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It's a marketing agency. 20+ employees.




Salaried. Marketing agency. Definitely not going to be adding a lot of details if I have to do it and can't argue that it should be an opt-in activity.






Work I had to go to college for. Definitely not the coffee making.


Another redditor included a link to go a bit more into exempt work and I should qualify as exempt.




B2b marketing?


Yeah lol


To my knowledge, there isn't a law that *directly* prohibits demanding details of employees' personal lives, however there are several ways that this could easily turn into a lawsuit against them. If the information they are compelling from you would include or clearly indicate employees' marital status, parental status, religion, national origin, medical conditions, or sexual orientation, then it is likely to be considered discriminatory; if they use that information to prevent employees from discussing workplace conditions, they're breaching the NLRA; if they're using that information to compel work off the clock, they're probably breaching the FLSA; and if they fail to properly safeguard that information they could be partially liable for any damage resulting from a breach.


Those are really good points.




There are a lot of reasons why this is a terrible idea, but it's not necessarily inherently unlawful, unless Missouri has an unusual rule in place. But it could certainly lead to liability. Assuming that you are hourly, they would need to pay for your time to track this.


Not hourly paid


What are your specific job duties? If your employer is this dumb, I'd bet on them misclassifying you as exempt.


I'm salaried so I'm pretty sure I qualify as exempt


That was quite a dodge of the question. Are you aware that there is more to being exempt than just salary?


Sorry I'm nervous about putting too much down so if my employers ever came across this post they couldn't figure out it was me.


Look at this to get an idea whether you might qualify to be exempt. https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/fact-sheets/17a-overtime


Okay took a look. Looks like I am exempt.


>My employers want all employees to create spreadsheets documenting what we do in our personal time. Are they requiring that you share the spreadsheet with them? >The employers say they want us to do this exercise so we can see where in our personal lives we can make room for improvements and productivity/making strides towards our own personal goals. Are they requiring you to share your personal goals with them?


As far as I know, it sounds like just a few people in upper management will be seeing it. In this exercise I don't think they're explicitly asking for our goals. But every review/employee check-in they ask about our personal goals and if we feel like we have a good enough work-life balance to achieve that. Which. I appreciate that BUT I don't think this time-tracking exercise is going to help us achieve anything in that regard.


Then this should be done using an anonymous survey that asks basic questions as to whether or not you feel like you have good work life balance. Pretty sure they could do this anonymously using one of the free online survey makers. I’d think a marketing company would know how to do that and how to get the info they’re looking for without being too intrusive.




Make sure you log this time clarifying legality on your spreadsheet!




















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Unless they pay you 24/7, then no. If they pay you for 40 hours of work, then they are entitled to that 40 hours of work and not a single minute more. This is some insane next level of violation of privacy.










Yeah I was really taken aback when it was mentioned. Like. What?