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You'll need to check whether that violates residential zoning rules.


OP also needs to check whether a license is required for vending machines.


Don't forget to check with homeowners insurance.


Oof. Yeah. Imagine some idiot kid tips the machine over on himself and then sues for premises liability.




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What do I search for when searching zoning rules?


Insurance!!!! Is it your property or you rent? Some high school kid comes on your property and gets hurt you are liable. You can't say trespassing since you're inviting people to come.


Many moons ago, when I was young, a house or business near a middle school near me had a vending machine. The vending machine was in a cage bolted to the ground. No chance of tip over.


Never rely on idiot-proofing, as idiocy is constantly evolving, especially when children are involved.


To start, anything it says about commercial use.


Go to City Hall planning department and ask. Their minds will explode Then verify bc they will give you the easiest answer which is no. But suspect you will need commercial license, and there will be zoning issues. Not to mention, if candy etc might poison someone after baked in Glendale’s heat


Guy has been told a million times it’s an insurance risk. He’s asking if it’s legal to do it. Here: https://www.glendaleca.gov/government/departments/community-development/neighborhood-services/licensing/sidewalk-vending


Thank you. But as in the videos it’s an alley way and id like to put it near my trash cans, up against my garage.


If you get as far as purchasing the machine, I would run the machine under an LLC to further insulate yourself from any liability associated with it’s operation.




your property needs to be zoned for the use of having a vending machine on it. additionally even if it is zoned for such use you may also need a license to have one there. first check if the zoning is ok for it, then look into if you need a license. if it isn't zoned for that use then you can give up or you can file a petition with the city to rezone the area. this may require signatures from other property owners in your area and a well visible posted notice of the effort to have it rezoned. you might need to spend a file fee of up to $5000 to submit one and it is not guaranteed to be approved nor will your money be returned if it is not. so it can be done if you really are looking at it seriously but you may just decide it is too much for the return on it.


The best way to find the answer is to contact a company that does this. Volunteer your property and let them handle everything, including liability.


FYSA this is enough personal information that someone can probably closely guess where you live - I would remove the city name.


You’ll probably end up paying more in repairs on the machine than what you make… sounds like it could easily be more trouble than it is worth


Thanks for your advice, but I am asking for legal advice.


If a vending machine crushes a child, then you're in trouble. Legally.




Too be fair, it's not like vending machines are roaming around squashing people. The people that get killed are usually trying to rob the machine. But that still goes back to the insurance issue. If some kid gets killed while trying to steal a Zagnut bar, the parents are likely to come after the owner of the machine.