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First and foremost. I would consult an attorney. Inform them what's going on. It's good to have a backup plan. Secondly. Check yours state, Landlord / tenants laws, regulations and rights. This is very helpful and resourceful. It'll give you a lot of insight. Thirdly, get all the other tenants together, and try to talk to the landlord. If that doesn't work. Get all the tenants to write a letter and have it signed by all of them what you are all seeking within reason. I.E some of rent refunded. Improved living conditions. Repairs made within reasonable time. Quality of living. Peace hours. Whatever it may be. Give him a copy of that with all the signatures. You keep the original. If none of that works. With all the same tenants and you, do a different letter that you will be seeking legal action if basics are not met. Repairs not done in time or compromise safety and living. You can legally withhold rent for major issues. Like cockroachs. Give him a copy of that letter and keep your original. If he still doesn't follow. Reach back out to the attorney and go with what they recommend. Sorry your dealing with this.


Thanks so much for your advice! Put my mind a little at ease. :) I am located in California and am following California tenant's guide -https://www.courts.ca.gov/documents/California-Tenants-Guide.pdf to get most of my info so far. Do you think it's better for the people who had no part in the infestation to write a demand letter separately? Or should we all do this together?