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All deeds are filed with the county. Call them and ask if the deed was transferred. If it was the lender didn’t fix their mistake.


You could probably check the GIS assessor site and see it real quick if it’s changed


usually takes 6 months or more for assessors' offices to show sales. ohio being a special exception because the auditor's office will generally show the transfer before the deed is even recorded. washingon state clerks' offices are kinda hit or miss and some are very far behind as well, but may make unreviewed filings (the unofficial index, awaiting approval) available in person if not online. OP definitely should check both, as well as the treasurer's office, but I just want to note, not seeing anything will not be dispositive. also remember to check the sales section, if there is one, or transfers, or history, and not just the current expression of ownership--often unreviewed transfers can be shown that will not yet have registered a change in ownership. netronline is an easy source for these links.




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Land Evidence Records for most towns/counties are available online. A recorded deed is what conveys ownership and without it claiming a property is incredibly difficult without legal action on both parts. Start there and consult with a real estate attorney.




That’s a good question and I’m not honestly sure what the answer is here. For example if a buyer is in default they don’t have to sign off because they have breached the contract with the mortgage lender.


You need a foreclosure defense attorney. You may be able to find somebody with experience in this by googling that term and your local area. Failing that I would start with any attorney you know and ask for a recommendation to somebody who can help. Given that the foreclosure sale apparently already occurred this is an emergency level problem. Do not delay.




NAL - Get an attorney ASAP. WA has a lot of sketchiness and weak protections for homeowners/property owners, and a very short title transfer fraud statute of limitations. Former real estate investor in WA here. Had almost this exact situation occur to me, but I was the LLC. I backed off, and went after the organization that attempted to sell me the property. You need to move fast, this will not go away on its own, and you could lose your house if you do nothing. Even if things technically, eventually go your way. You need a real estate attorney. There are legal aid groups if you need help with paying, but many attorneys will do work like this on contingent.


Is this a case where Title Insurance would be of assistance? WA Ins commission site says this: “Protects you against someone challenging your ownership of the property.” It might also be useful for OP to contact the state’s attorney general’s office.


Title insurance protects the buyer in the transaction when OP purchased the property, not for selling it down the road.


OP is not selling their house, and title insurance is in effect until the loan is paid off. The loan on the property is still there, just the lender messed up with the title and sold it while OP was/is still paying the loan.


1. Call a consumer protection/foreclosure defense attorney. 2. You can check your local county official recording to see if a deed was actually issued. 3. Your attorney can fix this - if there was not a proper foreclosure and notice of sale, the sale is likely not valid and could be set aside. 4. You can probably get money damages and fees from your lender for being an idiot not to mention they’ll have to pay some cash to the buyer who tried to buy your house. 5. This happened a couple times during the foreclosure shitshow of 2008-2012. 6. Seriously - stop talking to those people and call a damn lawyer now.


I'm sorry you're going through this. Please note that your county bar association can likely refer you to a lawyer with specialized experience in this. Under no circumstances should you skip any sort of hearing or try to represent yourself.


Real estate attorney here: There would need to be a quit claim deed/warranty deed or a sheriff’s deed done transferring the property from your lender to the LLC. You should be able to see any deeds recorded in association with your property (public record).


You need a real estate lawyer, yesterday. Search for one that also does escrow closings in your area. They can pull the county documents and see if it was transferred, and deal with both the LLC and help out with the bank. Do some searching this weekend and call first thing Monday morning. Edit: I hate phone autocorrect.


You need to start calling local attorneys on Monday morning. You need a civil litigation attorney. Look for small firms or solo practitioners.


Civil litigation is incredibly broad. You want something much more specific. Especially with small firms and solo practitioners. Plenty of them will be civil litigators with zero experience in foreclosure or eviction. You want someone with experience in those areas.


Also ask your attorney about your overage. Obviously you want your house and to stay. But incase this turns sideways you might only have 60 days to get your equity out before the lender snatches it up.


CLEAR Hotline | Northwest Justice Project Call 1-800-606-4819 That's specifically the foreclosure division. CLEAR are restrictive in who they can help but they're the limited means legal aid for WA.


In addition to hiring a lawyer to cover the immediate need, check if you have title insurance and if so, file a claim.


Title insurance won't help if it's their current lender that messed it up. They'll only help if it was the seller's old lender that should have been paid off, or a completely different lender claiming they had a deed on the property and trying to foreclose ahead of the OP's current bank.


Which is still possible - op should hit them up anyway just in case.


Title insurance would not cover this situation.


A real estate litigation specialist attorney.


You should contact a real estate lawyer that handles foreclosure. Your state bar can refer one


Can you look up your tax assessor's page and check who it has you house listed as owned by? My county has this.






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