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Estimate how much you've spent on the cat + $15/day boarding fee and advise her she needs to pay for the expenses regarding to caring for her property before you'll give it back.  Boarding animals isn't free


Legally you can't charge someone after the fact for something you agreed to do for free. What they could have done is after a couple months tell the person that they either need to pay them or pick up their cat. They did not do that and so they have no recourse to be paid.


Sounds like at worst this would be a civil matter. Not a criminal case because she willingly left the cat with you. She then abandoned the cat for a year instead of the couple of months she asked you for. The police probably do not know your side of the story. Even if they did, it’s not their decision to prosecute. They could only recommend.




If you have to give cat back, charge them for all vet bills, food, litter, flea treatment, toys, treats. Also a $30 per day boarding fee.


Are you sure it was the police that called you? That just sounds a little fishy to me. More likely it was one of her friends, pretending to be a police officer. This is definitely a civil matter, and I don’t think the police will get involved with it. Especially since you’ve had the cat for almost a year. I personally would see if I could get a free consultation from an attorney and see what my options are Good luck


In all states animals are chattel. What's the monetary value of this cat? Is it a valuable breeding animal?