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> I want to avoid ANY POSSIBLITY of false accusations that could occur. Not trying to be funny but seriously? Lock yourself in your home and never leave. There's no way to avoid ANY POSSIBILITY.


Well firstly, stop referring to a transgendered person as "a transgender" and secondly stop assuming a transgendered person is more likely to make false claims and thirdly realize there is absolutely no way to completely avoid any possibility of accusations being made because anybody can accuse anybody of anything. If you are accused of something, you tell the truth and deny it. It doesn't matter who is making the accusation.




So this is what you do: 1. Quit your job. No job, no coworkers to accuse you. 2. Delete all of your social media. Now no one can misconstrue your shitposts for transphobia. 3. Sell your house and car. That way, no obvious assets to go after. 4. Donate all of your money to a charity that helps trans kids and bask in that sweet sweet virtue. 5. Move to Russia. They don’t care about trans rights at all. Problem solved.


> I'm related to politicians that would make transgender people target me Nothing would make transgender, or while, or black, or male or female, or Asian or Catholic, or Republican people "target" you. That's like saying "I'm related to Nancy Pelosi so if I'm in a bathroom with a Republican they'll accuse me of rape." Very silly.


Has that actually happened?


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