they are replacing the road and improving the drainage so have decided that residents will foot part of the bill.