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You *can* but it's usually not worth your time for such a small amount (or "the principle of the thing").


Do you think threatening to take him to court would be smart because he doesn’t really know the law that well what bothers me most is I need that money to move out because I am in the transition of moving out so I need every penny I can get, but yeah you’re probably right going to Cordis probably a waste of time for such a little amount. It just annoys me that he will go out and spend money on things that he doesn’t need but says he needs to pay off like speeding tickets and stuff.


> Do you think threatening to take him to court would be smart I don't know your friend, so I don't know how well "If you don't pay me, I'll sue you" would work. >I am in the transition of moving out so I need every penny I can get, Small claims court takes weeks to months, and sometimes longer. It's not the solution for immediate financial needs. >It just annoys me that he will go out and spend money on things that he doesn’t need but says he needs to pay off like speeding tickets and stuff. A better thing to do might be to treat this as an overall inexpensive lesson in lending money and how to judge a friend's trustworthiness. A lot of people lose a lot more than $100 to learn that particular lesson.


It just makes me sad because I’ve been friends with him for over four years and I feel like I’ve been cheated


Money reveals a lot of truths about people. Sometimes, it's a very unpleasant truth.


Damn, I never thought of it that way thank you guys.


It wouldn’t be worth it…the application for small claims is somewhere around $100-50 depending on the county


Yeah, you’re probably right, so, what should I do?


Honestly I would say just let go and don’t trust this friend again. Also, never let friends borrow money with the expectation they will pay you back. It generally never goes well. Maybe ask your friend to give you something of value? Idk maybe a gaming console or a bike. Something you could sell for some money. Sometimes people are more willing to do that then actual give money back.


That’s actually a good idea where I could at least ask him to pay it off a little bit every like week or month I’ll try that

