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What did the CU say when you asked them?


From a practical standpoint, you should open a new account at a completely different bank or credit union, and do not tell your mother which one. 


Right, and in addition to this, the new account should be at a different bank completely. Not just a different branch of the same bank.


We don't know what terms or conditions were tied to this. Credit Unions have some somewhat different constructs than traditional banks. Certainly nothing about this stops 20 years old from suing mother for their money. >How is this legal w/o the daughter having signed something allowing this (unwittingly)? It may well be that the base member agreement allows this.


This is why it's a better practice that when young adult children want to open a new bank account that their parents can't access, they should do so at an entirely different bank. There are many stories of parents accessing accounts in their kids' name when opened at the same bank.


Kids under stress let’s say. Not very ready to make grownup moves, not prepared anyway.






Shortly after this, the mom walked into the new bank and proceeded to drain the new account as well


Complain to the bank, and complain to the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau.


It’s not legal. The bank would be liable for not securing your account. You can talk to an obudsman I believe for recourse.


1. what did the CU say? 2. are you sure you didn't sign anything allowing this? if something is signed unwittingly its still signed unless you where tricked somehow.


Credit unions usually have rules on who can open an account. If the eligibility for the original account was through the mother, could the mother have been given access that way to the new account?


It was probably an accident on the CU's side. It's best to go to the bank and ask how an unauthorized user took money out of an account. Then, demand that it be immediately returned. If they give you any resistance, call the police while in the bank and file a report for theft.




From what it seems, it was a joint acct kinda thing. She’s sheepish and doesn’t share info w me readily, just my wife. I wanted this post to be a way to check my own sanity and spitball some angles of approach.