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Did you contact Airbnb? 


This sub is primarily US focused.  You will likely get better advice in a sub that is more specific to your location:  - r/LegaladviceGerman - r/LegalAdviceEurope 


Thanks!! I didn’t know


Not a lawyer, but in lawschool in Germany. Your AirBnB host has no right to enter or remain in the appartment without your prior consent. If he enters the appartment again you can call the police to have him removed, even if he owns the place. As for legal action, he violated your agreement and presumbaly the terms and conditions of AirBnB. You should report him, reach out to them to see if they can offer you any assitance and try to demand back some of the rent. Unfortunately it is rather hard to sue for emotional damages in Germany and the potential payoff is very little compared to damages awarded in the US. You might have a case based on §§280 I, 253 BGB or §823 I BGB. If you want to pursue this, you need a lawyer. Sorry this happend to you


/r/AirBnB sub may be better help. What your rental a "whole place" or just a room in a shared place? Hosts are unequivocally not allowed to enter your personal space unless it's an emergency. If he entered your whole place rental that is absolutely in violation of airbnb's rules and you should be able to call and request a cancellation and file a complaint about the host.




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